Bush's mistakes still exist

That's odd.. because I distinctly recall Bush warning Congress to act on inevitable the mortgage crisis and Democrats calling him basically insane and that everything was fine.

Then it collapsed and they blamed the mess on Bush.

Cite it or it never happened.

Because I distinctly remember Republicans claiming this bullshit to try and cover their tracks.

Maybe Bush should have dealt with it when he had a Republican Controlled Congress for 6 years?

Google it bitch.... but I'll give you a starter:

So you admit you had 6 years to deal with the problem. Instead your murder 1 million Iraqis and start needless wars?



How cute, Republicans claim Bush saw the disaster 6 years before it happened, but can't tell us why Bush did nothing about it?

Well that would be like President Obama wanting the GOP Congress to pass a Immigration Reform Bill when he had two years where he could have gotten it done!

Seem failure on both sides to do what they needed to do...
The continuous dying wail of failing / failed Liberals and those who attempt to laughably excuse / justify / minimize what they did....


Despite the man hasn't been President in almost a decade, the Liberal madness continues!

The continuous dying wail of failing / failed Liberals and those who attempt to laughably excuse / justify / minimize what they did....


Despite the man hasn't been President in almost a decade, the Liberal madness continues!


ISIS was created during Bush's term, but that's not Bush's fault? How stupid are you?
Liberal Blame-shifting:

"The Fast and Furious Program was a program designed under BUSH!"
-- Except Bush was intelligent enough to seew the flaws in the program and REFUSE TO ALLOW IT TO BE EXECUTED, unlike OBAMA who approved it.

"It's not MY 'Red Line'...It's the WORLD'S 'Red Line'....

The continuous dying wail of failing / failed Liberals and those who attempt to laughably excuse / justify / minimize what they did....


Despite the man hasn't been President in almost a decade, the Liberal madness continues!


ISIS was created during Bush's term, but that's not Bush's fault? How stupid are you?


Obama supplied, armed, trained, and protected ISIS.

He protected their black market oil industry that supplied / funded 50% of their operations.

Ho provided no opposition to ISIS when they flooded into Iraq and took over much of the country our military had liberated at GREAT cost...

Then 'Baghdad Bob' Obama declared hours before the Paris attacks that HE had 'contained ISIS....

The continuous dying wail of failing / failed Liberals and those who attempt to laughably excuse / justify / minimize what they did....


Despite the man hasn't been President in almost a decade, the Liberal madness continues!


ISIS was created during Bush's term, but that's not Bush's fault? How stupid are you?


Obama supplied, armed, trained, and protected ISIS.

He protected their black market oil industry that supplied / funded 50% of their operations.

Ho provided no opposition to ISIS when they flooded into Iraq and took over much of the country our military had liberated at GREAT cost...

Then 'Baghdad Bob' Obama declared hours before the Paris attacks that HE had 'contained ISIS....


You have yet to provide one link to support any of your crazy assertions... so, you know, buzz off.
You have yet to provide one link to support any of your crazy assertions... so, you know, buzz off.

Got it... YOU make the claim that ISIS was created during Bush's term, and YOU don't have any link / source to back it up...but somehow your inability to back up your accusations is MY fault.


Gotta love the Liberal 'blame-shifting'...
I feel that if the right would take responsibility for their part the blaming would go away. Instead they are dysfunctional and blame anyone or everyone else.

'If Conservatives would just shut up and accept blame for Obama's failures, faults, and F* Ups all the arguing would end... Instead they refuse to stop demanding Obama and Liberals be held accountable for their own actions...'

:lmao:Now THAT'S some funny shite right there...
He hasn't doubled the national debt unless you add Bush's stimulus spending and last budget into Obama's presidency like a FUCKING RETARD.

A retard is someone who says that....without bothering to look and see who actually signed them. Hint: It was Barrack Hussein Obama.
It's really stupid that Republicans think that if someone shits on your sofa, and someone else cleans it but there are still stains and this reeking shit smell, that it's no longer the fault of someone just because it's been a few years?

People DO recognize that President Bush inherited the blight of al qaeda largely because of the inaction of Bubba Clinton.

It is good of you to insist that Bubba be held accountable for the stinky mess.
"TheCrusader said:
He hasn't doubled the national debt unless you add Bush's stimulus spending and last budget into Obama's presidency."

