Bullet size the next line of attack on the 2nd Amendment..

A new study by anti gunners.....bigger bullets kill better..... so look for the various anti gun extremists to start calling for even more bullet bans...

New study on firearm caliber questions the notion that ‘guns don’t kill people’
I guess the latest track of 'common sense' legislation... While I and my bf like 'rolling our own' competition and hunting cartridges from commercially available bullets, brass & primers; the following is not an entirely lost art form... just not as efficacious in all circumstances as the modern plated, frangible and polymer tipped hunting bullets available... lol. If bigger bullets are the issue, a 200 - 300 grain .30 cal or larger is easily attainable on your reloading bench...
As the ignorance of the 'anti's' is astounding... the below are bullets (hunks of lead) these particular ones have copper plating on them over the lead... This is what you are wanting to regulate...

Old car batteries are another source for lead. Also, elevator ballast weights.
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Don't be stupid....oh wait, it's you. Here, I'll make it simple for you, the government gets to make rules for its locations. Thus it is illegal for me to carry concealed in various government buildings. However, in those buildings where that is the rule, they also provide armed security, thus my Right of self defense is not in danger. Private Property owners likewise have the power to determine whether people may carry on THEIR property.

I don't know how much more simple i could make it for you, but that is about as basic as it gets.

SO you are saying htat the government CAN legally restrict guns..

Works for me. Let's get to some restricting.
Government says that guns below .50 caliber are NOT weapons of war.

Government Admits AR-15s Are Not Weapons of War | Breitbart

In its settlement with Cody Wilson’s Defense Distributed the government admitted that semi-automatic firearms below .50 caliber are not weapons of war.

In offering a definition of “military equipment” the settlement says:

The phrase “Military Equipment” means (1) Drums and other magazines for firearms to 50 caliber (12.7 mm) inclusive with a capacity greater than 50 rounds, regardless of the jurisdiction of the firearm, and specially designed parts and components therefor; (2) Parts and components specifically designed for conversion of a semi-automatic firearm to a fully automatic firearm; (3) Accessories or attachments specifically designed to automatically stabilize aim (other than gun rests) or for automatic targeting, and specifically designed parts and components therefor.

Attorneys in the case expounded on the amended regulations by pointing out that the settlement “expressly acknowledges that non-automatic firearms up to .50 caliber widely available in retail outlets in the United States and abroad [a scope that includes AR-15 and other assault-style rifles], are not inherently military.”

Where can I place an order for my .49 caliber semi-auto hi-cap, high muzzle velocity, self defense rifle?
Weatherby offers rifles in .460 Magnum. You're probably looking at $10,000 for one.
Don't be stupid....oh wait, it's you. Here, I'll make it simple for you, the government gets to make rules for its locations. Thus it is illegal for me to carry concealed in various government buildings. However, in those buildings where that is the rule, they also provide armed security, thus my Right of self defense is not in danger. Private Property owners likewise have the power to determine whether people may carry on THEIR property.

I don't know how much more simple i could make it for you, but that is about as basic as it gets.

SO you are saying htat the government CAN legally restrict guns..

Works for me. Let's get to some restricting.

Only within the confines of their walls silly boy.
So what the Left prefers over "big scary" bullets traveling at moderate speeds, are smaller ones such as tungsten fin stabilized darts doing 4-6,000 feet per second with much higher MVs depending on projectile composition? Speeds fast enough to propel one round through entire neighborhoods. If they think such technologies are unavailable to civilians, they're delusional. Suppress one weapon technology and others will emerge and proliferate.

.22 Accelerator - Wikipedia
Accelerator Type Sabots for .30 Caliber Cartridges (100)
Steyr IWS 2000 - Wikipedia

My uncle's largest rifle has about a quarter the range of his smallest. (His smallest will put a shot on a soda can from over half a mile.)
So what the Left prefers over "big scary" bullets traveling at moderate speeds, are smaller ones such as tungsten fin stabilized darts doing 4-6,000 feet per second with much higher MVs depending on projectile composition? Speeds fast enough to propel one round through entire neighborhoods. If they think such technologies are unavailable to civilians, they're delusional. Suppress one weapon technology and others will emerge and proliferate.

