Bush didn't just lie........

Obama was for the war to get votes before he was against the war to get votes before he was for the "real" war in afgainstan after he got elected before he was against the war bush started in the middle east, before he was for the war in 12 other countries, before... wait... I forget are the democrats for or again war now? Which of Obama's buddies are benefiting from these wars? Who was Hillary giving access to military secrets again? Who's been sending checks to the clintons?
Obama loudly opposed the war.....where were you?

Obama has had to deal with the Islamic upheaval caused by Bush. He had avoided using boots on the ground and nation building to solve his problems

Now, Clinton staged attacks on bin Laden were labeled by Republicans as a diversion to take attention away from more important topics like blow job impeachment

Show where Obama has done anything like that
He opposed it before he had a vote. Not really he gave a "unless" we get strong help clause. Meh.. then when he became a senator he vote for it multiple times. Obama owns this now. He's been POTUS for 7years. Bush is long gone.
Hat part of "dumb war" don't you understand?

I understand that part where guys like you who were more then happy to stay home belittle those who volunteered and went.
I understand the part where the Left is butthurt that all their dire predictions of a "quagmire" failed to materialize and Bush won the war, despite Democrats declarign the war was lost as soon as it ceased being popular.

I too understand that they are also said that 10 of thousands of Americans didn't die as they also predicted. Victory to the liberals was never going to happen. Obama has a surge in Afghanistan and the left hails the great leader, even though he himself declared failure.
Obama loudly opposed the war.....where were you?

Obama has had to deal with the Islamic upheaval caused by Bush. He had avoided using boots on the ground and nation building to solve his problems

Now, Clinton staged attacks on bin Laden were labeled by Republicans as a diversion to take attention away from more important topics like blow job impeachment

Show where Obama has done anything like that
He opposed it before he had a vote. Not really he gave a "unless" we get strong help clause. Meh.. then when he became a senator he vote for it multiple times. Obama owns this now. He's been POTUS for 7years. Bush is long gone.
Hat part of "dumb war" don't you understand?

I understand that part where guys like you who were more then happy to stay home belittle those who volunteered and went.
I understand the part where the Left is butthurt that all their dire predictions of a "quagmire" failed to materialize and Bush won the war, despite Democrats declarign the war was lost as soon as it ceased being popular.

I too understand that they are also said that 10 of thousands of Americans didn't die as they also predicted. Victory to the liberals was never going to happen. Obama has a surge in Afghanistan and the left hails the great leader, even though he himself declared failure.
Obama's surge in Afghanistan has been a gross failure. The media again have lost interest in covering it.
Bush did much more than lie...
Bush did much more than lie...
It's quite amazing how many of the people who insist Hillary is not fit to be president because 4 people are dead due to her lack of protecting them; are the same folks who voted to re-elect Bush after 3,000 people died when Bush failed to protect us.
Obama was for the war to get votes before he was against the war to get votes before he was for the "real" war in afgainstan after he got elected before he was against the war bush started in the middle east, before he was for the war in 12 other countries, before... wait... I forget are the democrats for or again war now? Which of Obama's buddies are benefiting from these wars? Who was Hillary giving access to military secrets again? Who's been sending checks to the clintons?
Obama loudly opposed the war.....where were you?

Obama has had to deal with the Islamic upheaval caused by Bush. He had avoided using boots on the ground and nation building to solve his problems

Now, Clinton staged attacks on bin Laden were labeled by Republicans as a diversion to take attention away from more important topics like blow job impeachment

Show where Obama has done anything like that
He opposed it before he had a vote. Not really he gave a "unless" we get strong help clause. Meh.. then when he became a senator he vote for it multiple times. Obama owns this now. He's been POTUS for 7years. Bush is long gone.
Hat part of "dumb war" don't you understand?

I understand that part where guys like you who were more then happy to stay home belittle those who volunteered and went.
I understand the part where the Left is butthurt that all their dire predictions of a "quagmire" failed to materialize and Bush won the war, despite Democrats declarign the war was lost as soon as it ceased being popular.
If anything in the world is a quagmire it would be that whole fiasco called Iraq since 2003.
30 countries, I guess without Russia and China it really isn't the colilition you would like. And even if the whole world joined in I am sure you would say that Martians didn't support the illegal war.
30 countries we paid to send token non combat troops
Mayby asshat RW should check out the Bob Woodward thread lower down the page.

Of course Woodward could be lying too but I doubt it.
Bush did much more than lie...
It's quite amazing how many of the people who insist Hillary is not fit to be president because 4 people are dead due to her lack of protecting them; are the same folks who voted to re-elect Bush after 3,000 people died when Bush failed to protect us.

Well if your playing the blame game you should throw Clinton in there as well. AFter all, the whole thing was planned on his watch and he did nothing even with one of his FBI agents screaming bloody murder.
Bush did much more than lie...
It's quite amazing how many of the people who insist Hillary is not fit to be president because 4 people are dead due to her lack of protecting them; are the same folks who voted to re-elect Bush after 3,000 people died when Bush failed to protect us.

