Bulletin: This Just In....Guilt Of Jan6 Determined

The Sergeants At Arms do not report to the Speaker or Senate Majority Leader. They report to the Capitol Police Board.

Here is the written testimony of the former head of the USCP: https://context-cdn.washingtonpost....172/note/be976adb-2f01-4433-bbfb-e177a10e6c57.

On Monday, January 4, I approached the two Sergeants at Arms to request the assistance of the National Guard, as I had no authority to do so without an Emergency Declaration by the Capitol Police Board (CPB). My regular interactions with the CPB, outside of our monthly meetings regarding law enforcement matters, were conducted with the House and Senate Sergeant at Arms, the two members of the CPB who have law enforcement experience. I first spoke with the House Sergeant at Arms to request the National Guard. Mr. Irving stated that he was concerned about the “optics” of having National Guard present and didn’t feel that the intelligence supported it. He referred me to the Senate Sergeant at Arms (who is currently the Chair of the CPB) to get his thoughts on the request. I then spoke to Mr. Stenger and again requested the National Guard. Instead of approving the use of the National Guard, however, Mr. Stenger suggested I ask them how quickly we could get support if needed and to “lean forward” in case we had to request assistance on January 6. At Mr. Stenger’s direction, I called General William Walker, commanding officer of the D.C. National Guard. I advised that I had not received CPB approval, but wanted to know how many National Guard he could provide and how fast could he provide them if they were needed on Capitol Hill on January 6. He advised that he could repurpose nearby National Guard and have them to me fairly quickly, once approved. I asked General Walker to be prepared in the event that we requested them.

Pelosi and McConnell were not involved in that decision at all. The Capitol Police Board denied the request.
You can read the entire DOD IG report for yourself here: https://media.defense.gov/2021/Nov/19/2002896088/-1/-1/1/DODIG-2022-039 V2 508.PDF

Prior to the January 6 insurrection, there had been two other protests in Washington, DC related to Trump's Big Lie. One was on November 14. The "Million MAGA March."

Approximately 11,000 MAGAturds turned violent in the evening. The National Guard was not called out for this protest.


The next Stop the Steal DC protest was on December 12. The Proud Boys were there.

4 Stabbed, 33 Arrested After Trump Supporters, Counterprotesters Clash In D.C.

Four weeks after a similar event in the nation's capital, some of the president's supporters who came to protest a "stolen" election clashed with counterprotesters into the night.

Again, the National Guard was not called out.

Thus it was not anticipated the NG would be needed on January 6.

Another factor was the "optics" of the NG on the streets. This is because of Trump's bullshit Bible photo op. There was public backlash over the use of troops during that event to clear the streets, and General Milley felt especially burned by Trump for using him in the photo op that way.

Nevertheless, the National Guard was put on standby for January 6. Milley had a Quick Reaction Force standing by.

All Trump had to do was give the signal, and the National Guard would have been immediately sent in.

Instead, he sat in his dining room jacking off in front of the TV for over three hours.
From the IG report I linked in my last post:

We asked Mr. McCarthy what information he or his staff received about planned protests and the potential for violence in the days before January 6, 2021. He and other witnesses told us that the MPD forecasted activity similar to election protests and counter-protests that occurred on November 14 and December 12, 2020.


Army Staff witnesses told us that the DoD did not plan for the anticipated January 5 and 6, 2021, election protests until the DCNG received the D.C. government’s RFA. They said that there were no contingency plans for conducting CDOs in D.C. because the DoD acts only in response to specific requests from civil authorities unless the President invokes the Insurrection Act.
Mayor Bowser ordered a 7:00 p.m. curfew for Washington, D.C., on June 1, 2020. During the early evening, Federal law enforcement officers cleared Lafayette Square of protesters before the President spoke at the nearby St. John’s Episcopal Church. Although mobilized DCNG troops were present, they did not participate in the removal of protesters from Lafayette Square. Protests continued throughout that night and the DCNG deployed its available assets in force. It was during these events that a DCNG UH-72 medical evacuation helicopter was filmed hovering over a group of protesters. The recording was widely publicized in the news and on social media. One media outlet, Politico, reported, “The optics of the past 72 hours are putting people inside the halls of the Pentagon on edge as images of U.S. troops on the streets of the nation’s capital dominate airwaves across the globe.”
Mr. Miller told us, “There was absolutely no way … I was putting U.S. military forces at the Capitol, period.” He cited media stories alleging that the President’s advisors were pushing him to declare martial law to invalidate the election and that Mr. Miller was an ally installed as the Acting SecDef to facilitate a coup. He also cited a January 3, 2021 open letter from 10 former Secretaries of Defense warning the DoD not to use the military in a manner antithetical to the U.S. Constitution. Mr. Miller stated that he “made a very deliberate decision that I would not put U.S. military people … East of the 9th Street, northwest. ... And the reason for that was I knew if the morning of the 6th or prior if we put U.S. military personnel on the Capitol, I would have created the greatest Constitutional crisis probably since the Civil War.”
Mr. McCarthy and other witnesses emphasized that there was a direct relationship between the lessons learned from the involvement of DoD personnel during the June 2020 civil disturbances and the specific language in the written employment guidance designed to achieve the clarity of purpose he gave to MG Walker. Mr. McCarthy also emphasized to us that he was conscious of having Soldiers on D.C. streets, and particularly near the Capitol as Congress certified the presidential election results, because this could create a false impression that the military was playing a role in the election process. One witness told us that June 2020 taught Mr. McCarthy the importance of a deliberate decision-making process—that he could not simply approve RFAs and let the DCNG figure out the details.
As Trump was watching the violent mob attack the Capitol, he sent this tweet to sic them on Pence:

This shills are hitting this thread hard with copy paste prepared talking points.
How ironic. Do you think it is a coincidence at least THREE topics have been started today over the bullshit article in the OP?