.22 Accelerator - Wikipedia
Accelerator Type Sabots for .30 Caliber Cartridges (100)
Steyr IWS 2000 - Wikipedia

My uncle's largest rifle has about a quarter the range of his smallest. (His smallest will put a shot on a soda can from over half a mile.)

Works both ways. Something, apparently, Left leaners fail to grasp. I can handload my .340 Weatherby with lighter rounds to take groundhogs at over 500 meters, or go heavier, and approach the performance of a .400 and larger on dangerous, soft-skinned game up close and in brushy person. Other side of the coin, I can juice up my .220 Swift to exceed 4000 fps for varmint shooting or go heavier and retain enough medium range energy to hunt deer sized game. Any control they enact will be pointless, unless they're seizing all firearms. While much more powerful, I love how calibers like the .220 Swift get off scot free, while the .223 is demonized. I prefer they stay uneducated and "safe" in their radical-liberal ivory urban towers.
Are you dancing in the streets yet?

Naw, with all the mass shootings we have, I'd get tired of dancing pretty quickly...

Just like I'm kind of tired of mass shootings.

I am getting tired of assholes trying to take away my Constitutional rights.

Why do Liberals always have to be assholes on every issue?

If you assholes were really concerned about shootings you would be deploring the Black on Black shootings that comprise most of the gun crime in the US.

Of course this gets explained to you in every one of these threads but you ignore it because your agenda is really not to stop gun killings. Your agenda is to take firearms away from White Conservative gun owners because they are the biggest threat to making America the socialist shithole that you desire so much.
Joey is not a liberal. Joey is a STALINIST.

Now you went and offended all the mass murdering stalinists....
Bullshit... They are designed to expand or not expand you dumbass motherfucker.
So shut the fuck up

Yeah, and what the Left gun grabbers fail to understand is military rounds have been designed since forever modernity to kill more humanely, not necessarily more effectively. Case in point: as a young, inexperienced hunter I once shot a whitetail with a 7.92x57mm FMJ. The first shot knocked the deer flat on its side, but exited cleanly with a small exit wound diameter. I had to finish it off point blank with a second round. Soft core, hollow point, soft nose--now they're your faster, messier quick stop, quick kill bullets whose lethality and internal organ damage potential arise from expansion of original diameter, fragmentation and large exit wound size. Smaller, hyper velocity rounds kill by playing pinball inside body cavities or exiting with such velocity, they liquefy internal organs and propel them as mist out of the body.


Not a single progressive in here has probably ever heard of a .17HMR. Jesus Mother of God what that little fucking varmint killer does when it enters a human body! Little ittyy bitty tiny little bullet.....the gun grabber k00ks would deem near harmless!! Yuk....yuk!:deal::fingerscrossed:

St00pid cocksukers!:aug08_031:
It's sad you guys aren't self regulating. You'd do a much better job than people that don't own guns. Very sad. Instead you'd prefer lunatics easily get guns because of false propaganda about how the left wants to take all your guns. Very very sad.

But the false propagandists are winning huge s0n....very few Americans concur with your type....sorry but that's the way it is. The gun grabber nutters have only banners and billboards to hang their hats on. Maybe an occasional march or two that is in the news for 48 hours! Most people dont see it as a gun problem s0n..... nobody is on the phone this week with their representative demanding action!:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. Just gonna have to suck it up and find a new hobby!:bye1:
No. The vast majority of the population agrees with me on certain policy changes. Gun grabber is a propaganda term burned into your brain. There aren't actually many people that want to ban all guns or even most. We are concerned with the point of sale, trafficking across states, training for concealed and open carry, enforcement, types of weapons continuing to be marketed. We don't buy that its self defense when you guys call them toys and drool of the max damage products. In some rare cases they should be taken away and they are after a lengthy and deliberate process. I'd say it could go further. They say that half of murdered women are killed by their partner. In extreme domestic violence cases they should be able to remove the violent party's weapons temporarily to allow for due process and legal action to progress. A lot of these are concerns that the gun club completely ignores and denies. Hence why I say you guys need to be responsible for your toys and self regulate. Not just the ones you own but the industry that you and the NRA are letting run away rampantly.

