"But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission"

This is a promising thread and I have deleted the needless bickering. Please stick to the topic as it's a good one. Thanks.
This is a promising thread and I have deleted the needless bickering. Please stick to the topic as it's a good one. Thanks.

Thank you K9, I agree. I agree with you that the vaccines are helpful for some people. I find it interesting that I am not getting much feedback on the fact that the Director of the CDC said the vaccines do not limit transmission. I think that's a major blow for a lot of folks.

It definitely destroys--or SHOULD destroy--the case for mandates.

It also should open wide the door for effective and SAFE therapeutics.
Thank you K9, I agree. I agree with you that the vaccines are helpful for some people. I find it interesting that I am not getting much feedback on the fact that the Director of the CDC said the vaccines do not limit transmission. I think that's a major blow for a lot of folks.

It definitely destroys--or SHOULD destroy--the case for mandates.

It also should open wide the door for effective and SAFE therapeutics.
All meds are chemical's and all meds have side effects. There is no completely safe med.
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To control the virus, limit deaths and hospitalizations. Reduce infections. Develop therapeutics. Etc

The idea behind vaccines was originally to eradicate a threat. Mutations are proving that the present vaccine is increasingly unable to prevent transmission and illness in vaccinated people.

The argument that if everyone in the US was vaccinated it would prevent future mutations from once again putting the nation at risk fails to take into account that mutations are developing outside the US and very quickly finding their way to our shores.

We need treatments not vaccines and there are a number possibilities at hand.

Just because you can’t prevent transmission 100 percent, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to reduce the transmission as much as possible.

An unvaccinated person is a much more contagious host

Sounds like that is less and less that case, and that is not what Rochelle Walinsky said.
Just because you can’t prevent transmission 100 percent, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to reduce the transmission as much as possible.

An unvaccinated person is a more contagious host

That's funny. Vaccinated people are contagious and capable of transmitting the virus but you seem happy to claim unvaccinated people are "more contagious".

This is complete nonsense. You are either contagious or not contagious.

I think the reality is that there is still much that we don't yet know.
Sounds like that is less and less that case, and that is not what Rochelle Walinsky said.
Notice she is STRONGLY advocating getting vaccinated

The vaccine may be 90 percent effective and 10 percent may still get a mild case of COVID

No vaccine is ZERO percent effective and you WILL get the Delta variant
That's funny. Vaccinated people are contagious and capable of transmitting the virus but you seem happy to claim unvaccinated people are "more contagious".

This is complete nonsense. You are either contagious or not contagious.

An unvaccinated person is many times more likely to get the virus
That makes them more contagious
Thank you K9, I agree. I agree with you that the vaccines are helpful for some people. I find it interesting that I am not getting much feedback on the fact that the Director of the CDC said the vaccines do not limit transmission. I think that's a major blow for a lot of folks.

It definitely destroys--or SHOULD destroy--the case for mandates.

It also should open wide the door for effective and SAFE therapeutics.
For the record these “vaccines” never claimed they would stop transmission or people from getting COVID. Only minimize the symptoms of the illness. It’s in their FDA EUA paperwork. This isn’t because of variants the “vaccines” are working as described in the literature. Big Pharma and Government banked on the gen pop just not reading it. Sad that our media played along and didn’t report the actual facts....
Just because you can’t prevent transmission 100 percent, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to reduce the transmission as much as possible.

An unvaccinated person is a much more contagious host
Viral loads in vax’d and unvax’d are about the same the effect of that seems to be much lighter for the vax’d but I don’t think we know that makes them less contagious. An argument can be made that an asymptotic vax’d person with a high viral load is worse than a sick unvaccinated person. At least the sick guy will hopefully stay home.
Notice she is STRONGLY advocating getting vaccinated

The vaccine may be 90 percent effective and 10 percent may still get a mild case of COVID

No vaccine is ZERO percent effective and you WILL get the Delta variant
That’s not what the efficacy numbers mean. The 90% number is purely the chance you won’t develop a severe case of COVID when you get it. Has zero to do with you actually contracting the illness.
1. We are not Australia

2. The ONLY reason the US gov/private businesses can get away with mandates/passports is because the majority of Americans do not understand that these vaccines do not prevent transmission, and uber leftists are just going on as if they do.

It is CRITICAL that we take back our rights not to have our bodily autonomy violated, especially for a vaccine that does not prevent transmission.

Snicker... It's fun to watch Islamophobic Twit suddenly be concerned about the government invading "bodily autonomy" when she wants to ban abortion.

Most businesses will probably insist on vaccinations now because they remember the bad old days of early August where one person on the line came down with TRUMP PLAGUE (TM) and they had to shut down the whole plant and bring in a decontamination crew. So, yeah, watch for them to impose mandates for the shots happily.

and frankly, given the fact your side has let the Plutocrats run roughshod over us for decades, I'm not sure why you are complaining now.
On one hand, they're conceding that vaccines don't actually work.

wrong. the vaccine works against the novel coronavirus. the delta variant is what is getting thru & the vaccine so far is helping to avoid serious illness.

Then on the other hand, they're mandating vaccines.

as it should, for school - the military - & any business' that mandates it are legally allowed to do so.

It makes no sense but then again we're living in the twisted world of Biden and his Marxist party freakazoids.

lol ...
I think most people believed the vaccines would end the pandemic because they thought the vaccines would be sterilizing. That is, if enough people go the vaccines, Covid would become if not eradicated, at least so minimal it would be a non-entity

That is not the case....not even close

On that alone, and the fact that it's such a dangerous vaccine, I call it failed

We've gone from 4000 Covid Dead a day to 400 a day, thanks to the vaccine. We'd be down to zero if you Trump Cultists would get your damned shots.

The vaccines were not meant to "buy time". That's not what vaccines do. Good vaccines end epidemics. And that's what most of the Vaccine Church thought they would do.

This vaccine would have ended the epidemic by now, if you Trump Cultists didn't think taking it would be a denial of the one true god, Donald Trump.

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