Burger King Sign - "Now hiring. Must be mexican"

It's not racist bullshit to point out that most of these illegal black market laborers from Mexico are being worked to near death in many places. The do not have any legal rights to oppose their employer's maltreatment, or to go to another job. So they have no choice but to work. They don't get sick leave in many cases so they don't take off nearly so much as those that do.

They could always go home if it's so bad.

They are making a lot of money for their economy, so why would they do that after going to so much trouble to get here? You know a lot of indentured servants were happy to get to the Americas, but were practically slaves till their indentured period came to an end and they had no desire to return to Europe. You can make a lot of money under horrid conditions FOR YOUR ECONOMY BACK HOME. So they don't go back till they have made all they want, then go back. Our government isn't sending them.

And besides all that, I am telling you what I saw with my own eyes. A typical Mexican will work twice as hard as an average American.

I lived in south Texas for nearly a decade. I've encountered more illegals than I could ever count, have seen them at work, have seen the product of their work. Your premise is completely true and based on nothing more than a racist stereotype. The truth is that most illegals end up producing very sloppy and poor quality work.

IF my premise is 'completely true' how is it then a racist stereotype?

Lol, I am talking about demographics and a moral population with a well defined culture and you respond with examples of plays? That is merely the flower of culture, while demographics and morality are its root and branch.
Here's a newsflash. We have TOO MANY Mexicans in this country already.

What do you mean?

For shit's sake what do you think he means?

Too many
Mexicans are migrating here 1) illegally, 2) without assimilating or any intention of assimilating, 3) and they are taking job opportunities away from hard working Americans.

I cant count (mostly cause my memory sucks now days, lol) how many people I personally know, at least a dozen that could not get jobs in high school and ever place they went had several Mexicans working there and this is in FREDERICKSBURG VIRGINA for Christ's sake.

Why do you assume that Americans have no right to defend the culture of their nation and their own interests in maintaining the Anglo nature of it?

I personally think the Anglo culture is dead at the head and the body is slowly rotting, but I do think there is time to replace those at the head if people will get off their asses and work to do so.

What wrong with that?
A typical Mexican will work twice as hard as an average American...

That's just as much bullshit as the "them's mexeeecaneees ur lazy!" bullshit from your counterparts on this issue.

It is not 'bullshit' which implies I am simply lying. I am not lying.

I spent 5 years in the Army, and ten years doing blue color unskilled labor jobs till I got my degree and worked as an engineer. In those 15 years it is categorically true that Hispanics worked harder than anyone else, without complaining, without fucking up, without making lame excuses for stupid bullshit, etc. The only lame ass excuses I ever heard were from the idiots that thought they could skate through the Army saying 'No Speaka de English' in basic training. But they leaned differently. Today I guess they just hold up a stress card or something.

But its my personal experience, not a lie and certainly not bullshit.

But this country is being looted, dismantled, dumbed down, slowly destroyed demographically by its people being encouraged to pursue careers instead of family, that brutality is courage and irresponsibility is freedom. Our nation is a rotting corpse.

The Mexicans are not, and they will inherit this land while we commit demographic suicide.

Oh, and Mexicans don't fall for the open borders bullshit. Once they run things the immigration from other countries will be put to a very low rate, except Mexico and other Latin American countries, just like they have it NOW in Mexico, lol.
They are making a lot of money for their economy

Either they are low paid, or they are making alot of money. You can't have it both ways.

so why would they do that after going to so much trouble to get here?

It's very simple. If they don't like what happens to them here, then go the fuck home. They have no right to be here in the first place.

You know a lot of indentured servants were happy to get to the Americas, but were practically slaves till their indentured period came to an end and they had no desire to return to Europe.

This is really the stupidest argument you fools have come up with lately. Slaves were brought to this country against their will, and traded like property. Illegal immigrants choose to come here and won't leave no matter how hard we try. If you can't see the difference, then you're clearly a deluded moron.

You can make a lot of money under horrid conditions FOR YOUR ECONOMY BACK HOME.

Fuck their economy back home. This is the United States of America. They have no right to be here, stealing our resources.

So they don't go back till they have made all they want, then go back. Our government isn't sending them.

That needs to change.

Lol, I am talking about demographics and a moral population with a well defined culture and you respond with examples of plays? That is merely the flower of culture, while demographics and morality are its root and branch.

That is an incredibly stupid thing to say. Racist and question begging all at the same time.
For shit's sake what do you think he means?

Too many
Mexicans are migrating here 1) illegally, 2) without assimilating or any intention of assimilating, 3) and they are taking job opportunities away from hard working Americans.

"Migrating here" is too broad, that's why I asked.

1) Illegal immigration should be prevented regardless of country of origin. That's why I asked about the "too many MEXICANS" part.

2) Immigrants from Latin America (which involves more than just Mexico, genius) ARE assimilating, just as previous immigrant groups have.

3) If someone is here illegally they should be deported (at a minimum). If someone is here LEGALLY then they are not "taking job opportunities" from anyone, they are competing. Competition is good, and Americans are very good at it.
Why do you assume that Americans have no right to defend the culture of their nation and their own interests in maintaining the Anglo nature of it?

Culture isn't something fixed and immutable. AMERICAN culture has always been dynamic. That's one of our strengths. There is no "Anglo culture" to defend like some false idol, and there never was. AMERICAN culture has always been unique in large part because it has always been changing. It always will be, so you'd better learn to deal with your insecurities, champ.
The do not have any legal rights to oppose their employer's maltreatment, or to go to another job. So they have no choice but to work.

Oh, they most certainly do have another choice.

What go back to poverty in Mexico??

If that's their nationality, sure. Btw, not all illegal aliens are from Mexico, genius. Anyone who came here illegally had the choice not to do so in the first place and they have the choice to leave if they find they don't like the house they broke into as much as they thought they would.
Once they run things the immigration from other countries will be put to a very low rate, except Mexico and other Latin American countries, just like they have it NOW in Mexico, lol.

Immigration to the US from Latin America is currently at a net zero or below.
I guarantee not a single hispanic sees anything wrong with this. Hispos are super-racist and hate whites as much as blacks do.

Racist Burger King Sign: ?Now Hiring, Must Be Mexican?


A huge sign outside a Burger King fast food restaurant in Ephrata, Washington is causing outrage because of its racist tone. The billboard reads, “Now Hiring Must Be Mexican.”
The image was posted on KFFM 1073′s website, alongside a poll which asked,”I’m not exactly sure of the reasoning. Maybe none of the current staff can speak español or perhaps they need to fulfill their EEO report, I’m not exactly sure. What do you think? Do you find this sign offensive or are you okay with their honesty.”

82 per cent of the respondents to the poll say that they find the sign offensive.

Just shows how many whiners there are is this country. 82%
The FACTS state that "immigration from Mexico" is at net zero. People from Central and South American countries are desperate to come here as their own economies - not supported by massive drug empires reliant on US consumption - are in the tank.

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