Bush's Surge: Win. Obama's Surge: Lose

He did not say they didnt find WMD. As usual your high school education hampers your ability to debate.

Sure he did. What was found was not worth one American life…much less 6,000 of them. But don’t let needless deaths bother you—I’m sure they don’t since you were just on the sidelines cheering.
Poison gas? I wonder what you consider to be worth American lives. Probably nothing because you are a narcissistic snowflake who thinks the world revolves around you.

Poison gas 10,000 miles away shit-for-brains. You can’t be this dumb. Oh wait, yes you can.
Deflect deflect deflect.
Ask the Kurds how dangerous poison gas is, you little dyke.

Interesting to note Saddam was considered an ally when he was gassing his enemies like Iran or the rebellious Kurds. The Reagan Administration was aware of these attacks and did nothing. They continued supporting him passed the war and into President Bushes(41) term.

I know right?

Pretty Sure rabid was right there along with Saddam when he was gassing Iranians….
He did not say they didnt find WMD. As usual your high school education hampers your ability to debate.

Sure he did. What was found was not worth one American life…much less 6,000 of them. But don’t let needless deaths bother you—I’m sure they don’t since you were just on the sidelines cheering.
Poison gas? I wonder what you consider to be worth American lives. Probably nothing because you are a narcissistic snowflake who thinks the world revolves around you.

Poison gas 10,000 miles away shit-for-brains. You can’t be this dumb. Oh wait, yes you can.
Deflect deflect deflect.
Ask the Kurds how dangerous poison gas is, you little dyke.

Interesting to note Saddam was considered an ally when he was gassing his enemies like Iran or the rebellious Kurds. The Reagan Administration was aware of these attacks and did nothing. They continued supporting him passed the war and into President Bushes(41) term.
Interesting to note FDR considered Stalin an ally.
So how is Obama's surge in Afghanistan going?
Sure he did. What was found was not worth one American life…much less 6,000 of them. But don’t let needless deaths bother you—I’m sure they don’t since you were just on the sidelines cheering.
Poison gas? I wonder what you consider to be worth American lives. Probably nothing because you are a narcissistic snowflake who thinks the world revolves around you.

Poison gas 10,000 miles away shit-for-brains. You can’t be this dumb. Oh wait, yes you can.
Deflect deflect deflect.
Ask the Kurds how dangerous poison gas is, you little dyke.

Interesting to note Saddam was considered an ally when he was gassing his enemies like Iran or the rebellious Kurds. The Reagan Administration was aware of these attacks and did nothing. They continued supporting him passed the war and into President Bushes(41) term.
Interesting to note FDR considered Stalin an ally.
So how is Obama's surge in Afghanistan going?

We’re not losing blood by the gallon over there any longer. Going fantastic.
Fewer dead Americans is a good thing to most Americans
Poison gas? I wonder what you consider to be worth American lives. Probably nothing because you are a narcissistic snowflake who thinks the world revolves around you.

Poison gas 10,000 miles away shit-for-brains. You can’t be this dumb. Oh wait, yes you can.
Deflect deflect deflect.
Ask the Kurds how dangerous poison gas is, you little dyke.

Interesting to note Saddam was considered an ally when he was gassing his enemies like Iran or the rebellious Kurds. The Reagan Administration was aware of these attacks and did nothing. They continued supporting him passed the war and into President Bushes(41) term.
Interesting to note FDR considered Stalin an ally.
So how is Obama's surge in Afghanistan going?

We’re not losing blood by the gallon over there any longer. Going fantastic.
Fewer dead Americans is a good thing to most Americans
We're losing teh war to the Taliban. Thus the Americans who died fighting it died in vain. But you don't give a shit. That's clear.
Sure he did. What was found was not worth one American life…much less 6,000 of them. But don’t let needless deaths bother you—I’m sure they don’t since you were just on the sidelines cheering.
Poison gas? I wonder what you consider to be worth American lives. Probably nothing because you are a narcissistic snowflake who thinks the world revolves around you.

Poison gas 10,000 miles away shit-for-brains. You can’t be this dumb. Oh wait, yes you can.
Deflect deflect deflect.
Ask the Kurds how dangerous poison gas is, you little dyke.

