Bullet size the next line of attack on the 2nd Amendment..

The State is the government stupid. The PEOPLE have Rights. States don't. How can someone who claims to be intelligent make such fundamental errors of thought. Like i said, if you don't like freedom, MOVE!

I totally want freedom. I want the freedom to not have to go past three security checkpoints to get to my desk in the morning because of your fetish.

No, you don't. You are a collectivist of the first order who feels that the only freedom a person may have is that which the State grants you. That is antithetical to the founding intent of this country. So, move. Go to some country that you like. There are LOADS of country's that have the exact government style you like. Move to one of them.
Yes..... because Americans don't understand history, people like you, and the totalitarian psychosis that you and the left embrace...

Yawn, guy, guns don't prevent dictatorships. Germans had a shitload of guns, and they used those guns to the last old man and little boy to protect Hitler.

Yeah, the German STATE had the guns. The people not so much. But then you would have to be honest to admit that and we all know you are not honest.
No, you don't. You are a collectivist of the first order who feels that the only freedom a person may have is that which the State grants you. That is antithetical to the founding intent of this country. So, move. Go to some country that you like. There are LOADS of country's that have the exact government style you like. Move to one of them.

First, it's a little presumptuous to tell me what I think. I'll let you know what I think.

Second, "Freedom" and "Rights" are what the majority decides is right or is at least willing to tolerate. Any fool who thinks he has rights should look up "Japanese Americans, 1942". That's how fast "rights" disappear to popular demand.

Third, the founding intent of this country was a bunch of rich white land owners to hold power and continue to own slaves. Thank goodness we grew beyond their original "intent". I worry less about the intent of guys who lived 200 years ago, and more about what works NOW.

Fourth, when you have to turn your whole country into an armed camp, with 2 million people in prison, you really aren't a land of the "Free", are you. It seems to me that if you are travelling from your gated community to a workplace with security doors, key cards and armed guards, you are kind of the opposite of "Free".
Yeah, the German STATE had the guns. The people not so much. But then you would have to be honest to admit that and we all know you are not honest.

Um, no. The Nazi actually REPEALED the Weimar guns laws (that were largely unenforced, as there were so many guns left over from WWI)

The guy who brought gun control to Germany was Dwight D. Eisenhower, who ordered allied troops to do house to house searches to confiscate them.
No, you don't. You are a collectivist of the first order who feels that the only freedom a person may have is that which the State grants you. That is antithetical to the founding intent of this country. So, move. Go to some country that you like. There are LOADS of country's that have the exact government style you like. Move to one of them.

First, it's a little presumptuous to tell me what I think. I'll let you know what I think.

Second, "Freedom" and "Rights" are what the majority decides is right or is at least willing to tolerate. Any fool who thinks he has rights should look up "Japanese Americans, 1942". That's how fast "rights" disappear to popular demand.

Third, the founding intent of this country was a bunch of rich white land owners to hold power and continue to own slaves. Thank goodness we grew beyond their original "intent". I worry less about the intent of guys who lived 200 years ago, and more about what works NOW.

Fourth, when you have to turn your whole country into an armed camp, with 2 million people in prison, you really aren't a land of the "Free", are you. It seems to me that if you are travelling from your gated community to a workplace with security doors, key cards and armed guards, you are kind of the opposite of "Free".

You are wrong on all accounts. You believe in the tyranny of the MOB. That is clear. It is presumptuous of you to live in this country and tell us, the citizens of this country that the COTUS is immaterial. This country is like no other before it. It is BECAUSE of that COTUS, that you so despise, that this country has advanced further, faster, than any other country before it.

Your claims are specious, and infantile.
Yeah, the German STATE had the guns. The people not so much. But then you would have to be honest to admit that and we all know you are not honest.

Um, no. The Nazi actually REPEALED the Weimar guns laws (that were largely unenforced, as there were so many guns left over from WWI)

The guy who brought gun control to Germany was Dwight D. Eisenhower, who ordered allied troops to do house to house searches to confiscate them.

The ONLY people who could obtain gun licenses were members of the NAZI Party. Not a Party member? No guns for you pal. Funny how you ignore that simple fact. Add to that the fact that less than 10% of the population of Germany were Party members and that drops the number of guns in the country to even less. The NAZI's went so far as to confiscate bayonets from the people as well.

