Bungled Collusion is Still Collusion

It was not a bungled collusion. It was an extremely successful collusion.

Junior and Manafort and Kushner went to the meeting with the Russian government cutout to work out the terms of the deal. The Russian government's efforts would be to leak whatever Clinton dirt they had in late summer (as Junior requested for the timing) through Wikileaks, and they would employ thousands of internet trolls to create fake news, and the Russian government would meddle in myriad other ways. In exchange, Trump and the Republican Congress would repeal the Magnitsky Act.

Quid pro quo.

And yet none of that is true....but nice lie....
And you're going to spend the next 7 and 1/2 years fuming about it while it phases the President not a jot. You'll agonise over his 'unpunished crimes' till you get night sweats.

This is almost too good to be true.
This is only the first shoe to drop. There will be many more. Interesting you don't want to know if your president ( and family and staff) is a crook.

We already knew hilary was a crook....so we went with the guy who didn't sell his public office to every foreign government for campaign cash....
Breaking News: a 4th person was in the room with the 3 Stooges with ties to Moscow.

Turn on your TV.
Of course Fox won't be carrying the story.

And closer ties to the democrat party...funny how all of the russians in the room worked hand in hand with democrats....
It was not a bungled collusion. It was an extremely successful collusion.

Junior and Manafort and Kushner went to the meeting with the Russian government cutout to work out the terms of the deal. The Russian government's efforts would be to leak whatever Clinton dirt they had in late summer (as Junior requested for the timing) through Wikileaks, and they would employ thousands of internet trolls to create fake news, and the Russian government would meddle in myriad other ways. In exchange, Trump and the Republican Congress would repeal the Magnitsky Act.

Quid pro quo.

And yet none of that is true....but nice lie....
All of this will come out. Watch and see.
It was not a bungled collusion. It was an extremely successful collusion.

Junior and Manafort and Kushner went to the meeting with the Russian government cutout to work out the terms of the deal. The Russian government's efforts would be to leak whatever Clinton dirt they had in late summer (as Junior requested for the timing) through Wikileaks, and they would employ thousands of internet trolls to create fake news, and the Russian government would meddle in myriad other ways. In exchange, Trump and the Republican Congress would repeal the Magnitsky Act.

Quid pro quo.

And yet none of that is true....but nice lie....
All of this will come out. Watch and see.

Yes...it will.....and once again the democrats will be found to be at fault......and the role loretta lynch played will be highlighted...and the various groups connected to democrats will also come out....including all the ties these russians had to democrats and democrat groups...
It was not a bungled collusion. It was an extremely successful collusion.

Junior and Manafort and Kushner went to the meeting with the Russian government cutout to work out the terms of the deal. The Russian government's efforts would be to leak whatever Clinton dirt they had in late summer (as Junior requested for the timing) through Wikileaks, and they would employ thousands of internet trolls to create fake news, and the Russian government would meddle in myriad other ways. In exchange, Trump and the Republican Congress would repeal the Magnitsky Act.

Quid pro quo.

And yet none of that is true....but nice lie....
All of this will come out. Watch and see.

Yes...it will.....and once again the democrats will be found to be at fault......and the role loretta lynch played will be highlighted...and the various groups connected to democrats will also come out....including all the ties these russians had to democrats and democrat groups...
Your skepticism toward the nefariousness of the Trumps is counterbalanced by your willingness to believe anything and everything about the Clintons and Obamas no matter how ridiculous.
It was not a bungled collusion. It was an extremely successful collusion.

Junior and Manafort and Kushner went to the meeting with the Russian government cutout to work out the terms of the deal. The Russian government's efforts would be to leak whatever Clinton dirt they had in late summer (as Junior requested for the timing) through Wikileaks, and they would employ thousands of internet trolls to create fake news, and the Russian government would meddle in myriad other ways. In exchange, Trump and the Republican Congress would repeal the Magnitsky Act.

Quid pro quo.

And yet none of that is true....but nice lie....
All of this will come out. Watch and see.

Yes...it will.....and once again the democrats will be found to be at fault......and the role loretta lynch played will be highlighted...and the various groups connected to democrats will also come out....including all the ties these russians had to democrats and democrat groups...
Your skepticism toward the nefariousness of the Trumps is counterbalanced by your willingness to believe anything and everything about the Clintons and Obamas no matter how ridiculous.

Not ridiculous......Trump Jr. put his emails out in public....hilary destroyed 33,000 emails, three illegal servers and 13 blackberries......and that doesn't count the illegal money they made when the rapist was President back in the 90s.....selling our secret technology to the Chinese...
I find it sad that someone counters a charge about lies by Trump by claiming Obama and/or Clinton lied, too. This indicates that if Obama lied, it is okay for Trump to lie. What a low opinion of oneself one must have to think like that! To be so submissive and meek as to accept and defend being lied to as long as it is by the correct person!

My god I would hate to live my life so subjugated to a dominant master as these people do. What a horribly sad thing to see.
It was not a bungled collusion. It was an extremely successful collusion.

