Bush had highest approval rating in history, GOP always hated Obama

now go kiss your mother with that filthy mouth...and go to hell

My mother - and father - survived a depression and world war her at home him in the pacific, raised five kids and made the evolution from Republican to independent in 1982. They are 90 and 87, sharper than most of the white trash motherfuckers posting here; in particular, you couldn't carry their slop bucket.


unfortunately, their slop post on this board..they have nothing to be proud of

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha!

If brains were dynamite not very many nutballs could blow their nose.
My mother - and father - survived a depression and world war her at home him in the pacific, raised five kids and made the evolution from Republican to independent in 1982. They are 90 and 87, sharper than most of the white trash motherfuckers posting here; in particular, you couldn't carry their slop bucket.


unfortunately, their slop post on this board..they have nothing to be proud of

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha!

If brains were dynamite not very many nutballs could blow their nose.

You are lucky you have neither.
My mother - and father - survived a depression and world war her at home him in the pacific, raised five kids and made the evolution from Republican to independent in 1982. They are 90 and 87, sharper than most of the white trash motherfuckers posting here; in particular, you couldn't carry their slop bucket.


unfortunately, their slop post on this board..they have nothing to be proud of

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha!

If brains were dynamite not very many nutballs could blow their nose.

don't quit your day job..funny or witty you are not though I'm sure you think so highly of yourself

see ya around slop, you are dismissed
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Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, not all the people worship and bow down for the Dear leader..


the hell that 48% of the people VOTED AGAINST him ( of course in the eye of Rdean, that means THEY HATE HIM) in the last election and their Representatives listen to what they have to say...Obama should be able to do any damn thing he wants still..


Republicans have told us from day one they wanted Obama to fail and their only goal was to make him a one term president. Do you deny that?

Bush had the highest approval rating in history. Do you deny that?

Something is making you cranky. Care to tell us what it is? Perhaps you could seek out some battery operated care that would improve your disposition?

Dean... Bush had a 90% rating BECAUSE of 9/11.....if that would have never happened the guy would have been lucky to hit 40%........
After 9-11, Democrats rallied around the flag and supported the president in anything he wanted to do to fight terrorism

With Obama there has been a consistent 35% that opposes the president no matter what he is trying to do. They couldn't even rally around the president when Osama bin laden was killed. Even if Obama proposes something that the right had previously supported, they will rally against it because it has Obamas name on it

except around 10% of our population RW....who were they?...
We have a lot of those 35% right here. Just look at the threads rw'ers bump here.

Meh, it was the whole "Obama got Bin Laden" thing from the left. Not "WE got him", not our "Military got him" but "obama got him" that got to me, and prevented me from rallying around him.

More mythology from the right. In his speech announcing the killing of bin Laden, Obama was very clear in acknowledging the role of the CIA and the military.

The right did everything in their power to make sure that Obama got zero credit.

Once again showing that the left rallied aroud Bush after 9-11 while the right wing will not even begrudgingly acknowledge an Obama success.....Rush Limbaugh will do that for you

the Far Right will never back Obama or any Democrat President RW.....no matter what.....just like the Far Left will never back a Republican President.....you know like the 10% who did not back Bush.....
President and the highest approval rating while they were in office:

44 Obama 69 (January 22, 2009)

43 Bush (G.W.) 90 (September 21, 2001)

United States presidential approval rating

Republicans on this board go on endlessly about how Bush was mistreated by Democrats and Liberals so of course, it's OK if they do the same to Obama. That's their logic. They are able to hide their racism behind that lie.

Bush had a 65 point drop in approval rating because of Iraq, the economy, the tax breaks for the super rich, corporate subsidies, what Bush did to the Justice Department, unfunded "No Child Left Behind", thousands of Americans dead, tens of thousands maimed for life, the millions of jobs moved to China, Halliburton making billions in Iraq, billions in Iraq disappearing, soldiers having old and rusty equipment, soldiers being killed by substandard housing Halliburton built in Iraq, the Americans who died AFTER Katrina, carcinogenic FEMA trailers, jokes about not finding WMD's, unprotected Christians dying in Iraq, Solyndra, letting Bin Laden go, the list is endless.