Interesting to note Saddam was considered an ally when he was gassing his enemies like Iran or the rebellious Kurds. The Reagan Administration was aware of these attacks and did nothing. They continued supporting him passed the war and into President Bushes(41) term.
Interesting to note FDR considered Stalin an ally.
So how is Obama's surge in Afghanistan going?

FDR did not use Stalin in a proxy war. After Germany was defeated the Red Army was considered a huge threat to the Allied Occupation forces in Europe.

The Afghan Surge Is Over
Poison gas? I wonder what you consider to be worth American lives. Probably nothing because you are a narcissistic snowflake who thinks the world revolves around you.

Poison gas 10,000 miles away shit-for-brains. You can’t be this dumb. Oh wait, yes you can.
Deflect deflect deflect.
Ask the Kurds how dangerous poison gas is, you little dyke.

Interesting to note Saddam was considered an ally when he was gassing his enemies like Iran or the rebellious Kurds. The Reagan Administration was aware of these attacks and did nothing. They continued supporting him passed the war and into President Bushes(41) term.
Interesting to note FDR considered Stalin an ally.
So how is Obama's surge in Afghanistan going?

FDR did not use Stalin in a proxy war. After Germany was defeated the Red Army was considered a huge threat to the Allied Occupation forces in Europe.

The Afghan Surge Is Over
FDR considered Stalin an ally and used him to exhaust Hitler on Hitler's Eastern Front.
The Afghan surge is over and the results are: FAILURE.
Poison gas 10,000 miles away shit-for-brains. You can’t be this dumb. Oh wait, yes you can.
Deflect deflect deflect.
Ask the Kurds how dangerous poison gas is, you little dyke.

Interesting to note Saddam was considered an ally when he was gassing his enemies like Iran or the rebellious Kurds. The Reagan Administration was aware of these attacks and did nothing. They continued supporting him passed the war and into President Bushes(41) term.
Interesting to note FDR considered Stalin an ally.
So how is Obama's surge in Afghanistan going?

FDR did not use Stalin in a proxy war. After Germany was defeated the Red Army was considered a huge threat to the Allied Occupation forces in Europe.

The Afghan Surge Is Over
FDR considered Stalin an ally and used him to exhaust Hitler on Hitler's Eastern Front.
The Afghan surge is over and the results are: FAILURE.

Why Roosevelt Was Right About Stalin

But the analogy between Stalin and Saddam is not historically accurate, not least because, unlike Sadam, the Soviet dictator wanted to be bargained with and was prepared to pay the price of respecting US interests and cooperating for the sake of common security and world peace.
Deflect deflect deflect.
Ask the Kurds how dangerous poison gas is, you little dyke.

Interesting to note Saddam was considered an ally when he was gassing his enemies like Iran or the rebellious Kurds. The Reagan Administration was aware of these attacks and did nothing. They continued supporting him passed the war and into President Bushes(41) term.
Interesting to note FDR considered Stalin an ally.
So how is Obama's surge in Afghanistan going?

FDR did not use Stalin in a proxy war. After Germany was defeated the Red Army was considered a huge threat to the Allied Occupation forces in Europe.

The Afghan Surge Is Over
FDR considered Stalin an ally and used him to exhaust Hitler on Hitler's Eastern Front.
The Afghan surge is over and the results are: FAILURE.

Why Roosevelt Was Right About Stalin

But the analogy between Stalin and Saddam is not historically accurate, not least because, unlike Sadam, the Soviet dictator wanted to be bargained with and was prepared to pay the price of respecting US interests and cooperating for the sake of common security and world peace.
LOL. No he wasnt. He wanted to defeat his enemy, just like Saddam did.
Your moral equivalence is a failure.
And the Surge is still a failed Obama policy while Bush's surge won the war.
Interesting to note Saddam was considered an ally when he was gassing his enemies like Iran or the rebellious Kurds. The Reagan Administration was aware of these attacks and did nothing. They continued supporting him passed the war and into President Bushes(41) term.
Interesting to note FDR considered Stalin an ally.
So how is Obama's surge in Afghanistan going?

