Bush Says Disgusted by Abuse of Iraqis, Vows to Act

by spilly:
*yawn* yeah, i guess donating blood, volunteering for my community on many levels, getting our companies to help out communities, not to mention pay taxes (18K last year) is the ENEMY? *someone* needs a reality check!

by jewettjim:

Well la-tee-da, glad to hear some libs like to prove they are do-gooders. Giving blood, etc...big fricking deal!! Giving aid and comfort to the enemy, like so many of you do....MAKE YOU THE ENEMY.

Have to agree with Jim,
I give blood every month. I give money to those who are hungry, gave a huge contribution percentage of my income to victims of 9/11. I give to United Way, and to church for missions. I give to my schools programs-over and above taxes. I give our gently worn clothes, and I have given old cars. Spilly seems to have paid nearly as much in taxes as I made last year. I have 3 children in college and am working on my master's. I teach full time.

Gee Spilly, did it occur to you that your 'do-gooding' may not be all that much?
Originally posted by spillmind
would rephrasing 'intel failure' as 'missed opportunities' help you with the parallel?

It wasn't intel failure nor was it a missed opportunity. It was a fuckup. He had the chance to have OBL transferred to US soil and turned down the opportunity. Regardless of his reasoning, it was a huge mistake. There is absolutely no defense to this. Not only isn't their a defense, but he's since lied several times to try and weasel out of his own taped statements.

why do you always act like you don't know what i'm talking about, and instead just pick apart sentences?

I know exactly what you were talking about. You tried to praise Clintons actions towards terrorism, while forgetting he made the mother of all fuckups in regards to the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. Would you prefer I quote your entire post and subsequently fill my reply with tons of smilies to be irritating like you? I replied to what I felt was necessary to reply to in order to discredit your post.
Originally posted by spillmind
you've joined the ranks of the fake token liberal moderator. congratulations.

and those ranks would be slamming the shit out of your idiotic notions and stupid beliefs that give us liberals a bad name you fucktard.

What was it? too much acid in the 60's or not enough? I have to tell ya, even though bully and psycho come up with some off the wall crap alot of the times they'd have to team up, grab a case of scotch, and a lb. of marijuana just to reach halfway with the moronic shit you post.

So, if killing a few German civilians or bombing a few German businesses had not been acceptable, I suppose we never should have liberated the world from Nazism, right? LMFAO

Oh, and if Clinton- especially compared to President Bush- fought tooth & nail against terror, I guess Hitler was fighting for the rights of Jews, huh?

Joss, I can't WAIT until the evening of November 2nd!
Well la-tee-da, glad to hear some libs like to prove they are do-gooders. Giving blood, etc...big fricking deal!! Giving aid and comfort to the enemy, like so many of you do....MAKE YOU THE ENEMY.
where am i giving aid and comfort to the enemy? pull your head out, man.

Have to agree with Jim,
big suprise there. too bad neither of you can pin me siding with the 'enemy' (whoever that may be), so spare embarrassing yourselves.

I give blood every month. I give money to those who are hungry, gave a huge contribution percentage of my income to victims of 9/11. I give to United Way, and to church for missions. I give to my schools programs-over and above taxes. I give our gently worn clothes, and I have given old cars. Spilly seems to have paid nearly as much in taxes as I made last year. I have 3 children in college and am working on my master's. I teach full time.
don't lie! YOU CAN'T DONATE EVERY MONTH! the SOONEST the blood bank will let you is 10 weeks! i'll bet that huge percentage of you 18K was probably exaggerated. i don't need to use my accomplishments a crutch- i was only defending ludicrous accusations that i am the 'enemy'. :laugh: what a joke.


I know exactly what you were talking about. You tried to praise Clintons actions towards terrorism, while forgetting he made the mother of all fuckups in regards to the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. Would you prefer I quote your entire post and subsequently fill my reply with tons of smilies to be irritating like you? I replied to what I felt was necessary to reply to in order to discredit your post.
you need to give up blaming clinton, dude. 9/11 happened on BUSH's watch, LIKE IT OR NOT. i didn't see capturing bin laden as being your priority #1 when you were living in pure elation about bush stealing the 2000 election, now didya? i rest my case.

and those ranks would be slamming the shit out of your idiotic notions and stupid beliefs that give us liberals a bad name you fucktard.

