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Bush gave obama an economy that was flatlining.

None of Obama's policies caused unemployment, put people on food stamps or homeless. It did just the opposite. If so, name them. Back your allegations with some facts.
Seriously call your doctor right now and have you're meds changed.
They say the older you get the wiser you become. :lol:
Carter appointed Volker. Volker fixed it.

Yet Volker didnt fix it on Carter's watch ?


Aaaaahhhhh, yep.

.....by putting the nation through an intentional recession. Once the threat of inflation abated in late 1982, Volcker cut interest rates and flooded the economy with money, fueling an expansion that lasted seven years. Neither Carter nor Reagan had much to do with the economic events that occurred during their terms.

Carter ruined the economy; Reagan saved it
Come on folks we should all know by now, NOTHING is Obama fault, he is RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTHING, so he is such a NOTHING he shouldn't be President..

oh but HE did kill Bin laden...

VOTE him out
Carter appointed Volker. Volker fixed it.

Ah, the old double standard.

Reagan didn't fix it, but Bush destroyed it.

You pricks are so unveiled.

You keep setting them up and I'll keep knocking them down. Now if you will kindly find where I said Bush was solely responsible for destroying it.....as opposed to what the current President inherited, who of course blames his predicessor......just like your Blessed Saint Raygun did.

So Reagan mentions the disaster Carter created ONE time and that somehow puts him on par with Barack Obama, who hasn't been able to go 4 years without saying Bush at least 27x's in each and every speech and/or press conference?

You are one seriously DUMB fuck.....
Do you have anything you can take for your fucking SENILITY? Good God... what a complete fucking MORON...

You Teabaggers never were big fans o' the Facts.

January 13, 2008

"The recession-deniers were muzzled by a horrendous last two weeks of December, and the gloom-and-doomers are now out in force. Their key arguments:

* Plummeting housing will now drag down the rest of the economy.

*The "bad debt" problem is not just "sub-prime" folks who should never have have taken out mortgages in the first place. It includes credit card debt, "high quality" mortgages, car loans, and other leverage that have recently become a consumer way of life.

*Pressure on consumers is leading to a reduction in consumer spending (70% of economy), which, in turn, will lead to a reduction in spending by companies that sell stuff to consumers.

*The question now is not "will there be a recession?" but "how bad will it get?"

*The most optimistic forecasts in a NYT gloom-and-doom round-up are for three crappy quarters, regardless of what the Fed does. Less optimistic forecasts suggest that we are, well, screwed.

After blowing the last downturn, we've been worried this one since last summer (see below). We also suspect that, given the importance of housing to the economy and debt to consumer spending, the recession will be deeper and more prolonged than people think."


And Obama put it on life support and four years later it well on it way to a full recover.
Obama inherited an economy that was in free fall and Obama’s policies, the stimulus, bank and auto industry bailouts and more has created 5 million jobs. Obama’s policies are not hurting the economy, but helping. Men and women who are still unemployed is because of the side effects of the Bush’s 8 years of borrowing and reckless spending and it may be felt for decades to come. Two wars not paid for, tax cuts for the rich not paid for and a Medicare prescription drug program not paid for. Wrong answer. It’s being paid for by hard working taxpayers money. Obama’s policies stimulated the economy and put life back into it and we are well into recovery.
Romney is lying when he say Obama’s policies are hurting women and Tagg can take his best swing at me but I call a spade a spade. Romney flip flops so much that he even forgets and you cannot know where he stands on an issue from one minute to another. Meaning anything Romney say cannot be trusted. When is the Right going to stop blaming Obama for the flat lining economy he left Obama and give him credit for giving the economy a shock and bringing it back to life with the stimulus and bailouts for the banking and auto industry. Put blame were blame is and give credit where credit is due. The glass is half full. The economy is well into recovery and you don’t take a horse out of the race with he’s winning.
Radical Right Wing Extremists rhetoric that Obama took a bad economy and made it worse it not only a lie but a damn lie.

