Bulletin: This Just In....Guilt Of Jan6 Determined

Now it's all clear!!!

Of course!!! We should have guessed it from the start!!!!!!!!

"Investigators: Pelosi Responsible For Jan. 6 Security Breakdown At U.S. Capitol

The GOP members found that Pelosi repeatedly failed to implement necessary improvements to the Capitol’s security system.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi shoulders much of the blame for the security breakdown at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, a preliminary report from Republican investigators Reps. Jim Banks and Rodney Davis determined.

The Capitol Police (USCP) were half-staffed on Jan. 6, Pelosi’s House Sergeant at Arms denied multiple requests for National Guard assistance from the Pentagon and the USCP Chief in the days leading up to Jan. 6, officers were poorly equipped and had insufficient riot shields and helmets, and they were never trained to handle a riot even after the riots of 2020, the investigation shows, according to Banks.

The Republicans’ full report is not slated to be released for a few weeks but Banks and Davis said the hyperpartisan Jan. 6 Committee’s attempt to present a “slanted viewpoint as if it were impartial fact” prompted them to release their findings that “will help Americans understand the extent of the Committee’s misrepresentations and omissions.”

So it really was a Reichstag Fire Gambit!!!!!!

And that must mean that the Jan6 Commission is really a Moscow Show Trial!!!!
People with a brain knew this on 1/7
I'm surprised that Babbitt's murder was shown to the whole world... I thought it was against the law to show a deceased person's image like that

But I guess laws don't apply when they protect conservatives... silly me for forgetting
"I thought it was against the law to show a deceased person's image like that"
No, silly you for actually thinking this.
Every post from their side is some variation of "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!!!!!!!!!"
have you noticed that the marxists seem to be angrier than ever lately ! it seems controlling both houses of congress and the WH hasnt brought them any joy... further proof that a democrats worst enemy is themselves ... maybe just maybe ....their tiny gender confused minds subconscious hints at that fact when they buy gas and groceries ..
have you noticed that the marxists seem to be angrier than ever lately ! it seems controlling both houses of congress and the WH hasnt brought them any joy... further proof that a democrats worst enemy is themselves ... maybe just maybe ....their tiny gender confused minds subconscious hints at that fact when they buy gas and groceries ..

Ya' mean when they see this????

"House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy picked Banks and Rep. Jim Jordan to represent Republicans on the committee last year but they were promptly booted off by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi who implied the GOP would hamper a “comprehensive investigation” into the Capitol riot."

After all, what could be more fair than to only have one side give evidence?
“Never forget that this select committee has already been caught altering evidence. They’ve had to apologize for it,” Banks said. “It’s dishonorable that this isn’t a bipartisan effort to give the American people the facts and the findings.”

Banks has repeatedly criticized Pelosi’s handpicked committee as a “political witch hunt” focused on slandering conservatives, especially those who express concerns about election integrity, instead of getting to the bottom of what really happened on Jan. 6.

“Republicans were denied the right to meaningfully participate in the Democrats’ show trial, but as you know, the five of us are leading our own independent investigation into the total breakdown of security at the Capitol. Our mission is to answer simple questions about what happened that day that Democrats have ignored,” Banks and Davis said."

It's the Wehrmacht......er, Democrat.....way.
Now it's all clear!!!

Of course!!! We should have guessed it from the start!!!!!!!!

"Investigators: Pelosi Responsible For Jan. 6 Security Breakdown At U.S. Capitol

The GOP members found that Pelosi repeatedly failed to implement necessary improvements to the Capitol’s security system.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi shoulders much of the blame for the security breakdown at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, a preliminary report from Republican investigators Reps. Jim Banks and Rodney Davis determined.

The Capitol Police (USCP) were half-staffed on Jan. 6, Pelosi’s House Sergeant at Arms denied multiple requests for National Guard assistance from the Pentagon and the USCP Chief in the days leading up to Jan. 6, officers were poorly equipped and had insufficient riot shields and helmets, and they were never trained to handle a riot even after the riots of 2020, the investigation shows, according to Banks.

The Republicans’ full report is not slated to be released for a few weeks but Banks and Davis said the hyperpartisan Jan. 6 Committee’s attempt to present a “slanted viewpoint as if it were impartial fact” prompted them to release their findings that “will help Americans understand the extent of the Committee’s misrepresentations and omissions.”

So it really was a Reichstag Fire Gambit!!!!!!

And that must mean that the Jan6 Commission is really a Moscow Show Trial!!!!
Gee, what a surprise. Pedophile enabler Gym Jordan invented a hoax about Pelosi and the security at the Capitol and now he's written a report confirming his hoax.


Now it's all clear!!!

Of course!!! We should have guessed it from the start!!!!!!!!

"Investigators: Pelosi Responsible For Jan. 6 Security Breakdown At U.S. Capitol

The GOP members found that Pelosi repeatedly failed to implement necessary improvements to the Capitol’s security system.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi shoulders much of the blame for the security breakdown at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, a preliminary report from Republican investigators Reps. Jim Banks and Rodney Davis determined.

The Capitol Police (USCP) were half-staffed on Jan. 6, Pelosi’s House Sergeant at Arms denied multiple requests for National Guard assistance from the Pentagon and the USCP Chief in the days leading up to Jan. 6, officers were poorly equipped and had insufficient riot shields and helmets, and they were never trained to handle a riot even after the riots of 2020, the investigation shows, according to Banks.

