BUSTED: Mother of Roy Moore Accuser Contradicts Key Detail of Daughter’s Sexual Advancement Claim

She did not say the phone was on her bedroom, she said she talked to him on the phone in her bedroom. If you recall those days we all had like 30 foot long handset cords so you could walk away from where the phone was jacked to the wall. I didn't have a phone in my bedroom but I talked on the phone a lot while sitting in my bedroom. And I am the same age as this woman.

Not even a good try.

We never had any 30 foot cord on our phone. In those days, most parents wouldn't allow their kids to yak on the phone in their bedrooms where they couldn't hear what was being said.

Sorry your parents were that way, but we had a long ass cord that reached half the house, as did everyone I knew.

What part of HER phone in HER bedroom tripped you up the most? Do you park YOUR car in YOUR garage or just use a valet?
We're talking about women aged 18. High school kids are ages 14-18. You keep trying to blur that distinction. It's a sleazy tactic, but everyone is wise to it.

I'll note that the Lefties think 14 year olds should be able to have abortions and undergo sex change procedures without their parents' consent, but think that speaking on the phone is Beyond the Pale.

Trying to change the subject now? Maybe 14 year old girls wouldn't need to have abortions if you weren't ok with them becoming friends with 32 year old men.

Yes, I'm sure Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein know all about that.

Weren't you the one crying about unproven accusations a few posts back?

The facts for those two are quite clear. Epstein was convicted of soliciting underage girls for prostitution; and Bubba's frequent trips to the orgy island filled with underage girls are well documented in the flight logs.

No, they are not, liar.

"To date, no documentary evidence has emerged to show that Clinton ever got near Epstein’s island home, and the U.S. Secret Service, in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, says it has no records of its agents traveling there in the years after Clinton left office." Feb 2016

Victims: Feds Hid ‘Sweetheart’ Deal for Well-Connected Sex Offender

& Being on a plane does not make one a child rapist.

Or else Trump is a rapist too - because he was on that plane./
Can't believe the number of Republicans flocking to defend dating Jail Bait

It's ok as long as he drove his car to see her, and didn't fly on Epstein's plane. It's the mode of transportation that made all the difference.

No idea what you are blabbing about
Some conservative fantasies about Clinton

Trump took that flight too

I'm saying it is ok that they can say Clinton is guilty just because he flew on Epstein's plane, but they say people can't assume Moore is guilty. They are being hypocrites.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to decieve:

They say if you want to catch a liar, merely let them talk. In the case of Judge Roy Moore accuser Leigh Corfman, just let her mother talk.

In an interview with Breitbart News, Corfman’s mother Nancy Wells contradicted a key detail of her daughter’s sexual advancement claim against the Alabama GOP Senate candidate. As Breitbart News reporter Aaron Klein noted on Sunday, “Wells, 71, says that her daughter did not have a phone in her bedroom during the period that Moore is reported to have allegedly called Corfman – purportedly on Corfman’s bedroom phone – to arrange at least one encounter.” Breitbart News reports: Citing Corfman, the Postreported: After her mother went into the courtroom, Corfman says, Moore asked her where she went to school, what she liked to do and whether he could call her sometime. She remembers giving him her number and says he called not long after. She says she talked to Moore on her phone in her bedroom, and they made plans for him to pick her up at Alcott Road and Riley Street, around the corner from her house.

Breitbart? The Gateway Pundit? Get serious! Stop trying to discredit and slander these victims with fake news!

Has the mother disputed saying it?


The mother didnt say it, the Gateway pundit twisted her words to make them mean something they did not. It is his MO after all
Creepy Roy Moore wouldn't even pick her up at her house?

Too bad they didn't have "To catch a predator" back then
I'll note that the Lefties think 14 year olds should be able to have abortions and undergo sex change procedures without their parents' consent, but think that speaking on the phone is Beyond the Pale.

Trying to change the subject now? Maybe 14 year old girls wouldn't need to have abortions if you weren't ok with them becoming friends with 32 year old men.

Yes, I'm sure Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein know all about that.

Weren't you the one crying about unproven accusations a few posts back?