What was it? too much acid in the 60's or not enough? I have to tell ya, even though bully and psycho come up with some off the wall crap alot of the times they'd have to team up, grab a case of scotch, and a lb. of marijuana just to reach halfway with the moronic shit you post.
you're far from being able to call yourself a liberal. you're far too negative, childish in manner, and flat out an asshole. and i never call people names. so consider yourself special. you've killed your conscience long ago, and you're taking out your aggressions on others to quell your own internal struggle. keep the playground banter to yourself, and stay on topic, if you can manage.

So, if killing a few German civilians or bombing a few German businesses had not been acceptable, I suppose we never should have liberated the world from Nazism, right? LMFAO
i'm glad i brought some smiley sunshine to your life. too bad iraq is NOTHING like nazi germany.

Oh, and if Clinton- especially compared to President Bush- fought tooth & nail against terror, I guess Hitler was fighting for the rights of Jews, huh?
it would serve you well to pay attention to the earlier posts on this topic. i AGREED that both clinton and bush failed. i'm afraid you are still in denial...?? keep those blinders on buddy, life is good when you can't see the stuff you don't want to see. :laugh:

Joss, I can't WAIT until the evening of November 2nd!
you mean, you can't wait for the US to magically find bin laden in october 2004? if they do, and you still vote for bush, i'll be embarassed for all of us.

it's always fun to go up against all these feel good back slappers! (about as much fun as banging my head against a wall) i'll bet half of you have never even travelled outside the states. :laugh: (total coincidence)
Well said, DK :clap: :clap:
... :confused: you said you are a mother of three and a full time teacher working on her master's? and you support this kind of childish insulting and just plain garbage slinging? i feel sorry for your kids. what a role model. sheesh!
you said you are a mother of three and a full time teacher working on her master's? and you support this kind of childish insulting and just plain garbage slinging? i feel sorry for your kids. what a role model. sheesh!

Sorry Spilly, you have been splicing and dicing too long-I give blood when Lifesource contacts me, be it 10 weeks or whatever-I'm a bit busy with the above to pay all that strict attention.

Normally I don't go for nastiness, but you just beg for it, like the above. Slamming a mom and student and teacher.

I feel sorry for my kids, but not because of me, but rather their father was the same kind of bully you come off as. They are succeeding in spite of him. I hope if you have children, the same can be said.
Originally posted by spillmind
you're far from being able to call yourself a liberal. you're far too negative, childish in manner, and flat out an asshole. and i never call people names. so consider yourself special. you've killed your conscience long ago, and you're taking out your aggressions on others to quell your own internal struggle. keep the playground banter to yourself, and stay on topic, if you can manage.

why is that spilly? because I don't post bullshit and rattle off inane pointless comments bashing bush while hiding the fact that I hate him and all republicans? Or would it be because I don't back you up consistently, no matter how far-fetched the idiotic statements you make when trying to point out ANYTHING against a non-democratic politician?

If you choose to stay to the extreme left and make yourself even more stupid, by all means, go right ahead, however, doing so will only make you and the rest of your extremists even more despised. If you'll remember, I slammed your fucktard idiocy for not comprehending posts and losing sight of who's trying to back you, namely me even though you were throwing shit at anything hoping it would stick, and even being TOLD to re-read so you didn't miss anything and all you could do is whine like a little child. begone you simple minded little fool
Originally posted by spillmind

you need to give up blaming clinton, dude. 9/11 happened on BUSH's watch, LIKE IT OR NOT. i didn't see capturing bin laden as being your priority #1 when you were living in pure elation about bush stealing the 2000 election, now didya? i rest my case.

If you rest your case the judge would have dismissed your case for lack of evidence and recommended charges be brought against you for a frivilous suit.

I never blamed Clinton for 9/11, I merely pointed out that he fucked up big time. I said this in regards to your statement about how much he did to fight terrorism during his presidency. He allowed the mastermind to roam free while he had a chance to reign him in. Does this make him responsible for the attacks? Absolutely not. But don't come here blowing your shit smelling smoke as if he was the end all against terrorism and Bush was in any way responsible for what radical muslims did.