And Carter left the same for Reagan but Reagan, at this point in his presidency, brought unemployment down from 10.8% to under 6% and didn't borrow 6 trillion dollars to add to our national debt in the process. Yeah he added to the debt but Reagan added way less in 8 years than obama has added in 4

Two things:

1. Reagan TRIPLED the debt.

2. Reagan had an actual, real life loyal opposition. Today's GOP are basically terrorists.

And Obama put it on life support and four years later it well on it way to a full recover.
Obama inherited an economy that was in free fall and Obama’s policies, the stimulus, bank and auto industry bailouts and more has created 5 million jobs. Obama’s policies are not hurting the economy, but helping. Men and women who are still unemployed is because of the side effects of the Bush’s 8 years of borrowing and reckless spending and it may be felt for decades to come. Two wars not paid for, tax cuts for the rich not paid for and a Medicare prescription drug program not paid for. Wrong answer. It’s being paid for by hard working taxpayers money. Obama’s policies stimulated the economy and put life back into it and we are well into recovery.
Romney is lying when he say Obama’s policies are hurting women and Tagg can take his best swing at me but I call a spade a spade. Romney flip flops so much that he even forgets and you cannot know where he stands on an issue from one minute to another. Meaning anything Romney say cannot be trusted. When is the Right going to stop blaming Obama for the flat lining economy he left Obama and give him credit for giving the economy a shock and bringing it back to life with the stimulus and bailouts for the banking and auto industry. Put blame were blame is and give credit where credit is due. The glass is half full. The economy is well into recovery and you don’t take a horse out of the race with he’s winning.
Radical Right Wing Extremists rhetoric that Obama took a bad economy and made it worse it not only a lie but a damn lie.

How many times must I correct you on this?

The economy crashed with the democrats in control of congress. What better way to get the white house then cause the economy to crash wit a republican as President with a bad economy?
America took the word of a no-talent Community Organizer that he could fix the world's largest economy.

I would LOL, but it makes me cry.
Dry your eyes.

The President is going to succeed, no matter how many roadblocks you (Mitch McConnell, John Boner & Eric Cantor) throw, in-front-of-him.

Unlike Lil' Dumbya (who was beholden to the folks who bought him The Presidency)....Obama has already proven he's qualified to clean-up behind one-MORE-Bush; i.e.....

And Obama gave us a collapsed economy from his implementation of Cuban-style communism....
You "conservatives"/Teabaggers really should do something about your masochistic-tendencies.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y04g6OPLnQ]Obama Dismantles Republican Caucus Part 1 of 7 - YouTube[/ame]

How many times do you folks need to be slapped-around, before you finally "get it"???

Do you have anything you can take for your fucking SENILITY? Good God... what a complete fucking MORON...


And you still have not explained what obama did to casue this, but there is plenty of fact that suport that it was caused by Bush's policies that did not come to a dead stop when he left office.

....Not-to-mention BUSHCO's.....

....tax-cut HU$TLE!!!!

"The curious may want to know why the Bush tax cuts are set to expire in the first place. After all, if then-President George W. Bush and Congress thought they were a good idea when they passed them in the early 2000s, why make them temporary?

The answer is that President Bush and a complicit Congress didn’t want to show the magnitude of the deficits that would result from their tax cuts."

And Obama put it on life support and four years later it well on it way to a full recover.
Obama inherited an economy that was in free fall and Obama’s policies, the stimulus, bank and auto industry bailouts and more has created 5 million jobs. Obama’s policies are not hurting the economy, but helping. Men and women who are still unemployed is because of the side effects of the Bush’s 8 years of borrowing and reckless spending and it may be felt for decades to come. Two wars not paid for, tax cuts for the rich not paid for and a Medicare prescription drug program not paid for. Wrong answer. It’s being paid for by hard working taxpayers money. Obama’s policies stimulated the economy and put life back into it and we are well into recovery.
Romney is lying when he say Obama’s policies are hurting women and Tagg can take his best swing at me but I call a spade a spade. Romney flip flops so much that he even forgets and you cannot know where he stands on an issue from one minute to another. Meaning anything Romney say cannot be trusted. When is the Right going to stop blaming Obama for the flat lining economy he left Obama and give him credit for giving the economy a shock and bringing it back to life with the stimulus and bailouts for the banking and auto industry. Put blame were blame is and give credit where credit is due. The glass is half full. The economy is well into recovery and you don’t take a horse out of the race with he’s winning.
Radical Right Wing Extremists rhetoric that Obama took a bad economy and made it worse it not only a lie but a damn lie.

I can not believe any person can be as stupid as you. Do you have even the slightest understanding of Keynesian Economics? I bet an idiot like you doesn't.
Indeed we are living in times when shit CAN be shined!!!

