Bush's mistakes still exist

See: this is the usual avoiding response.........:cuckoo: This is also why the right is having a hard time right now , people see that they fu++#ed up and don't want to admit it...
Yes the left does it too, but the OP is talking about Bush, there are plenty of Obama threads already.

Ok, here's your NON-avoiding response:

BUSH did not give Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of guns resulting in the deaths of over 500 people, to include 2 Americans, AS SOME LIBERALS HAVE SUGGESTED.
- Don't hear any accountability from Liberals or this President...just more scandal delay after 7 years.

After 9/11/01 Bush's administration did not allow another successful terrorist attack on US soil...unlike Obama.
- 'B...b...b...but Buuuush' is all that's ever heard - no accountability from this President.

BUSH did not issue the 'Red Line'....and neither did 'the world' despite what Obama said.

BUSH did not MOCK Americans from abroad, inferring they were cowards just prior to allowing ANOTHER successful terrorist attack on US soil.

BUSH did not, a month after 9/11/01, stand before the UN and announce to the world that the attack had been over a video and proclaim 'The future must not be left to those who slander the prophet of Islam' as Obama did. No, Bush said he heard and stood with the American people, that he was going to kick the asses of those responsible and bring them to justice. He did so nearly IMMEDIATELY, not wait an entire year to do so, claiming he could not find those responsible like Obama did, although the guy responsible was giving interviews throughout the ME for that year.

BUSH did not add over $6 trillion in new debt over 4 years, is NOT responsible for the bad economy Obama 'inherited from his near-Super majority Controlled Congress that controlled spending the last 2 years of the Bush Administration.

So what is it EXACTLY - that Bush ACTUALLY did, not what Liberals falsely accuse him of doing or WANT him to be given credit for - do you want Conservatives to accept?
Ok, here's your NON-avoiding response:

BUSH did not give Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of guns resulting in the deaths of over 500 people, to include 2 Americans, AS SOME LIBERALS HAVE SUGGESTED.
- Don't hear any accountability from Liberals or this President...just more scandal delay after 7 years.

After 9/11/01 Bush's administration did not allow another successful terrorist attack on US soil...unlike Obama.
- 'B...b...b...but Buuuush' is all that's ever heard - no accountability from this President.

BUSH did not issue the 'Red Line'....and neither did 'the world' despite what Obama said.

BUSH did not MOCK Americans from abroad, inferring they were cowards just prior to allowing ANOTHER successful terrorist attack on US soil.

BUSH did not, a month after 9/11/01, stand before the UN and announce to the world that the attack had been over a video and proclaim 'The future must not be left to those who slander the prophet of Islam' as Obama did. No, Bush said he heard and stood with the American people, that he was going to kick the asses of those responsible and bring them to justice. He did so nearly IMMEDIATELY, not wait an entire year to do so, claiming he could not find those responsible like Obama did, although the guy responsible was giving interviews throughout the ME for that year.

BUSH did not add over $6 trillion in new debt over 4 years, is NOT responsible for the bad economy Obama 'inherited from his near-Super majority Controlled Congress that controlled spending the last 2 years of the Bush Administration.

So what is it EXACTLY - that Bush ACTUALLY did, not what Liberals falsely accuse him of doing or WANT him to be given credit for - do you want Conservatives to accept?

Bush actually has a conscious, it is Cheney who is the ugly evil one and everyone knows he made billions on the backs of our soldiers.

Poor Bush, always embarrassing himself

Google it bitch.... but I'll give you a starter:

So you admit you had 6 years to deal with the problem. Instead your murder 1 million Iraqis and start needless wars?



How cute, Republicans claim Bush saw the disaster 6 years before it happened, but can't tell us why Bush did nothing about it?

I guess he could have gone the Obama route and issued EO's? Nah, he didn't work that way.... he expected Congress to do their job.

Bush issued more EOs than Obama.

Claims regarding Obama’s use of executive orders and presidential memoranda

Failed talking point.
Obama's EOs significantly changed laws and policies. Bush's didnt.
Because the echo chamber libs rep you. You're also dumber and more ignorant.

You butthurt that your views are dumb and illicit no merit?
Have you always been illiterate? Or were you kicked in the head by a horse?
The truth is Obama is the worst president in history. He continued some of the worst of Bush's policies while reversing the best. He is losing the war on terrorism. His handling of the economy is the worst on record. His foreign policy is a total and complete failure.

Really? That's the truth?

How is Obama losing a war Bush started and couldn't finish?

What's it say about you when you can't make your wife cum and you have to bring a black man into the bedroom to finish the job?
How is Obama losing the war in Afghanistan? Because he authorized a surge that his own military told him had little chance of succeeding.

You mean a Surge developed by the Pentagon and promoted by the Pentagon?
And who is the commander in chief who approved it? The Pentagon actually developed 3 different plans. Obama picked the one he wanted.
You can't blame Obama for losing victory in Iraq. It's not won if it's not done.

So Repubeicans how many more Americans should die to fix Bush's mistake?
how many more Americans should have to lose their health insurance, their homes and their families because of obamas hate for this country?
You can't blame Obama for losing victory in Iraq. It's not won if it's not done.

So Repubeicans how many more Americans should die to fix Bush's mistake?

How many more Syrian's should die because of Obama mistake in Syria?
Not only can you not focus but there is no mistake in Syria because Obama didnt cause the revolution against Assad.

Stay focused. That's the sign of intelligence.
You can't blame Obama for losing victory in Iraq. It's not won if it's not done.

So Repubeicans how many more Americans should die to fix Bush's mistake?

How many more Syrian's should die because of Obama mistake in Syria?
Not only can you not focus but there is no mistake in Syria because Obama didnt cause the revolution against Assad.

Stay focused. That's the sign of intelligence.

He backed it, and now why are you lying?

Now you are claiming that because of Obama backing of rebels in Syria did not cause more deaths...

See what I mean you have no problem blaming a Bush while excusing Obama for his part in the growth of ISIL!
You can't blame Obama for losing victory in Iraq. It's not won if it's not done.

So Repubeicans how many more Americans should die to fix Bush's mistake?

How many more Syrian's should die because of Obama mistake in Syria?
Not only can you not focus but there is no mistake in Syria because Obama didnt cause the revolution against Assad.

Stay focused. That's the sign of intelligence.

He backed it, and now why are you lying?

Now you are claiming that because of Obama backing of rebels in Syria did not cause more deaths...

See what I mean you have no problem blaming a Bush while excusing Obama for his part in the growth of ISIL!
It's so funny how you cant stay on topic.

Topic is how many AMERICANS have to die to fix Bush's mess.

Focus is a sign of intelligence.
So far 4 hateful warmongers posted multiple times in here but no answer is given.

Why no answer?
So 3 hateful republican cons have responded but not one has given an answer?

Hmmm, I am hateful?

I am not the one that wrote about crapping on someone mother face...

Back to the subject matter and you are asking how many more Americans must die to fix the Iraq mistake?

Well it seem many more will and how many of your beloved ISIS members will you cry over when they are killed?

So tell the board are you more concern of the death of Americans or fear ISIL will be crushed and destroy your fund raising effort for them?

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