"But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission"

True, we need treatments. The vaccines have saved thousands of lives and are helping us get there. The ultimate goal was to get 70% vaccinated by July and hope for herd immunity but there are too many dumb ass spoiled brats in this country who don’t want to be told what to do by the big bad government

Gibraltar had 100% vaccination and look how they're doing

This is what brainwashing does. You can repeat facts over and over and over and people CANNOT listen

The vaccines. Do not. Prevent. Transmission.
These “vaccines“ never Claimed to keep people from getting or transmitting COVID just minimize the symptoms. Which is fine i guess it’s reduced the hospitalizations and deaths to one degree or another. Great. But thats certainly not what the public was lead to believe, and not the generally accepted way vaccinations are believed to work. So no I don’t think they are any more or less effective against people getting this variant over the original. Maybe less effective from the stated efficacy numbers but that had zero to do with a person getting it or transmitting it to others.

the vaccines were designed for the covid 19 virus & that's not what is being transmitted. delta is & it has morphed. it's a strain with some commonality but is much stronger now & can bypass the bodies ability to not transmit.... what is it that you aren't getting?
1. We are not Australia

2. The ONLY reason the US gov/private businesses can get away with mandates/passports is because the majority of Americans do not understand that these vaccines do not prevent transmission, and uber leftists are just going on as if they do.

It is CRITICAL that we take back our rights not to have our bodily autonomy violated, especially for a vaccine that does not prevent transmission.
You're insane.
Sadly, no.

The choice for her is

Getting the vaccine and admitting Trump screwed up the response to Covid.


Risking getting sick but hoping she is healthy enough to survive.

This is what a cult looks like.

View attachment 522643
How does getting vaccinated have anything to do with whether Trump "screwed up the COVID" response or not? Like the former President or not the vaccine you're talking about was created under his admin so......
the vaccines were designed for the covid 19 virus & that's not what is being transmitted. delta is & it has morphed. it's a strain with some commonality but is much stronger now & can bypass the bodies ability to not transmit.... what is it that you aren't getting?
Read the EUA dummy. The pharma companies say right in there that the vaccines don't keep you from getting COVID or transmitting it. It just reduces the symptoms. That's what the efficacy numbers refer to.
It must be frustrating to you that the facts that I posted still stand.
You have offered nothing, really. As the CDC has noted, no vaccine is 100% effective, nor does it need to be to reduce infection and death by a significant percentage. That goes for all vaccines.

Only the hardcore fringe ideological crackpots are hysterical over the empirical reality.

This is why so many Republican politicians have been facing up to the reality as of late:

99% of COVID deaths are now of unvaccinated people

97% Of People Entering Hospitals For COVID-19 Are Unvaccinated

You have offered nothing, really. As the CDC has noted, no vaccine is 100% effective, nor does it need to be to reduce infection and death by a significant percentage. That goes for all vaccines.

Only the hardcore fringe ideological crackpots are hysterical over the empirical reality.

This is why so many Republican politicians have been facing up to the reality as of late:

99% of COVID deaths are now of unvaccinated people

97% Of People Entering Hospitals For COVID-19 Are Unvaccinated


The 99% stat goes back to Jan before the vast majority of people were vaccinated. That's first.

Second anyone at all is free to be vaccinated, of course. That fact that they do not prevent transmission puts the final nail in the coffin of all attempts to force others into vaccinating.

These are not sterilizing vaccines.
What would masks do if they were on everyone?

If I was near the hotspot you recommended, I'd visit to try and get the natural antibodies that I've been looking for.
Your problem is that the virus is mutating in non-vaxxed also in that area. Russian roulette.
You have offered nothing, really. As the CDC has noted, no vaccine is 100% effective, nor does it need to be to reduce infection and death by a significant percentage. That goes for all vaccines.

Only the hardcore fringe ideological crackpots are hysterical over the empirical reality.

This is why so many Republican politicians have been facing up to the reality as of late:

99% of COVID deaths are now of unvaccinated people

97% Of People Entering Hospitals For COVID-19 Are Unvaccinated


The WHO even admits these vaccines dont prevent getting it or transmitting it. It's not what they were designed to do... It's in the EUA for these drugs. The fact that so many people lined up to get injected with something without even reading the available documentation FROM THE PHARMACUTICAL COMPANIES, really is amazing....

