Busted: "We Control Them All!"...Trump Jr texted Meadows that overturning the 2020 election would be ‘very simple’

My God, you are one stupid piece of shit!
Yeah....and you're ugly as shit. :iagree:

I imagine that the law and common-sense seem stupid to a fuckwad like you.
You see....I've read the act.....and I can read English.
It's designed to keep our military from being used against it's own people.
It's a loophole designed to keep communists from taking over the White House and using the military to put down Trump Supporters and such. That would be interfering in domestic affairs. But the original intent was to keep our military from taking our homes and living off of our food like the Revolutionary War and The Civil War.......something that communists salivate over.
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Liberals: The whole fake insurrection is to try and hurt the Repubs. Nobody has arrested any of the 1,000's of rioters who injured 700 Police Officers and destroyed MILLIONS of businesses by stealing everything in it and then trashing, burning and vandalizing all those businesses. Your Liberal Buddy Kamala made sure a bail fund was set up to bail out all the criminal rioters. Not a word was spoken again. So until you ARREST all these worthless rioters, don't dry about the Capital event.
Point one: Nobody has arrested any of the 1,000's of rioters who injured 700 Police Officers

This is clearly false. With many of those arrested held without bail. Which goes to your second point.

Point two: Your Liberal Buddy Kamala made sure a bail fund was set up to bail out all the criminal rioters.
Point one: Nobody has arrested any of the 1,000's of rioters who injured 700 Police Officers

This is clearly false. With many of those arrested held without bail. Which goes to your second point.

Point two: Your Liberal Buddy Kamala made sure a bail fund was set up to bail out all the criminal rioters.
Oh....so now it's 700 Police Officers......not 150 like they said before. The lie just seems to keep growing.
Sorry, but hurt feelings doesn't count as an injury.
But the original intent was to keep our military from taking our homes and living off of our food like the Revolutionary War and The Civil War.......something that communists salivate over.
Actually the original intent was to keep the military from enforcing reconstruction laws enacted after the civil war.

The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.
Oh....so now it's 700 Police Officers......not 150 like they said before. The lie just seems to keep growing.
Sorry, but hurt feelings doesn't count as an injury.
Pay attention, they're talking about the BLM riots, not the January 6th insurrection.

Recompute Mr Spock
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Liberals: The whole fake insurrection is to try and hurt the Repubs. Nobody has arrested any of the 1,000's of rioters who injured 700 Police Officers and destroyed MILLIONS of businesses by stealing everything in it and then trashing, burning and vandalizing all those businesses. Your Liberal Buddy Kamala made sure a bail fund was set up to bail out all the criminal rioters. Not a word was spoken again. So until you ARREST all these worthless rioters, don't dry about the Capital event.
Those trash trumpers got exactly what they deserved

How many of those weak little bitches cried at their sentencing??
Trumpers are just weak. You trash riot at the Capitol, then cry like little weaklings when you have to be held accountable.

Republicans are weak plain and simple
Trump Jr is ALSO going to wind up in prison for criminal conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States of America.

Who'd a thunk it?

I'm not going to read Fake News cnn stuff...

it's hard enough to know truth from lies... without knowingly going to liars for news..
Those trash trumpers got exactly what they deserved

How many of those weak little bitches cried at their sentencing??
Trumpers are just weak. You trash riot at the Capitol, then cry like little weaklings when you have to be held accountable.

Republicans are weak plain and simple
The other part of it is they're gullible, and not that smart.
They attack the Capitol in the middle of the day, in full view of all the surveillance cameras at the Capitol, and most of them refusing to wear masks, making it easy to identify them.
No states have found massive fraud and are not going to decertify because by law they can't. Where is this evidence, I noticed you failed to include it in your diatribe.
fraud doesn’t have to be “massive” to still be fraud
What is the crime, dumbass?
Busted: "We Control Them All!"...Trump Jr texted Meadows that overturning the 2020 election would be ‘very simple’

They tried to overturn the election in the courts, and that was met with epic failures. They tried to overturn it with recounts and audits, and again, met with epic failures.
Strike three was trying to overturn it with the attack on the US Capitol.

The third method being a crime under federal law.
No states have found massive fraud and are not going to decertify because by law they can't. Where is this evidence, I noticed you failed to include it in your diatribe.

I have mixed feelings whether decertifying the election would be legal. After all, if the state legislature passes a law decertifying the election, and it's signed by the governor, I can't see it being illegal.

But a different question is legality based on the effect of the decertification. A sort of catch-22. Because everyone in the state house, half the legislature that voted to decertify, would lose their seat as a consequence of it. Along with any other elected official who gained or remained in office due to the 2020 election.

Their act could actually bring state and local governments to a complete halt.
Fraud has to be massive to influence an election.

And since it was not, it did not.
fraud is fraud is fraud

adding the requirement that it be massive doesn’t change that it’s still a crime, wrong, and stopped
Liberals: The whole fake insurrection is to try and hurt the Repubs. Nobody has arrested any of the 1,000's of rioters who injured 700 Police Officers and destroyed MILLIONS of businesses by stealing everything in it and then trashing, burning and vandalizing all those businesses. Your Liberal Buddy Kamala made sure a bail fund was set up to bail out all the criminal rioters. Not a word was spoken again. So until you ARREST all these worthless rioters, don't dry about the Capital event.
The 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy was real – what’s fake is the right’s lie that the election was ‘stolen.’
The election was rigged. How much of that rigging was actually illegal is debatable. Five swing states shut down counting in the middle of the night. That is unprecedented in America, but is a common practice in third world elections. No voter ID is a brand new tactic. No other country that holds elections does not require ID. Unsolicited mail in ballots is also unprecedented. On and on it goes. So...is it any wonder that so many Americans believe that this election was rigged? Of course not. For those that once supported Biden, the notion that the election was, indeed "rigged" is unpleasant. But for many of those Biden voters, thats OK because they "won". They say "End of story"...but that is not the end of the story because the next "rigged" election may not be to their liking.
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