Bush wasn't a very good president BUT

Well, Grampa, I agree with all of this:

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

It's sad that you had to end the post the way you did.

I don't give a damn what 'historians" say, Pres Bush 43 will go down in history as a good man who didn't spend his entire term campaigning. My only problem at this time is his reluctance to speak up about the corruption in Washington and the failure of the GOP to deal with it - and its own stupid problems.

To me, the hate from the left for this honorable man only signals just how good he was.

And, to even try to compare him to that idiot Peanut Farmer is hilarious. :cuckoo:
Lets also remember that Before Obama could say ONE WORD as President the right already were dividing by claiming Obama got swore in on the Koran.

Oh, but they just hate Obama for his policies and his divisiveness...before he could propose one policy or speak.

"The right"? No... You had some whackos or attention seekers saying that crap...

Just like the whackos who tried the "Bush lied, people died" and "AWOL Bush" bullshit
Shift goal posts again, why don't ya??

The message when taken in context was indeed CLEAR.... and ones like YOU take it purposely OUR OF CONTEXT to put your own goddamn spin on it...

You have been exposed as a misleading liar once again

No shifting of goal posts here. Bush made it clear what he meant with his ACTIONS.

You're either with us or against us. -- George W. Bush

Today's America is a much less free place than the America of 2000. Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, the Bush administration has, by word and by deed, erected an edifice of repression here in the United States.

We've been living in it ever since. And it's not a comfortable place. The government is monitoring your phone calls and can read your e-mails and open your snail mail.

The government can access records of your large financial transactions, such as buying a house.

Law enforcement officers can bust into your home when you're not there, riffle through your belongings, plant a recording device on your computer, and leave without notifying you for at least thirty days -- and maybe a lot more.

You no longer have the right to protest where the president or vice president can see you, or at major public events when they aren't even present.

Law enforcement officers can now monitor you in public if you are merely exercising your political rights.

They can infiltrate your political organizations.

And they can keep track of you at your place of worship. The government can find out from bookstores and libraries the material you've been reading, and the bookstore owner and the librarian can't talk about it, except to their lawyers, for a whole year -- or more.

The government can hold you in preventive detention for months on end as a "material witness."

If you're not a citizen the government can deport you on a technicality or for mere political association.

If you're not a citizen the government can label you an "enemy combatant" and send you to secret prisons around the world, where you may never see the light of day again -- much less a lawyer or a judge. And even if you are a citizen, the government can label you an enemy combatant and hold you in solitary confinement here in the United States.

Under George W. Bush's interpretation of the president's powers during the so-called war on terror he can do just about whatever he wants. He cites the Authorization for Use of Military Force bill, which Congress passed on September 18, 2001, as the justification for this enormous leeway.

"Congress gave me the authority to use necessary force to protect the American people, but it didn't prescribe the tactics,"Bush said in a speech at Kansas State University on January 23, 2006. Those tactics, he presumes, are totally up to him. Under this rationale Bush could send F-16s to attack a residential area in, say, Indianapolis if he thought Al Qaeda suspects were there.

You Have No Rights: Stories of America in an Age of Repression

No... YOU put a spin on actions with subjective OPINIONS about necessity, 'lies' etc..

YOU and OTHERS used a MISQUOTE OUT OF CONTEXT to portray something.. once you got caught, AGAIN, in your misdirection and lie, you SHIFTED THE GOAL POSTS

There is no misquote. I, like many other Americans didn't take it as a benign proclamation. And what followed reinforced our concerns.

I have to laugh when one of you right wing turds mentions 'context'. The right has started a war on Obama and Democrats using out of context material.
Lets also remember that Before Obama could say ONE WORD as President the right already were dividing by claiming Obama got swore in on the Koran.

Oh, but they just hate Obama for his policies and his divisiveness...before he could propose one policy or speak.

"The right"? No... You had some whackos or attention seekers saying that crap...

Just like the whackos who tried the "Bush lied, people died" and "AWOL Bush" bullshit

CC has a real butthurt going this thread that is about Bush..
what a whiner
Lets also remember that Before Obama could say ONE WORD as President the right already were dividing by claiming Obama got swore in on the Koran.

Oh, but they just hate Obama for his policies and his divisiveness...before he could propose one policy or speak.

