Bush's Surge: Win. Obama's Surge: Lose

Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

How many flights did the Iraqi Air Force make in that Zone? What provision in the UN Cease-fire agreement mentions a no fly zone over any part of Iraq? He did not continue to pursue WMD after he was kicked out of Kuwait. Smugglers found a rich well in Iraq, not the countries you cite.
Deny deny deny.
Too bad the facts say different.

The only things that say different are your bold assertions....
French connection armed Saddam
Unlocking "the biggest scandal in human history."
Sucks to be you.

There is a reason no one sane reads the Moonie Times......and, in 3 bullet points, tell me what part of the Slate article supports your argument that the invasion of Iraqnam was justified...
Iraq was already contained. Plus, Saddam kept all the internal religious factions in line. No need for a full scale invasion of a country to maintain our integrity in foreign affairs.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

There were no WMDs found as Hans Blix told us there were none well before Bush invaded. Violating a no fly zone and violating sanctions is no reason to lose 6,000 soldiers. The guy who helped him —Republican Asshat Oscar Wyatt—got a whopping 1 year in min security for doing it. That is how minor it was.
There were in fact WMDs found and Hans Blix was a moron. Iraq violated many UN resolutions and sanctions. Enforcing those sanctions was paramount otherwise they would be become a laughingstock.
And recall Hillary enabled it with her vote for the war.

George Bush says they didn’t find them. Is he lying or is it you?

"I recognize we didn't find the stockpiles [of weapons] we all thought were there."
He did not say they didnt find WMD. As usual your high school education hampers your ability to debate.

Sure he did. What was found was not worth one American life…much less 6,000 of them. But don’t let needless deaths bother you—I’m sure they don’t since you were just on the sidelines cheering.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

There were no WMDs found as Hans Blix told us there were none well before Bush invaded. Violating a no fly zone and violating sanctions is no reason to lose 6,000 soldiers. The guy who helped him —Republican Asshat Oscar Wyatt—got a whopping 1 year in min security for doing it. That is how minor it was.
There were in fact WMDs found and Hans Blix was a moron. Iraq violated many UN resolutions and sanctions. Enforcing those sanctions was paramount otherwise they would be become a laughingstock.
And recall Hillary enabled it with her vote for the war.


You are a chronic and habitual liar.....
Translation: Rebbe, you have whipped my ass until it is bleeding and I am humiliated by your superior knowledge.


Have you sat down and considered why so many of the things you "know" are demonstrably false?
Then you should have no problem demonstrating them.
Son, aint no one got time for amateurs. Bye.
LOL. Saddam repeatedly violated the no fly zone, continued his WMD programs, and undermined sanctions via the French, Germans and UN.

There were no WMDs found as Hans Blix told us there were none well before Bush invaded. Violating a no fly zone and violating sanctions is no reason to lose 6,000 soldiers. The guy who helped him —Republican Asshat Oscar Wyatt—got a whopping 1 year in min security for doing it. That is how minor it was.
There were in fact WMDs found and Hans Blix was a moron. Iraq violated many UN resolutions and sanctions. Enforcing those sanctions was paramount otherwise they would be become a laughingstock.
And recall Hillary enabled it with her vote for the war.

George Bush says they didn’t find them. Is he lying or is it you?

"I recognize we didn't find the stockpiles [of weapons] we all thought were there."
He did not say they didnt find WMD. As usual your high school education hampers your ability to debate.

Sure he did. What was found was not worth one American life…much less 6,000 of them. But don’t let needless deaths bother you—I’m sure they don’t since you were just on the sidelines cheering.
Poison gas? I wonder what you consider to be worth American lives. Probably nothing because you are a narcissistic snowflake who thinks the world revolves around you.
And when confronted with irrefutable reality libs respond with memes and cartoons.

Ironic that the meme was a picture of 1000 bed wetting libturds that followed a collectivist cult leader into the jungle and killed themselves willingly at his order.

Libturds are the dumbest mother fuckers on earth.

Sorry but conservatives lost any smart credibility when they started voting for trump. You guys get the dummy hat.
And when confronted with irrefutable reality libs respond with memes and cartoons.

Ironic that the meme was a picture of 1000 bed wetting libturds that followed a collectivist cult leader into the jungle and killed themselves willingly at his order.

Libturds are the dumbest mother fuckers on earth.

Sorry but conservatives lost any smart credibility when they started voting for trump. You guys get the dummy hat.
Conservatives are anti-Trump. Trump is a liberal Democrat.
And when confronted with irrefutable reality libs respond with memes and cartoons.

