Bullet size the next line of attack on the 2nd Amendment..

A new study by anti gunners.....bigger bullets kill better..... so look for the various anti gun extremists to start calling for even more bullet bans...

New study on firearm caliber questions the notion that ‘guns don’t kill people’

You can tell we had another mass shooting today, 2AGuy is out in full force with new threads.
Being from Chicago you would think you would be use to shootings or is it because its black people killing black people that causes you to ignore the issue.
A new study by anti gunners.....bigger bullets kill better..... so look for the various anti gun extremists to start calling for even more bullet bans...

New study on firearm caliber questions the notion that ‘guns don’t kill people’
Rifle rounds are designed to tumble and do maximum damage going sideways through the target. They are right to draw attention to it when the weapons and rounds are designed for military applications but are being marketed and sold to civilians.
Bullshit... They are designed to expand or not expand you dumbass motherfucker.
So shut the fuck up
Bullet size is not the problem. Firearms are not the problem. It is much more complex than that:
mental sickness and feeble thinking on the part of the U.S. 'culture'; worshiping at the alter of distorted, testosterone induced responses; fascination with violence and force; obsession with projecting power over others; lack of self understanding and resources for in depth reflection....
The "problem" is all these and more.
Firearms in the mix is just extremely dangerous.
...And still people kill people not firearms
No... it isn't. The shooters are more than likely felons with long criminal records who can't buy, own or carry guns....and they got those guns, carried them and killed people. Odds are? They should have been in jail on other charges but were released due to democrat crime policies.....

Again... 16,000 homicides in this country, 11,000 with guns (I see you are no longer trying to pass the lie it is only 8000) and of those, only 2300 or so are gang related.

Measuring the Extent of Gang Problems
A new study by anti gunners.....bigger bullets kill better..... so look for the various anti gun extremists to start calling for even more bullet bans...

New study on firearm caliber questions the notion that ‘guns don’t kill people’
Rifle rounds are designed to tumble and do maximum damage going sideways through the target. They are right to draw attention to it when the weapons and rounds are designed for military applications but are being marketed and sold to civilians.
Bullshit... They are designed to expand or not expand you dumbass motherfucker.
So shut the fuck up

Yeah, and what the Left gun grabbers fail to understand is military rounds have been designed since forever modernity to kill more humanely, not necessarily more effectively. Case in point: as a young, inexperienced hunter I once shot a whitetail with a 7.92x57mm FMJ. The first shot knocked the deer flat on its side, but exited cleanly with a small exit wound diameter. I had to finish it off point blank with a second round. Soft core, hollow point, soft nose--now they're your faster, messier quick stop, quick kill bullets whose lethality and internal organ damage potential arise from expansion of original diameter, fragmentation and large exit wound size. Smaller, hyper velocity rounds kill by playing pinball inside body cavities or exiting with such velocity, they liquefy internal organs and propel them as mist out of the body.
You just posted absolute garbage and lies.

90% of gun murderers are criminals, with long histories of crime and violence, and the ones that aren't are friends and family of gang members or other criminals...

Why do you always take statistics from Chicago and try to extrapolate them to the whole country?

That's kind of dishonest.
A new study by anti gunners.....bigger bullets kill better..... so look for the various anti gun extremists to start calling for even more bullet bans...

New study on firearm caliber questions the notion that ‘guns don’t kill people’
Rifle rounds are designed to tumble and do maximum damage going sideways through the target. They are right to draw attention to it when the weapons and rounds are designed for military applications but are being marketed and sold to civilians.
Bullshit... They are designed to expand or not expand you dumbass motherfucker.
So shut the fuck up

Yeah, and what the Left gun grabbers fail to understand is military rounds have been designed since forever modernity to kill more humanely, not necessarily more effectively. Case in point: as a young, inexperienced hunter I once shot a whitetail with a 7.92x57mm FMJ. The first shot knocked the deer flat on its side, but exited cleanly with a small exit wound diameter. I had to finish it off point blank with a second round. Soft core, hollow point, soft nose--now they're your faster, messier quick stop, quick kill bullets whose lethality and internal organ damage potential arise from expansion of original diameter, fragmentation and large exit wound size. Smaller, hyper velocity rounds kill by playing pinball inside body cavities or exiting with such velocity, they liquefy internal organs and propel them as mist out of the body.