Junior and Manafort and Kushner went to the meeting with the Russian government cutout to work out the terms of the deal. The Russian government's efforts would be to leak whatever Clinton dirt they had in late summer (as Junior requested for the timing) through Wikileaks, and they would employ thousands of internet trolls to create fake news, and the Russian government would meddle in myriad other ways. In exchange, Trump and the Republican Congress would repeal the Magnitsky Act.

Quid pro quo.

And yet none of that is true....but nice lie....
All of this will come out. Watch and see.

Yes...it will.....and once again the democrats will be found to be at fault......and the role loretta lynch played will be highlighted...and the various groups connected to democrats will also come out....including all the ties these russians had to democrats and democrat groups...
Your skepticism toward the nefariousness of the Trumps is counterbalanced by your willingness to believe anything and everything about the Clintons and Obamas no matter how ridiculous.

Not ridiculous......Trump Jr. put his emails out in public.
Junior only put out his emails because someone else was about to do it.
You almost gotta laugh that lefties are spending what little credibility they have left trying to prove a vague cliche that nobody is guilty of and everybody is guilty of. Like hatred, collusion is in the eye of the beholder.
Charles Krauthammer is a lefty?
The Krautman never accused Trump of collusion. Krauthammer is a paid talking head who is in it for...gasp....the money. The ironic thing is that Fox and Krauthammer would be accused of collusion if they didn't talk about collusion.
Makes no sense whatsoever.
It would be easier for Charles to adhere to the pro trump Fox meme.
He usually does but this incident is so damning, so revealing... even he can't defend the indefensible here.
Reasonable, you are being unreasonable again. Please do you homework. Krauthammer is a neocon, WaPo, anti-Donald nutcase.
Charles is the only sane person on Fox News. Everything he said is 100% accurate.
But keep thinking this treasonous act is no big deal. I guarantee Bob Mueller won't have that opinion.

You mean the alleged information about hilary actually committing treason with Russia that was supposed to have been offered...you mean that information?

And..Ukraine...actual collusion with a foriegn government....not pretend collusion, actual collusion...
Straight to Hillary. You whores are too funny.
This thread and the Trumps ties to Russia has nothing to do with her.
She's not under investigation. KGB Donnie is.
Krauthammer also said nothing illegal happened. The Trumps are playing the Democrat's game and flaunting it for all to see. I love it!!! Exactly why I voted for Trump.
I'm just sorry the Russian didn't hand over the email where Hillary and Podesta ordered the hit on Seth Rich
Krauthammer also said nothing illegal happened. The Trumps are playing the Democrat's game and flaunting it for all to see. I love it!!! Exactly why I voted for Trump.
One.... Legal minds say differently.
Two. You've gone from " ThisRussian scandal is nonexistent...to... this recentRussian incident isn't illegal.
I predict when Mueller proves theTrump's were up to their eyeballs in helping the Russians swing the election to Trump... you'll still defend him.
My view was: Collusion? I just don’t see it. But I’m open to empirical evidence. Show me.
The evidence is now shown. This is not hearsay, not fake news, not unsourced leaks. This is an email chain released by Donald Trump Jr. himself. A British go-between writes that there’s a Russian government effort to help Trump Sr. win the election, and as part of that effort he proposes a meeting with a “Russian government attorney” possessing damaging information on Hillary Clinton. Moreover, the Kremlin is willing to share troves of incriminating documents from the Crown Prosecutor.

Donald Jr. emails back. “I love it.” Fatal words.

Once you’ve said “I’m in,” it makes no difference that the meeting was a bust, that the intermediary brought no such goods. What matters is what Donald Jr. thought going into the meeting, as well as Jared Kushner and then-campaign manager Paul Manafort, who were forwarded the correspondence, invited to the meeting, and attended.
You don’t need a lawyer to see that the Trump defense — collusion as a desperate Democratic fiction designed to explain away a lost election — is now officially dead.

Charles Krauthammer
Fox News

For his complete article:

Opinion | Bungled collusion is still collusion
The collusion was between the Dems and Russian intelligence when they paid for a fake dossier. Time to lock them up.
I find it sad that someone counters a charge about lies by Trump by claiming Obama and/or Clinton lied, too. This indicates that if Obama lied, it is okay for Trump to lie. What a low opinion of oneself one must have to think like that! To be so submissive and meek as to accept and defend being lied to as long as it is by the correct person!

My god I would hate to live my life so subjugated to a dominant master as these people do. What a horribly sad thing to see.
Remind everyone how much money Clinton took from Russia and the Ukraine. Lol! Let's not forget about the dossier they paid for from Russian intelligence. It so sad seeing people subjugated to a dominant master, as Clinton's worshippers are. Horribly sad.
And you're going to spend the next 7 and 1/2 years fuming about it while it phases the President not a jot. You'll agonise over his 'unpunished crimes' till you get night sweats.

This is almost too good to be true.
This is only the first shoe to drop. There will be many more. Interesting you don't want to know if your president ( and family and staff) is a crook.

They simply don't care and that's scary.

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