Busted: "We Control Them All!"...Trump Jr texted Meadows that overturning the 2020 election would be ‘very simple’

1) Lose the election, both popular vote and electoral college, but claim you were cheated
2) Claim there was fraud and make up fake evidence and lies to support your fake claims
3) Lose all court cases and appeals and have all your fake evidence totally debunked by conservative judges

Now the interesting part
4) "It's very simple," Trump Jr. texted to Meadows on November 5, adding later in the same missive: "We have multiple paths We control them all."
5) Claim the otherside stole the election, with no evidence, the whole time you yourself are trying to steal the election.

Claim that because republicans control key aspects of out government we can illegally deny the results of the election.

The Trump plan was to have republicans illegally overturn the votes of the election, just because they have the might have the power to do so. Then they were going to try and use their supposed majority in the Supreme court to make sure their stolen election holds. The Ginni Thomas texts prove this.

Trump's plan to steal the election failed because they have absolutely no evidence of fraud at all, and the courts, including GOP controlled courts rejected Trump's lies.

This is scary stuff. trump was literally trying to steal the election. Trump has been caught red handed trying to overthrow the election and deny the votes of the people. The plan was to have the GOP controlled courts overturn the vote anf will of the people. It is possible to steal an election, Trump tried it and failed, but if the GOP courts would have somehow ruled in his favor- like Don Jr said- Trump could have stolen the election

Republicans can never be trusted again to run the country. They are pure trash.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Well...you have the right to your opinion.....but you don't have the right to arrest people for saying the election was stolen....which is pretty much what Democrats tried to get away with shortly after the election.
You get to arrest treasonous trash that riot at the Capitol.

Nobody got arrest for "saying the election was stolen"
Trash mothafuckers got arrested for rioting at the Capitol and breaking into the floor of the Capitol and attacking police and making total fools of themselves

Jan 6 was one of the most disgraceful days in UIS histpry. the day Trump incited a riot at the Capitol and cops died.
Deliberately misinterpreting what I said only proves that you're a moron.

I haven't subjugated jack shit. I like Trump. You're the one who voted for a politician that fucks you up the ass every chance he gets. If he pissed in your face, you would say "thank you."
The candidate that I voted for has never won a presidential election so lie some more..
No point in showing you anything. You and your dopey ilk always just ignore it anyway.

I mean, it’s not like the evidence hasn’t already been presented a million fucking times. You are the retarded sheep who wouldn’t recognize the truth if it snuck up on you to bite you on the nose.
Yes the fake evidence that got rejected in court. The courts rejected all of trumps fake evidence. The courts saw everything and rejected it all as fake lies.

There is no real evidence.
If you had real evidence then the courts would agreee with you.
The courts rejected everything.
The courts all said no evidence

You have no real evidence, only fake lies from the my Pillow loser.
The evidence is in.
Trump tried to steal the election

essentially he had a plan to try and overturn the vote then use the GOP appointed courts to allow that to happen.
With Judge Thomas signalling he is a go.

problem for the trash Trumpers is that the GOP courts actually showed some form of character and dignity and rejected all of trump's lies and fake claims of fraud that never happened
You have no evidence. They did nothing illegal. Dumbass.
Show us real evidence of real crimes.

AG Barr said no evidence of any crime
Dept Homeland security said no evidence of any crime
All US courts on all levels said no evidence of any crime, and Rudy argue before a judge and still got 100% rejected.

You just made that up and keep repeating it hoping you retard sheep will keep on believing it like total sheep.
Here is one.
^^^ the left have a conniption fit when they discover we don't need their kind. Eastern California, Washington and Oregon will defect and join us. So will most of the farming areas, so much for your food supply. :auiqs.jpg:

La La Land must be a fun place in your mind.
You have to do something illegal, not plan to. You are a fucking idiot.
I'm not saying lock em up. I'm saying they tried to illegally overturn the election.
The evidence says this

But more evidence could come out and if there is evidence of illegal acivity, then it is time to start arresting trash mothafuckers.
Just like those trash rioters on the Jan 6 trump riot
Yes the fake evidence that got rejected in court. The courts rejected all of trumps fake evidence. The courts saw everything and rejected it all as fake lies.

There is no real evidence.
If you had real evidence then the courts would agreee with you.
The courts rejected everything.
The courts all said no evidence

You have no real evidence, only fake lies from the my Pillow loser.
Wrong. Show me that this was “fake” evidence and any ruling that it was rejected by any court.
Unfolded, pristine mail-in ballots flagged in Georgia

At least nine observers who watched an audit last week in Georgia’s razor-thin election have signed affidavits swearing they saw suspicious mail-in ballots, almost uniformly cast for Biden. The ballots were in pristine condition and had no creases on them, meaning the ballots had not been mailed in envelopes as required, according to the affidavits.

“It was pristine. There was a difference in the texture of the paper — it was as if they were intended for absentee use, but had not been used for that purpose,” Susan Voyles, a poll manager with two decades of experience, wrote in her affidavit about her time at a recount center in Fulton County. “There were no markings on the ballots to show where they had come from, or where they had been processed. I observed that the markings for the candidates on these ballots were unusually uniform, perhaps even with a ballot marking device.”

A dozen compelling allegations of voting irregularities in 2020 election
You get to arrest treasonous trash that riot at the Capitol.

Nobody got arrest for "saying the election was stolen"
Trash mothafuckers got arrested for rioting at the Capitol and breaking into the floor of the Capitol and attacking police and making total fools of themselves

Jan 6 was one of the most disgraceful days in UIS histpry. the day Trump incited a riot at the Capitol and cops died.
Jan 6th was a disgrace.....because clearly it was a CIA operation.
You can tell Pelosi is upset when anyone mentions the fact that she controls capital security.
She lies and runs out of the room every time the subject comes up.

But the fact remains.....the whole thing was set-up to attack anyone who protested the 2020 election.
Here's the deal: Biden's son is in deep shit as a result of laptop evidence that indicates influence peddling and money laundering that probably extends to the White House. Next thing you know, democrats in the Jan. 6 committee leak inane Trump Jr. e-mails to CNN and CNN pretends that it is profound news. It's sad that a formerly respected mainstream media outlet would become a cheap shill for democrat activists.
Here's the deal: Biden's son is in deep shit as a result of laptop evidence that indicates influence peddling and money laundering that probably extends to the White House. Next thing you know, democrats in the Jan. 6 committee leak inane Trump Jr. e-mails to CNN and CNN pretends that it is profound news. It's sad that a formerly respected mainstream media outlet would become a cheap shill for democrat activists.

try again
Trump Jr is ALSO going to wind up in prison for criminal conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States of America.

Who'd a thunk it?

The real reason why we are being bombarded with propaganda like this all day, every day.

The Left’s attacks are against anything that might stand in the way from Global Economic Fascist Control.

This can explain a little of it.

I'm not saying lock em up. I'm saying they tried to illegally overturn the election.
The evidence says this

But more evidence could come out and if there is evidence of illegal acivity, then it is time to start arresting trash mothafuckers.
Just like those trash rioters on the Jan 6 trump riot
You're the trash mother fucker. You keep talking about "illegal activity," but you never have any proof of any. Yet, you're the same kind of douchebag that defends BLM, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton.

Talk about trash mother fuckers.
Then your best bet would to stick your fingers in your ears and repeatedly shout "LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" "LALALALALA I CAN' HEAR YOU" - Otherwise, you're gonna hear it a lot.
You will do the same as things evolve to a Biblical End. You and your people are religious fanatics. You even have a counter narrative to explain away what you know is coming, so you can cling to your delusions and deceptions.

All explained here:


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