The facts for those two are quite clear. Epstein was convicted of soliciting underage girls for prostitution; and Bubba's frequent trips to the orgy island filled with underage girls are well documented in the flight logs.

No, they are not, liar.

"To date, no documentary evidence has emerged to show that Clinton ever got near Epstein’s island home, and the U.S. Secret Service, in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, says it has no records of its agents traveling there in the years after Clinton left office." Feb 2016

Victims: Feds Hid ‘Sweetheart’ Deal for Well-Connected Sex Offender

& Being on a plane does not make one a child rapist.

Or else Trump is a rapist too - because he was on that plane./

You are the LAIR! If Moore talking to a girl on the phone is suspicious, Bubba flying to an island full of underage sex workers is even more so.

An investigation into official flight records of financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” are once again dragging former President Bill Clinton into the national spotlight.

Flight logs obtained by Gawker in January 2015 put Mr. Clinton on the billionaire’s infamous jet more than a dozen times — sometimes with a woman whom federal prosecutors suspect of procuring underage sex victims for Mr. Epstein. Fox News reported Friday that records show Mr. Clinton declined Secret Service protection on at least five flights.

The network’s investigation reveals Mr. Clinton flew on the Boeing 727 “Lolita Express” 26 times, more than doubling the previously reported 11 trips.

“Bill Clinton … associated with a man like Jeffrey Epstein, who everyone in New York, certainly within his inner circles, knew was a pedophile. Why would a former president associate with a man like that?” said Conchita Sarnoff of the Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking, Fox reported. Ms. Sarnoff also authored a book on Mr. Epstein titled “TrafficKing.”

Mr. Epstein was arrested in 2005 and signed a plea agreement in 2007 with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, accepting a single charge of soliciting prostitution. He agreed to a 30-month sentence, registered as a “Tier 1” sex offender with the U.S. Virgin Islands and paid dozens of young girls under a federal statute providing for compensation to victims of child sexual abuse.

Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple ‘Lolita Express’ flights: Report
From the article in the link....“No,” she replied matter-of-factly. “But the phone in the house could get through to her easily.” meaning that the phone cord reached the bedroom easily. The link contradicts itself...which is par for the course with the Gateway pundit.

What part of "she says she talked to Moore on her phone in her bedroom" didn't you understand?

I understand it perfectly, she was in her bedroom when she was talking to him on the phone. Using one of these the phone stays put and the receiver goes where you go..

What date was that sold?

I remember buying one in 1979 but mine was white. It was not the first one we had either, they tended to break as my older sisters pulled them to their furthest extent trying to have "privacy".

I don't recall that. I recall having to get everything for my phone from AT&T.

From the 1979 Radio Shack catalog. This is an 18ft extension. Our local store had longer ones.

Trying to change the subject now? Maybe 14 year old girls wouldn't need to have abortions if you weren't ok with them becoming friends with 32 year old men.

Yes, I'm sure Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein know all about that.

Weren't you the one crying about unproven accusations a few posts back?

The facts for those two are quite clear. Epstein was convicted of soliciting underage girls for prostitution; and Bubba's frequent trips to the orgy island filled with underage girls are well documented in the flight logs.

No, they are not, liar.

"To date, no documentary evidence has emerged to show that Clinton ever got near Epstein’s island home, and the U.S. Secret Service, in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, says it has no records of its agents traveling there in the years after Clinton left office." Feb 2016

Victims: Feds Hid ‘Sweetheart’ Deal for Well-Connected Sex Offender

& Being on a plane does not make one a child rapist.

Or else Trump is a rapist too - because he was on that plane./

You are the LAIR! If Moore talking to a girl on the phone is suspicious, Bubba flying to an island full of underage sex workers is even more so.

An investigation into official flight records of financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” are once again dragging former President Bill Clinton into the national spotlight.

Flight logs obtained by Gawker in January 2015 put Mr. Clinton on the billionaire’s infamous jet more than a dozen times — sometimes with a woman whom federal prosecutors suspect of procuring underage sex victims for Mr. Epstein. Fox News reported Friday that records show Mr. Clinton declined Secret Service protection on at least five flights.