The Republicans’ full report is not slated to be released for a few weeks but Banks and Davis said the hyperpartisan Jan. 6 Committee’s attempt to present a “slanted viewpoint as if it were impartial fact” prompted them to release their findings that “will help Americans understand the extent of the Committee’s misrepresentations and omissions.”

So it really was a Reichstag Fire Gambit!!!!!!

And that must mean that the Jan6 Commission is really a Moscow Show Trial!!!!
Bullshit on steroids! Have you watched any of the January 6 hearings? Or, do you just love living in Trump's black hole of utter ignorance?
Gee, what a surprise. Pedophile enabler Gym Jordan invented a hoax about Pelosi and the security at the Capitol and now he's written a report confirming his hoax.



You may wish to change the subject from one that is too painful for you......

....but you won't be allowed to.

Stick to your career….demonstrating perfume at Macy’s.
Bullshit on steroids! Have you watched any of the January 6 hearings? Or, do you just love living in Trump's black hole of utter ignorance?
We do not believe them. We do not care. That saying a picture is worth a thousand words can be questioned. However accusing people of being "Insurrectionists" on the photos and videos is laughable. When the other side starts acting like the Progs do, it is not going to be nice in this nation. This is our only recourse. But the Repubs may still bail Progs out again by doing nothing in return while the Progs get more and more violent.
The security of the US Capitol is the responsibility of the Capitol Police Board.

You will notice Nancy Pelosi is not on that board: Capitol Police Board

"DC Police Chief Sund Stated:

“Two days before Congress was set to formalize President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund was growing increasingly worried about the size of the pro-Trump crowds expected to stream into Washington in protest.

To be on the safe side, Sund asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the D.C. National Guard be placed on standby in case he needed quick backup.

But, Sund said Sunday, they turned him down.”

In fact, the Chief had a conference call with Pentagon officials and officials from the D.C. government. In it, he stated “I am making an urgent, urgent immediate request for National Guard assistance… I have got to get boots on the ground.”

But, it was fruitless."

Now it's all clear!!!

Of course!!! We should have guessed it from the start!!!!!!!!

"Investigators: Pelosi Responsible For Jan. 6 Security Breakdown At U.S. Capitol

The GOP members found that Pelosi repeatedly failed to implement necessary improvements to the Capitol’s security system.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi shoulders much of the blame for the security breakdown at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, a preliminary report from Republican investigators Reps. Jim Banks and Rodney Davis determined.

The Capitol Police (USCP) were half-staffed on Jan. 6, Pelosi’s House Sergeant at Arms denied multiple requests for National Guard assistance from the Pentagon and the USCP Chief in the days leading up to Jan. 6, officers were poorly equipped and had insufficient riot shields and helmets, and they were never trained to handle a riot even after the riots of 2020, the investigation shows, according to Banks.

The Republicans’ full report is not slated to be released for a few weeks but Banks and Davis said the hyperpartisan Jan. 6 Committee’s attempt to present a “slanted viewpoint as if it were impartial fact” prompted them to release their findings that “will help Americans understand the extent of the Committee’s misrepresentations and omissions.”

So it really was a Reichstag Fire Gambit!!!!!!

And that must mean that the Jan6 Commission is really a Moscow Show Trial!!!!
First of all, if you are quoting from The Federalist you've lost the argument already because the information is most likely fake news.

Kinda like the rule with DJ Trump you know?
If his lips are moving then you know he-s lying.
Now it's all clear!!!

Of course!!! We should have guessed it from the start!!!!!!!!

"Investigators: Pelosi Responsible For Jan. 6 Security Breakdown At U.S. Capitol

The GOP members found that Pelosi repeatedly failed to implement necessary improvements to the Capitol’s security system.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi shoulders much of the blame for the security breakdown at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, a preliminary report from Republican investigators Reps. Jim Banks and Rodney Davis determined.

The Capitol Police (USCP) were half-staffed on Jan. 6, Pelosi’s House Sergeant at Arms denied multiple requests for National Guard assistance from the Pentagon and the USCP Chief in the days leading up to Jan. 6, officers were poorly equipped and had insufficient riot shields and helmets, and they were never trained to handle a riot even after the riots of 2020, the investigation shows, according to Banks.

The Republicans’ full report is not slated to be released for a few weeks but Banks and Davis said the hyperpartisan Jan. 6 Committee’s attempt to present a “slanted viewpoint as if it were impartial fact” prompted them to release their findings that “will help Americans understand the extent of the Committee’s misrepresentations and omissions.”

So it really was a Reichstag Fire Gambit!!!!!!

And that must mean that the Jan6 Commission is really a Moscow Show Trial!!!!
Show me where Pelosi was consulted about the Guard.

Tell me why Back Seat Driver Fatty McCoup sat on his ass for over three hours and did nothing while he was watching the violent mob attack the Capitol.

This Pelosi narrative is a myth invented by pedophile enabler Gym Jordan to keep you rubes from seeing the truth about your orange messiah.

You avert your gaze and go on a snipe hunt.

Only the dumbest of the dumb fall for this ruse.
187 minutes.

Only the President and the Secretary of Defense can call out the National Guard.

187 minutes.

There is only one reason Trump sat there and did nothing for 187 minutes. He APPROVED of the attack on the Capitol. He enjoyed the more than 150 policemen being mauled and people dying.

187 minutes.
Trump never made a call to SecDef to call out the Guard, and so Milley was obliged to act on his own.

187 minutes.

Everyone around Trump was begging him to act. He was getting calls from his lickspittles in Congress begging him to act. He was getting texts from his media friends begging him to act.

187 minutes.


He was loving every minute of the violence.

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