Bush wasn't a very good president BUT

Didn't intentionally try to divide the people? The man flat out said you're either with us or you're against us. He was about as divisive as they come.

Another idiot refuses to use the whole quote in context

Another idiot who cries for context while not providing it himself or explaining why the context would change anything.

Diamond Dave must be one of those "28%ers" who think Bush did a heck of a job.
It's pointless to have this convo here. Conservative and true independents will talk about what Bush did right and wrong. Meanwhile, the Obama worshiping libtards are gonna come talking their nonsense and get people on the defense when nobody is saying how great Bush is. But if we have to put him relative to Obama then we might as well sing the focker's praises.
Are we a 'nation'?

Jesus Christ.. he was speaking to the other countries/religions.. if you cannot get that, you are more retarded than previously thought

Sure, sure...an awful lot of citizens got the message. That's why Bush greatly expanded 'Free Speech Zones'. Were you living under a rock for 8 years, or masturbating to Bush's picture every night?

Shift goal posts again, why don't ya??

The message when taken in context was indeed CLEAR.... and ones like YOU take it purposely OUR OF CONTEXT to put your own goddamn spin on it...

You have been exposed as a misleading liar once again
Bush respected the military and he gave credit to the military members where credit was due, made a point of being at military graduations and along with his family supported them as much as possible

Obama is toilet paper in comparison..

Sending the military off to fight and die in an unnecessary war(Iraq) is the highest level of disrespect one can have for them.
Bush respected the military and he gave credit to the military members where credit was due, made a point of being at military graduations and along with his family supported them as much as possible

Obama is toilet paper in comparison..

Sending the military off to fight and die in an unnecessary war(Iraq) is the highest level of disrespect one can have for them.

well? we should just have them sweeping parks and streets? and holding umbrellas Dear Leader's? they know what they are signing up for..
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Bush respected the military and he gave credit to the military members where credit was due, made a point of being at military graduations and along with his family supported them as much as possible

Obama is toilet paper in comparison..

Sending the military off to fight and die in an unnecessary war(Iraq) is the highest level of disrespect one can have for them.

well? we should just have them sweeping parks and streets? and holding umbrellas Dear Leader's? they know what they are signing up for..

You turds just can swallow that military personnel held an umbrella for THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY. Why?
Sending the military off to fight and die in an unnecessary war(Iraq) is the highest level of disrespect one can have for them.

well? we should just have them sweeping parks and streets? and holding umbrellas Dear Leader's? they know what they are signing up for..

You turds just can swallow that military personnel held an umbrella for THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY. Why?

Jesus Christ.. he was speaking to the other countries/religions.. if you cannot get that, you are more retarded than previously thought

Sure, sure...an awful lot of citizens got the message. That's why Bush greatly expanded 'Free Speech Zones'. Were you living under a rock for 8 years, or masturbating to Bush's picture every night?

Shift goal posts again, why don't ya??

The message when taken in context was indeed CLEAR.... and ones like YOU take it purposely OUR OF CONTEXT to put your own goddamn spin on it...

You have been exposed as a misleading liar once again

No shifting of goal posts here. Bush made it clear what he meant with his ACTIONS.

You're either with us or against us. -- George W. Bush

Today's America is a much less free place than the America of 2000. Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, the Bush administration has, by word and by deed, erected an edifice of repression here in the United States.

We've been living in it ever since. And it's not a comfortable place. The government is monitoring your phone calls and can read your e-mails and open your snail mail.

The government can access records of your large financial transactions, such as buying a house.

Law enforcement officers can bust into your home when you're not there, riffle through your belongings, plant a recording device on your computer, and leave without notifying you for at least thirty days -- and maybe a lot more.

You no longer have the right to protest where the president or vice president can see you, or at major public events when they aren't even present.

Law enforcement officers can now monitor you in public if you are merely exercising your political rights.

They can infiltrate your political organizations.

And they can keep track of you at your place of worship. The government can find out from bookstores and libraries the material you've been reading, and the bookstore owner and the librarian can't talk about it, except to their lawyers, for a whole year -- or more.

The government can hold you in preventive detention for months on end as a "material witness."

If you're not a citizen the government can deport you on a technicality or for mere political association.

If you're not a citizen the government can label you an "enemy combatant" and send you to secret prisons around the world, where you may never see the light of day again -- much less a lawyer or a judge. And even if you are a citizen, the government can label you an enemy combatant and hold you in solitary confinement here in the United States.

Under George W. Bush's interpretation of the president's powers during the so-called war on terror he can do just about whatever he wants. He cites the Authorization for Use of Military Force bill, which Congress passed on September 18, 2001, as the justification for this enormous leeway.