FDR did not use Stalin in a proxy war. After Germany was defeated the Red Army was considered a huge threat to the Allied Occupation forces in Europe.

The Afghan Surge Is Over
FDR considered Stalin an ally and used him to exhaust Hitler on Hitler's Eastern Front.
The Afghan surge is over and the results are: FAILURE.

Why Roosevelt Was Right About Stalin

But the analogy between Stalin and Saddam is not historically accurate, not least because, unlike Sadam, the Soviet dictator wanted to be bargained with and was prepared to pay the price of respecting US interests and cooperating for the sake of common security and world peace.
LOL. No he wasnt. He wanted to defeat his enemy, just like Saddam did.
Your moral equivalence is a failure.
And the Surge is still a failed Obama policy while Bush's surge won the war.

Lesson #1: The United States lost. The first and most important lesson of Iraq war is that we didn’t win in any meaningful sense of that term. The alleged purpose of the war was eliminating Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, but it turns out he didn’t have any. Oops. Then the rationale shifted to creating a pro-American democracy, but Iraq today is at best a quasi-democracy and far from pro-American. The destruction of Iraq improved Iran’s position in the Persian Gulf — which is hardly something the United States intended — and the costs of the war (easily exceeding $1 trillion dollars) are much larger than U.S. leaders anticipated or promised. The war was also a giant distraction, which diverted the Bush administration from other priorities (e.g., Afghanistan) and made the United States much less popular around the world,

This lesson is important because supporters of the war are already marketing a revisionist version. In this counternarrative, the 2007 surge was a huge success (it wasn’t, because it failed to produce political reconciliation) and Iraq is now on the road to stable and prosperous democracy. And the costs weren’t really that bad. Another variant of this myth is the idea that President George W. Bush and Gen. David Petraeus had "won" the war by 2008, but President Obama then lost it by getting out early. This view ignores the fact that the Bush administration negotiated the 2008 Status of Forces agreement that set the timetable for U.S. withdrawal, and Obama couldn’t stay in Iraq once the Iraqi government made it clear it wanted us out.


The danger of this false narrative is obvious: If Americans come to see the war as a success — which it clearly wasn’t — they may continue to listen to the advice of its advocates and be more inclined to repeat similar mistakes in the future.

Top 10 Lessons of the Iraq War

But we have been over this ground before.......
Interesting to note FDR considered Stalin an ally.
So how is Obama's surge in Afghanistan going?

FDR did not use Stalin in a proxy war. After Germany was defeated the Red Army was considered a huge threat to the Allied Occupation forces in Europe.

The Afghan Surge Is Over
FDR considered Stalin an ally and used him to exhaust Hitler on Hitler's Eastern Front.
The Afghan surge is over and the results are: FAILURE.

Why Roosevelt Was Right About Stalin

But the analogy between Stalin and Saddam is not historically accurate, not least because, unlike Sadam, the Soviet dictator wanted to be bargained with and was prepared to pay the price of respecting US interests and cooperating for the sake of common security and world peace.
LOL. No he wasnt. He wanted to defeat his enemy, just like Saddam did.
Your moral equivalence is a failure.
And the Surge is still a failed Obama policy while Bush's surge won the war.

Lesson #1: The United States lost. The first and most important lesson of Iraq war is that we didn’t win in any meaningful sense of that term. The alleged purpose of the war was eliminating Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, but it turns out he didn’t have any. Oops. Then the rationale shifted to creating a pro-American democracy, but Iraq today is at best a quasi-democracy and far from pro-American. The destruction of Iraq improved Iran’s position in the Persian Gulf — which is hardly something the United States intended — and the costs of the war (easily exceeding $1 trillion dollars) are much larger than U.S. leaders anticipated or promised. The war was also a giant distraction, which diverted the Bush administration from other priorities (e.g., Afghanistan) and made the United States much less popular around the world,

This lesson is important because supporters of the war are already marketing a revisionist version. In this counternarrative, the 2007 surge was a huge success (it wasn’t, because it failed to produce political reconciliation) and Iraq is now on the road to stable and prosperous democracy. And the costs weren’t really that bad. Another variant of this myth is the idea that President George W. Bush and Gen. David Petraeus had "won" the war by 2008, but President Obama then lost it by getting out early. This view ignores the fact that the Bush administration negotiated the 2008 Status of Forces agreement that set the timetable for U.S. withdrawal, and Obama couldn’t stay in Iraq once the Iraqi government made it clear it wanted us out.


