"But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission"

I'm not ready to make that claim as it's reported that most of the deaths and hospitalizations are happening to unvaccinated people.

The question is, for how long?

I think most people believed the vaccines would end the pandemic because they thought the vaccines would be sterilizing. That is, if enough people go the vaccines, Covid would become if not eradicated, at least so minimal it would be a non-entity

That is not the case....not even close

On that alone, and the fact that it's such a dangerous vaccine, I call it failed
I'm not ready to make that claim as it's reported that most of the deaths and hospitalizations are happening to unvaccinated people.

The question is, for how long?
I don’t want to spoil the end but as more people get vaxed the higher the breakthrough cases will get. If we all got vaxed then 100% of the cases would be breakthough. I guess I need to keep repeating this until it sinks in.
I don’t want to spoil the end but as more people get vaxed the higher the breakthrough cases will get. If we all got vaxed then 100% of the cases would be breakthough. I guess I need to keep repeating this until it sinks in.

That's an immaterial point to this thread. I don't know why you keep making it here. It doesn't matter the # of breakthrough cases. The vaccines do not prevent transmission so they will be a large number. So what.
I think most people believed the vaccines would end the pandemic because they thought the vaccines would be sterilizing. That is, if enough people go the vaccines, Covid would become if not eradicated, at least so minimal it would be a non-entity

That is not the case....not even close

On that alone, and the fact that it's such a dangerous vaccine, I call it failed
No, that’s not what was promised or expected. They were hoped to control the virus and buy us some time. Except people did what people do and acted like fools
I don’t want to spoil the end but as more people get vaxed the higher the breakthrough cases will get. If we all got vaxed then 100% of the cases would be breakthough. I guess I need to keep repeating this until it sinks in.
Well, additional boosters may be needed and I presume virologists are working to make the vaccines better. Of course they also have to contend with the mutations that may be naturally occurring.

I'm glad that we have vaccines but we still have a ways to go, according to the CDC Director.
To control the virus, limit deaths and hospitalizations. Reduce infections. Develop therapeutics. Etc

Yeah this is one fabulous backpedal. The vaccine was now supposed to just "buy us time" for therapeutics? Sure
I’m just spitting facts and watching you avoid reality

You're the one who just said it's somehow YOUR business now who goes into the hospital. And for what conditions. I notice you didn't address my post on metabolic disorders, which take up, I can promise you, way more hospital beds on a yearly basis than covid can touch. SHould we go there? What a lovely Nanny State we will have then
The vaccines aren't perfect but they are very helpful, or so I believe.

And that's a different story than what the Vaccine Church is being told and is selling.

If a vaccine will end a very dangerous, fatal epidemic, you can MANDATE people take it

But if they are only merely "helpful", mandates done
The vaccines were not meant to "buy time". That's not what vaccines do. Good vaccines end epidemics. And that's what most of the Vaccine Church thought they would do.
I believe that the vaccines have been helpful. Do you?

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