Obama had nothing to do with any of that. In fact he was handed that mess and Republicans didn't even feel shame. In fact, they saw it as a success.

Obama was handed a catastrophe and Republicans say he is worse than Bush and they have hated him and have wanted him to fail even before his inauguration. But of course, it has nothing to do with race.

When Bush had a 90% approval rating, he was obviously supported by many Democrats. The majority of Democrats in fact. Republicans never supported Obama on anything.

So kindly stop comparing the way the two men have been treated. It makes Republican look like morons. Something they seem to be entirely too used to.

Lie much?


Sorry, I know you can't help it.
President and the highest approval rating while they were in office:

44 Obama 69 (January 22, 2009)

43 Bush (G.W.) 90 (September 21, 2001)

United States presidential approval rating

Republicans on this board go on endlessly about how Bush was mistreated by Democrats and Liberals so of course, it's OK if they do the same to Obama. That's their logic. They are able to hide their racism behind that lie.

Bush had a 65 point drop in approval rating because of Iraq, the economy, the tax breaks for the super rich, corporate subsidies, what Bush did to the Justice Department, unfunded "No Child Left Behind", thousands of Americans dead, tens of thousands maimed for life, the millions of jobs moved to China, Halliburton making billions in Iraq, billions in Iraq disappearing, soldiers having old and rusty equipment, soldiers being killed by substandard housing Halliburton built in Iraq, the Americans who died AFTER Katrina, carcinogenic FEMA trailers, jokes about not finding WMD's, unprotected Christians dying in Iraq, Solyndra, letting Bin Laden go, the list is endless.

Obama had nothing to do with any of that. In fact he was handed that mess and Republicans didn't even feel shame. In fact, they saw it as a success.

Obama was handed a catastrophe and Republicans say he is worse than Bush and they have hated him and have wanted him to fail even before his inauguration. But of course, it has nothing to do with race.

When Bush had a 90% approval rating, he was obviously supported by many Democrats. The majority of Democrats in fact. Republicans never supported Obama on anything.

So kindly stop comparing the way the two men have been treated. It makes Republican look like morons. Something they seem to be entirely too used to.

Lie much?


Sorry, I know you can't help it.

So you post a chart that proves my point and then say I lied? I think you started out on stupid, went 180 degrees into retarded, kept going and then ended up back on stupid.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, not all the people worship and bow down for the Dear leader..


the hell that 48% of the people VOTED AGAINST him ( of course in the eye of Rdean, that means THEY HATE HIM) in the last election and their Representatives listen to what they have to say...Obama should be able to do any damn thing he wants still..


Republicans have told us from day one they wanted Obama to fail and their only goal was to make him a one term president. Do you deny that?

Bush had the highest approval rating in history. Do you deny that?

Something is making you cranky. Care to tell us what it is? Perhaps you could seek out some battery operated care that would improve your disposition?

Dean... Bush had a 90% rating BECAUSE of 9/11.....if that would have never happened the guy would have been lucky to hit 40%........

Every presidency has "events". That's the nature of a presidency. Bush handed Obama a failing economy and car industry, two wars, sky rocketing health care costs, depleted military, devastated manufacturing sector, messed up Justice Department and so on. And with Republicans plotting to destroy his presidency and fighting him every step of the way, he has made quite a few achievements in spite of their spite.

The bottom line is that Bush had a 90% approval rating. And as Quantum Windbag's chart proves, his approval rating spiked every time he tricked the country but dropped after the country realized it was being tricked. And each trick was less successful.

After 9/11, Bush had then entire world following him. Before he left office, many saw him as more dangerous than al Qaeda.

Bush has no legacy anyone would want to be connected with. The only thing he did that could be considered a legacy was "No Child Left Behind". But then Republicans turned that into an "unfunded mandate" which means they destroyed Bush's only positive legacy turning him into a complete failure and utter catastrophe for this country.