And you are a useful idiot of the gun grabbers. Normal Americans don't pay attention to the issue that is why they fall for the anti gun "Gun Safety" lie. The democrat party leadership want to ban all guns, and they will use the votes of their uninformed party members to get the power to do it. Nothing you bring up has any bearing on criminal activity with guns....gun trafficking to criminals is already a felony and can be punished under existing law, any training requirement is unConstitutional since owning and carrying a gun is a Right.

The democrats tried to put a test requirement on Black Americans voting and were told that was against the law...any training requirement will be abused, the way it is abused in Europe to keep guns out of the hands of regular citizens.... see... you don't understand the issue.

And you say types of weapons continuing to be marketed...... of course you mean what by that? All bearable arms are protected by the 2nd Amendment, as per D.C. v Heller....and in Scalia's dissent in Friedman v Highland Park, he specifically states AR-15s and semi automatic rifles are protected under the 2nd Amendment.

And yes.... it is about self defense. You asshats have to stop being idiots when it comes to this issue.
Acceptable risk to be American


I didn't accept that risk. And if you put it to a vote, we'd have much tighter gun laws than we have now.

The thing is, most Americans don't realize just how lax the gun laws are. They just scratch their heads whenever we have a mass shooting and ask, "How did that crazy person get a gun?" and then don't wait around for an answer.

Yes..... because Americans don't understand history, people like you, and the totalitarian psychosis that you and the left embrace...
And not one of those alterations affected the Bill of Rights in any meaningful way. In fact the majority have merely granted the Rights found under the Bill Of Rights to people of color other than white.

which isn't the point you stated.

You stated that anyone who didn't respect the intent of the Founding Slave Rapists was an enemy of the people...

Even though the Founding Slave Rapists wanted the power to only be held by white, land-owning males and no one else. You think they wanted their slaves running around with guns?

So I'm less concerned about what the Founding Slave Rapists wanted or intended, and what works well now.

33,000 gun deaths
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes
$270,000,000,000 in economic losses related to gun violence.
Active Shooter drills and metal detectors becoming a part of our everyday lives...

Do you think this is what the Founders were talking about?

You lie, again....

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

Gun suicide



Gun Accidental death.....


Gun murder ( 70-80% of the victims of gun murder are actual criminals, not law abiding people)

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



Non fatal gun injuries....

Nonfatal and Fatal Firearm-Related Injuries -- United States, 1993-1997

CDC non fatal gun accident.....

1993... 104,390

1994... 89,744

1995... 84,322

1996... 69,649

1997... 64,207

2001.... 17,696

2002... 17,579

2003... 18,941

2004... 16,555

2005... 15,388

2006... 14,678

2007... 15,698

2008... 17,215

2009... 18,610

2010... 14,161

2011... 14,675

2012... 17,362

2013... 16,864

2014..... 15,928
And not one of those alterations affected the Bill of Rights in any meaningful way. In fact the majority have merely granted the Rights found under the Bill Of Rights to people of color other than white.

which isn't the point you stated.

You stated that anyone who didn't respect the intent of the Founding Slave Rapists was an enemy of the people...

Even though the Founding Slave Rapists wanted the power to only be held by white, land-owning males and no one else. You think they wanted their slaves running around with guns?

So I'm less concerned about what the Founding Slave Rapists wanted or intended, and what works well now.

33,000 gun deaths
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes
$270,000,000,000 in economic losses related to gun violence.
Active Shooter drills and metal detectors becoming a part of our everyday lives...

Do you think this is what the Founders were talking about?

And as to the cost...since 2.4 million Americans use their guns to stop rape, robbery and murder each year, according to the CDC...

Or if you prefer 1.5 million according to the Department of Justice.....

The savings when people use guns to stop crime?

Guns Save Lives (and Money) – Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

Let’s very conservatively assume that in only 16% (the “almost certainly” group) of the nearly 1.5 million DGUs that probably occurred in 2012, the defender’s action saved injury or death (to someone innocent, even more commendable). If that occurred in 2012’s approximately 29% death to 71% injury ratio, these DGUs saved over 67,000 lives and 164,000 injuries.

