Burger King Sign - "Now hiring. Must be mexican"

I guarantee not a single hispanic sees anything wrong with this. Hispos are super-racist and hate whites as much as blacks do.
You are wrong. I'm 50% Hispanic and I see everything wrong with that sign. I despise illegal immigration, and I oppose legal immigration as well. I'm for American culture remaining American, and although I am bi-lingual in English and Spanish, I think English is the language of the US, and it should be the only language.

The sign is outrageous, and is illegal, since it discriminates against Americans in employment. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin;

If the owners of this place aren't arrested, something is really wrong. At the very least, the residents of that town ought to tear that thing down, or stone it.


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You're sure this isn't photoshop ?

Hey einstein. Internet is full of sites talking about this.


Hey, thanks for those links ... they showed the restaurant was not actually hiring only Mexicans. It was an employee who, without approval from Burger King, put that message up.

So your point to this thread is ... ?

Or was that just the story Burger King came up with to cover their ass ?
By the way, if this is legit, beyond the outrageous racial issue it probably violates hiring laws.

The only thing unusual is that they put it on the sign.

A HUGE percentage of California businesses will not hire anyone who isn't Hispanic.
And they should be prosecuted for hiring undocumented workers, but they're rarely prosecuted. It's the poor workers who get punished.
Put your head between your knees and take some deep breaths.

"We are aware of this image. The sign in question was posted briefly last summer, without approval, at a franchisee-owned and operated restaurant. Please know the franchisee has informed us that the employee who posted and photographed this sign was immediately terminated as a result. The Burger King® team is dedicated to diversity and inclusion."

And there you have it.

It was a set up by an idiot trying to cause trouble and the extreme right racists use the crap to promote their own racism by complaining other people are racists.

The very core of libtard ideology today is Identity Politics, where everyone is divided into one demographic groups or another and in their view race trumps everything.

If a person is a gay black man, he is treated as a member of the black community unle3ss he pushes it in peoples faces, then he is a gay black man. If he is a white Mexican then he is 'hispanic' and treated as a different race than white, unless he shoots a black man, then he becomes a white Hispanic.

All the affirmative action laws penalize white heterosexual men with their hiring quotas that they refuse to call quotas. If a business has too many white men and not enough black gay trannies working there, then they pass over white men till they feel comfortable with the racial/ethnic/sexual mix to hire a white guy again. But when ethnic non-white non-Hispanics become management, the staff quickly turns into being predominately or exclusively that ethnic group, whether it is black, Hispanic, Chinese or Russian. And EEO people don't have a single problem with that. How many times have you pulled up to a fast food place in the middle of some lilly-white area but the entire staff is nonwhite? That crap is EVERYWHERE and libtards like you are just fine by that.

That is racism through and through and everyone knows it. There is no need for someone to put up a sign that says they are only hiring Mexicans. The management usually does it quietly anyway and doesn't get an EEO visit even once. The only reason the manager would have fired the kid was if he needed an excuse to do what he had decided to do anyway, and it wouldn't surprise me if that was the last white boy working there.

The core of libtard's view of the world is racism in the form of 'reverse racism' directed against whites, and extends to hating white male heteros especially.
Hispos are super-racist and hate whites as much as blacks do.

Hogwash. And if SOME do, it is because they are like you.

Lol, I have lived among and worked with a lot of Hispanics since I was 14 years old and had my first job in a restaurant washing dishes.

Mexicans have not had their 'civil rights' moment yet, and they still openly despise blacks and Indians today.

Either you are just willfully blind, ignorant, or you are lying.
So bullshit story was posted by bullshit poster and promptly debunked as the bullshit that it is and racist trash bullshitter is still slinging bullshit

Go figure

The sign was up for a few days and the management did not take it down till the public complained.

Are you THAT stupid to think it was all just an accident?
Put your head between your knees and take some deep breaths.

"We are aware of this image. The sign in question was posted briefly last summer, without approval, at a franchisee-owned and operated restaurant. Please know the franchisee has informed us that the employee who posted and photographed this sign was immediately terminated as a result. The Burger King® team is dedicated to diversity and inclusion."

Figures. A prank.
1) The sign isn't really racist Mexicans, like Americans, come in all races.

2) Why Mexican? If they need someone to speak Spanish, why not ask for someone who speaks Spanish?

3) This is America, not Mexico. Why on earth are they advertising for a Mexican when we have so many of our own that are unemployed?

The sign was put up and photographed by a racist, out to cause trouble by making idiots think it was real.
Do you think it's real?

The articles I've read said it was real, the restaurant said it was real. Do you have some information I don't?

The event violates the Identity Politics story line, so it is treated as false no matter what, the rhetorical justification for calling it a fraud is merely semantics to them.

