"But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission"

The idea behind vaccines was originally to eradicate a threat. Mutations are proving that the present vaccine is increasingly unable to prevent transmission and illness in vaccinated people.

The argument that if everyone in the US was vaccinated it would prevent future mutations from once again putting the nation at risk fails to take into account that mutations are developing outside the US and very quickly finding their way to our shores.

We need treatments not vaccines and there are a number possibilities at hand.

True, we need treatments. The vaccines have saved thousands of lives and are helping us get there. The ultimate goal was to get 70% vaccinated by July and hope for herd immunity but there are too many dumb ass spoiled brats in this country who don’t want to be told what to do by the big bad government
And, aside for health care workers, flu shots are mandated almost no where. Because they do not prevent transmission. You can still get the flu and contract, and transmit, influenza.
Yup, and the flu doesn’t cause nearly as much damage as COVID
“Eradicating this virus right now from the world is a lot like trying to plan the construction of a stepping-stone pathway to the Moon. It’s unrealistic,” says Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis

This will be endemic like the yearly flu, and cold strains.
This virus can live in animal reservoirs, which makes eradication nearly impossible.

Anyway, interesting read...
Your problem with reasoning is the natural reservoir and what the communist Chinese already know about it: clandestine vaccines and military vaccines.

You aren't doing a very good job selling the jab here.
The virus is mutating in unvaxxed at Alachua County, Florida, near the #1 hotspot, Nassua County. CDC’s current masking is for everyone, Einstein. There are similar viral loads in both vaxxed and unvaxxed noses and throats. Duh
The idea behind vaccines was originally to eradicate a threat. Mutations are proving that the present vaccine is increasingly unable to prevent transmission and illness in vaccinated people.

The argument that if everyone in the US was vaccinated it would prevent future mutations from once again putting the nation at risk fails to take into account that mutations are developing outside the US and very quickly finding their way to our shores.

We need treatments not vaccines and there are a number possibilities at hand.

Dipshit Delta will be playing itself out in 4-5 weeks, the booster works and everyone should mask because the virus is also mutating in the unvaxxed, apart from vaccine pressure. Duh

If we mandate that, I am also going to mandate no smoking, no illegal drugs, also no driving because those take up hospital rooms and most of all, no metabolic disorders. That will be something, since we could probably a huge proportion of our hospitals if we just eliminated that.

You have no right to tell me I can't do anything that MIGHT get me hospitalized. That's MY business, not yours.

This is over.
No, not simply your business. Your genome will dictate to what extent it will mutate in you as its host. We do not yet know the implications of the virus mutating in unvaxxed organisms, As it most surely is now doing, as it’s also now doing in other hosts in nature (ex. deer).
You make it sound easier than it is:

It's easy to drastically reduce your chances of being a victim of it and/or infecting others.

COVID-19 vaccines are effective and are a critical tool to bring the pandemic under control. However, no vaccines are 100% effective at preventing illness in vaccinated people. There will be a small percentage of fully vaccinated people who still get sick, are hospitalized, or die from COVID-19, but 99% of Covid death are unvaccinated.

That inescapable reality is why so many Republicans are now following the President's lead in urging the ass-dragging ideologues get vaccinated.
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The virus is mutating in unvaxxed at Alachua County, Florida, near the #1 hotspot, Nassua County. CDC’s current masking is for everyone, Einstein. There are similar viral loads in both vaxxed and unvaxxed noses and throats. Duh
What would masks do if they were on everyone?

If I was near the hotspot you recommended, I'd visit to try and get the natural antibodies that I've been looking for.
It's easy to drastically reduce your chances of being a victim of it and/or infecting others.

COVID-19 vaccines are effective and are a critical tool to bring the pandemic under control. However, no vaccines are 100% effective at preventing illness in vaccinated people. There will be a small percentage of fully vaccinated people who still get sick, are hospitalized, or die from COVID-19, but 99% of Covid death are unvaccinated.

