Bundy's neighbors want militia to leave

yeah, a lot of people wanted the OWS to vacate parks that was hurting their BUSINESS

these people aren't hurting anyone on private property, are they?

I wonder if the militia has to obey any of our laws? I mean it's warm now but when it gets cold can the militia move in, uninvited, with local residents and violate the Third Amendment? Some might be big-eaters.
Per the POLICE there have been no criminal charges leveled against the militia.

It is legal to move about at will in this country..so far. I'm sure leftist pukes like you are working over time to prevent that, because leftist pukes like you know that the people of this country are very, very close to taking action against leftist pukes like you.
I am still hoping for a shootout...:D

Some women would get hit but Bundy and his nutters are safe.

Or maybe they'll keep pointing their guns at each other.

Meanwhile, aren't the fines and penalties and interest on Bundy's legit debt piling up?

US govt takes convicted drugger's property away. Do the same with criminal Bundy.

Exactly! I have been saying that from day one. Put a lien on his ranch. If he sells it or if his children inherit it, the lien will still be there and , over a period of time when the lein amount increases beyond the value of the ranch, the property will be worthless and no one will want it or buy it. The Government will win, it is just a matter of how and when.

Why don't you call for Sharpton to be stripped bare? Seize everything he has. He owes almost triple what they claim for Bundy.
I love listening to statists think up ways for the state to rob someone blind. Disgusting.
Come on guys why don't you start a quizzillion threads hoping the feds move in on old Al?
Per the POLICE there have been no criminal charges leveled against the militia.

It is legal to move about at will in this country..so far. I'm sure leftist pukes like you are working over time to prevent that, because leftist pukes like you know that the people of this country are very, very close to taking action against leftist pukes like you.

The number of folks wishing for blood to be spilled by the feds is more than alarming. I've never thought people were cheering while the Davidians burned but I guess I was wrong. They're obviously still out and about now hoping for death and destruction to the Bundys and their supporters.

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Only a fucking subversive democrat, doing the bidding of Harry Reid wants him gone.... Who would have thought, and talking before a bunch of subversives whores!!!

Nevada congressman seeks removal of Bundy backers

*Associated Press ^
A Nevada congressman is calling on elected officials in the state to rid a town in his district of militia members who have rallied around rancher Cliven Bundy in his battle with federal land managers. Rep. Steven Horsford, in an address to the Clark County Democratic Convention in Las Vegas on Saturday, said he’s making the request after hearing more complaints from constituents about the presence of Bundy supporters near Bunkerville, 75 miles northeast of Las Vegas. In encampments around the Bundy ranch, self-described militia members from around the country continue to camp with handguns on their hips and heavier...
People still cheer when you bring up the Branch Davidians mess.

They are statists. They always cheer for government oppression, until it comes to their door. Then suddenly they're PATRIOTS!

Cowardly scum, all of them.
For what it's worth, here's my take on the whole Bundy ranch thing.

Why does the Federal government own so much land in the various states with Nevada being one of the highest? Once the territories were divided up and became states, except for the Indian reservations, the land should have become the property of the states. If the state wants to sell it to the Feds for nuclear testing or whatever, they could and they should receive fair market value for it.

If it's really about tortoises, then why are the Feds euthanizing tortoises in a nearby preserve that ran out of funds? Apparently the wild tortoises managed to survive until now in spite of the cattle and even the massive herds of buffalo, maybe even mammoths at one time, that once roamed there, so that doesn't wash.

It smells to high heaven that Sen. Harry Reid's son is involved in a nearby solar farm deal with the Chinese. How are solar panels that shade the ground, thereby having an influence on the environment, any less of a threat to the environment than a few cows walking about and grazing?

Last, but not least, it seems to me that bringing out paramilitary police with M-16's and APC's to deal with an elderly rancher and few cows was totally unnecessary and a huge overreaction on the part of the BLM, and they got the response from a civilian militia that they deserved.

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