Bush's Surge: Win. Obama's Surge: Lose

Stability is not possible there. We could I suppose keep 50 thousand troops stationed there forever. The who?e region cannot nor ever will be stable. Even the Russians figured that out.
You can’t negotiate a war where a religious crusade is involved. You can’t reward one side with pacifying riches or land because that isn’t what they want; they want to impose their will on the native peoples. For many (if not most) in the ME with guns…that is what this is.

Thinking you can intimidate them into capitulation is silly. Mass slaughter will not be accepted on this side of the sword. And you cannot fit total conquest into a neat 4 year term with time enough to campaign on the “victory”.
Obama has yet to announce a comprehensive strategy on ISIS, despite having known about them for nearlyu 3 years.

Meanwhile, ISIS leadership is being decimated, and their finances destroyed....

On the other hand, Scrub announced that he wanted Usama "Dead or Alive"........9 months later he wasn't "that concerned"....
LOL!! We have heard this shit for 2 years. It isn't true. ISIS is decimating Baghdad and security forces there fired on their own people, who were protesting for more protection.

You lie. ISIS has been territorially contained and rolled back.

We could have easily destroyed isis early on. Obama ignored them, called them the JV team,, didn't read his intelligence reports, he's incompetent and a pathetic embarrassment.
Sure, J....

ISIS is AQI rebranded.....if destroying them is so easy, why couldn't Scrub get that job done with 175,000 troops in theater?

The job was done, until Obama screwed it up. He's incompetent and a joke.... China knows it, Putin knows it, Iran knows it, and so do the rest of the islamofascist
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Stability is not possible there. We could I suppose keep 50 thousand troops stationed there forever. The who?e region cannot nor ever will be stable. Even the Russians figured that out.

We've got Troops in Korea, We got Troops in Europe, Japan ect....We should have a Military base in Iraq
If the Iraqi army can't take care of things then that's their problem. We still haven't been too why we went into Iraq when it was obl who was the mastermind behind 9 11.
Meanwhile, ISIS leadership is being decimated, and their finances destroyed....

On the other hand, Scrub announced that he wanted Usama "Dead or Alive"........9 months later he wasn't "that concerned"....
LOL!! We have heard this shit for 2 years. It isn't true. ISIS is decimating Baghdad and security forces there fired on their own people, who were protesting for more protection.

You lie. ISIS has been territorially contained and rolled back.

We could have easily destroyed isis early on. Obama ignored them, called them the JV team,, didn't read his intelligence reports, he's incompetent and a pathetic embarrassment.
Sure, J....

ISIS is AQI rebranded.....if destroying them is so easy, why couldn't Scrub get that job done with 175,000 troops in theater?

The job was done, until Obama screwed it up. He's incompetent and a joke.... China knows it, Putin knows it, Iran knows it, and so do the rest of the islamofascist

Obama screwed up nothing. If anyone screwed up it was the Iraqis. It's their country to defend.

Iraq has a military force of half a million. ISIS might have had 20,000 at their peak.

Do the math, or have someone do it for you.
LOL!! We have heard this shit for 2 years. It isn't true. ISIS is decimating Baghdad and security forces there fired on their own people, who were protesting for more protection.

You lie. ISIS has been territorially contained and rolled back.

We could have easily destroyed isis early on. Obama ignored them, called them the JV team,, didn't read his intelligence reports, he's incompetent and a pathetic embarrassment.
Sure, J....

ISIS is AQI rebranded.....if destroying them is so easy, why couldn't Scrub get that job done with 175,000 troops in theater?

The job was done, until Obama screwed it up. He's incompetent and a joke.... China knows it, Putin knows it, Iran knows it, and so do the rest of the islamofascist

Obama screwed up nothing. If anyone screwed up it was the Iraqis. It's their country to defend.

Iraq has a military force of half a million. ISIS might have had 20,000 at their peak.

Do the math, or have someone do it for you.
Obama pulled out ,the Sunnis where isolated and cleansed from the government. as Iran's influence spread. All of that, combined with the Syrian civil war lead to the situation we have there now we.... We should have a military base there.
If the Iraqi army can't take care of things then that's their problem. We still haven't been too why we went into Iraq when it was obl who was the mastermind behind 9 11.
If you don't know why we went into Iraq after literally 15 years then you are too fucking stupid to have this conversation.
I wonder, on what day was the Middle East last stable.
Iraq was stable the day Obama announced he was withdrawing.
What date was that?
Check my sig line.

I don’t see sig lines. Why is it you just can’t tell us the date when everything was peachy keen in Iraq? Probably because there isn’t such a date.
It was the date Obama gave that speech. He said so himself. You're just doubting him because he is a black man you filthy racist pig.
I wonder, on what day was the Middle East last stable.
Iraq was stable the day Obama announced he was withdrawing.
What date was that?
Check my sig line.

I don’t see sig lines. Why is it you just can’t tell us the date when everything was peachy keen in Iraq? Probably because there isn’t such a date.
It was the date Obama gave that speech. He said so himself. You're just doubting him because he is a black man you filthy racist pig.

Still no date….Winning was never so easy. Your capitulation is accepted.

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