Ironic that the meme was a picture of 1000 bed wetting libturds that followed a collectivist cult leader into the jungle and killed themselves willingly at his order.

Libturds are the dumbest mother fuckers on earth.

Sorry but conservatives lost any smart credibility when they started voting for trump. You guys get the dummy hat.
Conservatives are anti-Trump. Trump is a liberal Democrat.

Then conservatives must be a tiny minority.
There were in fact WMDs found

Too bad they weren't the ones the Bush Administration claimed he was actively producing and stockpiling. Nothing was ever found that was manufactured after the First Gulf War.
And? Saddam had WMDs, period. He claimed he didnt. He claimed he had dismantled his program. All those claims were lies. Saddam was violating sanctions. He was undermining UN resolutions.
But all of that is irrelevant because Bush's surge was succesfull in winning the Iraq War while Obama's surge, modeled on the successful surge he opposed, has failed.
More Bush success, more Obama failure.
Now back to our normal deflection.
There were no WMDs found as Hans Blix told us there were none well before Bush invaded. Violating a no fly zone and violating sanctions is no reason to lose 6,000 soldiers. The guy who helped him —Republican Asshat Oscar Wyatt—got a whopping 1 year in min security for doing it. That is how minor it was.
There were in fact WMDs found and Hans Blix was a moron. Iraq violated many UN resolutions and sanctions. Enforcing those sanctions was paramount otherwise they would be become a laughingstock.
And recall Hillary enabled it with her vote for the war.

George Bush says they didn’t find them. Is he lying or is it you?

"I recognize we didn't find the stockpiles [of weapons] we all thought were there."
He did not say they didnt find WMD. As usual your high school education hampers your ability to debate.

Sure he did. What was found was not worth one American life…much less 6,000 of them. But don’t let needless deaths bother you—I’m sure they don’t since you were just on the sidelines cheering.
Poison gas? I wonder what you consider to be worth American lives. Probably nothing because you are a narcissistic snowflake who thinks the world revolves around you.

Poison gas 10,000 miles away shit-for-brains. You can’t be this dumb. Oh wait, yes you can.
There were in fact WMDs found

Too bad they weren't the ones the Bush Administration claimed he was actively producing and stockpiling. Nothing was ever found that was manufactured after the First Gulf War.
And? Saddam had WMDs, period. He claimed he didnt. He claimed he had dismantled his program. All those claims were lies. Saddam was violating sanctions. He was undermining UN resolutions.
But all of that is irrelevant because Bush's surge was succesfull in winning the Iraq War while Obama's surge, modeled on the successful surge he opposed, has failed.
More Bush success, more Obama failure.
Now back to our normal deflection.

Bush said they didn’t have the stockpiles he thought they did…sorry. You lose. As always.
There were in fact WMDs found and Hans Blix was a moron. Iraq violated many UN resolutions and sanctions. Enforcing those sanctions was paramount otherwise they would be become a laughingstock.
And recall Hillary enabled it with her vote for the war.

George Bush says they didn’t find them. Is he lying or is it you?

"I recognize we didn't find the stockpiles [of weapons] we all thought were there."
He did not say they didnt find WMD. As usual your high school education hampers your ability to debate.

Sure he did. What was found was not worth one American life…much less 6,000 of them. But don’t let needless deaths bother you—I’m sure they don’t since you were just on the sidelines cheering.
Poison gas? I wonder what you consider to be worth American lives. Probably nothing because you are a narcissistic snowflake who thinks the world revolves around you.

Poison gas 10,000 miles away shit-for-brains. You can’t be this dumb. Oh wait, yes you can.
Deflect deflect deflect.
Ask the Kurds how dangerous poison gas is, you little dyke.
There were in fact WMDs found

Too bad they weren't the ones the Bush Administration claimed he was actively producing and stockpiling. Nothing was ever found that was manufactured after the First Gulf War.
And? Saddam had WMDs, period. He claimed he didnt. He claimed he had dismantled his program. All those claims were lies. Saddam was violating sanctions. He was undermining UN resolutions.
But all of that is irrelevant because Bush's surge was succesfull in winning the Iraq War while Obama's surge, modeled on the successful surge he opposed, has failed.
More Bush success, more Obama failure.
Now back to our normal deflection.

Bush said they didn’t have the stockpiles he thought they did…sorry. You lose. As always.
Lose what?
Is Obama's surge in Afghanistan a success? Did Bush say they had no stockpiles?
Your faulty education makes you look like a simp.
George Bush says they didn’t find them. Is he lying or is it you?