"The right"? No... You had some whackos or attention seekers saying that crap...

Just like the whackos who tried the "Bush lied, people died" and "AWOL Bush" bullshit

Yeah like I said...On the right. Muslim, Birth Cert, Kenyan etc etc all pushed by those on the right and instead of speaking up you guy encouraged them
Lets also remember that Before Obama could say ONE WORD as President the right already were dividing by claiming Obama got swore in on the Koran.

Oh, but they just hate Obama for his policies and his divisiveness...before he could propose one policy or speak.

"The right"? No... You had some whackos or attention seekers saying that crap...

Just like the whackos who tried the "Bush lied, people died" and "AWOL Bush" bullshit

Yeah like I said...On the right. Muslim, Birth Cert, Kenyan etc etc all pushed by those on the right and instead of speaking up you guy encouraged them

oh stop whining.. did you LIBERALS go and drag Sheehan and code pinkcos off the Bush's property? see we can play this game all day

give us a break trying to lump everyone into the things you're whining about
Lets also remember that Before Obama could say ONE WORD as President the right already were dividing by claiming Obama got swore in on the Koran.

Oh, but they just hate Obama for his policies and his divisiveness...before he could propose one policy or speak.

"The right"? No... You had some whackos or attention seekers saying that crap...

Just like the whackos who tried the "Bush lied, people died" and "AWOL Bush" bullshit

Yeah like I said...On the right. Muslim, Birth Cert, Kenyan etc etc all pushed by those on the right and instead of speaking up you guy encouraged them

No.. you did not say ON the right.. you said the right, in a feeble attempt to lump it all together in your misleading manner.. par for the course for you
Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground

I agree for the most part.

Bush wasn't a good President because he had a chance to declare war on Islam, instead he said it was a "religion of peace" and believed Muslims would accept 'democracy', hence the nation building bullshit.

Other than that, yes he was straight forward and didn't give a flying flip about the media.

Its pretty funny watching these lapdog liberals cover Obama's ass when they accused Bush of "cronyism".
Hey Steph, why do you have a problem with military personnel holding an umbrella for their Commander in Chief?
"The right"? No... You had some whackos or attention seekers saying that crap...

Just like the whackos who tried the "Bush lied, people died" and "AWOL Bush" bullshit

Yeah like I said...On the right. Muslim, Birth Cert, Kenyan etc etc all pushed by those on the right and instead of speaking up you guy encouraged them

No.. you did not say ON the right.. you said the right, in a feeble attempt to lump it all together in your misleading manner.. par for the course for you

Ok THE RIGHT jackass...what of it? If you believe that means everyone then go cry about it.

Lets also remember that Before Obama could say ONE WORD as President the right already were dividing by claiming Obama got swore in on the Koran.

Oh, but they just hate Obama for his policies and his divisiveness...before he could propose one policy or speak.

"The right"? No... You had some whackos or attention seekers saying that crap...

Just like the whackos who tried the "Bush lied, people died" and "AWOL Bush" bullshit

Like the GOP's VP candidate?
Lets also remember that Before Obama could say ONE WORD as President the right already were dividing by claiming Obama got swore in on the Koran.

Oh, but they just hate Obama for his policies and his divisiveness...before he could propose one policy or speak.

"The right"? No... You had some whackos or attention seekers saying that crap...

Just like the whackos who tried the "Bush lied, people died" and "AWOL Bush" bullshit

Like the GOP's VP candidate?

Not that I was a supporter of the GOP ticket in the last election.. but I did not hear anything of the sort from Ryan.. got a credible link to back that up??
Yeah like I said...On the right. Muslim, Birth Cert, Kenyan etc etc all pushed by those on the right and instead of speaking up you guy encouraged them

No.. you did not say ON the right.. you said the right, in a feeble attempt to lump it all together in your misleading manner.. par for the course for you

Ok THE RIGHT jackass...what of it? If you believe that means everyone then go cry about it.


Uh huh.. quite CLEAR what you were getting at because of your history in prior posts... you generalize and mislead.. CONTINUALLY
Lets also remember that Before Obama could say ONE WORD as President the right already were dividing by claiming Obama got swore in on the Koran.

Oh, but they just hate Obama for his policies and his divisiveness...before he could propose one policy or speak.

