Bush's Surge: Win. Obama's Surge: Lose

There really is no point in discussing this issue any longer.

Bed wetting libturds generally avoid military service because they don't exist to make sacrifices or efforts to promote anything beyond their own self centered concerns. Few of them have been outside the country, let alone deployed to the middle east and least of all to OIF.

As someone who was in Iraq in 05 and 07 I can say from first hand experience that not only was the surge a success in it's aim to hunt down and kill jihadist psychopaths, but to finally bring stability and order to the country.

The Bush doctrine of "de-ba'athification" was erroneous. It would have been far wiser to leave the Iraqi military intact and use it as it was for security as well as most of the government to continue it's work. Hindsight being what it is, the surge was the way this mistake was fixed as well as it was.

The Iraq war was exactly the right thing to do. Jihadist assholes declared war on us decades ago, and finally struck a massive blow. So we wiped out Taliturds in AFG, and drove into the middle of the middle east. We set up a flag and DARED the pinhead mooselimbs who wanted to die for pisslam to come and let us test out our weapons on them. It was a brilliant strategy and we slaughtered every jihadist piece of shit we saw. We should still be in the outskirts of Iraqi cities picking them off, but the meat puppet queer was "uncomfortable with victory" against jihad. He used no leverage and followed the withdrawal timeline against the advice of people who know more than he does (which accounts for a lot of people actually).

Leaving Iraq was utter stupidity.

Letting Gaddafi die was utter stupidity.

Allowing the Mooselimb Butthurthood to take over Egypt was utter stupidity.

Giving Iran $150,000,000,000 and a green light to build nukes is a level of stupidity not yet quantified by itself.

The libturd moonbat messiah is a titanic fuck up that scholars at Websters are still working to define and the sniveling bed wetters who refuse to accept that reality are the greatest liability the world has to deal with. No disease, natural disaster or war has the potential for as much destruction to humanity and the earth itself than regressive parasites do.

Another illustration of the wisdom of leaving stupid babies out in the wild to be eaten....

Iraqnam was never a center of "jihadism"...invading it under false pretenses was a war crime.

Morsi won a fair and free election in Egypt

Scrub & Co. spent $25 billion, and several years, training and equipping the Legion of the Bronze Cordovan.....it folded like a cheap tent when challenged by less than 800 ISILs arriving in pickups....by declining to commit a sizeable force to Iraqnam, Obama has obliged it's government to take its security seriously, and recent events have demonstrated the wisdom of doing so...
Obama has yet to announce a comprehensive strategy on ISIS, despite having known about them for nearlyu 3 years.

Meanwhile, ISIS leadership is being decimated, and their finances destroyed....

On the other hand, Scrub announced that he wanted Usama "Dead or Alive"........9 months later he wasn't "that concerned"....
LOL!! We have heard this shit for 2 years. It isn't true. ISIS is decimating Baghdad and security forces there fired on their own people, who were protesting for more protection.
I can't speak to what you " hear"......I can only tell you what is going on...
Democrats wasted no time in labeling Bush's surge in Iraq a failure. But it wasn't. His courageous decision in the face of withering criticism by Congressional Democrats resulted in total victory in Iraq, leaving it a stable democracy, as Obama himself said.
Even though Obama oppsed BUsh's surge he modeled his Afghan surge on it, calling in the Iraqi surge's commander, Petraeus, to lead it.
Obama's surge in Afghanistan failed, costing thousands of lives and leaving Afghanistan a total wreck. Here is Petraeus' article calling for all out war against the Taliban, this years after we were told the Afghan war was over.
Obama-most failed commander in chief ever.
Take the Gloves Off Against the Taliban
. But it wasn't. His courageous decision in the face of withering criticism by Congressional Democrats resulted in total victory in Iraq, leaving it a stable democracy,

Complete crap.....

Scrub pushed Serge, on the advice of Disco Freddie Kagan, to avoid the humiliation of seeing US troops return from the Iraqnam disaster on his watch - anything BUT "courageous"..

He did so contrary to the recommendations of the study group he convened....

So he bucked popular opinion and that wasn't courageous? You're melting down here. This always happen when you confront libs with facts.

What was " courageous " about it? He wasn't up for re-election....."courageous" would have been to pay for the cost of the war in Real Time by raising the taxes necessary....this would have made it an issue in the 04 campaign..

There isn't a single element of the Iraqnam catastrophe that demonstrates courage on the part of the worst POTUS of the modern era.

Bush was the worst President this country has endured.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
The goal was to find WMDs. We found none which confirmed the Blix investigation before our invasion of Iraq that there were no WMDs there. To label it as a success is a sure sign of desperation by the last of the Bushmen. And if “success” means losing 6,000 soldiers…you can keep your trophy.
Democrats wasted no time in labeling Bush's surge in Iraq a failure. But it wasn't. His courageous decision in the face of withering criticism by Congressional Democrats resulted in total victory in Iraq, leaving it a stable democracy, as Obama himself said.
Even though Obama oppsed BUsh's surge he modeled his Afghan surge on it, calling in the Iraqi surge's commander, Petraeus, to lead it.
Obama's surge in Afghanistan failed, costing thousands of lives and leaving Afghanistan a total wreck. Here is Petraeus' article calling for all out war against the Taliban, this years after we were told the Afghan war was over.
Obama-most failed commander in chief ever.
Take the Gloves Off Against the Taliban
The thread premise is yet another example of the reprehensible right, and that most conservatives are indeed scum.