The network’s investigation reveals Mr. Clinton flew on the Boeing 727 “Lolita Express” 26 times, more than doubling the previously reported 11 trips.

“Bill Clinton … associated with a man like Jeffrey Epstein, who everyone in New York, certainly within his inner circles, knew was a pedophile. Why would a former president associate with a man like that?” said Conchita Sarnoff of the Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking, Fox reported. Ms. Sarnoff also authored a book on Mr. Epstein titled “TrafficKing.”

Mr. Epstein was arrested in 2005 and signed a plea agreement in 2007 with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, accepting a single charge of soliciting prostitution. He agreed to a 30-month sentence, registered as a “Tier 1” sex offender with the U.S. Virgin Islands and paid dozens of young girls under a federal statute providing for compensation to victims of child sexual abuse.

Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple ‘Lolita Express’ flights: Report

So now we have moved from the mother lied to "well Bill did something worse so what Moore did is ok". This might shock you partisan idiots, but it is possible for both of them to be dirt bags.
Yes, I'm sure Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein know all about that.

Weren't you the one crying about unproven accusations a few posts back?

The facts for those two are quite clear. Epstein was convicted of soliciting underage girls for prostitution; and Bubba's frequent trips to the orgy island filled with underage girls are well documented in the flight logs.

No, they are not, liar.

"To date, no documentary evidence has emerged to show that Clinton ever got near Epstein’s island home, and the U.S. Secret Service, in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, says it has no records of its agents traveling there in the years after Clinton left office." Feb 2016

Victims: Feds Hid ‘Sweetheart’ Deal for Well-Connected Sex Offender

& Being on a plane does not make one a child rapist.

Or else Trump is a rapist too - because he was on that plane./

You are the LAIR! If Moore talking to a girl on the phone is suspicious, Bubba flying to an island full of underage sex workers is even more so.

An investigation into official flight records of financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” are once again dragging former President Bill Clinton into the national spotlight.

Flight logs obtained by Gawker in January 2015 put Mr. Clinton on the billionaire’s infamous jet more than a dozen times — sometimes with a woman whom federal prosecutors suspect of procuring underage sex victims for Mr. Epstein. Fox News reported Friday that records show Mr. Clinton declined Secret Service protection on at least five flights.

The network’s investigation reveals Mr. Clinton flew on the Boeing 727 “Lolita Express” 26 times, more than doubling the previously reported 11 trips.

“Bill Clinton … associated with a man like Jeffrey Epstein, who everyone in New York, certainly within his inner circles, knew was a pedophile. Why would a former president associate with a man like that?” said Conchita Sarnoff of the Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking, Fox reported. Ms. Sarnoff also authored a book on Mr. Epstein titled “TrafficKing.”

Mr. Epstein was arrested in 2005 and signed a plea agreement in 2007 with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, accepting a single charge of soliciting prostitution. He agreed to a 30-month sentence, registered as a “Tier 1” sex offender with the U.S. Virgin Islands and paid dozens of young girls under a federal statute providing for compensation to victims of child sexual abuse.

Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple ‘Lolita Express’ flights: Report

So now we have moved from the mother lied to "well Bill did something worse so what Moore did is ok". This might shock you partisan idiots, but it is possible for both of them to be dirt bags.

You're neglecting the concepts of evidence and due process.
What parent let's their underage kid talk privately to an unknown caller in the kid's own bedroom? Even today?

Oh great - blame it on the parents. So were your Mom and Dad there every single day when you came home from school?

Mom or Dad....yes. Who else is there to blame? A parent is 100% responsible for their underage kids. Look. if the kid commits a crime the parents are sued. If the kid is injured or God forbid killed, the parents will suffer the loss the rest of their lives. Seems to me it's fairly irresponsible not to know who your kid is talking with on the phone.
What parent let's their underage kid talk privately to an unknown caller in the kid's own bedroom? Even today?

The phone rings, the kid picks it up and says "it is Sally, I am going to talk to her", and off to the bedroom the phone goes.

Not without parent permission and identification of who is on the phone.

I guess my parents were not as strict as yous ,they did not verify each and every phone call as it came in.