That inescapable reality is why so many Republicans are now following the President's lead in urging the ass draggers get vaccinated.
The inescapable reality here is that people who have gotten the jab are super spreaders. This is fact. The inescapable reality is that vaccinated people are getting covid and delta. This is a fact. The inescapable reality is that vaccinated people are dying. Yes, DYING.
The inescapable reality here is that people who have gotten the jab are super spreaders. This is fact.
No. It's another lie by the ideological dogmatists. They can cite no credible sources to support their lie.

The inescapable reality is that vaccinated people are getting covid and delta. This is a fact.
As noted, "no vaccines are 100% effective at preventing illness in vaccinated people. There will be a small percentage of fully vaccinated people who still get sick, are hospitalized, or die from COVID-19, but 99% of Covid death are unvaccinated."

If you need to bitch at all the Republican politicians who told you lies, but have now come around to push vaccination based upon the medical reality, you can.
As noted, "no vaccines are 100% effective at preventing illness in vaccinated people. There will be a small percentage of fully vaccinated people who still get sick, are hospitalized, or die from COVID-19, but 99% of Covid death are unvaccinated."
Euphemism. That fact still stands. Vaccinated super spreaders ARE getting covid and delta.
Euphemism. That fact still stands. Vaccinated super spreaders ARE getting covid and delta.
It must be so frustrating for incorrigible ideological dogmatists to see so many Republican politicians now pleading with the ass-draggers to man up for a little prick.
I asked you a simple quest.

So your not going to take any medicine or have any procedures? Apparently you do not need health ins.
Are these going to be the same people that scream next year when their health insurance goes through the roof? I suspect it will start with group health, then individual not to mention employer's workman's comp and general liability. I just can't wait to hear their bullshit.
I believe that the vaccines have been helpful. Do you?
At first I thought they may have been. . . but that was before I found out that the interlocking directorate, the cabal, and the global leaders purposely suppressed information on treating COVID.

Those populations that were at high risk, in many jurisdictions, were purposely not made available early intervention treatments that had high clinical success rates of success, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, mostly because both foundations and governments would not, and still, will not fund double blind rigorous peer review studies into it. There is no money in these treatments.

On top of all that, how some of these government officials and bureaucrats have treated old aged and high risk folks by putting them into settings that will guarantee a spread to other high rick individuals, when you look at the data about the spread and excess death rates that have pushed this whole thing. . .

. . . a suspicious person might believe there is a conspiracy involved in this whole thing, withholding effective treatments and absolutely negligence about containing the spread, so that it necessitates a, "vaccine," for high risk groups?

And this doesn't even address the thresh-hold cycles at which some of this jurisdictions are running their PCR testing at. . .

. . . with that, yeah, most folks would believe a vaccine has been helpful, wouldn't they?

It must be so frustrating for incorrigible ideological dogmatists to see so many Republican politicians now pleading with the ass-draggers to man up for a little prick.
It must be frustrating to you that the facts that I posted still stand. Vaccinated super spreaders ARE getting covid and delta. Fact. Vaccinated super spreaders ARE dying.
At first I thought they may have been. . . but that was before I found out that the interlocking directorate, the cabal, and the global leaders purposely suppressed information on treating COVID.

Those populations that were at high risk, in many jurisdictions, were purposely not made available early intervention treatments that had high clinical success rates of success, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, mostly because both foundations and governments would not, and still, will not fund double blind rigorous peer review studies into it. There is no money in these treatments.

On top of all that, how some of these government officials and bureaucrats have treated old aged and high risk folks by putting them into settings that will guarantee a spread to other high rick individuals, when you look at the data about the spread and excess death rates that have pushed this whole thing. . .

. . . a suspicious person might believe there is a conspiracy involved in this whole thing, withholding effective treatments and absolutely negligence about containing the spread, so that it necessitates a, "vaccine," for high risk groups?

And this doesn't even address the thresh-hold cycles at which some of this jurisdictions are running their PCR testing at. . .

. . . with that, yeah, most folks would believe a vaccine has been helpful, wouldn't they?

Bravo! Spot on.
I asked you a simple quest.

So your not going to take any medicine or have any procedures? Apparently you do not need health ins.
That is your attempt at logic? Go to the extreme? How about this--If Fauci told you the sky was red and two days later told you it was green, would you follow the science and believe him? Critical thinking and logic--try them sometime.

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