That the invasion of Iraq was a dreadful mistake on the part of GWB is a settled, accepted fact beyond dispute.

And the president has made a good faith effort to clean up Bush’s mess in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Indeed, this thread illustrates the idiocy of the conservative meme that Obama is ‘always wrong’; had the president ended American military involvement in the ME and brought all Americans home, the right would have attacked Obama for ‘cutting and running.’

Instead the president has done exactly what McCain or Romney would have done, and the blind partisan right attacks Obama for having taken the same action as any republican president.

Such is the ridiculous, reprehensible right.
Obama did in fact cut and run in Iraq. That is exactly what he did. .

You can use any inane rhetoric you want, but thank God Obama did get us out.

The most important point being ignored here, conveniently, is that even if a small residual force had been left in Iraq, and you can be sure it would have been small,

that in no way would have assured that ISIS didn't arise in north, including in Syria.

It would have only assured that the habit of the Iraqis letting Americans do the fighting and dying in their stead would have been continued.
That is not the case now. The Iraqis are doing their own fighting on the ground now.
WMDs was defined clearly by Bush and Powell as nukes.

There were none or the reasonable makings for such.
Osama is dead
GM is alive
We’re out of Iraq
We’re out of Afghanistan
The dow is up
The price of gas is down

Thank You Mr. President.
. But it wasn't. His courageous decision in the face of withering criticism by Congressional Democrats resulted in total victory in Iraq, leaving it a stable democracy,

Complete crap.....

Scrub pushed Serge, on the advice of Disco Freddie Kagan, to avoid the humiliation of seeing US troops return from the Iraqnam disaster on his watch - anything BUT "courageous"..

He did so contrary to the recommendations of the study group he convened....

So he bucked popular opinion and that wasn't courageous? You're melting down here. This always happen when you confront libs with facts.

What was " courageous " about it? He wasn't up for re-election....."courageous" would have been to pay for the cost of the war in Real Time by raising the taxes necessary....this would have made it an issue in the 04 campaign..

There isn't a single element of the Iraqnam catastrophe that demonstrates courage on the part of the worst POTUS of the modern era.

Bush was the worst President this country has endured.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

While I hesitate to labor the obvious, I marvel at the capacity of so many to continue to deny it....
Merely saying it isn's so doesnt make it not so. You have to provide, you know, some kind of evidence.
So what you are saying is that I must contradict your Bold Assertions with citations.....in response to which, as we both recognize, you will offer more bold Assertions...

By Its Own Standards, The “Surge” Failed
A 2010 article is a fail as the results werent known until 2012. You'll have to do better than that. I've supporte everything I've said. You've sat there sayng nuh-uh.

So you are Boldly Asserting that the evidence you demanded is for some convoluted reason a "fail", then you Boldly Re-Assert that you were right?

You're breaking new ground in rhetoric there, Rebbe.......who could have seen THAT coming, eh.....

Wait.....someone DID see it coming!

So what you are saying is that I must contradict your Bold Assertions with citations.....in response to which, as we both recognize, you will offer more bold Assertions...
I am calmly calling bullshit on your article, which was written before the full outcome of the Iraq War was known.
You are losing this debate badly so deflecting to insults.

So you assert......can you offer a specific date on which "the full outcome was known"?
This date:
So he bucked popular opinion and that wasn't courageous? You're melting down here. This always happen when you confront libs with facts.
What was " courageous " about it? He wasn't up for re-election....."courageous" would have been to pay for the cost of the war in Real Time by raising the taxes necessary....this would have made it an issue in the 04 campaign..

There isn't a single element of the Iraqnam catastrophe that demonstrates courage on the part of the worst POTUS of the modern era.
I guess we'll have o disagree about what courageous means. It certainly doesnt mean acting in a manner to appease your base despite the recommendations of your own advisors. Which is what Obama did.
acting in a manner to appease your base despite the recommendations of your own advisors

You mean like Scrub ignoring the recommendations of the Iraqnam Study Group?
What base was pushing BUsh to continue the surge, fuckward?
You are losing this debate badly so deflecting to insults.


That took one minute....

Is your family talking about institutionalizing you?
Your deflection to insults is indicative of your lack of argument or fact. Next yu will be posting cartoons and pictures.
There really is no point in discussing this issue any longer.

Bed wetting libturds generally avoid military service because they don't exist to make sacrifices or efforts to promote anything beyond their own self centered concerns. Few of them have been outside the country, let alone deployed to the middle east and least of all to OIF.

As someone who was in Iraq in 05 and 07 I can say from first hand experience that not only was the surge a success in it's aim to hunt down and kill jihadist psychopaths, but to finally bring stability and order to the country.