"Congress gave me the authority to use necessary force to protect the American people, but it didn't prescribe the tactics,"Bush said in a speech at Kansas State University on January 23, 2006. Those tactics, he presumes, are totally up to him. Under this rationale Bush could send F-16s to attack a residential area in, say, Indianapolis if he thought Al Qaeda suspects were there.

You Have No Rights: Stories of America in an Age of Repression
I dunno. Lying about Womd, and planting stories via Judith Miller and attempting to paint those who opposed a baseless and insane war as terrorist sympathizers doesn't exactly endear the guy to me. I got issues with Obama, but bushii was enough bush even for me. (-:
Thank you! Bush attacked the average citizen for disagreeing with his policies from the start. It was you're either with us or against us. People were very fearful, including many in the media, especially the media, as they are nothing but a bunch of cowards anyway. He bullied them when we needed them to hold his feet to the fire. It was a total and complete failure from top to bottom. I haven't forgiven the Corproate Media for what they did and allowed Bush to get away with. I don't think I ever will.

Remember "free speech zones?" That was for people who even wore T-SHIRTS that Shrub'n'Co didn't like.

The Constitution be damned.

It was the WORST.

Marc Bush did suck..... but Obama has alienated half the Country with some of the things he has said.....so maybe they both are not very good at talking to the opposition.....in my opinion they both have piss poor leadership skills....

Baloney, the opposition alienated themselves during the 2008 campaign and they continued to alienate themselves after they lost the election too. They were bound and determined to make him a one term president through obstructionist tactics that continue to this day.
well? we should just have them sweeping parks and streets? and holding umbrellas Dear Leader's? they know what they are signing up for..

You turds just can swallow that military personnel held an umbrella for THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY. Why?


lol is not an answer, it is an emote. WHY do you have a problem with military personnel holding an umbrella for their Commander in Chief?
Sure, sure...an awful lot of citizens got the message. That's why Bush greatly expanded 'Free Speech Zones'. Were you living under a rock for 8 years, or masturbating to Bush's picture every night?

Shift goal posts again, why don't ya??

The message when taken in context was indeed CLEAR.... and ones like YOU take it purposely OUR OF CONTEXT to put your own goddamn spin on it...

You have been exposed as a misleading liar once again

No shifting of goal posts here. Bush made it clear what he meant with his ACTIONS.

You're either with us or against us. -- George W. Bush

Today's America is a much less free place than the America of 2000. Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, the Bush administration has, by word and by deed, erected an edifice of repression here in the United States.

We've been living in it ever since. And it's not a comfortable place. The government is monitoring your phone calls and can read your e-mails and open your snail mail.

The government can access records of your large financial transactions, such as buying a house.

Law enforcement officers can bust into your home when you're not there, riffle through your belongings, plant a recording device on your computer, and leave without notifying you for at least thirty days -- and maybe a lot more.

You no longer have the right to protest where the president or vice president can see you, or at major public events when they aren't even present.

Law enforcement officers can now monitor you in public if you are merely exercising your political rights.

They can infiltrate your political organizations.

And they can keep track of you at your place of worship. The government can find out from bookstores and libraries the material you've been reading, and the bookstore owner and the librarian can't talk about it, except to their lawyers, for a whole year -- or more.

The government can hold you in preventive detention for months on end as a "material witness."

If you're not a citizen the government can deport you on a technicality or for mere political association.

If you're not a citizen the government can label you an "enemy combatant" and send you to secret prisons around the world, where you may never see the light of day again -- much less a lawyer or a judge. And even if you are a citizen, the government can label you an enemy combatant and hold you in solitary confinement here in the United States.

Under George W. Bush's interpretation of the president's powers during the so-called war on terror he can do just about whatever he wants. He cites the Authorization for Use of Military Force bill, which Congress passed on September 18, 2001, as the justification for this enormous leeway.

"Congress gave me the authority to use necessary force to protect the American people, but it didn't prescribe the tactics,"Bush said in a speech at Kansas State University on January 23, 2006. Those tactics, he presumes, are totally up to him. Under this rationale Bush could send F-16s to attack a residential area in, say, Indianapolis if he thought Al Qaeda suspects were there.

You Have No Rights: Stories of America in an Age of Repression

"I'm very liberal and sometimes my friends say I'm giving them some kind of paranoid, nutty stuff, and I agree, but then the FBI show up."—Marc Schultz, reported to the FBI for reading an article called "Weapons of Mass Stupidity: Fox News hits a new lowest common denominator" while he stood in line at a coffee shop

we heard this a lot under Bush but how funny under Obama all is quiet
I'd be interested to know what they think today under the Dear leader...guess we'll never know huh? a book promotion BF?
Last edited:
Shift goal posts again, why don't ya??