BUSH'S last budget was not 'Bush's' Budget:

1. There WAS NO Budget during Bush's last year in office.
- As soon as Liberals took over both the House and Senate the year before (5 seats shy of a Super Majority) they began BREAKING THE LAW, which required an annual budget be passed....every year (thus the word 'annual'. This stopped happening and did not start up again until the GOP won back the House several years later.

2. Taking over the House and Senate, especially with such a huge majority, means that the last spending bill - and thus the spending - belonged to the DNC-controlled CONGRESS.

In Bush's 1st 6 years - during 9/11/01, the economic aftermath, and 2 wars - Bush's administration added $2.5 Trillion over 6 years.
- Democrats established the near-Super Majority control of Congress the last 2 years of Bush's term in office (and through the end of Obama's 2nd year in office), and in those 2 years they added $1.5 trillion in new debt. That's only $1 trillion less than Bush added over 6 years.

Obama did not inherit a bad economy, which even Liberals say went south those last 2 years under Bush (DNC-Controlled Congress, non-budget, and spending) - he inherited it from his own Democrats / Liberals.

Obama, who vowed to cut our deficit in half by the end of his 1st term in office, ADDED over $6 trillion in new debt...in ONLY 4 Years. (Obama called Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in 8 Years but blew Bush's record out of the water by adding over $6 trillion in only 4 years!)

During that time Obama set new US records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending. With help from his Near Super-Majority-controlled Congress he added more new debt than EVERY US President from Washington to Bush!

...but Liberals always 'conveniently' skip that part...

People DO recognize that President Bush inherited the blight of al qaeda largely because of the inaction of Bubba Clinton.

HEY! While getting his knob polished by the chubby intern in the WH coat closet he managed to bomb a milk factory and get a movie made about the whole thing ('Wag the Dog' or something)! :p
It's really stupid that Republicans think that if someone shits on your sofa, and someone else cleans it but there are still stains and this reeking shit smell, that it's no longer the fault of someone just because it's been a few years?

Some of us would claim that Abraham Lincoln's mistakes still exists. So what? The past is prologue. Get over it.
You have yet to provide one link to support any of your crazy assertions... so, you know, buzz off.

Got it... YOU make the claim that ISIS was created during Bush's term, and YOU don't have any link / source to back it up...but somehow your inability to back up your accusations is MY fault.


Gotta love the Liberal 'blame-shifting'...

I never made any such claim.
'If Conservatives would just shut up and accept blame for Obama's failures, faults, and F* Ups all the arguing would end... Instead they refuse to stop demanding Obama and Liberals be held accountable for their own actions...'

:lmao:Now THAT'S some funny shite right there...

See: this is the usual avoiding response.........:cuckoo: This is also why the right is having a hard time right now , people see that they fu++#ed up and don't want to admit it...
Yes the left does it too, but the OP is talking about Bush, there are plenty of Obama threads already.
The continuous dying wail of failing / failed Liberals and those who attempt to laughably excuse / justify / minimize what they did....


Despite the man hasn't been President in almost a decade, the Liberal madness continues!


ISIS was created during Bush's term, but that's not Bush's fault? How stupid are you?


Obama supplied, armed, trained, and protected ISIS.

He protected their black market oil industry that supplied / funded 50% of their operations.

Ho provided no opposition to ISIS when they flooded into Iraq and took over much of the country our military had liberated at GREAT cost...

Then 'Baghdad Bob' Obama declared hours before the Paris attacks that HE had 'contained ISIS....


You have yet to provide one link to support any of your crazy assertions... so, you know, buzz off.

Sorry, I replied to the wrong person.. that was intended for The Crusader. My bad.
People DO recognize that President Bush inherited the blight of al qaeda largely because of the inaction of Bubba Clinton.

HEY! While getting his knob polished by the chubby intern in the WH coat closet he managed to bomb a milk factory and get a movie made about the whole thing ('Wag the Dog' or something)! :p

Yup. Ya got me there! I forgot how productive Bubba had been.
I never made any such claim.

Sorry, wrong guy. When I make accusations I have links....
If anyone, especially a Liberal, is going to blame Bush for something ELSE, they really should have a link...or add the words 'In my opinion'....

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