And yet my 3 siblings and I all managed to become productive members of society with 5 Master's degrees between us. Some parents actually trust their kids. Crazy I know.
Weren't you the one crying about unproven accusations a few posts back?

The facts for those two are quite clear. Epstein was convicted of soliciting underage girls for prostitution; and Bubba's frequent trips to the orgy island filled with underage girls are well documented in the flight logs.

No, they are not, liar.

"To date, no documentary evidence has emerged to show that Clinton ever got near Epstein’s island home, and the U.S. Secret Service, in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, says it has no records of its agents traveling there in the years after Clinton left office." Feb 2016

Victims: Feds Hid ‘Sweetheart’ Deal for Well-Connected Sex Offender

& Being on a plane does not make one a child rapist.

Or else Trump is a rapist too - because he was on that plane./

You are the LAIR! If Moore talking to a girl on the phone is suspicious, Bubba flying to an island full of underage sex workers is even more so.

An investigation into official flight records of financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” are once again dragging former President Bill Clinton into the national spotlight.

Flight logs obtained by Gawker in January 2015 put Mr. Clinton on the billionaire’s infamous jet more than a dozen times — sometimes with a woman whom federal prosecutors suspect of procuring underage sex victims for Mr. Epstein. Fox News reported Friday that records show Mr. Clinton declined Secret Service protection on at least five flights.

The network’s investigation reveals Mr. Clinton flew on the Boeing 727 “Lolita Express” 26 times, more than doubling the previously reported 11 trips.

“Bill Clinton … associated with a man like Jeffrey Epstein, who everyone in New York, certainly within his inner circles, knew was a pedophile. Why would a former president associate with a man like that?” said Conchita Sarnoff of the Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking, Fox reported. Ms. Sarnoff also authored a book on Mr. Epstein titled “TrafficKing.”

Mr. Epstein was arrested in 2005 and signed a plea agreement in 2007 with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, accepting a single charge of soliciting prostitution. He agreed to a 30-month sentence, registered as a “Tier 1” sex offender with the U.S. Virgin Islands and paid dozens of young girls under a federal statute providing for compensation to victims of child sexual abuse.

Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple ‘Lolita Express’ flights: Report

So now we have moved from the mother lied to "well Bill did something worse so what Moore did is ok". This might shock you partisan idiots, but it is possible for both of them to be dirt bags.

You're neglecting the concepts of evidence and due process.

You are batting 1000 in this thread with yet another stupid comment. Bill Clinton has been accused and tried in the court of Republicans without due process for several years.

Yet here you are defending Moore saying he hasn't gotten a fair shake.
Trying to change the subject now? Maybe 14 year old girls wouldn't need to have abortions if you weren't ok with them becoming friends with 32 year old men.

Yes, I'm sure Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein know all about that.

Weren't you the one crying about unproven accusations a few posts back?

The facts for those two are quite clear. Epstein was convicted of soliciting underage girls for prostitution; and Bubba's frequent trips to the orgy island filled with underage girls are well documented in the flight logs.

No, they are not, liar.

"To date, no documentary evidence has emerged to show that Clinton ever got near Epstein’s island home, and the U.S. Secret Service, in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, says it has no records of its agents traveling there in the years after Clinton left office." Feb 2016

Victims: Feds Hid ‘Sweetheart’ Deal for Well-Connected Sex Offender

& Being on a plane does not make one a child rapist.

Or else Trump is a rapist too - because he was on that plane./

You are the LAIR! If Moore talking to a girl on the phone is suspicious, Bubba flying to an island full of underage sex workers is even more so.

You're the liar, sweetie pie pie. Stick your Moonie Times article up your ass.

"To date, no documentary evidence has emerged to show that Clinton ever got near Epstein’s island home, and the U.S. Secret Service, in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, says it has no records of its agents traveling there in the years after Clinton left office." Feb 2016

Victims: Feds Hid ‘Sweetheart’ Deal for Well-Connected Sex Offender

& Being on a plane does not make one a child rapist.

Or else Trump is a rapist too - because he was on that plane.
From the 1979 Radio Shack catalog. This is an 18ft extension. Our local store had longer ones.