Well if your playing the blame game you should throw Clinton in there as well. AFter all, the whole thing was planned on his watch and he did nothing even with one of his FBI agents screaming bloody murder.
Actually, in response to a similar threat, Clinton had airport security raised. That resulted in 2 terrorists getting arrested, zero planes hijacked, zero people killed, zero buildings bombed, zero twin towers destroyed. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president. In response to the warnings, unlike Clinton who raised airport security at suspected sites, Bush did absolutely nothing. That resulted in 4 planes hijacked, 3000 people killed, 3 buildings bombed, 2 twin towers destroyed.
Many on the right are clearly incapable of learning from history,

every one the left are clearly incapable of learning anything from, history or current events, as clearly evidenced by the above poster, who failed at reading comprehension.., or the dumbass did NOT read the article from one of their liberscum stalwarts.., Bob Woodward. :up:

............... :up_yours:
Obama loudly opposed the war.....where were you?

Obama has had to deal with the Islamic upheaval caused by Bush. He had avoided using boots on the ground and nation building to solve his problems

Now, Clinton staged attacks on bin Laden were labeled by Republicans as a diversion to take attention away from more important topics like blow job impeachment

Show where Obama has done anything like that
He opposed it before he had a vote. Not really he gave a "unless" we get strong help clause. Meh.. then when he became a senator he vote for it multiple times. Obama owns this now. He's been POTUS for 7years. Bush is long gone.
Hat part of "dumb war" don't you understand?

I understand that part where guys like you who were more then happy to stay home belittle those who volunteered and went.
I understand the part where the Left is butthurt that all their dire predictions of a "quagmire" failed to materialize and Bush won the war, despite Democrats declarign the war was lost as soon as it ceased being popular.
If anything in the world is a quagmire it would be that whole fiasco called Iraq since 2003.
You understand we won, right?
How can you possibly believe such bullshit? Seriously. The Iraq war was never "WON". When Republicans admit disbanding the Iraq military so they could join up with Isis as the "single biggest mistake" that proves it was never won. Beside:

US War Crimes The Continuing Deterioration of Women s Rights in Iraq Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Of course Bush won the war, he had a banner made and everything

it was basically won until obozo found a way to lose it. Tell the families of the soldiers who died in Ramadi that it was Bush's fault that they died for nothing. You fricken traitorous, left wing, asshole.

Yes, it was Bushs fault

Because his simplistic plan of reshaping the Islamic world in his image never had a chance of working
He created bedlam that spread throughout the Muslim world. Bush stirred up the hornets nest of centuries of hatred and suppression and left it to future presidents to fix

you attribute the powers of a great leader of men to Bush. You put his oratorial skills and ability to rally human beings on a par with Ghandi or Buddha. In your mind he convinced briliant people like the clintons and the dems in congress to ignore facts and blindly follow him. Or, are you saying that the dems were too stupid to think for themselves and interpret the intel differently?

Your high praise of Bush's intellectual and persuasion skills seems somewhat misplaced since you hate him. But you are a liberal, so---------------------------------------------
No, I put Bushs oratory skills on the level of being able to exploit post 9-11 fear in the American people, make people think Iran was an immediate threat, imply that Saddam was leading terrorist threats......in other words....lie to justify a war

So, lets see if I understand what you are now claiming.

You are saying that Bush convinced the dems and the rest of the world that Saddam needed to be taken out by force. To do that he used intel from the Clinton administration, intel that the dems, the UN, and everyone else had full access to. But Bush, and Bush alone, convinced the entire world to accept it when it was obviously false.

Is that your position? If so, you really need some psychiatric help.
Of course Bush won the war, he had a banner made and everything

it was basically won until obozo found a way to lose it. Tell the families of the soldiers who died in Ramadi that it was Bush's fault that they died for nothing. You fricken traitorous, left wing, asshole.

Yes, it was Bushs fault

Because his simplistic plan of reshaping the Islamic world in his image never had a chance of working
He created bedlam that spread throughout the Muslim world. Bush stirred up the hornets nest of centuries of hatred and suppression and left it to future presidents to fix

you attribute the powers of a great leader of men to Bush. You put his oratorial skills and ability to rally human beings on a par with Ghandi or Buddha. In your mind he convinced briliant people like the clintons and the dems in congress to ignore facts and blindly follow him. Or, are you saying that the dems were too stupid to think for themselves and interpret the intel differently?

Your high praise of Bush's intellectual and persuasion skills seems somewhat misplaced since you hate him. But you are a liberal, so---------------------------------------------
No, I put Bushs oratory skills on the level of being able to exploit post 9-11 fear in the American people, make people think Iran was an immediate threat, imply that Saddam was leading terrorist threats......in other words....lie to justify a war

So, lets see if I understand what you are now claiming.