The rubes are being conditioned to ignore the fact their orange messiah was severely derelict in his duty.

There is only one person responsible for the violence and for not stopping it. Donald J. Trump.

But while you and I are here, show me where Pelosi was consulted about the Guard.

Have fun with that.

187 minutes, dude.

187 minutes.
I am confident not one single Trumptard will read the IG report for themselves.

First, because it is longer than a tweet.

But more importantly, because they cannot risk their delusions being shattered.
You're the liar commie.
Do you even know what a "commie" even is?

For the record I am not a "commie" anyway.
I am a well armed Socialist Liberal freaking left of the Kennedys with a more than slight inclination toward social anarchy.

So what?
What of it?

You'd be a fool to assume I might find an idiotic moniker like "commie" insulting.
Especially coming from someone who doesn't even know what the word means!

Now, go play little boy!
So it really was a Reichstag Fire Gambit!!!!!!

If course. And you can tell by all the absence of lefties countering, and leaving Funnies, because they have no good answer to counter this revelation, but at least now you jknow why the Dems insisted no GOP on the J6 committee unless THEY got to hand pick them.
Gee, what a surprise. Pedophile enabler Gym Jordan invented a hoax about Pelosi and the security at the Capitol and now he's written a report confirming his hoax.


They’re just more and more delusional by the day. One minute it was just a tour, the next minute they have yet another horrific conspiracy that paints them as the innocent victims. Again.

I wonder what they get out this. Comfort?
How ironic. Do you think it is a coincidence at least THREE topics have been started today over the bullshit article in the OP?

The rubes are being conditioned to ignore the fact their orange messiah was severely derelict in his duty.

There is only one person responsible for the violence and for not stopping it. Donald J. Trump.

But while you and I are here, show me where Pelosi was consulted about the Guard.

Have fun with that.

187 minutes, dude.

187 minutes.
You people are so desperate. 187 minutes bs is laughable. Your time is up. Either you start ww3 or Trump will be president again. You have till November to decide.
They’re just more and more delusional by the day. One minute it was just a tour, the next minute they have yet another horrific conspiracy that paints them as the innocent victims. Again.

I wonder what they get out this. Comfort?
It is a way of avoiding looking at Trump's serious failings. They have to avert their gaze. And all they have is a snipe hunt to occupy their attention.

One of the most difficult things to do is admit to yourself you were hoaxed. So you move from one hoax to another. Deeper and deeper into insanity.
If course. And you can tell by all the absence of lefties countering, and leaving Funnies, because they have no good answer to counter this revelation, but at least now you jknow why the Dems insisted no GOP on the J6 committee unless THEY got to hand pick them.
There is no "revelation". It's a hoax.

I quoted Sund's testimony.

He clearly says he approached the two Sergeants at Arms. The OP propaganda bullshit added "who report to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Leader Mitch McConnel."

That was not part of Sund's testimony. That is a complete fabrication.

What Sund's testimony clearly says is that he could not get the Guard without the approval of the CAPITOL POLICE BOARD, which is precisely why he approached the Sergeants at Arms.

He makes no mention of Pelosi whatsoever.

He then says it was the CAPITOL POLICE BOARD that turned him down.

You dumb fucks are being lied to by your propagandists.

Read. The. Testimony. For. Yourself:

Stop drinking the piss being poured into your credulous mouths.
Once again, Police Chief Sund's testimony:

On Monday, January 4, I approached the two Sergeants at Arms to request the assistance of the National Guard, as I had no authority to do so without an Emergency Declaration by the Capitol Police Board (CPB). My regular interactions with the CPB, outside of our monthly meetings regarding law enforcement matters, were conducted with the House and Senate Sergeant at Arms, the two members of the CPB who have law enforcement experience. I first spoke with the House Sergeant at Arms to request the National Guard. Mr. Irving stated that he was concerned about the “optics” of having National Guard present and didn’t feel that the intelligence supported it. He referred me to the Senate Sergeant at Arms (who is currently the Chair of the CPB) to get his thoughts on the request. I then spoke to Mr. Stenger and again requested the National Guard. Instead of approving the use of the National Guard, however, Mr. Stenger suggested I ask them how quickly we could get support if needed and to “lean forward” in case we had to request assistance on January 6.

At Mr. Stenger’s direction, I called General William Walker, commanding officer of the D.C. National Guard. I advised that I had not received CPB approval, but wanted to know how many National Guard he could provide and how fast could he provide them if they were needed on Capitol Hill on January 6. He advised that he could repurpose nearby National Guard and have them to me fairly quickly, once approved. I asked General Walker to be prepared in the event that we requested them

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