This means, according to Mother Jones’ own assumptions, economic savings to this country—just from thwarting criminal assaults—of over $415 billion in lives plus $95 billion in injuries, totaling more than $511 billion in one year alone. That is over $1,600 for every man, woman and child, well over twice what we lose to all forms of firearm-related death and injury (homicide—justified or not, suicide, and accidents).

If one counts “probably would have”, let alone “might have”, we’re up to a trillion dollars in no time. We could add on the value of property not lost to theft, but that would just be rubbing it in, wouldn’t it?

There are plenty of assumptions here. But they are limited, and much more reasonable than the purposeful avoidance by anti-gun “researchers” and media of the actual, daily and widespread salvaging of lives that legal gun ownership and use entail. Guns in civilian hands are invaluable to this nation.
At the time that the 2nd was written, the term "Well Regulated" meant, IN GOOD WORKING ORDER. Which is why you see the term on the backs of clocks. So, tell the class why there would need to be legal controls on clocks.........

That's one interpretation... but kind of a stretch.

Well-regulated meant exactly that. Well trained, with a definite command structure, rules, discipline, etc. It does NOT mean a bunch of crazy people stocking up arms like the Zombies are about to show up.

Not a stretch at all. It is a fact. Something you lack.
Only within the confines of their walls silly boy.

Why not in the confines of their city or state? That seems pretty reasonable to me.

If Chicago wants a gun ban, we should be allowed to have a gun ban.

If you don't like it, don't live in Chicago.

But if you are going to claim that you have a GOD GIVEN RIGHT to have a gun with open carry because 200 years ago, a bunch of slave owners didn't know how to write a militia amendment clearly, then darn it, you should be able to walk right in the airport with your AR-15 and announce, "Be very very quiet, I am hunting rascally terrorists. Behehehehehehe".

Only within the confines of their walls silly boy.

Why not in the confines of their city or state? That seems pretty reasonable to me.

If Chicago wants a gun ban, we should be allowed to have a gun ban.

If you don't like it, don't live in Chicago.

But if you are going to claim that you have a GOD GIVEN RIGHT to have a gun with open carry because 200 years ago, a bunch of slave owners didn't know how to write a militia amendment clearly, then darn it, you should be able to walk right in the airport with your AR-15 and announce, "Be very very quiet, I am hunting rascally terrorists. Behehehehehehe".

View attachment 208420

Because the COTUS gives that region to We the People. That's why. There is a whole world where your fantasy lands lie. Go to them. They already have the utopia you seek. Leave this land of freedom alone. Or does freedom terrify you so much that you demand that no one have it?
Because the COTUS gives that region to We the People. That's why. There is a whole world where your fantasy lands lie. Go to them. They already have the utopia you seek. Leave this land of freedom alone. Or does freedom terrify you so much that you demand that no one have it?

Wait a minute, buddy, either you believe in states rights or you don't. If a state decides they don't want their citizens to have guns, then they kind of have that right,don't they?

No, guy, I'm not terrified of Freedom. I live in a world of metal detectors and security doors and armed guards and we have to give our kids see-through backpacks so we can make sure none of their little playmates are bringing a gun into school. We have cops shooting people in the street and getting away with it because "i thought he had a gun". And all to placate the 3% of you who have a gun fetish.

That's what's kind of terrifying.
Because the COTUS gives that region to We the People. That's why. There is a whole world where your fantasy lands lie. Go to them. They already have the utopia you seek. Leave this land of freedom alone. Or does freedom terrify you so much that you demand that no one have it?

Wait a minute, buddy, either you believe in states rights or you don't. If a state decides they don't want their citizens to have guns, then they kind of have that right,don't they?

The State is the government stupid. The PEOPLE have Rights. States don't. How can someone who claims to be intelligent make such fundamental errors of thought. Like i said, if you don't like freedom, MOVE!
Yes..... because Americans don't understand history, people like you, and the totalitarian psychosis that you and the left embrace...

Yawn, guy, guns don't prevent dictatorships. Germans had a shitload of guns, and they used those guns to the last old man and little boy to protect Hitler.
The State is the government stupid. The PEOPLE have Rights. States don't. How can someone who claims to be intelligent make such fundamental errors of thought. Like i said, if you don't like freedom, MOVE!

I totally want freedom. I want the freedom to not have to go past three security checkpoints to get to my desk in the morning because of your fetish.

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