You are saying that Bush convinced the dems and the rest of the world that Saddam needed to be taken out by force. To do that he used intel from the Clinton administration, intel that the dems, the UN, and everyone else had full access to. But Bush, and Bush alone, convinced the entire world to accept it when it was obviously false.

Is that your position? If so, you really need some psychiatric help.
No. Bush was the biggest idiot ever, says the Left. So Dick Cheney, who had no financial interest in how Halliburton did, convicned him to invade Iraq so he could make money from his Halliburton non-investments.
Seriously, the believe this shit.
He opposed it before he had a vote. Not really he gave a "unless" we get strong help clause. Meh.. then when he became a senator he vote for it multiple times. Obama owns this now. He's been POTUS for 7years. Bush is long gone.
Hat part of "dumb war" don't you understand?

I understand that part where guys like you who were more then happy to stay home belittle those who volunteered and went.
I understand the part where the Left is butthurt that all their dire predictions of a "quagmire" failed to materialize and Bush won the war, despite Democrats declarign the war was lost as soon as it ceased being popular.
If anything in the world is a quagmire it would be that whole fiasco called Iraq since 2003.
You understand we won, right?
And Tuatara wimps out and runs away again.
Lefties are so easy to pwn.
Bush did much more than lie...
It's quite amazing how many of the people who insist Hillary is not fit to be president because 4 people are dead due to her lack of protecting them; are the same folks who voted to re-elect Bush after 3,000 people died when Bush failed to protect us.

the 9/11 pilots got their US visas and pilot training during the clinton administration.
Bush did much more than lie...
It's quite amazing how many of the people who insist Hillary is not fit to be president because 4 people are dead due to her lack of protecting them; are the same folks who voted to re-elect Bush after 3,000 people died when Bush failed to protect us.

the 9/11 pilots got their US visas and pilot training during the clinton administration.
Faun is a weapons-grade moron working with 2 brain cells attached by a spyrochete.
We know what Hillary should have done. But no one can say what Bush should have done.
it was basically won until obozo found a way to lose it. Tell the families of the soldiers who died in Ramadi that it was Bush's fault that they died for nothing. You fricken traitorous, left wing, asshole.

Yes, it was Bushs fault

Because his simplistic plan of reshaping the Islamic world in his image never had a chance of working
He created bedlam that spread throughout the Muslim world. Bush stirred up the hornets nest of centuries of hatred and suppression and left it to future presidents to fix

you attribute the powers of a great leader of men to Bush. You put his oratorial skills and ability to rally human beings on a par with Ghandi or Buddha. In your mind he convinced briliant people like the clintons and the dems in congress to ignore facts and blindly follow him. Or, are you saying that the dems were too stupid to think for themselves and interpret the intel differently?

Your high praise of Bush's intellectual and persuasion skills seems somewhat misplaced since you hate him. But you are a liberal, so---------------------------------------------
No, I put Bushs oratory skills on the level of being able to exploit post 9-11 fear in the American people, make people think Iran was an immediate threat, imply that Saddam was leading terrorist threats......in other words....lie to justify a war

So, lets see if I understand what you are now claiming.

You are saying that Bush convinced the dems and the rest of the world that Saddam needed to be taken out by force. To do that he used intel from the Clinton administration, intel that the dems, the UN, and everyone else had full access to. But Bush, and Bush alone, convinced the entire world to accept it when it was obviously false.

Is that your position? If so, you really need some psychiatric help.
No. Bush was the biggest idiot ever, says the Left. So Dick Cheney, who had no financial interest in how Halliburton did, convicned him to invade Iraq so he could make money from his Halliburton non-investments.
Seriously, the believe this shit.

exactly, first they say that Bush was a complete raving idiot, and then they give him credit for convincing the entire world to accept flawed intel.
Hat part of "dumb war" don't you understand?

I understand that part where guys like you who were more then happy to stay home belittle those who volunteered and went.
I understand the part where the Left is butthurt that all their dire predictions of a "quagmire" failed to materialize and Bush won the war, despite Democrats declarign the war was lost as soon as it ceased being popular.
If anything in the world is a quagmire it would be that whole fiasco called Iraq since 2003.
You understand we won, right?
And Tuatara wimps out and runs away again.
Lefties are so easy to pwn.
I thought your idea of pwning Liberals was putting us on ignore? Now it's offline posters who don't respond within 10 minutes of your ignorant posts? :ack-1:
Bush did much more than lie...
It's quite amazing how many of the people who insist Hillary is not fit to be president because 4 people are dead due to her lack of protecting them; are the same folks who voted to re-elect Bush after 3,000 people died when Bush failed to protect us.

the 9/11 pilots got their US visas and pilot training during the clinton administration.
Again, Clinton thwarted a similar threat. Terrorists tried again when Bush was president and pulled it off because Bush did nothing to prevent it.

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