Bush's mistakes still exist

Citations or quotations or it never happened.

Yeah, like all the citations you have provided? Oh, and your little shitstain analogy doesn't count for anything, shitstain.

I don't have to provide citations to the most obvious of Bush's SHIT.

Housing Crisis
Stagnant Wages
1% income growing 30%
Higher oil prices than during Obama


Wait, I thought without citations it never happened? What are you.. drunk? High? Just an abject shitstain retard?


So you were not even alive when Bush sent the US Military into Iraq? You need a citation for that? How fucking stupid are you?

Bush had the approval of the US Congress as well as a UN resolution holding Iraq in material breach of the cease fire. How fucking stupid are you?
Lol, earlier he was bragging how popular he is on here. I told him in his case, I wouldn't be proud of it.

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