"I recognize we didn't find the stockpiles [of weapons] we all thought were there."
He did not say they didnt find WMD. As usual your high school education hampers your ability to debate.

Sure he did. What was found was not worth one American life…much less 6,000 of them. But don’t let needless deaths bother you—I’m sure they don’t since you were just on the sidelines cheering.
Poison gas? I wonder what you consider to be worth American lives. Probably nothing because you are a narcissistic snowflake who thinks the world revolves around you.

Poison gas 10,000 miles away shit-for-brains. You can’t be this dumb. Oh wait, yes you can.
Deflect deflect deflect.
Ask the Kurds how dangerous poison gas is, you little dyke.

And a Kurd isn’t worth the life of an American. Sorry. Let the Kurds fight Saddam over a few poison gas cylinders. Wasn’t worth 6,000 American lives, 600 American lives or 6 american lives.
He did not say they didnt find WMD. As usual your high school education hampers your ability to debate.

Sure he did. What was found was not worth one American life…much less 6,000 of them. But don’t let needless deaths bother you—I’m sure they don’t since you were just on the sidelines cheering.
Poison gas? I wonder what you consider to be worth American lives. Probably nothing because you are a narcissistic snowflake who thinks the world revolves around you.

Poison gas 10,000 miles away shit-for-brains. You can’t be this dumb. Oh wait, yes you can.
Deflect deflect deflect.
Ask the Kurds how dangerous poison gas is, you little dyke.

And a Kurd isn’t worth the life of an American. Sorry. Let the Kurds fight Saddam over a few poison gas cylinders. Wasn’t worth 6,000 American lives, 600 American lives or 6 american lives.
Right, you don't care about the little brown people. You are a typical lib: self absorbed and racist.
Sure he did. What was found was not worth one American life…much less 6,000 of them. But don’t let needless deaths bother you—I’m sure they don’t since you were just on the sidelines cheering.
Poison gas? I wonder what you consider to be worth American lives. Probably nothing because you are a narcissistic snowflake who thinks the world revolves around you.

Poison gas 10,000 miles away shit-for-brains. You can’t be this dumb. Oh wait, yes you can.
Deflect deflect deflect.
Ask the Kurds how dangerous poison gas is, you little dyke.

And a Kurd isn’t worth the life of an American. Sorry. Let the Kurds fight Saddam over a few poison gas cylinders. Wasn’t worth 6,000 American lives, 600 American lives or 6 american lives.
Right, you don't care about the little brown people. You are a typical lib: self absorbed and racist.

Well, your Messiah Bush slaughtered about 100,000+ of them in the name of bringing “peace” to the region. So I care much more than him or you shit-for-brains.
Poison gas? I wonder what you consider to be worth American lives. Probably nothing because you are a narcissistic snowflake who thinks the world revolves around you.

Poison gas 10,000 miles away shit-for-brains. You can’t be this dumb. Oh wait, yes you can.
Deflect deflect deflect.
Ask the Kurds how dangerous poison gas is, you little dyke.

And a Kurd isn’t worth the life of an American. Sorry. Let the Kurds fight Saddam over a few poison gas cylinders. Wasn’t worth 6,000 American lives, 600 American lives or 6 american lives.
Right, you don't care about the little brown people. You are a typical lib: self absorbed and racist.

Well, your Messiah Bush slaughtered about 100,000+ of them in the name of bringing “peace” to the region. So I care much more than him or you shit-for-brains.
Your messiah Obozo slaughtered more than that in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as other coutnries through both action and inaction.
And you're still sucking his large Negro penis.
But tell me how Obama's surge in Afghanistan worked out.
George Bush says they didn’t find them. Is he lying or is it you?

"I recognize we didn't find the stockpiles [of weapons] we all thought were there."
He did not say they didnt find WMD. As usual your high school education hampers your ability to debate.

Sure he did. What was found was not worth one American life…much less 6,000 of them. But don’t let needless deaths bother you—I’m sure they don’t since you were just on the sidelines cheering.
Poison gas? I wonder what you consider to be worth American lives. Probably nothing because you are a narcissistic snowflake who thinks the world revolves around you.

Poison gas 10,000 miles away shit-for-brains. You can’t be this dumb. Oh wait, yes you can.
Deflect deflect deflect.
Ask the Kurds how dangerous poison gas is, you little dyke.

Interesting to note Saddam was considered an ally when he was gassing his enemies like Iran or the rebellious Kurds. The Reagan Administration was aware of these attacks and did nothing. They continued supporting him passed the war and into President Bushes(41) term.

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