Bush's mistakes still exist

how many more Americans should have to lose their health insurance, their homes and their families because of obamas hate for this country?
So are you admitting leaving Iraq is the right decision?
I don't believe I made any reference to that either way.
but being a typical brainless liberal, you are certainly free to imagine anything you want.
how many more Americans should have to lose their health insurance, their homes and their families because of obamas hate for this country?
So are you admitting leaving Iraq is the right decision?
I don't believe I made any reference to that either way.
but being a typical brainless liberal, you are certainly free to imagine anything you want.
Why the FUCK are you posting in a thread abut the Iraq war if you make NO reference to the OP?
So 3 hateful republican cons have responded but not one has given an answer?

Hmmm, I am hateful?

I am not the one that wrote about crapping on someone mother face...

Back to the subject matter and you are asking how many more Americans must die to fix the Iraq mistake?

Well it seem many more will and how many of your beloved ISIS members will you cry over when they are killed?

So tell the board are you more concern of the death of Americans or fear ISIL will be crushed and destroy your fund raising effort for them?
So how many Americans are you willing to kill to fix Bush's mistake?
bush was great man.great gift for us
destroy taliban.destroy sadam and killed this basterd.biggest enemy of iranian
give iraq too maleki (our puppy)
im not sure but maybe he is jesus.i love you g w bush.:dance:
Republicans want to put 200,000 troops back over there indefinitely, and once again the magic Tax Cut Fairy and oil will pay for everything!
You can't blame Obama for losing victory in Iraq. It's not won if it's not done.

So Repubeicans how many more Americans should die to fix Bush's mistake?

How many more Syrian's should die because of Obama mistake in Syria?
Not only can you not focus but there is no mistake in Syria because Obama didnt cause the revolution against Assad.

Stay focused. That's the sign of intelligence.

He backed it, and now why are you lying?

Now you are claiming that because of Obama backing of rebels in Syria did not cause more deaths...

See what I mean you have no problem blaming a Bush while excusing Obama for his part in the growth of ISIL!
It's so funny how you cant stay on topic.

Topic is how many AMERICANS have to die to fix Bush's mess.

Focus is a sign of intelligence.

No, I am adding to the subject matter and you stated that Obama did nothing wrong in Syria when you answered me, so that tell me so much.

Many Americans will die but much more of your friends will die, and the U.S. has a hell of a lot more people than Iraq and Syria combined...
You can't blame Obama for losing victory in Iraq. It's not won if it's not done.

So Repubeicans how many more Americans should die to fix Bush's mistake?
1 is too many

How many more is Obama going to allow to die in Afghanistan. More have died there under Obama than Bush
It's really stupid that Republicans think that if someone shits on your sofa, and someone else cleans it but there are still stains and this reeking shit smell, that it's no longer the fault of someone just because it's been a few years?
Was it your boyfriends sofa? I'll bet he is pissed.
how many more Americans should have to lose their health insurance, their homes and their families because of obamas hate for this country?
So are you admitting leaving Iraq is the right decision?
I don't believe I made any reference to that either way.
but being a typical brainless liberal, you are certainly free to imagine anything you want.
Why the FUCK are you posting in a thread abut the Iraq war if you make NO reference to the OP?
I don't know,
Why the FUCK are you blaiming President Bush for something your foolish ISIS loving negro has been unable or unwilling to change?
Are you finally admitting that obama is a sack of shit that has no idea how to run a country? are you now willing to accept that the Americans (conservatives) have been right all along and you have been duped simply because obama is black?
So 3 hateful republican cons have responded but not one has given an answer?

Hmmm, I am hateful?

I am not the one that wrote about crapping on someone mother face...

Back to the subject matter and you are asking how many more Americans must die to fix the Iraq mistake?

Well it seem many more will and how many of your beloved ISIS members will you cry over when they are killed?

So tell the board are you more concern of the death of Americans or fear ISIL will be crushed and destroy your fund raising effort for them?
So how many Americans are you willing to kill to fix Bush's mistake?

As many the government believe must die to stop ISIL...
It's really stupid that Republicans think that if someone shits on your sofa, and someone else cleans it but there are still stains and this reeking shit smell, that it's no longer the fault of someone just because it's been a few years?

That's odd.. because I distinctly recall Bush warning Congress to act on inevitable the mortgage crisis and Democrats calling him basically insane and that everything was fine.

Then it collapsed and they blamed the mess on Bush.

Cite it or it never happened.

Because I distinctly remember Republicans claiming this bullshit to try and cover their tracks.

Maybe Bush should have dealt with it when he had a Republican Controlled Congress for 6 years?

Google it bitch.... but I'll give you a starter:

So you admit you had 6 years to deal with the problem. Instead your murder 1 million Iraqis and start needless wars?


The only stupid one is the one who thinks Bush started unnecessary wars. Using your flawed logic, we should have not retaliated for 911.
Barney Frank told Bush he didn't know what he was talking about. That the housing market was fine.

Citations or quotations or it never happened.

Yeah, like all the citations you have provided? Oh, and your little shitstain analogy doesn't count for anything, shitstain.

I don't have to provide citations to the most obvious of Bush's SHIT.

Housing Crisis
Stagnant Wages
1% income growing 30%
Higher oil prices than during Obama


Wait, I thought without citations it never happened? What are you.. drunk? High? Just an abject shitstain retard?


So you were not even alive when Bush sent the US Military into Iraq? You need a citation for that? How fucking stupid are you?

Bush had the approval of the US Congress as well as a UN resolution holding Iraq in material breach of the cease fire. How fucking stupid are you?
Obama campaigned on reversing hte failed policies of GW Bush. So was he lying when he promised that? Is he so incompetent he cant deliver on his promise? Which is it, liar or incompetent? Because it has to be one or the other.

Obama scrubbed as much shit out of the carpet as he could, but Bush is a disease whose mistakes keep on giving.

Obama has done nothing but doubled our national debt in 7 years and set the ME on fire. Geeze.. take off the knee-pads shitstain.

He hasn't doubled the national debt unless you add Bush's stimulus spending and last budget into Obama's presidency like a FUCKING RETARD.

It was added in when Bush left office.
It was $10.626 trillion on President Bush's last day in office.
Today Under Obama it is over 18.8 Trillion

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