This is all well detailed in the book "The NAZI Seizure of Power". You won't read it but others here should, and will.


Yes..... because Americans don't understand history, people like you, and the totalitarian psychosis that you and the left embrace...

Yawn, guy, guns don't prevent dictatorships. Germans had a shitload of guns, and they used those guns to the last old man and little boy to protect Hitler.

They disarmed their people in the 1920s and the remaining guns were confiscated using the lists dupes like you willingly created.
Because the COTUS gives that region to We the People. That's why. There is a whole world where your fantasy lands lie. Go to them. They already have the utopia you seek. Leave this land of freedom alone. Or does freedom terrify you so much that you demand that no one have it?

Wait a minute, buddy, either you believe in states rights or you don't. If a state decides they don't want their citizens to have guns, then they kind of have that right,don't they?

No, guy, I'm not terrified of Freedom. I live in a world of metal detectors and security doors and armed guards and we have to give our kids see-through backpacks so we can make sure none of their little playmates are bringing a gun into school. We have cops shooting people in the street and getting away with it because "i thought he had a gun". And all to placate the 3% of you who have a gun fetish.

That's what's kind of terrifying.

We believe in individual rights, dumb ass..... and if the states violate those Rights, the feds step in, and if the Feds violate those Rights the states have to step in...

Terrifying is what is happening to Europe.....
No, you don't. You are a collectivist of the first order who feels that the only freedom a person may have is that which the State grants you. That is antithetical to the founding intent of this country. So, move. Go to some country that you like. There are LOADS of country's that have the exact government style you like. Move to one of them.

First, it's a little presumptuous to tell me what I think. I'll let you know what I think.

Second, "Freedom" and "Rights" are what the majority decides is right or is at least willing to tolerate. Any fool who thinks he has rights should look up "Japanese Americans, 1942". That's how fast "rights" disappear to popular demand.

Third, the founding intent of this country was a bunch of rich white land owners to hold power and continue to own slaves. Thank goodness we grew beyond their original "intent". I worry less about the intent of guys who lived 200 years ago, and more about what works NOW.

Fourth, when you have to turn your whole country into an armed camp, with 2 million people in prison, you really aren't a land of the "Free", are you. It seems to me that if you are travelling from your gated community to a workplace with security doors, key cards and armed guards, you are kind of the opposite of "Free".

Yes... the democrat President violated the Rights of Citizens during the war.....which is why we won't let you have our guns today.
Yeah, the German STATE had the guns. The people not so much. But then you would have to be honest to admit that and we all know you are not honest.

Um, no. The Nazi actually REPEALED the Weimar guns laws (that were largely unenforced, as there were so many guns left over from WWI)

The guy who brought gun control to Germany was Dwight D. Eisenhower, who ordered allied troops to do house to house searches to confiscate them.

You guys keep lying.... they repealed the law for pary members..... political enemies and the Jews were disarmed, and sent to death camps...
You are wrong on all accounts. You believe in the tyranny of the MOB.

I don't believe in it, I recognize the reality of it. Get enough people angry about something, things are going to change. And a lot of us are sick and tired and angry watching kids being rolled out of schools in body bags because you think that there's a "right" hiding in the militia amendment.

That is clear. It is presumptuous of you to live in this country and tell us, the citizens of this country that the COTUS is immaterial. This country is like no other before it. It is BECAUSE of that COTUS, that you so despise, that this country has advanced further, faster, than any other country before it.

Guy, we are not a great country because of a piece of paper badly written by slave owners. We are a great country because progressives like Lincoln, FDR, TR, MLK, etc. moved us beyond their thinking.

The ONLY people who could obtain gun licenses were members of the NAZI Party. Not a Party member? No guns for you pal. Funny how you ignore that simple fact. Add to that the fact that less than 10% of the population of Germany were Party members and that drops the number of guns in the country to even less. The NAZI's went so far as to confiscate bayonets from the people as well.

This is all well detailed in the book "The NAZI Seizure of Power". You won't read it but others here should, and will.

Because it's kind of bs. Germans had lots of guns... Oh, the Jews didn't. but they were less than 1% of population. A funny thing. The "Good Germans" who had guns never showed up. This is why the notion we needs us some guns to protect against the government is sort of silly.

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