Busted: "We Control Them All!"...Trump Jr texted Meadows that overturning the 2020 election would be ‘very simple’

You got him this time....

The 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy was real – what’s fake is the right’s lie that the election was ‘stolen.’

How many of those right wingers were left wing agitators?
The “Subject” line of Don Jr.’s email might as well have been, “I’m a member of my father’s criminal conspiracy to overturn the election.” How long do we have to endure this open, treasonous criminality by Trump and company before someone gets indicted?
You are not centrist...
If you see criminality there and not in Biden/Burisma then you are either dumb or Biased....

I have an idea which it is.

Actually the original intent was to keep the military from enforcing reconstruction laws enacted after the civil war.

The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.
Domestic policies can be anything....but specifically it was to keep federal troops from punishing Southern property owners after the war.
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Every court rejected Trump and his fake evidence.
What planet do you live on
You follow fake news so you are totally uninformed

"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “
did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”

Chief Justice Robert Brutinel agreed, saying Ward's challenge had failed to "
present any evidence of 'misconduct,' 'illegal votes' or that the Biden Electors 'did not in fact receive the highest number of votes for office,'" he wrote — "let alone establish any degree of fraud or a sufficient error rate that would undermine the certainty of the election results."

I can keep going, but every court rejected Trump's fake evidence.
You just can't accept that like a weak little bitch.
Now cite the case that rejected the claims made that I referenced, with link or feel free to just admit that your are the bitch, you twat.
He is signaling both intent and instruction to commit a crime. The same crime his poor little footsoldiers are going to jail for.

The Trumpers don't mind; they fully support the crime. They feel people should be rewarded for it, not imprisoned.
Trump Jr is ALSO going to wind up in prison for criminal conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States of America.

Who'd a thunk it?

We watched on national TV as Trump and buddies riled up the crowd a d sent them to the capital. We watched as they breached the capital. We heard them chant hang Pence and hang Pelosi. Not one of the elected officials behind it has seen the inside of a jail. Only the poor idiots they duped into the attack are going to jail. There is definitely two justice systems here in the US. One for the commoner who goes to jail and one for the privileged who do not go to jail. It is horse shit. Trump and Jr will never see jail.
He is signaling both intent and instruction to commit a crime. The same crime his poor little footsoldiers are going to jail for.

The Trumpers don't mind; they fully support the crime. They feel people should be rewarded for it, not imprisoned.
Yes....you folks needed a CRIME so you could stamp out protests. So basically CNN and MSNBC created one with the help of Pelosi and the CIA. First it was Jan 6th.....and the insanity that followed in congress.....then it moved on to calling parents Domestic-Terrorists.

It's all pretty much what we expect from Marxists and Socialists throughout history. This is the way the operate. They create the problem....then then the blow it out of proportion.....then they say "well....it looks like we're going to have to take your freedoms away....for your own good!"
But Hillary!
They said she committed several crimes but chose not to prosecute.
Now they're finding out she's guilty of even more crimes....that point to Obama and Biden....as well as Hillary.
Criminals have a way of casting blame when they're guilty of criminal activity.
We watched on national TV as Trump and buddies riled up the crowd a d sent them to the capital. We watched as they breached the capital. We heard them chant hang Pence and hang Pelosi. Not one of the elected officials behind it has seen the inside of a jail. Only the poor idiots they duped into the attack are going to jail. There is definitely two justice systems here in the US. One for the commoner who goes to jail and one for the privileged who do not go to jail. It is horse shit. Trump and Jr will never see jail.
Trump gave a speech...which is his right as president......and said for folks to go to the capital and act peacefully......but you simply ignore that statement and make this fucking leap that he planned some kind of fucking insurrection.
If Trump had planned an insurrection he would have succeeded.....and shot half of Congress in the process....including that bitch Pelosi. But since this is total horse manure....yet another hoax by the left.....he just gave a speech and told people to take advantage of their rights to protest as guaranteed in the constitution.
Trump Jr is ALSO going to wind up in prison for criminal conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States of America.

Who'd a thunk it?

LOL.....LOL.....LOL....you guys really are dumb.....but I guess you have to hold on to something as your democrats cause disaster after disaster and the people you want to control are starting to fight back..
1) Lose the election, both popular vote and electoral college, but claim you were cheated
2) Claim there was fraud and make up fake evidence and lies to support your fake claims
3) Lose all court cases and appeals and have all your fake evidence totally debunked by conservative judges

Now the interesting part
4) "It's very simple," Trump Jr. texted to Meadows on November 5, adding later in the same missive: "We have multiple paths We control them all."
5) Claim the otherside stole the election, with no evidence, the whole time you yourself are trying to steal the election.

Claim that because republicans control key aspects of out government we can illegally deny the results of the election.

The Trump plan was to have republicans illegally overturn the votes of the election, just because they have the might have the power to do so. Then they were going to try and use their supposed majority in the Supreme court to make sure their stolen election holds. The Ginni Thomas texts prove this.

Trump's plan to steal the election failed because they have absolutely no evidence of fraud at all, and the courts, including GOP controlled courts rejected Trump's lies.

This is scary stuff. trump was literally trying to steal the election. Trump has been caught red handed trying to overthrow the election and deny the votes of the people. The plan was to have the GOP controlled courts overturn the vote anf will of the people. It is possible to steal an election, Trump tried it and failed, but if the GOP courts would have somehow ruled in his favor- like Don Jr said- Trump could have stolen the election

Republicans can never be trusted again to run the country. They are pure trash.

Trump is an immoral criminal shitbag. He's also a first rate conman who has collected over $100 million dollars by baiting the suckers into donating to his "stop the steal" grift.

He will never admit he lost as long as he can continue to seperate the gullible from their money.
They do an equal job of ignoring the election fraud crimes of republicans.
Like the "phony" electoral college electors that submitted voter certifications to congress and the national archives.

This appears to be an organized (aka conspiracy) done across several states.
Why do liberal Democrats ignore the recent court rulings in PA and WI?
Yes....you folks needed a CRIME so you could stamp out protests.
Oh shut up idiot. We wouldn't even be talking about this today, if they had just "protested" at the Capitol. Damn you are dumb.

What they did was not a protest, and Don Jr wasn't referring to protests. So you just sound like a fking moron.
They said she committed several crimes but chose not to prosecute.
Now they're finding out she's guilty of even more crimes....that point to Obama and Biden....as well as Hillary.
Criminals have a way of casting blame when they're guilty of criminal activity.
You Bozos have been trying to convict the Clinton's for 25 years. How's that working out?

Keep trying.
Oh shut up idiot. We wouldn't even be talking about this today, if they had just "protested" at the Capitol. Damn you are dumb.

What they did was not a protest, and Don Jr wasn't referring to protests. So you just sound like a fking moron.
You don't give damn what caused the riot....because we've said on several occasions that Capital Police started it.
Witnesses said everything was fine till the cops started teargassing people and beating them up.
You Bozos have been trying to convict the Clinton's for 25 years. How's that working out?

Keep trying.
Yep....alot of people have committed suicide to keep that c**t out of prison.

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