The message when taken in context was indeed CLEAR.... and ones like YOU take it purposely OUR OF CONTEXT to put your own goddamn spin on it...

You have been exposed as a misleading liar once again

No shifting of goal posts here. Bush made it clear what he meant with his ACTIONS.

You're either with us or against us. -- George W. Bush

Today's America is a much less free place than the America of 2000. Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, the Bush administration has, by word and by deed, erected an edifice of repression here in the United States.

We've been living in it ever since. And it's not a comfortable place. The government is monitoring your phone calls and can read your e-mails and open your snail mail.

The government can access records of your large financial transactions, such as buying a house.

Law enforcement officers can bust into your home when you're not there, riffle through your belongings, plant a recording device on your computer, and leave without notifying you for at least thirty days -- and maybe a lot more.

You no longer have the right to protest where the president or vice president can see you, or at major public events when they aren't even present.

Law enforcement officers can now monitor you in public if you are merely exercising your political rights.

They can infiltrate your political organizations.

And they can keep track of you at your place of worship. The government can find out from bookstores and libraries the material you've been reading, and the bookstore owner and the librarian can't talk about it, except to their lawyers, for a whole year -- or more.

The government can hold you in preventive detention for months on end as a "material witness."

If you're not a citizen the government can deport you on a technicality or for mere political association.

If you're not a citizen the government can label you an "enemy combatant" and send you to secret prisons around the world, where you may never see the light of day again -- much less a lawyer or a judge. And even if you are a citizen, the government can label you an enemy combatant and hold you in solitary confinement here in the United States.

Under George W. Bush's interpretation of the president's powers during the so-called war on terror he can do just about whatever he wants. He cites the Authorization for Use of Military Force bill, which Congress passed on September 18, 2001, as the justification for this enormous leeway.

"Congress gave me the authority to use necessary force to protect the American people, but it didn't prescribe the tactics,"Bush said in a speech at Kansas State University on January 23, 2006. Those tactics, he presumes, are totally up to him. Under this rationale Bush could send F-16s to attack a residential area in, say, Indianapolis if he thought Al Qaeda suspects were there.

You Have No Rights: Stories of America in an Age of Repression

"I'm very liberal and sometimes my friends say I'm giving them some kind of paranoid, nutty stuff, and I agree, but then the FBI show up."—Marc Schultz, reported to the FBI for reading an article called "Weapons of Mass Stupidity: Fox News hits a new lowest common denominator" while he stood in line at a coffee shop

we heard this a lot under Bush but how funny under Obama all is quiet
I'd be interested to know what they think today under the Dear leader...guess we'll never know huh? a book promotion BF?

An excerpt from that book.

Hey Steph, why do you have a problem with military personnel holding an umbrella for their Commander in Chief?
Sure, sure...an awful lot of citizens got the message. That's why Bush greatly expanded 'Free Speech Zones'. Were you living under a rock for 8 years, or masturbating to Bush's picture every night?

Shift goal posts again, why don't ya??

The message when taken in context was indeed CLEAR.... and ones like YOU take it purposely OUR OF CONTEXT to put your own goddamn spin on it...

You have been exposed as a misleading liar once again

No shifting of goal posts here. Bush made it clear what he meant with his ACTIONS.

You're either with us or against us. -- George W. Bush

Today's America is a much less free place than the America of 2000. Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, the Bush administration has, by word and by deed, erected an edifice of repression here in the United States.

We've been living in it ever since. And it's not a comfortable place. The government is monitoring your phone calls and can read your e-mails and open your snail mail.

The government can access records of your large financial transactions, such as buying a house.

Law enforcement officers can bust into your home when you're not there, riffle through your belongings, plant a recording device on your computer, and leave without notifying you for at least thirty days -- and maybe a lot more.

You no longer have the right to protest where the president or vice president can see you, or at major public events when they aren't even present.

Law enforcement officers can now monitor you in public if you are merely exercising your political rights.

They can infiltrate your political organizations.

And they can keep track of you at your place of worship. The government can find out from bookstores and libraries the material you've been reading, and the bookstore owner and the librarian can't talk about it, except to their lawyers, for a whole year -- or more.

The government can hold you in preventive detention for months on end as a "material witness."

If you're not a citizen the government can deport you on a technicality or for mere political association.

If you're not a citizen the government can label you an "enemy combatant" and send you to secret prisons around the world, where you may never see the light of day again -- much less a lawyer or a judge. And even if you are a citizen, the government can label you an enemy combatant and hold you in solitary confinement here in the United States.

Under George W. Bush's interpretation of the president's powers during the so-called war on terror he can do just about whatever he wants. He cites the Authorization for Use of Military Force bill, which Congress passed on September 18, 2001, as the justification for this enormous leeway.