Not a single progressive in here has probably ever heard of a .17HMR. Jesus Mother of God what that little fucking varmint killer does when it enters a human body! Little ittyy bitty tiny little bullet.....the gun grabber k00ks would deem near harmless!! Yuk....yuk!:deal::fingerscrossed:

St00pid cocksukers!:aug08_031:
No... it isn't. The shooters are more than likely felons with long criminal records who can't buy, own or carry guns....and they got those guns, carried them and killed people. Odds are? They should have been in jail on other charges but were released due to democrat crime policies.....

Again... 16,000 homicides in this country, 11,000 with guns (I see you are no longer trying to pass the lie it is only 8000) and of those, only 2300 or so are gang related.

Measuring the Extent of Gang Problems

70-80% of gun murder victims are criminals. 90% of murderers are criminals with long histories of crime and violence....you are wrong.
You just posted absolute garbage and lies.

90% of gun murderers are criminals, with long histories of crime and violence, and the ones that aren't are friends and family of gang members or other criminals...

Why do you always take statistics from Chicago and try to extrapolate them to the whole country?

That's kind of dishonest.

They are easily available. And D.C., Baltimore, St. Louis are having the same problem because of the same democrat policies.
You just posted absolute garbage and lies.

90% of gun murderers are criminals, with long histories of crime and violence, and the ones that aren't are friends and family of gang members or other criminals...

Why do you always take statistics from Chicago and try to extrapolate them to the whole country?

That's kind of dishonest.

Here you go dumb ass...since gun violence is driven by drug gangs and democrat get out of jail policies.....these inner city shooting galleries have the same stories...

Baltimore is more murderous than Chicago. Can anyone save the city from itself?

More than 90% of the Baltimore murder victims are black. Most killings are drug- or gang-related, but not all:
You just posted absolute garbage and lies.

90% of gun murderers are criminals, with long histories of crime and violence, and the ones that aren't are friends and family of gang members or other criminals...

Why do you always take statistics from Chicago and try to extrapolate them to the whole country?

That's kind of dishonest.

More from Baltimore...

2017 homicide data provide insight into Baltimore's gun wars, police say

About 86 percent of the victims and 85 percent of the 118 suspects identified by police had prior criminal records. And about 46 percent of victims and 44 percent of suspects had previously been arrested for gun crimes, the data show.


The average homicide victim in Baltimore in 2017 had 11 previous arrests on his record. About 73 percent had drug arrests, and nearly 50 percent had been arrested for a violent crime. About 30 percent were on parole or probation at the time they were killed, and more than 6 percent were on parole or probation for a gun crime.

Twenty percent of the victims were known members of a gang or drug crew, according to the data.

The average homicide suspect, meanwhile, had 9 previous arrests on his record. About 70 percent had drug arrests, and nearly half had been arrested for a violent crime. Nearly 36 percent were on parole or probation, and 6 percent were on parole or probation for a gun crime, the data show.

Eighteen percent of the suspects were known members of a gang or drug crew, according to the data.

Police did not know the motive behind nearly half of the killings, but at least 20 were related to retaliation, according to the data.
A new study by anti gunners.....bigger bullets kill better..... so look for the various anti gun extremists to start calling for even more bullet bans...

New study on firearm caliber questions the notion that ‘guns don’t kill people’
Rifle rounds are designed to tumble and do maximum damage going sideways through the target. They are right to draw attention to it when the weapons and rounds are designed for military applications but are being marketed and sold to civilians.
Bullshit... They are designed to expand or not expand you dumbass motherfucker.
So shut the fuck up

Yeah, and what the Left gun grabbers fail to understand is military rounds have been designed since forever modernity to kill more humanely, not necessarily more effectively. Case in point: as a young, inexperienced hunter I once shot a whitetail with a 7.92x57mm FMJ. The first shot knocked the deer flat on its side, but exited cleanly with a small exit wound diameter. I had to finish it off point blank with a second round. Soft core, hollow point, soft nose--now they're your faster, messier quick stop, quick kill bullets whose lethality and internal organ damage potential arise from expansion of original diameter, fragmentation and large exit wound size. Smaller, hyper velocity rounds kill by playing pinball inside body cavities or exiting with such velocity, they liquefy internal organs and propel them as mist out of the body.