The danger of this false narrative is obvious: If Americans come to see the war as a success — which it clearly wasn’t — they may continue to listen to the advice of its advocates and be more inclined to repeat similar mistakes in the future.

Top 10 Lessons of the Iraq War

But we have been over this ground before.......
Oh look, an opinion piece that mirrors what you already think. That's persuasive. Not.
The point was not to only to remove Saddam's WMD. Go read the Iraq declaration passed by Congress which lays out our goals. We achived all of them.
And Obama's surge is still a failure.
Poison gas 10,000 miles away shit-for-brains. You can’t be this dumb. Oh wait, yes you can.
Deflect deflect deflect.
Ask the Kurds how dangerous poison gas is, you little dyke.

And a Kurd isn’t worth the life of an American. Sorry. Let the Kurds fight Saddam over a few poison gas cylinders. Wasn’t worth 6,000 American lives, 600 American lives or 6 american lives.
Right, you don't care about the little brown people. You are a typical lib: self absorbed and racist.

Well, your Messiah Bush slaughtered about 100,000+ of them in the name of bringing “peace” to the region. So I care much more than him or you shit-for-brains.
Your messiah Obozo slaughtered more than that in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as other coutnries through both action and inaction.
And you're still sucking his large Negro penis.
But tell me how Obama's surge in Afghanistan worked out.

Total fabrication.

And here you are again talking about a man’s penis.

Dude, you are one sick fuck.
FDR did not use Stalin in a proxy war. After Germany was defeated the Red Army was considered a huge threat to the Allied Occupation forces in Europe.

The Afghan Surge Is Over
FDR considered Stalin an ally and used him to exhaust Hitler on Hitler's Eastern Front.
The Afghan surge is over and the results are: FAILURE.

Why Roosevelt Was Right About Stalin

But the analogy between Stalin and Saddam is not historically accurate, not least because, unlike Sadam, the Soviet dictator wanted to be bargained with and was prepared to pay the price of respecting US interests and cooperating for the sake of common security and world peace.
LOL. No he wasnt. He wanted to defeat his enemy, just like Saddam did.
Your moral equivalence is a failure.
And the Surge is still a failed Obama policy while Bush's surge won the war.

Lesson #1: The United States lost. The first and most important lesson of Iraq war is that we didn’t win in any meaningful sense of that term. The alleged purpose of the war was eliminating Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, but it turns out he didn’t have any. Oops. Then the rationale shifted to creating a pro-American democracy, but Iraq today is at best a quasi-democracy and far from pro-American. The destruction of Iraq improved Iran’s position in the Persian Gulf — which is hardly something the United States intended — and the costs of the war (easily exceeding $1 trillion dollars) are much larger than U.S. leaders anticipated or promised. The war was also a giant distraction, which diverted the Bush administration from other priorities (e.g., Afghanistan) and made the United States much less popular around the world,

This lesson is important because supporters of the war are already marketing a revisionist version. In this counternarrative, the 2007 surge was a huge success (it wasn’t, because it failed to produce political reconciliation) and Iraq is now on the road to stable and prosperous democracy. And the costs weren’t really that bad. Another variant of this myth is the idea that President George W. Bush and Gen. David Petraeus had "won" the war by 2008, but President Obama then lost it by getting out early. This view ignores the fact that the Bush administration negotiated the 2008 Status of Forces agreement that set the timetable for U.S. withdrawal, and Obama couldn’t stay in Iraq once the Iraqi government made it clear it wanted us out.


The danger of this false narrative is obvious: If Americans come to see the war as a success — which it clearly wasn’t — they may continue to listen to the advice of its advocates and be more inclined to repeat similar mistakes in the future.

