Bush and Obama To Hold Conferences on 'Disinformation' Threat Right After Trump's Big Announcement


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Sounds cool, hope they start with "Saddam has weapons of mass destruction," then segue to "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

Give trump credit here.

If your enemies define you, W and homO make trump a saint.
That’s most ironic. Two of the biggest liars ever to be potus, talk about disinformation. Lol.

Well at least they’re well informed on the topic.

Both dwarfed Bill Clinton, which is hard to do...

Traitor Joe is ascending on the list rapidly. The "where's Nancy" stuff Friday lacks a source, and if the source is Paul, when... Paul was drunk on coke and concussed and in surgery - not a credible source.
That’s most ironic. Two of the biggest liars ever to be potus, talk about disinformation. Lol.

Well at least they’re well informed on the topic.
IMO? The regulatory capture of our government controlling big tech, and lying about the jabs, will be one that will have far worse consequences in the long run. Life insurance and health insurance companies are already documenting a rise in mortality and chronic health conditions. And yet? They are still using tax payer money to fund this madness.

Pfizer Janine Small admits that Pfizer did not test the vaccine for preventing transmission of Covid​

<----------------"sensitive content," is establishment leaders spreading disinformation. You better not click on that, or you will suffer cognitive dissonance. :auiqs.jpg:
BARRAG-O and the DUH piece of shit
hang them like the traitors they are
Sounds cool, hope they start with "Saddam has weapons of mass destruction," then segue to "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

Bush was a warmonger that got us involved in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have no respect for him.
FUCK Bush and Obama.

Fuck them both. With a red hot poker.

THEY are not the arbiters of truth. (In fact they're both lying scumbags - Mr WMD AND Mr You Can Keep Your Doctor.

Our GOVERNMENT is not the arbiter of truth. Fuck them too. They're into censorship and propaganda. The tools of CRIMINALS and jackbooted thugs.

Donal Trump is not the arbiter of truth either. And no one thinks he is, either.

The mere fact that the two has-beens feel the need to suppress free speech and the free exchange of ideas, SPEAKS VOLUMES.

These are the same fucking assholes who gave us an experimental vaccine, told us it was safe for us, and then shoved it down our throats and MADE EVERYONE PUT THEMSELVES AT MEDICAL RISK.

Obama and Bush can sit on my pecker and rotate. They don't have a leg to stand on, neither one of them.
Sounds cool, hope they start with "Saddam has weapons of mass destruction," then segue to "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." Both sides lie!

And each year Bush destroys any affection conservatives had for him...........
Bush has proven himself to be just another Republican member of the democrat party......
“You are a millionaire funded by billionaires, that’s what you are... You’re part of the problem,” historian Rutger Bregman can be heard saying of Tucker Carlson in a NowThis video

Tucker decided not to air the segment because he claimed it was "disinformation". That's pathetic!

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