Bullet size the next line of attack on the 2nd Amendment..

You gotta wonder about a person who lies awake all night worrying about the size of bullets. I think a person like that has some serious issues and shouldn`t be allowed to play with firearms. What a sad life someone like that is living.
Shows your claim of minimal gang gun violence is questionable. Bigly.

Um, no, it's one incident...

Here, let's play that game.


Man already wanted for threatening family shoots at ex-girlfriend, police say

Tennessee man fatally shoots wife, another man after argument

Wow, all these stories about people with guns shooting their loved ones...

Which almost never happens in countries where they don't let any asshole own a gun.

Imagine that.
Good. We need to be creative, and bullets aren’t covered in the Constitution.

Ummm, yeah, they are. All part of that "well regulated" part. Can't be in good working order with no ammo.
Your AC unit is still in good working order when the power goes out.
No, its not working at all in that scenario. It might be in good condition, but it isnt "working".
Sure it’s working. Just apply power to it. Power isn’t a part of your AC unit. Just as water isn’t a part of your boat. Your boat can be in perfect working order sitting in an Iowa corn field.
Good. We need to be creative, and bullets aren’t covered in the Constitution.

Ummm, yeah, they are. All part of that "well regulated" part. Can't be in good working order with no ammo.
Your AC unit is still in good working order when the power goes out.

It is? Tell that to the wife when she's sweating up a storm. Or how about all of those old people who die when the power go's out and their oxygen generators stop working. They're in "good working order", but they ain't working.

Seems like your logic is the usual epic fail. But then you're just not very smart, so that is typical ain't it.....
Is your boat in working order, sitting in an Iowa corn field?
Which almost never happens in countries where they don't let any asshole own a gun.

You folks are high on drugs, alcohol, sex whatever, and you're using medieval methods to torture innocent people to death because your high "society" has not advanced far enough to allow for individual firearms ownership.

Asshole, is it? You've got some real problems if your gun is discharging from the breech rather than the muzzle.
This morning:

The New Orleans Advocate reported the shooting was being investigated as gang-related, and said other gang shootings have taken place in the area before.

Completely irrelevant, but never mind.

No... it isn't. The shooters are more than likely felons with long criminal records who can't buy, own or carry guns....and they got those guns, carried them and killed people. Odds are? They should have been in jail on other charges but were released due to democrat crime policies.....
I am getting tired of assholes trying to take away my Constitutional rights.

Why do Liberals always have to be assholes on every issue?

If you assholes were really concerned about shootings you would be deploring the Black on Black shootings that comprise most of the gun crime in the US.

Most gun deaths are people who are shot by guns owned by someone in the home, usually, themselves or a family member.

Of 11,000 gun homicides, only 2000 are classified as "Gang related".

Of course this gets explained to you in every one of these threads but you ignore it because your agenda is really not to stop gun killings. Your agenda is to take firearms away from White Conservative gun owners because they are the biggest threat to making America the socialist shithole that you desire so much.

Well, you keep making these claims, but they just don't hold up to any kind of scrutiny.

A Majority of Gun Victims Know Their Assailant

You just posted absolute garbage and lies.

90% of gun murderers are criminals, with long histories of crime and violence, and the ones that aren't are friends and family of gang members or other criminals...

Gang Killers In Chicago Used Christmas Gatherings To Target Their Victims

The violence primarily occurred in areas with historical gang conflicts on the South and West Side of Chicago."

And this is what we keep telling you anti gunners and you refuse to believe it....

"Ninety percent of those fatally wounded had gang affiliations, criminal histories and were pre-identified by the department's strategic subject algorithm as being a potential suspect or victim of gun violence," Guglielmi said.


1/19/17 Shooters in Chicago criminal record research from U of C

Nearly 40 percent of victims had more than 10 prior arrests, while the share with more than 20 prior arrests rose from 14 to 18 percent in 2016.

The share of victims with a current or prior gang affiliation as recorded by CPD was about the same in both years (53 and 54 percent).

And now the shooters . . .

Individuals arrested for a homicide or shooting in Chicago in 2016 and 2015 had similar prior criminal records: around 90 percent had at least one prior arrest, approximately 50 percent had a prior arrest for a violent crime specifically, and almost 40 percent had a prior gun arrest.

The average person arrested for a homicide or shooting in both years had nearly 12 prior arrests, with almost 45 percent having had more than 10 prior arrests, and almost 20 percent having had more than 20 prior arrests.

Why is anyone in Chicago (or elsewhere) talking about gun control? Clearly, Chicago’s revolving door justice system is a failure that allows dangerous killers to roam the city streets.
Dumb shit.... you didn't wait for the actual information...it wasn't a mass public shooting it was a murder suicide....all family. the shooter killed a relative and his wife at the nursing home, then himself, and two more were found at a home at another location.... you dumb ass....

And to really make you mad....... he didn't use an AR-15...do you need a kleenex for your tears?.... He used a pistol..... big let down for the gun grabbers...

Five dead isn't a mass shooting? Interesting....

