Bump stocks fail at SCOTUS

I never had the chance to shoot with a bump stock, so I don't know what I'm missing. But what happened in Las Vegas shows us what can happen when a deranged person has access to one. Trump did the right thing by pushing for the ban.

"The Justice Department on Tuesday issued its final rule banning bump stocks — a device that was prominently used in the Las Vegas shooting massacre last year, which allows a semi-automatic rifle to work like a machine gun. Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker announced the rule in a statement Tuesday"

"We are faithfully following President Trump’s leadership by making clear that bump stocks, which turn semiautomatics into machine guns, are illegal, and we will continue to take illegal guns off of our streets," Whitaker said.

"Later, at a school safety event at the White House, he called it a "big victory" for Trump's administration"

The bump stock actually saved lives. The vibration caused by the bump stock forced the barrel up…sending lots of bullets over the concert into the field beyond. If he hadn’t used the bump stock he would have sent more rounds into the crowd killing and wounding more people.
So the Supreme Court backs the Federal Law against automatic weapons in one ruling while ruling in an earlier ruling that the people had a right to own weapons.

Why do the people have the right to own weapons? Would the ban against automatic weapons not invalidate those reasons?

U.S. Supreme Court rejects challenge to ban on gun 'bump stocks'

One ruling was about firearms, the other about an accessory for firearms.

Though I disagree with this ruling, I can see the difference between the two.
One ruling was about firearms, the other about an accessory for firearms.

Though I disagree with this ruling, I can see the difference between the two.

Yes but they ruled the ban on bump stops was justified because of the ban on the weapon to start with. So again, they have ruled the people have the right to own only certain weapons which again leads to my question, why it is that people have the right in the first place?
Yes but they ruled the ban on bump stops was justified because of the ban on the weapon to start with. So again, they have ruled the people have the right to own only certain weapons which again leads to my question, why it is that people have the right in the first place?
And you wonder why some people call you names.
The ban makes possession of a bump stock a felony subject to up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. More than 500,000 Americans who previously purchased a bump stock will be required to turn it in or destroy it, gun advocacy groups have said.
After the Las Vegas shooting massacre in 2017, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives revised federal regulations to define bump stocks as machine guns under a 1986 law that bans machine guns. This move upheld a promise by then-President Donald Trump to ban the devices following the event in which a shooter who used rifles equipped with bump stocks opened fire from his hotel room onto a crowd of outdoor concertgoers, killing 58 people.

Several gun rights groups challenged the ban over what they argued was mischaracterization of the devices and argued that the ATF lacked the authority under the National Firearms Act to reclassify bump stocks as machine guns, therein prohibiting their use. In their appeal, the groups did not argue that the bump stock ban would limit the perimeters of the Second Amendment.

"This decision sets a horrible and dangerous precedent, one that will allow the ATF to further arbitrarily regulate various firearms. This very same precedent is already being abused by Joe Biden to ban millions of lawfully purchased pistols even without an ACT of Congress!" Gun Owners of America Tweeted in a statement.
"This decision sets a horrible and dangerous precedent, one that will allow the ATF to further arbitrarily regulate various firearms.

Right. Seems the court is being just a bit hypocritical here and that requires the question of why?
So again, they have ruled the people have the right to own only certain weapons which again leads to my question, why it is that people have the right in the first place?

It is called the 2nd Amendment.
The ban makes possession of a bump stock a felony subject to up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. More than 500,000 Americans who previously purchased a bump stock will be required to turn it in or destroy it, gun advocacy groups have said.

Yeah, it is bullshit.

One of the many anti-gun things Trump did
Yes but they ruled the ban on bump stops was justified because of the ban on the weapon to start with. So again, they have ruled the people have the right to own only certain weapons which again leads to my question, why it is that people have the right in the first place?
So, you are assuming that the right to bear arms is one given to the citizens by the government?

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