Meanwhile lots of US citizens of all races are unemployed and our government is about to increase legal immigration to about three million a year and the 11 million illegals are going to be made instantly legal despite opposition by 80% of the public.
I guarantee not a single hispanic sees anything wrong with this. Hispos are super-racist and hate whites as much as blacks do.

looks like you are equating 'hispanic' and "mexican' as the same. Seems like Cubans or Haitians or Ecuadorians or Brazilians etc could ALL be offended by this months-old adolescent prankster that got fired over his 'cuteness'.
By the way, if this is legit, beyond the outrageous racial issue it probably violates hiring laws.

The only thing unusual is that they put it on the sign.

A HUGE percentage of California businesses will not hire anyone who isn't Hispanic.
And they should be prosecuted for hiring undocumented workers, but they're rarely prosecuted. It's the poor workers who get punished.

I agree with what you say, however I take some exception to the use of the term "undocumented workers". To call an illegal alien an undocumented worker, is about the equivalent of calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent."
So bullshit story was posted by bullshit poster and promptly debunked as the bullshit that it is and racist trash bullshitter is still slinging bullshit

Go figure

The sign was up for a few days and the management did not take it down till the public complained.

Are you THAT stupid to think it was all just an accident?

Where did you read that sign was up for days?
So bullshit story was posted by bullshit poster and promptly debunked as the bullshit that it is and racist trash bullshitter is still slinging bullshit

Go figure

The sign was up for a few days and the management did not take it down till the public complained.

Are you THAT stupid to think it was all just an accident?

Where did you read that sign was up for days?

Think about it. There were multiple different pics by different people and video and the sign was still up when the radio station made it an issue locally. That says several days, not much less.

Where do yo see it was less than that? 'Brief time' is a deliberately6 ambiguous term.
The sign was up for a few days and the management did not take it down till the public complained.

Are you THAT stupid to think it was all just an accident?

Where did you read that sign was up for days?

Think about it. There were multiple different pics by different people and video and the sign was still up when the radio station made it an issue locally. That says several days, not much less.

Where do yo see it was less than that? 'Brief time' is a deliberately6 ambiguous term.

Nowhere can I find how long it was up, which is why I asked you. Thanks for confessing you made that up.

Also, show different pictures of it? I could find only one.

By the way, by the time it was reported on that radio station, the sign was no longer up. So you're wrong about that too.

Seems that no part of your post contained anything factual.
Where did you read that sign was up for days?

Think about it. There were multiple different pics by different people and video and the sign was still up when the radio station made it an issue locally. That says several days, not much less.

Where do yo see it was less than that? 'Brief time' is a deliberately6 ambiguous term.

Nowhere can I find how long it was up, which is why I asked you. Thanks for confessing you made that up.

'Best educated guess' does not equate to 'made up' fruitcake.

Do you have documented time line that says otherwise?

Also, show different pictures of it? I could find only one.

I have seen several, but they could have been photoshopped, I suppose. There were lots of angry Seattlers, how much of that came from seeing pics on the internet vrs driving by and seeing it is not known.

By the way, by the time it was reported on that radio station, the sign was no longer up. So you're wrong about that too.

Prove it. I have seen no proof that what the Burger King management says is true.

Seems that no part of your post contained anything factual.

That is because you don't want it to be factual. You have no evidence to the contrary whatsoever.

If I am wrong about this, you are doing me a favor by correcting my misunderstanding of the situation.

But employers have been using black market Spanish speaking labor for a very long time now and it has seriously changed the demography of our nations border areas.

I doubt that you give a shit, but here is a graphic pic showing the changes since 1960.


Why aren't libtards as protective of American culture as they are of Amazonian spear chuckers? lol
Think about it. There were multiple different pics by different people and video and the sign was still up when the radio station made it an issue locally. That says several days, not much less.

Where do yo see it was less than that? 'Brief time' is a deliberately6 ambiguous term.

Nowhere can I find how long it was up, which is why I asked you. Thanks for confessing you made that up.

'Best educated guess' does not equate to 'made up' fruitcake.

Do you have documented time line that says otherwise?
Actually, "best educated guess" means exactly that. It may mean your made up figure has some basis, but it is made up nonetheless.

I have not offered any evidence to say otherwise for the simple fact that I'm not aware of anyone reporting just how long the sign was up. However, unlike you, I'm also not making up a number in lieu of evidence.

I have seen several, but they could have been photoshopped, I suppose. There were lots of angry Seattlers, how much of that came from seeing pics on the internet vrs driving by and seeing it is not known.
So post them. Post more than the one image posted on KFFM's website which reads, "now hiring must be Mexican."

I couldn't even find a photoshopped image with that message.

And needless to say, if an image was photoshopped, it provides absolutely no evidence as to how long the actual sign was up.

By the way, by the time it was reported on that radio station, the sign was no longer up. So you're wrong about that too.

Prove it. I have seen no proof that what the Burger King management says is true.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

I'm using the same proof you are, you schmuck! I am relying on the same evidence as you, which came from Burger King Corporation that you used to claim the sign was up for a "brief time."