Dumb shit....... a mass public shooting has a specific definition...and obama even lowered the number of victims from 4 to 3 to increase the number of mass shootings he could count for his gun control push...

Mother Jones has the exact list of every mass public shooting going back to 1982...

Family murder suicide is not a mass public shooting.... and with 2 dead at one location and 2 dead at another, you counted the killer in your count, I don't, that doesn't make it a mass public shooting since all the victims are family members.
Government says that guns below .50 caliber are NOT weapons of war.

Government Admits AR-15s Are Not Weapons of War | Breitbart

In its settlement with Cody Wilson’s Defense Distributed the government admitted that semi-automatic firearms below .50 caliber are not weapons of war.

In offering a definition of “military equipment” the settlement says:

The phrase “Military Equipment” means (1) Drums and other magazines for firearms to 50 caliber (12.7 mm) inclusive with a capacity greater than 50 rounds, regardless of the jurisdiction of the firearm, and specially designed parts and components therefor; (2) Parts and components specifically designed for conversion of a semi-automatic firearm to a fully automatic firearm; (3) Accessories or attachments specifically designed to automatically stabilize aim (other than gun rests) or for automatic targeting, and specifically designed parts and components therefor.

Attorneys in the case expounded on the amended regulations by pointing out that the settlement “expressly acknowledges that non-automatic firearms up to .50 caliber widely available in retail outlets in the United States and abroad [a scope that includes AR-15 and other assault-style rifles], are not inherently military.”

Where can I place an order for my .49 caliber semi-auto hi-cap, high muzzle velocity, self defense rifle?
Bullet size is not the problem. Firearms are not the problem. It is much more complex than that:
mental sickness and feeble thinking on the part of the U.S. 'culture'; worshiping at the alter of distorted, testosterone induced responses; fascination with violence and force; obsession with projecting power over others; lack of self understanding and resources for in depth reflection....
The "problem" is all these and more.
Firearms in the mix is just extremely dangerous.

No.....those are the issues that create the violence....the actual cause are single, teenage girls raising children without fathers generation after generation.....

then, on the other end, you have democrats letting violent, repeat gun offenders out of jail over and over again...

Those two things drive our inner city gun violence problem...
A new study by anti gunners.....bigger bullets kill better..... so look for the various anti gun extremists to start calling for even more bullet bans...

New study on firearm caliber questions the notion that ‘guns don’t kill people’
Rifle rounds are designed to tumble and do maximum damage going sideways through the target. They are right to draw attention to it when the weapons and rounds are designed for military applications but are being marketed and sold to civilians.

See..... the post of this ignorant person are how they will lead their attack.....

This person doesn't understand guns or how they are used...or what the military is looking for in a bullet.

The 5.56 was selected for it's light weight.... a soldier can carry more of it than he can carry the larger rounds.....
No.....those are the issues that create the violence....the actual cause are single, teenage girls raising children without fathers generation after generation.....then, on the other end, you have democrats letting violent, repeat gun offenders out of jail over and over again...
Those two things drive our inner city gun violence problem...

Amazing how the Left can't see this. They would say it's because there's not enough abortion services and section 8 money made available.
And as for repeat offenders, oh they're the disadvantaged and deserve special treatment.

Can a sane society really survive with those kinds of people in control?
So what the Left prefers over "big scary" bullets traveling at moderate speeds, are smaller ones such as tungsten fin stabilized darts doing 4-6,000 feet per second with much higher MVs depending on projectile composition? Speeds fast enough to propel one round through entire neighborhoods. If they think such technologies are unavailable to civilians, they're delusional. Suppress one weapon technology and others will emerge and proliferate.

.22 Accelerator - Wikipedia
Accelerator Type Sabots for .30 Caliber Cartridges (100)
Steyr IWS 2000 - Wikipedia
The shooters are more than likely felons with long criminal records who can't buy, own or carry guns....

No way, fucktard. A mere suggestion, let alone an allegation, of so-called "mental illness" is sufficient in the U.S. to enforce a lifetime gun ban. There is NO recourse, ever, for this situation.

What is "mental illness" anyways, but a "socially acceptable" way of saying that you are really sick in the head, or a danger to yourself or others or society, or like just really demented in some way like you have a really twisted mentality somehow, or something is really, really screwed up with your thinking or something like that?

You're just supposed to suck it up and get over it. They just don't want you to have a gun, and they will definitely sentence you to prison for ten years if they think you might possibly have "access" to firearms, so basically you're under total surveillance for the rest of your short life until they can find some way to kill you without getting caught themselves.
Good. We need to be creative, and bullets aren’t covered in the Constitution.

Ummm, yeah, they are. All part of that "well regulated" part. Can't be in good working order with no ammo.
Your AC unit is still in good working order when the power goes out.
No, its not working at all in that scenario. It might be in good condition, but it isnt "working".
Sure it’s working. Just apply power to it. Power isn’t a part of your AC unit. Just as water isn’t a part of your boat. Your boat can be in perfect working order sitting in an Iowa corn field.
Just like an unloaded gun, a boat in a cornfield won't help anyone. It becomes a big paperweight.

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