Bush's Surge: Win. Obama's Surge: Lose

Iraq was stable the day Obama announced he was withdrawing.
What date was that?
Check my sig line.

I don’t see sig lines. Why is it you just can’t tell us the date when everything was peachy keen in Iraq? Probably because there isn’t such a date.
It was the date Obama gave that speech. He said so himself. You're just doubting him because he is a black man you filthy racist pig.

Still no date….Winning was never so easy. Your capitulation is accepted.
La di da.
If the Iraqi army can't take care of things then that's their problem. We still haven't been too why we went into Iraq when it was obl who was the mastermind behind 9 11.
If you don't know why we went into Iraq after literally 15 years then you are too fucking stupid to have this conversation.

Rebbe......FYI........."Rabbi" is not Hebrew for "Useful Idiot".....

HOUSTON -- Two years before the September 11 attacks, presidential candidate George W. Bush was already talking privately about the political benefits of attacking Iraq, according to his former ghost writer, who held many conversations with then-Texas Governor Bush in preparation for a planned autobiography.

"He was thinking about invading Iraq in 1999," said author and journalist Mickey Herskowitz. "It was on his mind. He said to me: 'One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as a commander-in-chief.' And he said, 'My father had all this political capital built up when he drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait and he wasted it.' He said, 'If I have a chance to invade...if I had that much capital, I'm not going to waste it. I'm going to get everything passed that I want to get passed and I'm going to have a successful presidency." Herskowitz said that Bush expressed frustration at a lifetime as an underachiever in the shadow of an accomplished father. In aggressive military action, he saw the opportunity to emerge from his father's shadow. The moment, Herskowitz said, came in the wake of the September 11 attacks. "Suddenly, he's at 91 percent in the polls, and he'd barely crawled out of the bunker."

Two Years Before 9/11, Candidate Bush was Already Talking Privately About Attacking Iraq, According to His Former Ghost Writer

A bare two weeks after the attacks of September 11, at the end of a long and emotional day at the White House, a sixty-nine-year-old politician and businessman—a midwesterner, born of modest means but grown wealthy and prominent and powerful—returned to his enormous suite of offices on the seventh floor of the flood-lit and wounded Pentagon and, as was his habit, scrawled out a memorandum on his calendar:

Interesting day—
NSC mtg. with President—
As [it] ended he asked to see me alone…
After the meeting ended I went to Oval Office—He was alone
He was at his desk—
He talked about the meet
Then he said I want you to develop a plan to invade Ir[aq]. Do it outside the normal channels. Do it creatively so we don’t have to take so much cover [?]

Rumsfeld’s War and Its Consequences Now
The goal was to find WMDs. We found none which confirmed the Blix investigation before our invasion of Iraq that there were no WMDs there. To label it as a success is a sure sign of desperation by the last of the Bushmen. And if “success” means losing 6,000 soldiers…you can keep your trophy.
That was not the goal. Review the Iraq Resolution passed by Congress, including many Democrats. We achieved every goal set forth there.

Not one 'goal' was worth 4500 dead Americans. Not one 'goal' was in any way a vital national interest of the US.
Containing disruption in the middle east, maintaining our integrity in foreign affairs ? To you probably not.
Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
The goal was to find WMDs. We found none which confirmed the Blix investigation before our invasion of Iraq that there were no WMDs there. To label it as a success is a sure sign of desperation by the last of the Bushmen. And if “success” means losing 6,000 soldiers…you can keep your trophy.
That was not the goal. Review the Iraq Resolution passed by Congress, including many Democrats. We achieved every goal set forth there.

Not one 'goal' was worth 4500 dead Americans. Not one 'goal' was in any way a vital national interest of the US.
Containing disruption in the middle east, maintaining our integrity in foreign affairs ? To you probably not.
Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.
Stability is not possible there. We could I suppose keep 50 thousand troops stationed there forever. The who?e region cannot nor ever will be stable. Even the Russians figured that out.

We've got Troops in Korea, We got Troops in Europe, Japan ect....We should have a Military base in Iraq

Troops in Europe and Japan are not in a Combat Zone. Korea is a different kettle but our troops are not fighting an active war. We had no need of a base in Iraq.
Stability is not possible there. We could I suppose keep 50 thousand troops stationed there forever. The who?e region cannot nor ever will be stable. Even the Russians figured that out.

We've got Troops in Korea, We got Troops in Europe, Japan ect....We should have a Military base in Iraq

Troops in Europe and Japan are not in a Combat Zone. Korea is a different kettle but our troops are not fighting an active war. We had no need of a base in Iraq.
LOL. If you need a base, you need it near a possible war zone.
The goal was to find WMDs. We found none which confirmed the Blix investigation before our invasion of Iraq that there were no WMDs there. To label it as a success is a sure sign of desperation by the last of the Bushmen. And if “success” means losing 6,000 soldiers…you can keep your trophy.
That was not the goal. Review the Iraq Resolution passed by Congress, including many Democrats. We achieved every goal set forth there.