Top 10 Lessons of the Iraq War

But we have been over this ground before.......
Oh look, an opinion piece that mirrors what you already think. That's persuasive. Not.
The point was not to only to remove Saddam's WMD. Go read the Iraq declaration passed by Congress which lays out our goals. We achived all of them.
And Obama's surge is still a failure.

Fewer American deaths = a success.

Thank you Mr. President.
FDR considered Stalin an ally and used him to exhaust Hitler on Hitler's Eastern Front.
The Afghan surge is over and the results are: FAILURE.

Why Roosevelt Was Right About Stalin

But the analogy between Stalin and Saddam is not historically accurate, not least because, unlike Sadam, the Soviet dictator wanted to be bargained with and was prepared to pay the price of respecting US interests and cooperating for the sake of common security and world peace.
LOL. No he wasnt. He wanted to defeat his enemy, just like Saddam did.
Your moral equivalence is a failure.
And the Surge is still a failed Obama policy while Bush's surge won the war.

Lesson #1: The United States lost. The first and most important lesson of Iraq war is that we didn’t win in any meaningful sense of that term. The alleged purpose of the war was eliminating Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, but it turns out he didn’t have any. Oops. Then the rationale shifted to creating a pro-American democracy, but Iraq today is at best a quasi-democracy and far from pro-American. The destruction of Iraq improved Iran’s position in the Persian Gulf — which is hardly something the United States intended — and the costs of the war (easily exceeding $1 trillion dollars) are much larger than U.S. leaders anticipated or promised. The war was also a giant distraction, which diverted the Bush administration from other priorities (e.g., Afghanistan) and made the United States much less popular around the world,

This lesson is important because supporters of the war are already marketing a revisionist version. In this counternarrative, the 2007 surge was a huge success (it wasn’t, because it failed to produce political reconciliation) and Iraq is now on the road to stable and prosperous democracy. And the costs weren’t really that bad. Another variant of this myth is the idea that President George W. Bush and Gen. David Petraeus had "won" the war by 2008, but President Obama then lost it by getting out early. This view ignores the fact that the Bush administration negotiated the 2008 Status of Forces agreement that set the timetable for U.S. withdrawal, and Obama couldn’t stay in Iraq once the Iraqi government made it clear it wanted us out.


The danger of this false narrative is obvious: If Americans come to see the war as a success — which it clearly wasn’t — they may continue to listen to the advice of its advocates and be more inclined to repeat similar mistakes in the future.

Top 10 Lessons of the Iraq War

But we have been over this ground before.......
Oh look, an opinion piece that mirrors what you already think. That's persuasive. Not.
The point was not to only to remove Saddam's WMD. Go read the Iraq declaration passed by Congress which lays out our goals. We achived all of them.
And Obama's surge is still a failure.

Fewer American deaths = a success.

Thank you Mr. President.
We could have just surrendered to Hitler and saved all those boys. Sigh.
Deflect deflect deflect.
Ask the Kurds how dangerous poison gas is, you little dyke.

And a Kurd isn’t worth the life of an American. Sorry. Let the Kurds fight Saddam over a few poison gas cylinders. Wasn’t worth 6,000 American lives, 600 American lives or 6 american lives.
Right, you don't care about the little brown people. You are a typical lib: self absorbed and racist.

Well, your Messiah Bush slaughtered about 100,000+ of them in the name of bringing “peace” to the region. So I care much more than him or you shit-for-brains.
Your messiah Obozo slaughtered more than that in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as other coutnries through both action and inaction.
And you're still sucking his large Negro penis.
But tell me how Obama's surge in Afghanistan worked out.

Total fabrication.

And here you are again talking about a man’s penis.

Dude, you are one sick fuck.
IM not the one sucking Obama's large negro penis and lusting after Trumps.
And a Kurd isn’t worth the life of an American. Sorry. Let the Kurds fight Saddam over a few poison gas cylinders. Wasn’t worth 6,000 American lives, 600 American lives or 6 american lives.
Right, you don't care about the little brown people. You are a typical lib: self absorbed and racist.

Well, your Messiah Bush slaughtered about 100,000+ of them in the name of bringing “peace” to the region. So I care much more than him or you shit-for-brains.
Your messiah Obozo slaughtered more than that in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as other coutnries through both action and inaction.
And you're still sucking his large Negro penis.
But tell me how Obama's surge in Afghanistan worked out.