View attachment 160072

Not to be nitpicky, but you said 30'. Most rooms are 12 to 15 feet in length, so you might get a room away. Most bedrooms are not off the kitchen or living room, which are where most phones were kept.

But the claim was you could only get such things from ATT, which is now proven false. The local store had 30 foot ones. Just like most stores not every store had everything in the catalog and not everything in every store was in the catalog.
Yes, I'm sure Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein know all about that.

Weren't you the one crying about unproven accusations a few posts back?

The facts for those two are quite clear. Epstein was convicted of soliciting underage girls for prostitution; and Bubba's frequent trips to the orgy island filled with underage girls are well documented in the flight logs.

No, they are not, liar.

"To date, no documentary evidence has emerged to show that Clinton ever got near Epstein’s island home, and the U.S. Secret Service, in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, says it has no records of its agents traveling there in the years after Clinton left office." Feb 2016

Victims: Feds Hid ‘Sweetheart’ Deal for Well-Connected Sex Offender

& Being on a plane does not make one a child rapist.

Or else Trump is a rapist too - because he was on that plane./

You are the LAIR! If Moore talking to a girl on the phone is suspicious, Bubba flying to an island full of underage sex workers is even more so.

You're the liar, sweetie pie pie. Stick your Moonie Times article up your ass.

"To date, no documentary evidence has emerged to show that Clinton ever got near Epstein’s island home, and the U.S. Secret Service, in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, says it has no records of its agents traveling there in the years after Clinton left office." Feb 2016

Victims: Feds Hid ‘Sweetheart’ Deal for Well-Connected Sex Offender

& Being on a plane does not make one a child rapist.

Or else Trump is a rapist too - because he was on that plane.

Sorry bub; the flight logs show Bubba flew to the island many times. I doubt he went there to teach Bible classes.
What parent let's their underage kid talk privately to an unknown caller in the kid's own bedroom? Even today?

The phone rings, the kid picks it up and says "it is Sally, I am going to talk to her", and off to the bedroom the phone goes.

Not without parent permission and identification of who is on the phone.

I guess my parents were not as strict as yous ,they did not verify each and every phone call as it came in.

And yet my 3 siblings and I all managed to become productive members of society with 5 Master's degrees between us. Some parents actually trust their kids. Crazy I know.
For some strange reason, Leo thinks he can make authoritative declarations about how every household is run in the US.

Isn't he something?
Weren't you the one crying about unproven accusations a few posts back?

The facts for those two are quite clear. Epstein was convicted of soliciting underage girls for prostitution; and Bubba's frequent trips to the orgy island filled with underage girls are well documented in the flight logs.

No, they are not, liar.

"To date, no documentary evidence has emerged to show that Clinton ever got near Epstein’s island home, and the U.S. Secret Service, in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, says it has no records of its agents traveling there in the years after Clinton left office." Feb 2016

Victims: Feds Hid ‘Sweetheart’ Deal for Well-Connected Sex Offender

& Being on a plane does not make one a child rapist.

Or else Trump is a rapist too - because he was on that plane./

You are the LAIR! If Moore talking to a girl on the phone is suspicious, Bubba flying to an island full of underage sex workers is even more so.

You're the liar, sweetie pie pie. Stick your Moonie Times article up your ass.

"To date, no documentary evidence has emerged to show that Clinton ever got near Epstein’s island home, and the U.S. Secret Service, in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, says it has no records of its agents traveling there in the years after Clinton left office." Feb 2016

Victims: Feds Hid ‘Sweetheart’ Deal for Well-Connected Sex Offender

& Being on a plane does not make one a child rapist.

Or else Trump is a rapist too - because he was on that plane.

Sorry bub; the flight logs show Bubba flew to the island many times. I doubt he went there to teach Bible classes.

Please provide those flight logs for us to examine.
Wow! That was high tech compared t0 us. We had two cans and a string, and the string was broken!

Why are you being so funny and personable today?

Hey wait just a minute - Who are you and what have you done with Admiral Rockwell Tory? ;)

This is me. What you get most of the time is when you are posting and have gone stone-cold stupid on a topic.

Anyway, have a great day!

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