Not one 'goal' was worth 4500 dead Americans. Not one 'goal' was in any way a vital national interest of the US.
Containing disruption in the middle east, maintaining our integrity in foreign affairs ? To you probably not.
Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

There were no WMDs found as Hans Blix told us there were none well before Bush invaded. Violating a no fly zone and violating sanctions is no reason to lose 6,000 soldiers. The guy who helped him —Republican Asshat Oscar Wyatt—got a whopping 1 year in min security for doing it. That is how minor it was.
The goal was to find WMDs. We found none which confirmed the Blix investigation before our invasion of Iraq that there were no WMDs there. To label it as a success is a sure sign of desperation by the last of the Bushmen. And if “success” means losing 6,000 soldiers…you can keep your trophy.
That was not the goal. Review the Iraq Resolution passed by Congress, including many Democrats. We achieved every goal set forth there.

Not one 'goal' was worth 4500 dead Americans. Not one 'goal' was in any way a vital national interest of the US.
Containing disruption in the middle east, maintaining our integrity in foreign affairs ? To you probably not.
Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

How many flights did the Iraqi Air Force make in that Zone? What provision in the UN Cease-fire agreement mentions a no fly zone over any part of Iraq? He did not continue to pursue WMD after he was kicked out of Kuwait. Smugglers found a rich well in Iraq, not the countries you cite.
That was not the goal. Review the Iraq Resolution passed by Congress, including many Democrats. We achieved every goal set forth there.

Not one 'goal' was worth 4500 dead Americans. Not one 'goal' was in any way a vital national interest of the US.
Containing disruption in the middle east, maintaining our integrity in foreign affairs ? To you probably not.
Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

There were no WMDs found as Hans Blix told us there were none well before Bush invaded. Violating a no fly zone and violating sanctions is no reason to lose 6,000 soldiers. The guy who helped him —Republican Asshat Oscar Wyatt—got a whopping 1 year in min security for doing it. That is how minor it was.
There were in fact WMDs found and Hans Blix was a moron. Iraq violated many UN resolutions and sanctions. Enforcing those sanctions was paramount otherwise they would be become a laughingstock.
And recall Hillary enabled it with her vote for the war.
That was not the goal. Review the Iraq Resolution passed by Congress, including many Democrats. We achieved every goal set forth there.

Not one 'goal' was worth 4500 dead Americans. Not one 'goal' was in any way a vital national interest of the US.
Containing disruption in the middle east, maintaining our integrity in foreign affairs ? To you probably not.
Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

How many flights did the Iraqi Air Force make in that Zone? What provision in the UN Cease-fire agreement mentions a no fly zone over any part of Iraq? He did not continue to pursue WMD after he was kicked out of Kuwait. Smugglers found a rich well in Iraq, not the countries you cite.
Deny deny deny.
Too bad the facts say different.
Not one 'goal' was worth 4500 dead Americans. Not one 'goal' was in any way a vital national interest of the US.
Containing disruption in the middle east, maintaining our integrity in foreign affairs ? To you probably not.
Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

There were no WMDs found as Hans Blix told us there were none well before Bush invaded. Violating a no fly zone and violating sanctions is no reason to lose 6,000 soldiers. The guy who helped him —Republican Asshat Oscar Wyatt—got a whopping 1 year in min security for doing it. That is how minor it was.
There were in fact WMDs found and Hans Blix was a moron. Iraq violated many UN resolutions and sanctions. Enforcing those sanctions was paramount otherwise they would be become a laughingstock.
And recall Hillary enabled it with her vote for the war.

Bush admitted there were none.

Did he lie about there being WMD's, or did he lie about there not being any WMDs?
Not one 'goal' was worth 4500 dead Americans. Not one 'goal' was in any way a vital national interest of the US.
Containing disruption in the middle east, maintaining our integrity in foreign affairs ? To you probably not.
Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

There were no WMDs found as Hans Blix told us there were none well before Bush invaded. Violating a no fly zone and violating sanctions is no reason to lose 6,000 soldiers. The guy who helped him —Republican Asshat Oscar Wyatt—got a whopping 1 year in min security for doing it. That is how minor it was.
There were in fact WMDs found and Hans Blix was a moron. Iraq violated many UN resolutions and sanctions. Enforcing those sanctions was paramount otherwise they would be become a laughingstock.
And recall Hillary enabled it with her vote for the war.

George Bush says they didn’t find them. Is he lying or is it you?

"I recognize we didn't find the stockpiles [of weapons] we all thought were there."
The goal was to find WMDs. We found none which confirmed the Blix investigation before our invasion of Iraq that there were no WMDs there. To label it as a success is a sure sign of desperation by the last of the Bushmen. And if “success” means losing 6,000 soldiers…you can keep your trophy.
That was not the goal. Review the Iraq Resolution passed by Congress, including many Democrats. We achieved every goal set forth there.