The Bush doctrine of "de-ba'athification" was erroneous. It would have been far wiser to leave the Iraqi military intact and use it as it was for security as well as most of the government to continue it's work. Hindsight being what it is, the surge was the way this mistake was fixed as well as it was.

The Iraq war was exactly the right thing to do. Jihadist assholes declared war on us decades ago, and finally struck a massive blow. So we wiped out Taliturds in AFG, and drove into the middle of the middle east. We set up a flag and DARED the pinhead mooselimbs who wanted to die for pisslam to come and let us test out our weapons on them. It was a brilliant strategy and we slaughtered every jihadist piece of shit we saw. We should still be in the outskirts of Iraqi cities picking them off, but the meat puppet queer was "uncomfortable with victory" against jihad. He used no leverage and followed the withdrawal timeline against the advice of people who know more than he does (which accounts for a lot of people actually).

Leaving Iraq was utter stupidity.

Letting Gaddafi die was utter stupidity.

Allowing the Mooselimb Butthurthood to take over Egypt was utter stupidity.

Giving Iran $150,000,000,000 and a green light to build nukes is a level of stupidity not yet quantified by itself.

The libturd moonbat messiah is a titanic fuck up that scholars at Websters are still working to define and the sniveling bed wetters who refuse to accept that reality are the greatest liability the world has to deal with. No disease, natural disaster or war has the potential for as much destruction to humanity and the earth itself than regressive parasites do.

Another illustration of the wisdom of leaving stupid babies out in the wild to be eaten....

Iraqnam was never a center of "jihadism"...invading it under false pretenses was a war crime.

Morsi won a fair and free election in Egypt

Scrub & Co. spent $25 billion, and several years, training and equipping the Legion of the Bronze Cordovan.....it folded like a cheap tent when challenged by less than 800 ISILs arriving in pickups....by declining to commit a sizeable force to Iraqnam, Obama has obliged it's government to take its security seriously, and recent events have demonstrated the wisdom of doing so...
Obama has yet to announce a comprehensive strategy on ISIS, despite having known about them for nearlyu 3 years.

Meanwhile, ISIS leadership is being decimated, and their finances destroyed....

On the other hand, Scrub announced that he wanted Usama "Dead or Alive"........9 months later he wasn't "that concerned"....
LOL!! We have heard this shit for 2 years. It isn't true. ISIS is decimating Baghdad and security forces there fired on their own people, who were protesting for more protection.
I can't speak to what you " hear"......I can only tell you what is going on...
Obviously you can't. I posted the article where Petraeus calls for bombing in Afghanistan because we are losing the war there, due to Obama's incompetence.
The goal was to find WMDs. We found none which confirmed the Blix investigation before our invasion of Iraq that there were no WMDs there. To label it as a success is a sure sign of desperation by the last of the Bushmen. And if “success” means losing 6,000 soldiers…you can keep your trophy.
That was not the goal. Review the Iraq Resolution passed by Congress, including many Democrats. We achieved every goal set forth there.

Scrub pushed Serge, on the advice of Disco Freddie Kagan, to avoid the humiliation of seeing US troops return from the Iraqnam disaster on his watch - anything BUT "courageous"..

He did so contrary to the recommendations of the study group he convened....

So he bucked popular opinion and that wasn't courageous? You're melting down here. This always happen when you confront libs with facts.

What was " courageous " about it? He wasn't up for re-election....."courageous" would have been to pay for the cost of the war in Real Time by raising the taxes necessary....this would have made it an issue in the 04 campaign..

There isn't a single element of the Iraqnam catastrophe that demonstrates courage on the part of the worst POTUS of the modern era.

Bush was the worst President this country has endured.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

While I hesitate to labor the obvious, I marvel at the capacity of so many to continue to deny it....

Irony and cognitive dissonance spotted.
I post an article that shows Obama's surge in Afghanistan has failed. I post a video showing Obama declaring Iraq to be stable and democratic. And you insist the opposite of what is posted is true.
The goal was to find WMDs. We found none which confirmed the Blix investigation before our invasion of Iraq that there were no WMDs there. To label it as a success is a sure sign of desperation by the last of the Bushmen. And if “success” means losing 6,000 soldiers…you can keep your trophy.
That was not the goal. Review the Iraq Resolution passed by Congress, including many Democrats. We achieved every goal set forth there.

Not one 'goal' was worth 4500 dead Americans. Not one 'goal' was in any way a vital national interest of the US.
The goal was to find WMDs. We found none which confirmed the Blix investigation before our invasion of Iraq that there were no WMDs there. To label it as a success is a sure sign of desperation by the last of the Bushmen. And if “success” means losing 6,000 soldiers…you can keep your trophy.
That was not the goal. Review the Iraq Resolution passed by Congress, including many Democrats. We achieved every goal set forth there.

Not one 'goal' was worth 4500 dead Americans. Not one 'goal' was in any way a vital national interest of the US.
Containing disruption in the middle east, maintaining our integrity in foreign affairs ? To you probably not.

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