Total fabrication.

And here you are again talking about a man’s penis.

Dude, you are one sick fuck.
IM not the one sucking Obama's large negro penis and lusting after Trumps.

You’re the only one who keeps bringing up mens’ genitalia Shirley.
Why Roosevelt Was Right About Stalin

But the analogy between Stalin and Saddam is not historically accurate, not least because, unlike Sadam, the Soviet dictator wanted to be bargained with and was prepared to pay the price of respecting US interests and cooperating for the sake of common security and world peace.
LOL. No he wasnt. He wanted to defeat his enemy, just like Saddam did.
Your moral equivalence is a failure.
And the Surge is still a failed Obama policy while Bush's surge won the war.

Lesson #1: The United States lost. The first and most important lesson of Iraq war is that we didn’t win in any meaningful sense of that term. The alleged purpose of the war was eliminating Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, but it turns out he didn’t have any. Oops. Then the rationale shifted to creating a pro-American democracy, but Iraq today is at best a quasi-democracy and far from pro-American. The destruction of Iraq improved Iran’s position in the Persian Gulf — which is hardly something the United States intended — and the costs of the war (easily exceeding $1 trillion dollars) are much larger than U.S. leaders anticipated or promised. The war was also a giant distraction, which diverted the Bush administration from other priorities (e.g., Afghanistan) and made the United States much less popular around the world,

This lesson is important because supporters of the war are already marketing a revisionist version. In this counternarrative, the 2007 surge was a huge success (it wasn’t, because it failed to produce political reconciliation) and Iraq is now on the road to stable and prosperous democracy. And the costs weren’t really that bad. Another variant of this myth is the idea that President George W. Bush and Gen. David Petraeus had "won" the war by 2008, but President Obama then lost it by getting out early. This view ignores the fact that the Bush administration negotiated the 2008 Status of Forces agreement that set the timetable for U.S. withdrawal, and Obama couldn’t stay in Iraq once the Iraqi government made it clear it wanted us out.


The danger of this false narrative is obvious: If Americans come to see the war as a success — which it clearly wasn’t — they may continue to listen to the advice of its advocates and be more inclined to repeat similar mistakes in the future.

Top 10 Lessons of the Iraq War

But we have been over this ground before.......
Oh look, an opinion piece that mirrors what you already think. That's persuasive. Not.
The point was not to only to remove Saddam's WMD. Go read the Iraq declaration passed by Congress which lays out our goals. We achived all of them.
And Obama's surge is still a failure.

Fewer American deaths = a success.

Thank you Mr. President.
We could have just surrendered to Hitler and saved all those boys. Sigh.

I think weather its Bush or Obama , both have killed millions of innocent iraqi civilians who never attacked america .
US terrorist govt has been using its military to perpetuate state-sponsored terrorism just to further its own interests in middle east . The dumb Americans have been supporting their govt in their blatant lies to justify killing innocent muslim men , women & kids for decades .
All you achieved by your continuous attacks in middle east is only your own interests at the cost of millions of muslims civilians deaths .
LOL. No he wasnt. He wanted to defeat his enemy, just like Saddam did.
Your moral equivalence is a failure.
And the Surge is still a failed Obama policy while Bush's surge won the war.

Lesson #1: The United States lost. The first and most important lesson of Iraq war is that we didn’t win in any meaningful sense of that term. The alleged purpose of the war was eliminating Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, but it turns out he didn’t have any. Oops. Then the rationale shifted to creating a pro-American democracy, but Iraq today is at best a quasi-democracy and far from pro-American. The destruction of Iraq improved Iran’s position in the Persian Gulf — which is hardly something the United States intended — and the costs of the war (easily exceeding $1 trillion dollars) are much larger than U.S. leaders anticipated or promised. The war was also a giant distraction, which diverted the Bush administration from other priorities (e.g., Afghanistan) and made the United States much less popular around the world,

This lesson is important because supporters of the war are already marketing a revisionist version. In this counternarrative, the 2007 surge was a huge success (it wasn’t, because it failed to produce political reconciliation) and Iraq is now on the road to stable and prosperous democracy. And the costs weren’t really that bad. Another variant of this myth is the idea that President George W. Bush and Gen. David Petraeus had "won" the war by 2008, but President Obama then lost it by getting out early. This view ignores the fact that the Bush administration negotiated the 2008 Status of Forces agreement that set the timetable for U.S. withdrawal, and Obama couldn’t stay in Iraq once the Iraqi government made it clear it wanted us out.


