"But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission"

So you do not like my posts, you didn't yesterday as well.
While you and I are on opposite sides of the aisle, I will ALWAYS be on your side when it comes to censorship. I didn't get to this thread in time to read it in its purest format, but I wish I had.
wrong. the vaccine works against the novel coronavirus. the delta variant is what is getting thru & the vaccine so far is helping to avoid serious illness.

as it should, for school - the military - & any business' that mandates it are legally allowed to do so.

lol ...
So if there's no downside, why am I still being forced to wear a mask? And if there's no downside why doesn't the vaccine sell itself? Why is Biden's leadership so poor that he can't give away this life saving vaccine? Trump could show him what to do.
No vaccine is ZERO percent effective and you WILL get the Delta variant
I've been trying to get covid for a long time, so this is reassuring. I really want those natural antibodies, so thanks for this assurance.
hmmmmm .... don't get the vaccine & risk getting seriously ill or worse
Why is this anybody's business besides the individual? Why aren't you telling fat asses who are at a much greater risk to get healthy?
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Nice try Comrade
Right here:

Right here:

I hate Commies, go away
The partisan pantywaists need to suck it up and confront the reality:

The U.S. Is Now Averaging 100,000 New COVID-19 Infections A Day​

August 7, 2021
The virus is spreading quickly through unvaccinated populations, especially in the South where hospitals have been overrun with patients.
You make it sound easier than it is:

Just like the flu shot.

And, aside for health care workers, flu shots are mandated almost no where. Because they do not prevent transmission. You can still get the flu and contract, and transmit, influenza.
Thank the unvaccinated

Direct contradiction to the OP. Per the CDC Director. In fact, since the vaccines make symptoms milder, maybe the vaccinated are the super spreaders. They go around with active infections thinking they have allergies.
Direct contradiction to the OP. Per the CDC Director. In fact, since the vaccines make symptoms milder, maybe the vaccinated are the super spreaders. They go around with active infections thinking they have allergies.

We would have defeated COVID by now if not for he unvaccinated

Thanks Sue

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