"But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission"

You're the one who just said it's somehow YOUR business now who goes into the hospital. And for what conditions. I notice you didn't address my post on metabolic disorders, which take up, I can promise you, way more hospital beds on a yearly basis than covid can touch. SHould we go there? What a lovely Nanny State we will have then

when will you be talking about the misinformation/lies about pfizer & the japanese, suzy Q?
Thank you K9, I agree. I agree with you that the vaccines are helpful for some people. I find it interesting that I am not getting much feedback on the fact that the Director of the CDC said the vaccines do not limit transmission. I think that's a major blow for a lot of folks.

It definitely destroys--or SHOULD destroy--the case for mandates.

It also should open wide the door for effective and SAFE therapeutics.

hmmmmm .... don't get the vaccine & risk getting seriously ill or worse


getting the vaccine & NOT getting seriously ill or worse.

yep ... i can see how bad a dilemma that is.
wrong. the vaccine works against the novel coronavirus. the delta variant is what is getting thru & the vaccine so far is helping to avoid serious illness.

as it should, for school - the military - & any business' that mandates it are legally allowed to do so.

lol ...
You seriously need to read the FDA EUA docs.
i seriously read enough. are you saying it's not delta that is getting thru on a much grander scale?
These “vaccines“ never Claimed to keep people from getting or transmitting COVID just minimize the symptoms. Which is fine i guess it’s reduced the hospitalizations and deaths to one degree or another. Great. But thats certainly not what the public was lead to believe, and not the generally accepted way vaccinations are believed to work. So no I don’t think they are any more or less effective against people getting this variant over the original. Maybe less effective from the stated efficacy numbers but that had zero to do with a person getting it or transmitting it to others.
Notice she is STRONGLY advocating getting vaccinated

The vaccine may be 90 percent effective and 10 percent may still get a mild case of COVID

No vaccine is ZERO percent effective and you WILL get the Delta variant

You're making up statistics. You don't know that.
hmmmmm .... don't get the vaccine & risk getting seriously ill or worse


getting the vaccine & NOT getting seriously ill or worse.

yep ... i can see how bad a dilemma that is.

Sadly, no.

The choice for her is

Getting the vaccine and admitting Trump screwed up the response to Covid.


Risking getting sick but hoping she is healthy enough to survive.

This is what a cult looks like.

And the Mindless Minions here doing their shilling for free
They have to. They are confused, and their world does not make sense. They have to parrot what ever their TEE VEE tells them.

They have no ability to form rational logical thoughts of their own.

They are terrified, and have no idea what is going to come next.
They have to. They are confused, and their world does not make sense. They have to parrot what ever their TEE VEE tells them.

They have no ability to form rational logical thoughts of their own.

They are terrified, and have no idea what is going to come next.

Truly, Covid became a religion

Masks were going to save them

The vaccines were REALLY going to save them.

Now they are totally at sea. It's sad.
Here come the boosters. .

Here comes total government control over your life. . . .

Are you ready VAXERS?

“Eradicating this virus right now from the world is a lot like trying to plan the construction of a stepping-stone pathway to the Moon. It’s unrealistic,” says Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis

This will be endemic like the yearly flu, and cold strains.
This virus can live in animal reservoirs, which makes eradication nearly impossible.

Anyway, interesting read...
I'm not ready to make that claim as it's reported that most of the deaths and hospitalizations are happening to unvaccinated people.
There is a very broad range of media that ranges from "fringe" left all the way to "fringe" right. Each of us form our perception of the political landscape, including covid and vaccine culture, from whichever part of this broad range of media and information that we consume. Lefties believe what they believe because they are only exposed to a small fraction of this broad range. This limited part of the broad range is the low hanging fruit that you and I know as the mainstream media.

I see that you wisely specified "it's reported", which means you are aware that it may also be reported otherwise, depending on which part of the broad range we look at.
Truly, Covid became a religion

Masks were going to save them

The vaccines were REALLY going to save them.

Now they are totally at sea. It's sad.

Funny thing. I wore a mask, worked from home and got my shots.... and I'm fine.

I can't say that about ACTUAL religion, where I prayed to the imaginary sky fairy and my mom still died of cancer.
I don’t want to spoil the end but as more people get vaxed the higher the breakthrough cases will get. If we all got vaxed then 100% of the cases would be breakthough. I guess I need to keep repeating this until it sinks in.
You aren't doing a very good job selling the jab here.

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