Not a single progressive in here has probably ever heard of a .17HMR. Jesus Mother of God what that little fucking varmint killer does when it enters a human body! Little ittyy bitty the gun grabber k00ks would seem near harmless!! Yuk....yuk!:deal::fingerscrossed:

St00pid cocksukers!:aug08_031:

We used to hot load for an old Winchester M70 .220 Swift we picked up at a gun show in the 80's. We played hell on groundhogs for $5 a head in local farmer's fields and on horse farms. Most of our "employers' couldn't believe the distances we'd take them at or the result: often ripping the little horse leg breakers in two.
Good. We need to be creative, and bullets aren’t covered in the Constitution.

Ummm, yeah, they are. All part of that "well regulated" part. Can't be in good working order with no ammo.
Your AC unit is still in good working order when the power goes out.
No, its not working at all in that scenario. It might be in good condition, but it isnt "working".
Sure it’s working. Just apply power to it. Power isn’t a part of your AC unit. Just as water isn’t a part of your boat. Your boat can be in perfect working order sitting in an Iowa corn field.
Just like an unloaded gun, a boat in a cornfield won't help anyone. It becomes a big paperweight.
Whether it helps anyone is irrelevant to whether it is in working order.
You just posted absolute garbage and lies.

90% of gun murderers are criminals, with long histories of crime and violence, and the ones that aren't are friends and family of gang members or other criminals...

Why do you always take statistics from Chicago and try to extrapolate them to the whole country?

That's kind of dishonest.

Here you go dumb ass...since gun violence is driven by drug gangs and democrat get out of jail policies.....these inner city shooting galleries have the same stories...

Baltimore is more murderous than Chicago. Can anyone save the city from itself?

More than 90% of the Baltimore murder victims are black. Most killings are drug- or gang-related, but not all:

Guy excels in fakery. 40% of all homicides in Nassau Co here in New York are gang related. Thankfully most of America doesnt concur with guys like JoeB....he might as well be out in the middle of Siberia sitting naked on a stool yelling fire!:113:
Ummm, yeah, they are. All part of that "well regulated" part. Can't be in good working order with no ammo.
Your AC unit is still in good working order when the power goes out.
No, its not working at all in that scenario. It might be in good condition, but it isnt "working".
Sure it’s working. Just apply power to it. Power isn’t a part of your AC unit. Just as water isn’t a part of your boat. Your boat can be in perfect working order sitting in an Iowa corn field.
Just like an unloaded gun, a boat in a cornfield won't help anyone. It becomes a big paperweight.
Whether it helps anyone is irrelevant to whether it is in working order.
I doubt youll get a court to support that loony belief.
Rifle rounds are designed to tumble and do maximum damage going sideways through the target. They are right to draw attention to it when the weapons and rounds are designed for military applications but are being marketed and sold to civilians.

They are also designed to ruin lives if they don't kill immediately. The shockwave of some bullets will near liquify organs. Not a myth.

There are some bullet designs that may be more prone to tumble than others in both handguns and rifles...but rifle rounds generally are NOT designed to tumble...that is a Vietnam Era urban legend...a myth. Debunked many times.

Liquify organs?!?! Do some actual research...don't believe everything you read on the anti-gun websites.

And don't feel like you're under attack for believing the tumbling bullet myth...I fell for it too once upon a time...that's how I learned it was a myth.
Its hyperbole. You should love it like you do trumps dk in your mouth. The shockwave ruins flesh farther away from the bullet hole.
Its hyperbole. You should love it like you do trumps dk in your mouth. The shockwave ruins flesh farther away from the bullet hole.

If by hyperbole you mean bullshit, I totally agree.

Liberals throwing around homophobic insults after being corrected respecfully...color me surprised.

A new study by anti gunners.....bigger bullets kill better..... so look for the various anti gun extremists to start calling for even more bullet bans...

New study on firearm caliber questions the notion that ‘guns don’t kill people’
Rifle rounds are designed to tumble and do maximum damage going sideways through the target. They are right to draw attention to it when the weapons and rounds are designed for military applications but are being marketed and sold to civilians.

See..... the post of this ignorant person are how they will lead their attack.....

This person doesn't understand guns or how they are used...or what the military is looking for in a bullet.

The 5.56 was selected for it's light weight.... a soldier can carry more of it than he can carry the larger rounds.....
Are you saying guns and bullets aren't designed for maximum kill? Come at me loser. You spend all day infatuating over guns it's really sad.
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