But....a handgun ban that doesn't work? Just ask the Canadians...

Too many guns....
This then is a problem that can possibly be addressed by various different approaches that include more solutions other than the obvious overabundance of guns.
No such thing.
American attitudes and the culture of killing, death, violence, and wars may be a more direct approach, considering that Americans only want more weapons that are designed for shooting each other.
All weapons are designed for people to use against other people.
Right, as I said, two homogenous cultures, the French and the British. The two cultures largely keep to themselves. There were clashes with the French in the 1960's that drove Canada close to civil war, but since that time the French and the Brits have mostly learned to get along. Leave the French Montreal and Quebec and the Brits the rest.
No, the FLQ crisis didn't bring Canada close to civil war. It was more similar to the truckers demonstrating, which was a small group of Canadians, infiltrated with Americans.

Although it's true that the FLQ had their cause, while the truckers had no cause that could be identified.

Coincidentally, both P.E. Trudeau and Justin Trudeau defused both situations sufficiently without any imposition on the rights and freedoms of Canadians!

As opposed to America's failed coup attempt by Trump, which cost the lives of many Americans.
Canada doesn't have a 2nd amendment, so their politicians can do stupid gun bans that don't work......

Toronto Police reported a shooting in Scarborough that happened just after 3 p.m., hours after Trudeau’s announcement. There would be another shooting in Scarborough that sent a man to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries just after 6 p.m.

A third shooting happened overnight and left a 38-year-old man dead, Toronto’s 57th homicide of the year.

That’s just Toronto. Across the country, communities are dealing with an increase in gun violence and Trudeau’s latest move won’t fix anything. The handgun freeze has actually been in place since May 30 and in every month since, there have been more than 30 shootings in Toronto, putting the city on track to match or exceed last year’s total of 409.
That’s because the people doing the shooting aren’t following any laws, never mind a tightening of them.

The three men arrested Friday in connection with a shooting in Vancouver, not far from where Trudeau made his announcement, weren’t licensed gun owners, they were gang members. They weren’t using a gun purchased at a local gun shop, they were using an illegal gun, likely smuggled into the country from the United States.

This is a lie.

Handguns are not banned in Canada.
Too many guns primarily but that along with the American culture of violence, death, and continuous wars.

This then is a problem that can possibly be addressed by various different approaches that include more solutions other than the obvious overabundance of guns.

American attitudes and the culture of killing, death, violence, and wars may be a more direct approach, considering that Americans only want more weapons that are designed for shooting each other.

I have a .38 revolver that I've had since the 1970's. I've kept it loaded in a drawer for all these years, and it's never gone out and shot anyone?

It must be defective...
I have a .38 revolver that I've had since the 1970's. I've kept it loaded in a drawer for all these years, and it's never gone out and shot anyone?

It must be defective...
I know my Glock 19 is extremely well behaved too I'm starting to wonder if I should see if it's defective
Many of those loaded guns kept in drawers have ended up shooting the owner's children in the face.
Less than 500 accidental shooting deaths annually out of literally tens of millions of legal gun uses annually

in any other activity this would be seen as a stellar safety record
Less than 500 accidental shooting deaths annually out of literally tens of millions of legal gun uses annually

in any other activity this would be seen as a stellar safety record
Tens of thousands of injured gun owners and their children being either killed or injured by loaded guns left in drawers, under pillows, in the hall, behind the toilet, under the bed, in yard, in the dog's kennel, in the pumpkin patch, in the car, behind their ears, etc.
Ask NRA members if leaving loaded guns lying around is a good idea?
I'm a Canadian so don't ask me. I've been conditioned to not give a fk.


What is 200 multiplied by 365 days in a year?

About 73,000?
Or more than 7 times 10,000?
Load it and give it to a 3 year old to find out.
If your knew anything about firearms, you'd know a 3-yr old can't rack the slide.
Good of yor to continue to put your ignorance on display for us all to see.
Canada doesn't have a 2nd amendment, so their politicians can do stupid gun bans that don't work......

Toronto Police reported a shooting in Scarborough that happened just after 3 p.m., hours after Trudeau’s announcement. There would be another shooting in Scarborough that sent a man to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries just after 6 p.m.

A third shooting happened overnight and left a 38-year-old man dead, Toronto’s 57th homicide of the year.

That’s just Toronto. Across the country, communities are dealing with an increase in gun violence and Trudeau’s latest move won’t fix anything. The handgun freeze has actually been in place since May 30 and in every month since, there have been more than 30 shootings in Toronto, putting the city on track to match or exceed last year’s total of 409.
That’s because the people doing the shooting aren’t following any laws, never mind a tightening of them.

The three men arrested Friday in connection with a shooting in Vancouver, not far from where Trudeau made his announcement, weren’t licensed gun owners, they were gang members. They weren’t using a gun purchased at a local gun shop, they were using an illegal gun, likely smuggled into the country from the United States.

Can't find it now, but I recently saved a meme in which the armed robbers stopped outside and said, "Wait, we better check the gun laws here first."
Canada doesn't have a 2nd amendment, so their politicians can do stupid gun bans that don't work......

Toronto Police reported a shooting in Scarborough that happened just after 3 p.m., hours after Trudeau’s announcement. There would be another shooting in Scarborough that sent a man to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries just after 6 p.m.

A third shooting happened overnight and left a 38-year-old man dead, Toronto’s 57th homicide of the year.

That’s just Toronto. Across the country, communities are dealing with an increase in gun violence and Trudeau’s latest move won’t fix anything. The handgun freeze has actually been in place since May 30 and in every month since, there have been more than 30 shootings in Toronto, putting the city on track to match or exceed last year’s total of 409.
That’s because the people doing the shooting aren’t following any laws, never mind a tightening of them.

The three men arrested Friday in connection with a shooting in Vancouver, not far from where Trudeau made his announcement, weren’t licensed gun owners, they were gang members. They weren’t using a gun purchased at a local gun shop, they were using an illegal gun, likely smuggled into the country from the United States.

Canada doesn't have as many gun crimes as the US.

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