Not one 'goal' was worth 4500 dead Americans. Not one 'goal' was in any way a vital national interest of the US.
Containing disruption in the middle east, maintaining our integrity in foreign affairs ? To you probably not.
Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

These would be the WMD programs of which no trace was found?
Not one 'goal' was worth 4500 dead Americans. Not one 'goal' was in any way a vital national interest of the US.
Containing disruption in the middle east, maintaining our integrity in foreign affairs ? To you probably not.
Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

How many flights did the Iraqi Air Force make in that Zone? What provision in the UN Cease-fire agreement mentions a no fly zone over any part of Iraq? He did not continue to pursue WMD after he was kicked out of Kuwait. Smugglers found a rich well in Iraq, not the countries you cite.
Deny deny deny.
Too bad the facts say different.

The only things that say different are your bold assertions....
Not one 'goal' was worth 4500 dead Americans. Not one 'goal' was in any way a vital national interest of the US.
Containing disruption in the middle east, maintaining our integrity in foreign affairs ? To you probably not.
Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

There were no WMDs found as Hans Blix told us there were none well before Bush invaded. Violating a no fly zone and violating sanctions is no reason to lose 6,000 soldiers. The guy who helped him —Republican Asshat Oscar Wyatt—got a whopping 1 year in min security for doing it. That is how minor it was.
There were in fact WMDs found and Hans Blix was a moron. Iraq violated many UN resolutions and sanctions. Enforcing those sanctions was paramount otherwise they would be become a laughingstock.
And recall Hillary enabled it with her vote for the war.


You are a chronic and habitual liar.....
Containing disruption in the middle east, maintaining our integrity in foreign affairs ? To you probably not.
Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

There were no WMDs found as Hans Blix told us there were none well before Bush invaded. Violating a no fly zone and violating sanctions is no reason to lose 6,000 soldiers. The guy who helped him —Republican Asshat Oscar Wyatt—got a whopping 1 year in min security for doing it. That is how minor it was.
There were in fact WMDs found and Hans Blix was a moron. Iraq violated many UN resolutions and sanctions. Enforcing those sanctions was paramount otherwise they would be become a laughingstock.
And recall Hillary enabled it with her vote for the war.

George Bush says they didn’t find them. Is he lying or is it you?

"I recognize we didn't find the stockpiles [of weapons] we all thought were there."
He did not say they didnt find WMD. As usual your high school education hampers your ability to debate.
Containing disruption in the middle east, maintaining our integrity in foreign affairs ? To you probably not.
Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

There were no WMDs found as Hans Blix told us there were none well before Bush invaded. Violating a no fly zone and violating sanctions is no reason to lose 6,000 soldiers. The guy who helped him —Republican Asshat Oscar Wyatt—got a whopping 1 year in min security for doing it. That is how minor it was.
There were in fact WMDs found and Hans Blix was a moron. Iraq violated many UN resolutions and sanctions. Enforcing those sanctions was paramount otherwise they would be become a laughingstock.
And recall Hillary enabled it with her vote for the war.


You are a chronic and habitual liar.....
Translation: Rebbe, you have whipped my ass until it is bleeding and I am humiliated by your superior knowledge.
Containing disruption in the middle east, maintaining our integrity in foreign affairs ? To you probably not.
Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

How many flights did the Iraqi Air Force make in that Zone? What provision in the UN Cease-fire agreement mentions a no fly zone over any part of Iraq? He did not continue to pursue WMD after he was kicked out of Kuwait. Smugglers found a rich well in Iraq, not the countries you cite.
Deny deny deny.
Too bad the facts say different.

The only things that say different are your bold assertions....
French connection armed Saddam
Unlocking "the biggest scandal in human history."
Sucks to be you.
Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

There were no WMDs found as Hans Blix told us there were none well before Bush invaded. Violating a no fly zone and violating sanctions is no reason to lose 6,000 soldiers. The guy who helped him —Republican Asshat Oscar Wyatt—got a whopping 1 year in min security for doing it. That is how minor it was.
There were in fact WMDs found and Hans Blix was a moron. Iraq violated many UN resolutions and sanctions. Enforcing those sanctions was paramount otherwise they would be become a laughingstock.
And recall Hillary enabled it with her vote for the war.

George Bush says they didn’t find them. Is he lying or is it you?

"I recognize we didn't find the stockpiles [of weapons] we all thought were there."
He did not say they didnt find WMD. As usual your high school education hampers your ability to debate.

So you boldly assert....
Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

There were no WMDs found as Hans Blix told us there were none well before Bush invaded. Violating a no fly zone and violating sanctions is no reason to lose 6,000 soldiers. The guy who helped him —Republican Asshat Oscar Wyatt—got a whopping 1 year in min security for doing it. That is how minor it was.
There were in fact WMDs found and Hans Blix was a moron. Iraq violated many UN resolutions and sanctions. Enforcing those sanctions was paramount otherwise they would be become a laughingstock.
And recall Hillary enabled it with her vote for the war.


You are a chronic and habitual liar.....
Translation: Rebbe, you have whipped my ass until it is bleeding and I am humiliated by your superior knowledge.


Have you sat down and considered why so many of the things you "know" are demonstrably false?

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