So now you're saying your claim that the sign was up for "several days" was based on evidence of which you've seen np proof???


Seems that no part of your post contained anything factual.

That is because you don't want it to be factual. You have no evidence to the contrary whatsoever.[/quote]
Bullshit. I am pointing out what you're saying is not factual. My accusation that your claims are not factual is corroborated by your inability to prove anything you've said.

You said the sign was up for days -- you then admitted you made that up as an "educated guess" based on Burger King's claim it was up "briefly." (though you then indicated you don't believe what Burger King said :eusa_doh:)

You said there were multiple photos and videos of the sign, indicating the sign was up long enough for multiple people to photograph it -- you then admitted those additional photos of which you spoke may been photoshopped images and you failed to post even one additional photograph beyond the one from the radio station.

You said the sign was up when a local radio station made an issue of it -- you then demanded proof that you're incorrect despite the fact that you have no evidence that you are correct and while the only evidence in hand indicates the sign was no longer up when the radio station posted that photo.

You also proved you're a bigot, which helps explain why you're attempting (and failing) to stretch the truth about that photograph.

If I am wrong about this, you are doing me a favor by correcting my misunderstanding of the situation.
As best as anyone can determine, the sign was posted by a disgruntled employee last summer and was up long enough for someone, possibly the same disgruntled employee, to snap a photo of it. The photo then gained national attention after it appeared on the website of a Yakima radio station last November. Burger King Corporation had nothing to do with it as it was a franchise owned store. There is no evidence I've seen that the store in question actually hires Mexican people only.

But employers have been using black market Spanish speaking labor for a very long time now and it has seriously changed the demography of our nations border areas.

I doubt that you give a shit, but here is a graphic pic showing the changes since 1960.


Why aren't libtards as protective of American culture as they are of Amazonian spear chuckers? lol
Which has nothing to do with you posting bullshit on the Internet.

But thanks for revealing how bigoted you are. I see that a lot in Conservatives and unfortunately, you are no exception.
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JimBowie is just a white spear chucker running in the cane brake.

Probably comes from Ragtown, east of San Augustine in East Texas.
Nowhere can I find how long it was up, which is why I asked you. Thanks for confessing you made that up.

'Best educated guess' does not equate to 'made up' fruitcake.

Do you have documented time line that says otherwise?
Actually, "best educated guess" means exactly that. It may mean your made up figure has some basis, but it is made up nonetheless.

So you don't know the differences between an informed guess and 'made up', lol, yes, you are a libtard.

I have not offered any evidence to say otherwise for the simple fact that I'm not aware of anyone reporting just how long the sign was up. However, unlike you, I'm also not making up a number in lieu of evidence.

But you are accepting the corporate explanation/CYA with no facts either. For this thing to have attained the publicity it did it had to be up there for more than the coprporate claim of a 'brief time'. Lol, what a weasel phrase meant for nothing but feeding the gullible tw2ats like you.

I'm using the same proof you are, you schmuck! I am relying on the same evidence as you, which came from Burger King Corporation that you used to claim the sign was up for a "brief time."

I am not using their claim other than to read between the lines as I don't believe them.

And besides, what do you really expect them to say? lol

Bullshit. I am pointing out what you're saying is not factual. My accusation that your claims are not factual is corroborated by your inability to prove anything you've said.

What I said is based on observed facts, ignoring the corporate CYTA-PR bullshit that you conveniently find so absolving.

You also proved you're a bigot, which helps explain why you're attempting (and failing) to stretch the truth about that photograph.
Lol, I am a bigot for stating the plain publicly known facts that corporations are using black market labor and that this drives illegal immigration?

Lol, no, I am not a bigot, but you are a fool.

JimBowie1958 said:
But employers have been using black market Spanish speaking labor for a very long time now and it has seriously changed the demography of our nations border areas.

I doubt that you give a shit, but here is a graphic pic showing the changes since 1960.


Why aren't libtards as protective of American culture as they are of Amazonian spear chuckers? lol
Which has nothing to do with you posting bullshit on the Internet.

It has everything to do with the topic, dumbass.

But thanks for revealing how bigoted you are. I see that a lot in Conservatives and unfortunately, you are no exception.

Lol, leave it to a libtard to protest FACTS as racist, roflmao.

Eat shit, you fucking loser.
I guarantee not a single hispanic sees anything wrong with this. ]

You guarantee 'they' don't see anything wrong with some photoshop bullshit for racist idiots like you to masturbate over? Well, I guess you'd know...
I guarantee not a single hispanic sees anything wrong with this. ]

You guarantee 'they' don't see anything wrong with some photoshop bullshit for racist idiots like you to masturbate over? Well, I guess you'd know...

Read the fucking thread!

The sign was real.

It was done by a disgruntled employee as revenge against the manager who the employee thought was favoring Spanish speakers. Both the store and Burger King corporate have apologized.

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