"The right"? No... You had some whackos or attention seekers saying that crap...

Just like the whackos who tried the "Bush lied, people died" and "AWOL Bush" bullshit

Like the GOP's VP candidate?

no, like that buffoon who is VP now
No.. you did not say ON the right.. you said the right, in a feeble attempt to lump it all together in your misleading manner.. par for the course for you

Ok THE RIGHT jackass...what of it? If you believe that means everyone then go cry about it.


Uh huh.. quite CLEAR what you were getting at because of your history in prior posts... you generalize and mislead.. CONTINUALLY

Great enough about me. What about the Repubs and the Birth Cert, Repubs and the Koran Swearing...All that before Obama said ONE WORD as president but you blame Obama for dividing

And every post you make sure to stay focused on me and not the topic. Every post is you correcting someones grammer or personal opinions on the person.

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” - You little Alinsky you
Despite balooning spending and totally fucking up the wars with his nation building bullshit at least he was

Straight forward
Didn't whine about the media
Didn't intentionally try to divide the people
Stood on principle and didn't change his mind for elections
Didn't have THE MOST CORRUPT administration
Didn't cower in the face of terrorism

Bush and Obama have been a disaster for our nation. ESPECIALLY Obama.

At this point I wish we had Slick Willie back, at least he would try to meet on common ground

Bush did not have to follow Bush. End of story.
Ok THE RIGHT jackass...what of it? If you believe that means everyone then go cry about it.


Uh huh.. quite CLEAR what you were getting at because of your history in prior posts... you generalize and mislead.. CONTINUALLY

Great enough about me. What about the Repubs and the Birth Cert, Repubs and the Koran Swearing...All that before Obama said ONE WORD as president but you blame Obama for dividing

And every post you make sure to stay focused on me and not the topic. Every post is you correcting someones grammer or personal opinions on the person.

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” - You little Alinsky you

this thread is about BUSH..stop hijacking it with your silly whining about Obama...go start a new thread if you are so butthurt over all those things..
Uh huh.. quite CLEAR what you were getting at because of your history in prior posts... you generalize and mislead.. CONTINUALLY

Great enough about me. What about the Repubs and the Birth Cert, Repubs and the Koran Swearing...All that before Obama said ONE WORD as president but you blame Obama for dividing

And every post you make sure to stay focused on me and not the topic. Every post is you correcting someones grammer or personal opinions on the person.

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” - You little Alinsky you

this thread is about BUSH..stop hijacking it with your silly whining about Obama...go start a new thread if you are so butthurt over all those things..

This Thread is about Bush?

agree, it would of been nice if Obama could of learned to pronounce corpsmen..but he read it off the teleprompter as corps-men..that was a sad sad day and tells a lot

Yeah *burp* important stuff!! eh derp..

you fucking right that IS important, he is their commander in chief..
it was a disgrace and and embarrassing... that's when I stopped watching this LAZY person who is our President

Who's this thread about again, Obama...No Bush, right?
Great enough about me. What about the Repubs and the Birth Cert, Repubs and the Koran Swearing...All that before Obama said ONE WORD as president but you blame Obama for dividing

And every post you make sure to stay focused on me and not the topic. Every post is you correcting someones grammer or personal opinions on the person.

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” - You little Alinsky you

this thread is about BUSH..stop hijacking it with your silly whining about Obama...go start a new thread if you are so butthurt over all those things..

This Thread is about Bush?

Yeah *burp* important stuff!! eh derp..

you fucking right that IS important, he is their commander in chief..
it was a disgrace and and embarrassing... that's when I stopped watching this LAZY person who is our President

Who's this thread about again, Obama...No Bush, right?

I made one post about Obama because we were talking about Bush and the military and here your are...you really are child..grow up
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He wasn't a good President and there is no "but."

Sure there is. You are wrong.

W was an ok President, in reality. He made mistakes and had some flaws, but he was dishonestly maligned by the so-called "journalists" of the day who tried endlessly to pawn off their biased liberal opinions as "facts." He was vastly superior to the incumbent.

Obama is an absolute unmitigated disaster. He's a rolling clusterfuck of endless fail.

I hope we can survive it

who's this thread about Steph? Because you should take your own advice

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