Every administration comes out of any recession ROARING with growth rates of 4% to 6% or more. Go look it up. Things will continue to be shit........problem is, politically, Im just not sure it matters anymore. Obviously, we are in a time where one side can run a campaign on a bad economy and suffer no consequences.
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And Obama put it on life support and four years later it well on it way to a full recover.
Obama inherited an economy that was in free fall and Obama’s policies, the stimulus, bank and auto industry bailouts and more has created 5 million jobs. Obama’s policies are not hurting the economy, but helping. Men and women who are still unemployed is because of the side effects of the Bush’s 8 years of borrowing and reckless spending and it may be felt for decades to come. Two wars not paid for, tax cuts for the rich not paid for and a Medicare prescription drug program not paid for. Wrong answer. It’s being paid for by hard working taxpayers money. Obama’s policies stimulated the economy and put life back into it and we are well into recovery.
Romney is lying when he say Obama’s policies are hurting women and Tagg can take his best swing at me but I call a spade a spade. Romney flip flops so much that he even forgets and you cannot know where he stands on an issue from one minute to another. Meaning anything Romney say cannot be trusted. When is the Right going to stop blaming Obama for the flat lining economy he left Obama and give him credit for giving the economy a shock and bringing it back to life with the stimulus and bailouts for the banking and auto industry. Put blame were blame is and give credit where credit is due. The glass is half full. The economy is well into recovery and you don’t take a horse out of the race with he’s winning.
Radical Right Wing Extremists rhetoric that Obama took a bad economy and made it worse it not only a lie but a damn lie.

I can not believe any person can be as stupid as you. Do you have even the slightest understanding of Keynesian Economics? I bet an idiot like you doesn't.
You see stinger, this is what obumbo and his brain washed odumbocraps have been doing since odumbo took office. Sure the economy wasn't all that good, but odumbo took a bad situation and made it ten times worse, and is going to double down on making it worse in his second term, most likely to the point of full blown economic failure. But hey, THEY JUST BLAME IT ON BUSH AND REPUBLICANS, and all the stupid, lazy, obama phone libroids believe that garbage without question, and odumbo's pompom squad, also known as the lame stream media, just parrots the lies. It's all too obvious now though. They're only fooling the complete morons and ignorant libroid hacks.
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Of course, after Obama supporter and financier George Soros lead the coordinated raid on the US banking system that caused the resulting economic panic that nearly toppled our economy. Soros and the European banking families, ie the Rothschilds, spend part of their time parting each other's ways with their male appendages, the rest of the time they spend plotting how to bankrupt national economies and/or countries.
Wise up. The year 2008 started with a massive uspurge in the price of a barrel of oil, eventually topping out at nearly $150/barrel. Suddenly, when everyone and their brother started thinking and speaking the same words, "Drill Here! Drill Now!", and the Tennessee GOP started printing bumper stickers reading "The Only Place The Democrats Want To Drill Is In Your Wallet" the price of oil suddenly plummeted to $30/ barrel, a sequence of events in and of itself that should have aroused suspicion. Then three months later an unknown consortium of firms and individuals starts yanking 500 billion an hour out of US Banks. And all of this in an election year, two massive earth shaking economic events. What's the probability of both those events even occurring in a single year, let alone an election year? Soros is well versed and practiced in the techniques required to cause both of those events.
Remember 2004? John "Reporting For Duty" Kerry vs George W Bush and Dan Rather/Mary Mapes and the "Fake But Accurate" Texas Air National Guard documents that somebody named Lucy No Last Name shoved into the hands of Democratic activist during a Texas rodeo which was then forwarded to Rather/Mapes? Soros decided, based on the events of 2004, that leaving it to the media to trash whoever was the Republican nominee was too big a risk to take in 2008, especially with all the money he had riding on Barack Obama, to take the 2008 October surprise into his own hands after the little oil maneuver he had instigated earlier in the year started to blow up in his face.
Paid off handsomely for George, though. He went from being in the fifties of the worlds richest, with only fifteen billion in the bank, to being number eleven, with nineteen billion in the bank.
Its not what you know, but who you know. Sometime between when the dust settled after the 2008 election and the Obama coronation Georgie acquired a large stake in the Brazilian oil company Petrobras which was followed shortly by a Petrobras announcement of a large offshore oil find. After the Obama coronation, Obama went to Brazil to present them with a gift from the US taxpayer of two billion dollars and while reading off the teleprompter told the Brazilians "The US wanted to be their best customer". Something must have been lost of Mr Obama's eloquence while reading off the teleprompter in English and the translation into the native Brazilian Portugese, because the Brazilian almost immediately thanked Mr Obama and the United States taxpayer by giving them the one fingered salute and telling them "Naw, Thanks, but no thanks, we want to sell our oil to the Chicomms!"
While all this was going on, Georgie was busy selling his stake. It takes work to get from fifteen to nineteen billion in net worth, even if you have your male appendage up the US presidents rectum, all the time. "Payback isn't always a b!tch."
Obama may have gotten the patient flatlined but his death panels pulled the plug.

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