Some would say his AIDS work in Africa was a positive. First, it wasn't in this country. Second, anyone they gave aid to couldn't talk about condoms or family planning. Which means his policies probably did as much to spread the disease as to help the people who were getting infected.
That's a good point. Bush had the political capital at one point to do WHATEVER he wanted. And so he did. And it was awful... :(

Basically, yeah. Legislatively, Bush got almost everything he wanted.. He only failed to turn SSI into a public 401K, get immigration reform, and get Harriet Meirs on the Supreme court.

Conservative are basically complaining about media types..many of whom were run out of their jobs for criticizing Bush, like Bill Maher, Dan Rather and the Dixie Chicks.
Meh, it was the whole "Obama got Bin Laden" thing from the left. Not "WE got him", not our "Military got him" but "obama got him" that got to me, and prevented me from rallying around him.

More mythology from the right. In his speech announcing the killing of bin Laden, Obama was very clear in acknowledging the role of the CIA and the military.

The right did everything in their power to make sure that Obama got zero credit.

Once again showing that the left rallied aroud Bush after 9-11 while the right wing will not even begrudgingly acknowledge an Obama success.....Rush Limbaugh will do that for you

the Far Right will never back Obama or any Democrat President RW.....no matter what.....just like the Far Left will never back a Republican President.....you know like the 10% who did not back Bush.....

That's not the problem, Harry.

The problem is Republicans are electing legislators that refuse to legislate if the guy sitting in the White House isn't someone they like. That's not the case with Democrats.
That's a good point. Bush had the political capital at one point to do WHATEVER he wanted. And so he did. And it was awful... :(

Basically, yeah. Legislatively, Bush got almost everything he wanted.. He only failed to turn SSI into a public 401K, get immigration reform, and get Harriet Meirs on the Supreme court.

Conservative are basically complaining about media types..many of whom were run out of their jobs for criticizing Bush, like Bill Maher, Dan Rather and the Dixie Chicks.

Bush truly thought he was going to be charged with treason or war crimes. He was desperately trying to stack the Supreme Court. I believe that.

Obama wanted to bring the nation together and fix the GOP devastation. Little did he know they were just getting started.
Bush had highest approval rating in history, GOP always hated Obama

At least no USMB Republicans have seriously tried to dispute these two FACTS. It wouldn't be a serious dispute anyway. Even they know the GOP was plotting Obama's downfall before he was even sworn in. Now nasty is that. How hurtful to the country. How far did it set back race relations? How much did it expose the GOP's utter contempt and hatred of minorities?
Bush had highest approval rating in history, GOP always hated Obama

At least no USMB Republicans have seriously tried to dispute these two FACTS. It wouldn't be a serious dispute anyway. Even they know the GOP was plotting Obama's downfall before he was even sworn in. Now nasty is that. How hurtful to the country. How far did it set back race relations? How much did it expose the GOP's utter contempt and hatred of minorities?

That can't be repeated more often..because it's so unprecedented and very radical.
Bush had highest approval rating in history, GOP always hated Obama

At least no USMB Republicans have seriously tried to dispute these two FACTS. It wouldn't be a serious dispute anyway. Even they know the GOP was plotting Obama's downfall before he was even sworn in. Now nasty is that. How hurtful to the country. How far did it set back race relations? How much did it expose the GOP's utter contempt and hatred of minorities?

That can't be repeated more often..because it's so unprecedented and very radical.


The concept of "we will stop governing to defeat our opponent" is unprecidented and indefensible
More mythology from the right. In his speech announcing the killing of bin Laden, Obama was very clear in acknowledging the role of the CIA and the military.

The right did everything in their power to make sure that Obama got zero credit.

Once again showing that the left rallied aroud Bush after 9-11 while the right wing will not even begrudgingly acknowledge an Obama success.....Rush Limbaugh will do that for you

the Far Right will never back Obama or any Democrat President RW.....no matter what.....just like the Far Left will never back a Republican President.....you know like the 10% who did not back Bush.....

That's not the problem, Harry.

The problem is Republicans are electing legislators that refuse to legislate if the guy sitting in the White House isn't someone they like. That's not the case with Democrats.
i dont see the Democrats being any different.....

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