Bush stole the election? It's ridiculous statements like this that make you look foolish. Every recount went in Bush's favor, including every independent recount. Would you really like to get into the 2000 election specifics so I can make you look even more foolish than you already do?

Your neverending conspiracy theories make you look childish. Your amateur rants only lower what little credibility you have left.
"oooooh, OK! carpet bombing, dropping cluster bombs are OK, but this isn't??? GIVE ME A FREAKING BREAK. the cognitive dissonance of this administration has reached an all time high on the hypocrisy meter. how you bushies can stomach it is ASTOUNDING."

I guess you had to wait to see what GW was going to do so that you would know what to criticize. No doubt you had a diatribe prepared regardless of the action he took. If he defended or minimized the treatment of these prisoners, you would have been screeching that the administration is responsible for more "war crimes".

Since the president condemned the actions, you now get all sanctimonious and call him a hypocrite. You're a real laugh riot.

And save yourself the trouble of some stupid statements such as "oh, so now you're a mind reader". No I'm not. It's just that your type is so predictable and transparent.
Why is everyone still posting. Spill admitted defeat. So lets let him squirm into the shadows to only to reappear in a few months.
Originally posted by spillmind
... :confused: you said you are a mother of three and a full time teacher working on her master's? and you support this kind of childish insulting and just plain garbage slinging? i feel sorry for your kids. what a role model. sheesh!

Jesus, Spilly, all she did was agree with someone, and you're going to slam her for that and bring her children into the picture? C'mon man, I know you're better than that. We both have a history of throwing the sarcasm and insults around, and I'm man enough to admit I started plenty of it - but some things just cross the line. Whether you agree with her or not, she's a lady and deserves a bit of respect.

But don't come here blowing your shit smelling smoke as if he was the end all against terrorism and Bush was in any way responsible for what radical muslims did.
i'd like you to point out where i said clinton or bush are totally innocent of not taking the terror threat seriously enough. in fact, i agreed on this very thread that BOTH didn't take it seriously enough until AFTER 9/11. and 9/11 DID happen on Bush's watch. i would be questioning clinton's tactics had it happened on his watch. period. end of story.
Your neverending conspiracy theories make you look childish. Your amateur rants only lower what little credibility you have left.
oh and DK maintains his credibility? more hypocrisy... it never ends! :rolleyes:

losing sight of who's trying to back you
your false compassion is merely that. i don't trust you or any other two faced posers. your hatred is belongs only to you. don't drop it on my doorstep.

You tell em DK !!!
bushie backslappers step up everytime! :laugh: (how original!)


I feel sorry for my kids, but not because of me, but rather their father was the same kind of bully you come off as. They are succeeding in spite of him. I hope if you have children, the same can be said.
you went for nastiness the moment you applauded the (typically) playground meaningless rant. you spoke for yourself. so sue me for pointing out the obvious.
i'm not a bully. i call things as i see them. i never knew my biological father, and my first step father beat me and my mother for the first 13 years of my life. i've overcome all of this, and will be totally devoted to my chlidren, and i will NEVER use them or my PAST as a crutch. while i don't agree with the way you see things or maybe the views you impose on your kids, i do respect you raising them and trying to better yourself and their lives.

NT: (your alias is a bit too obvious)

I guess you had to wait to see what GW was going to do so that you would know what to criticize. No doubt you had a diatribe prepared regardless of the action he took. If he defended or minimized the treatment of these prisoners, you would have been screeching that the administration is responsible for more "war crimes".
GW doesn't make decisions. cheney holds his hand through everything. the war decision was flawed from day one. while i agree saddam had to go, big deal, i can name a dozen more that have to go. complete lack of consistency aside, i pull for the people of iraq and our troops far more than i support the policies of a lobbied puppet that never even had to be in the middle of a killing field, yet maintains the stay of the commission on it- with poor tactics, and no endgame.
Since the president condemned the actions, you now get all sanctimonious and call him a hypocrite. You're a real laugh riot.
it's hilarious because human life, let alone dignity is a casualty of his war, yet he acts like he cares about these muslim iraqis. i'll bet he thinks they are going to hell anyway. it's all a ridiculous front that only you people buy.