The danger of this false narrative is obvious: If Americans come to see the war as a success — which it clearly wasn’t — they may continue to listen to the advice of its advocates and be more inclined to repeat similar mistakes in the future.

Top 10 Lessons of the Iraq War

But we have been over this ground before.......
Oh look, an opinion piece that mirrors what you already think. That's persuasive. Not.
The point was not to only to remove Saddam's WMD. Go read the Iraq declaration passed by Congress which lays out our goals. We achived all of them.
And Obama's surge is still a failure.

Fewer American deaths = a success.

Thank you Mr. President.
We could have just surrendered to Hitler and saved all those boys. Sigh.

I think weather its Bush or Obama , both have killed millions of innocent iraqi civilians who never attacked america .
US terrorist govt has been using its military to perpetuate state-sponsored terrorism just to further its own interests in middle east . The dumb Americans have been supporting their govt in their blatant lies to justify killing innocent muslim men , women & kids for decades .
All you achieved by your continuous attacks in middle east is only your own interests at the cost of millions of muslims civilians deaths .
We killed millions of innocent Germans and Japanese in WW2 too. Russians killed millions of innocent Germans. Union killed millions of innocent southerners. War is hell. Get over it.
There were no WMDs found as Hans Blix told us there were none well before Bush invaded. Violating a no fly zone and violating sanctions is no reason to lose 6,000 soldiers. The guy who helped him —Republican Asshat Oscar Wyatt—got a whopping 1 year in min security for doing it. That is how minor it was.
There were in fact WMDs found and Hans Blix was a moron. Iraq violated many UN resolutions and sanctions. Enforcing those sanctions was paramount otherwise they would be become a laughingstock.
And recall Hillary enabled it with her vote for the war.


You are a chronic and habitual liar.....
Translation: Rebbe, you have whipped my ass until it is bleeding and I am humiliated by your superior knowledge.


Have you sat down and considered why so many of the things you "know" are demonstrably false?
Then you should have no problem demonstrating them.
Son, aint no one got time for amateurs. Bye.

You ain't got squat, Rebbe.....
Interesting to note Saddam was considered an ally when he was gassing his enemies like Iran or the rebellious Kurds. The Reagan Administration was aware of these attacks and did nothing. They continued supporting him passed the war and into President Bushes(41) term.
Interesting to note FDR considered Stalin an ally.
So how is Obama's surge in Afghanistan going?

FDR did not use Stalin in a proxy war. After Germany was defeated the Red Army was considered a huge threat to the Allied Occupation forces in Europe.

The Afghan Surge Is Over
FDR considered Stalin an ally and used him to exhaust Hitler on Hitler's Eastern Front.
The Afghan surge is over and the results are: FAILURE.

Why Roosevelt Was Right About Stalin

But the analogy between Stalin and Saddam is not historically accurate, not least because, unlike Sadam, the Soviet dictator wanted to be bargained with and was prepared to pay the price of respecting US interests and cooperating for the sake of common security and world peace.
LOL. No he wasnt. He wanted to defeat his enemy, just like Saddam did.
Your moral equivalence is a failure.
And the Surge is still a failed Obama policy while Bush's surge won the war.

You're skipping, Rebbe....nail the other foot to the floor....
the Soviet dictator wanted to be bargained with and was prepared to pay the price of respecting US interests and cooperating for the sake of common security and world peace.

Stalin had NO INTEREST in anyone else's security you blithering imbecile. He didn't give a fruit fly's fuck about "world peace" and made every effort to undermine US interests.

Seriously, how do people this stupid avoid accidental death? There are too many warning labels and safety barriers.


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