Bundy's neighbors want militia to leave

Bundy neighbors to militia: 'We need you to leave' | MSNBC

The video is chilling. These people are a disaster waiting to happen. They are actually DRAWING ON EACH OTHER! :eek:

So says MSNBC......................pathetic.

Ratchel Maddow called him a dingaling.......what happened to professionalism in journalism?

what do you expect when you have administration officials

replying to a news anchor with "dude that was like two years ago"

These liberal dingalings think the only thing that is important is what the media is covering at this moment.

Everything else isn't happening.......
The Arizona Governor talking to Bundy's wife......of which Harry Reid claims is supporting terrorists.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxLp5Ajd8OQ]Carol Bundy Ranch House Interview 04-13-2014 Nevada Governor 2014 David Lory VanDerBeek - YouTube[/ame]
Bundy neighbors to militia: 'We need you to leave' | MSNBC

The video is chilling. These people are a disaster waiting to happen. They are actually DRAWING ON EACH OTHER! :eek:

So says MSNBC......................pathetic.

Ratchel Maddow called him a dingaling.......what happened to professionalism in journalism?

You mean like "magic negro" or maybe Rush is not actually a member of the media. He is just a fat mouthpiece.

actually " magic negro" is falsy attributed to rush

it was lefty David Ehrenstein of the LA times

that coined the term towards obama

Obama the 'Magic Negro' - latimes.com
So says MSNBC......................pathetic.

Ratchel Maddow called him a dingaling.......what happened to professionalism in journalism?

You mean like "magic negro" or maybe Rush is not actually a member of the media. He is just a fat mouthpiece.

actually " magic negro" is falsy attributed to rush

it was lefty David Ehrenstein of the LA times

that coined the term towards obama

Obama the 'Magic Negro' - latimes.com

He just played it multiple times on his radio show...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_FAJUFutyw]Rush Limbaugh: Barack the magic Negro - YouTube[/ame]
well he is magic according to some of you, isn't he?

someone has an obsession with the citizen Bundy and others there who are protecting his property from invasion by this fascist government under this Obama-Reid regime

tsk tsk
You mean like "magic negro" or maybe Rush is not actually a member of the media. He is just a fat mouthpiece.

actually " magic negro" is falsy attributed to rush

it was lefty David Ehrenstein of the LA times

that coined the term towards obama

Obama the 'Magic Negro' - latimes.com

He just played it multiple times on his radio show...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_FAJUFutyw]Rush Limbaugh: Barack the magic Negro - YouTube[/ame]

yeah he was making fun of you dumb fucks

for being so pathetic
well he is magic according to some of you, isn't he?

someone has an obsession with the citizen Bundy and others there who are protecting his property from invasion by this fascist government under this Obama-Reid regime

tsk tsk

No. He's just a man...elected as President of the United States...twice. What makes you think otherwise?
well he is magic according to some of you, isn't he?

someone has an obsession with the citizen Bundy and others there who are protecting his property from invasion by this fascist government under this Obama-Reid regime

tsk tsk

No. He's just a man...elected as President of the United States...twice. What makes you think otherwise?

Voter fraud, voter intimidation, and ACORN, and UNION THUGERY, doubling the Food Stamps, obumaphones and Barackaclaus giveaways among other things!
Disorganized mobs of angry White men, armed to the teeth and just looking for an excuse to fire off their precious 2nd amendment rights

What could possible go wrong?


Premature discharge?

It's called an Accidental Discharge.

They're just there to prevent another Waco or Ruby Ridge.

Basically doing what the 2nd is there for, liberals are too stupid to comprehend this obviously...Look at them and their state worshipping posts. SMH
well he is magic according to some of you, isn't he?

someone has an obsession with the citizen Bundy and others there who are protecting his property from invasion by this fascist government under this Obama-Reid regime

tsk tsk

No. He's just a man...elected as President of the United States...twice. What makes you think otherwise?

So was Reagan and Bush the younger. Your point is?
Area police aren't going to protect Bundy from federal goons.

Bundy has a right to private protection, and in this country, people are free to come and go as they please. If Reid's paid hacks don't like it, they can leave.

Oh wait, they aren't really there in the first place.
Reid is going to have to plant more stories. Maybe he can call up some actors from central casting.
Residents thank the militia during town hall event that, oddly, wasn't covered by MSNBC:

“Tell the whole truth,” one council member said, directing his comments at the mainstream media, adding, “Don’t spin things to get your ratings.”
“I’m really disappointed in our sheriff for not being out here to protect the citizens who are out here,” another council member said concerning Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie’s monumental inaction.
"Far from being troubled by claims that Cliven Bundy is a racist, as skewed in several mainstream articles from comments we revealed to have been taken grossly out of context, attendees were more concerned with the level of force used by the feds to coerce Bundy into paying exorbitant grazing fees.
“The day the militia come is the day I felt safe again in Nevada,” another woman stated.
"Residents were also upset that their local police department did nothing to protect the community from the BLM’s overreach."

Prison Planet.com » Bunkerville Residents Express Support for Cliven Bundy at Town Hall Meeting

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