And save yourself the trouble of some stupid statements such as "oh, so now you're a mind reader". No I'm not. It's just that your type is so predictable and transparent.
huh :confused:
Why is everyone still posting. Spill admitted defeat. So lets let him squirm into the shadows to only to reappear in a few months.
did you finish all your cheesy poofs? now how about backing up your ridiculous assertions? thought not.

and people think *i* have comprehension issues :laugh:
Jesus, Spilly, all she did was agree with someone, and you're going to slam her for that and bring her children into the picture? C'mon man, I know you're better than that. We both have a history of throwing the sarcasm and insults around, and I'm man enough to admit I started plenty of it - but some things just cross the line. Whether you agree with her or not, she's a lady and deserves a bit of respect.
i can admit i'm not innocent of any insulting or acting less than my age at times out of emotion. it's incredible she can do all that on that kind of income. my mom had to raise four kids on only her income, and i had to help pay rent all through high school. she would cry at night because we were so broke. but dude, she APPLAUDED that freaking cursing nonsensical rant! all on partisanship! what do you respect? we are all equal here.
Spilly, thank you for the good things you said. You however forgot that I originally responded to your post of long ago. You never answered that, but went after my later post. Ah well, we all have our off days.
Originally posted by spillmind

i'd like you to point out where i said clinton or bush are totally innocent of not taking the terror threat seriously enough. in fact, i agreed on this very thread that BOTH didn't take it seriously enough until AFTER 9/11. and 9/11 DID happen on Bush's watch. i would be questioning clinton's tactics had it happened on his watch. period. end of story. oh and DK maintains his credibility? more hypocrisy... it never ends! :rolleyes:

I didn't say you did or didn't. You stated about how much Clinton did to fight terrorism and asked if you should provide links. I asked you to provide a link to where he allowed OBL to roam free after Sudan offered him on a silver platter. Rather than discuss what happened during Clinton's tenure and stay on topic, you tried to turn it around and bring Bush into the discussion. I never claimed either couldn't have possibly done more to prevent terrorism and/or attacks on our soil. I was merely pointing out that there is a helluva lot more to this than 'it happened on Bush's watch'. There was a progression of events and lack of proper organization that lead to 9/11 that has been brewing for 15 years, if not longer. To try and lay the majority of blame on Bush because he was the residing president is lame. To throw in the 2000 election out of nowhere and claim it was stolen was even lamer. In other words, you tried to use obfuscation to get out of what I originally asked. My comments were just a rebuttal to your claims about what Clinton did to fight terrorism.

And now you want to obfuscate issues more by bringing DK into the discussion for no good reason other than to direct attention away from yourself. I've seen DK rip Bush when he felt he did something wrong. I've seen him rip Kerry. I've seen him rip Dean. I've seen him praise all the above when it was deserved. He's a self proclaimed liberal who looks at each individual issue impartially and makes sound judgements. He's been a damn good poster in the political section of this board from day one. He contributes to every other aspect of the board as well and is now one of the most respected members on the board. That's the reason he was made a moderator. Instead of trying to drag him into the conversation you should be sitting back and taking notes on how he handles himself.
Originally posted by spillmind
i can admit i'm not innocent of any insulting or acting less than my age at times out of emotion. it's incredible she can do all that on that kind of income. my mom had to raise four kids on only her income, and i had to help pay rent all through high school. she would cry at night because we were so broke. but dude, she APPLAUDED that freaking cursing nonsensical rant! all on partisanship! what do you respect? we are all equal here.

I'm not claiming innocence for anyone, including myself. I just think there's better ways to tell her how you feel than bringing her children into the issue.

All I'm saying is that I think you're above that and you're only asking for others to gang up on you. I can handle what 'I' think are your conspiracies. I can handle insults when I deserve them. I can handle the sarcasm. Hell, I can handle you giving a lady an earful when she deserves it, but I just think there are better ways of doing so.

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