"Congress gave me the authority to use necessary force to protect the American people, but it didn't prescribe the tactics,"Bush said in a speech at Kansas State University on January 23, 2006. Those tactics, he presumes, are totally up to him. Under this rationale Bush could send F-16s to attack a residential area in, say, Indianapolis if he thought Al Qaeda suspects were there.

You Have No Rights: Stories of America in an Age of Repression

No... YOU put a spin on actions with subjective OPINIONS about necessity, 'lies' etc..

YOU and OTHERS used a MISQUOTE OUT OF CONTEXT to portray something.. once you got caught, AGAIN, in your misdirection and lie, you SHIFTED THE GOAL POSTS
I'm not simply trying to argue. Bush ended with a 28% approval rating, even Republicans hated that man, how is that not divisive and anti honorable?

That's not shocking. The media did a real job on Bush. Did you already forget the daily body bag count when Bush was in office? Why did that suddenly disappear for the last four plus years?

I think the body count began with Johnson and Vietnam. It was intended to be a morale booster for the people. At the end of the day the scores would be published and people could see by the scores America was winning. America 29, Vietnam 300. The daily scores was supposed to make it less like war and more like a team sport. It was an idea that backfired.
you fucking right that IS important, he is their commander in chief..
it was a disgrace and and embarrassing... that's when I stopped watching this LAZY person who is our President

prefer perceptions over reality...

Flash over substance...

...And it proven from your empty posts. Bush photo ops with the guys he sends to slaughter and you, you say "oh what a nice thing to visit that guy with his leg blown off" seemingly unable to comprehend the chain of events.

Bush sent them to war. > War gets people killed and maimed. >Bush visits the dead and injured. Bush gets photo op. >You praise Bush for photo op.

Crazy, empty and vapid

pretty much everything you post...BUSH didn't mispronounces corpsmen..he wouldn't because he was in the guard..Obama wasn't in the military so he could of taken the time to LEARN how to pronounce corpsman..but he is too lazy and evidently doesn't look over the speeches that are WRITTEN FOR HIM...so carry on with your empty postings..

Again proven to be vapid with the "I know you are but what am I" defense in all your posts.

Photo Ops and Pronunciation is what gets your vote. But hey, dumb as you are you still get to vote. No other President except Obama has speeches written for them. Yas!

They say never argue with fools...bye fool
Bush respected the military and he gave credit to the military members where credit was due, made a point of being at military graduations and along with his family supported them as much as possible

Obama is toilet paper in comparison..

Sending the military off to fight and die in an unnecessary war(Iraq) is the highest level of disrespect one can have for them.

well? we should just have them sweeping parks and streets? and holding umbrellas Dear Leader's? they know what they are signing up for..

Seriously, War or Holding Umbrellas. You choose war and the reason seems to be..."meh, better than holding umbrellas"

What a fool
Lets also remember that Before Obama could say ONE WORD as President the right already were dividing by claiming Obama got swore in on the Koran.

Oh, but they just hate Obama for his policies and his divisiveness...before he could propose one policy or speak.
Bush respected the military and he gave credit to the military members where credit was due, made a point of being at military graduations and along with his family supported them as much as possible

Obama is toilet paper in comparison..

Sending the military off to fight and die in an unnecessary war(Iraq) is the highest level of disrespect one can have for them.

well? we should just have them sweeping parks and streets? and holding umbrellas Dear Leader's? they know what they are signing up for..

They are not cannon fodder to be sent off unnecessarily into harms way and anybody who has ever been an enlisted Marine has done plenty of sweeping and picking up garbage and cigarette butts.
prefer perceptions over reality...

Flash over substance...

...And it proven from your empty posts. Bush photo ops with the guys he sends to slaughter and you, you say "oh what a nice thing to visit that guy with his leg blown off" seemingly unable to comprehend the chain of events.

Bush sent them to war. > War gets people killed and maimed. >Bush visits the dead and injured. Bush gets photo op. >You praise Bush for photo op.

Crazy, empty and vapid

pretty much everything you post...BUSH didn't mispronounces corpsmen..he wouldn't because he was in the guard..Obama wasn't in the military so he could of taken the time to LEARN how to pronounce corpsman..but he is too lazy and evidently doesn't look over the speeches that are WRITTEN FOR HIM...so carry on with your empty postings..

Again proven to be vapid with the "I know you are but what am I" defense in all your posts.

Photo Ops and Pronunciation is what gets your vote. But hey, dumb as you are you still get to vote. No other President except Obama has speeches written for them. Yas!

They say never argue with fools...bye fool

.and someone as nasty as you and that has to call people dumb (typical) all over something a person posted ,still gets to vote too
go harass someone else with you nastiness...bye, You won't be missed

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