The 99% stat goes back to Jan before the vast majority of people were vaccinated. That's first.

Second anyone at all is free to be vaccinated, of course. That fact that they do not prevent transmission puts the final nail in the coffin of all attempts to force others into vaccinating.

These are not sterilizing vaccines.
With the delta variant now decimating the unvaccinated, I can understand why "PC" Republican politicians are suddenly pleading with the hardcore to get vaccinated.

Alabama governor blames 'unvaccinated folks' for new Covid cases

Mindless submission to ideological dogma in the face of medical reality comes at an unacceptable price.

Official: Nearly all Alabama COVID deaths among unvaccinated

Health officials say recent cases resulting in severe illness and death could have largely been prevented
if people had gotten inoculated
August 7th 2021, 4:22 PM EDT
[Official: Nearly all Alabama COVID deaths among unvaccinated]​
On vaccines: the direct words of Dr. Rochelle Walensky, CDC Director.

So that's it then. Mandates done, passports done. You can get the vaccine to protect yourself against severe illness and death. But whether *I* choose to get the vaccine is none of your business and has no impact on your life.

Done, and done.

If it gets totally out of control, and thousands or millions are dying from it. That will all change, martial law will be declared, and all personal rights will go down the drain.
Gibraltar had 100% vaccination and look how they're doing

This is what brainwashing does. You can repeat facts over and over and over and people CANNOT listen

The vaccines. Do not. Prevent. Transmission.
Sure let’s look at Gibraltar… doesn’t look like they have had a death since February. You’re helping me prove my point
With the delta variant now decimating the unvaccinated, I can understand why "PC" Republican politicians are suddenly pleading with the hardcore to get vaccinated.

Alabama governor blames 'unvaccinated folks' for new Covid cases

Mindless submission to ideological dogma in the face of medical reality comes at an unacceptable price.

Official: Nearly all Alabama COVID deaths among unvaccinated

Health officials say recent cases resulting in severe illness and death could have largely been prevented
if people had gotten inoculated
August 7th 2021, 4:22 PM EDT
[Official: Nearly all Alabama COVID deaths among unvaccinated]​
Less than 500 people died of COVID in the US over the last 7 days... Im not sure our population will survive it........

In contrast approx 6k people died of obesity last week. Where's the exercise mandate?
Less than 500 people died of COVID in the US over the last 7 days... Im not sure our population will survive it........

In contrast approx 6k people died of obesity last week. Where's the exercise mandate?
Wow, did you think of that one all by yourself? How many people caught Obesity from others and died from it?
Less than 500 people died of COVID in the US over the last 7 days... Im not sure our population will survive it........
You should rail against all the Republican politicians who are now clawing their way onto the Biden vaccination bandwagon if you are still averse to the medical reality and need to cling to the ideological dogma.

Why not just redefine vaccination as "the little Trump prick" and encourage the dogmatic ideologues to stop burdening the health care system?

Hospitals in states hit with Covid 'onslaught' implore public to get vaccinated

With the delta variant now decimating the unvaccinated, I can understand why "PC" Republican politicians are suddenly pleading with the hardcore to get vaccinated.

Alabama governor blames 'unvaccinated folks' for new Covid cases

Mindless submission to ideological dogma in the face of medical reality comes at an unacceptable price.

Official: Nearly all Alabama COVID deaths among unvaccinated

Health officials say recent cases resulting in severe illness and death could have largely been prevented
if people had gotten inoculated
August 7th 2021, 4:22 PM EDT
[Official: Nearly all Alabama COVID deaths among unvaccinated]​

That may be, but that was their choice, having no effect on you whatever. Rather like how when drug addicts overdose, etc.
Sure let’s look at Gibraltar… doesn’t look like they have had a death since February. You’re helping me prove my point

Have already acknowledged that vaccines have a decent effect on severe illness and death, at least for a time. What they DO NOT do is sterilize: that is, prevent transmission. Gibraltar was 100% vaccinated and they had covid cases. That means, AGAIN, that mandates and passports are a no-go.

I am not here debating "is the vaccine totally worthless or worthwhile for any given person".

I am debating "should the vaccines be MANDATED"

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