Buttigieg Blew It

Wrong, can't you read? Harris took down Biden and now he gets the shaft. Warren couldn't buy a black vote.

Hey, Biden, how does it feel to be called a racist?

again, I'm sure this is what they are telling you on Hate Radio, but no, not really.

No, he's just stating history. Ever hear of Maximilien Robespierre? He a radical left winger that was part of the Committee of Public Safety during the French Revolution. In the name of safety, he went around decapitating people that were accused of being right wing, until he found himself without a head.

Wingnuts shouldn't try to invoke History... they look silly doing it.

Naturally. Being in the pocket of lobbyists makes people qualified now.

No, man, what made those guys qualified is that they've held public office, they do things deliberatively.

You know, instead of the craziness we had yesterday where they admitted they couldn't put the citizenship question on the Census, then reversed themselves when Trump did a Shitter Tweet saying he wasn't backing down.
Buttigieg Blew It
Buttplug "blows" it every night. LOLL
Always hilarious when homophobes spend so much time thinking about gay sex...........

Apparently you are too stupid to know what a "phobia" is. A "phobia" is a fear, like fear of heights, fear of closed spaces, etc.

I have no fear of homosexuals. I call them out for the sick perverts they are. It is cowards like YOU who have the fear, fear of the TRUTH. You could not tell the truth to save your life.

I don't fear homosexuals, and I certainly do not fear little punkass cowards like you.
Most Jamaicans are African decedents as Jamaica had slaves from Africa. Her dad is a black Jamaican. She was born in the US. Pretty simple if she choose to call herself African American she can and it is legit.

Biden still holds a good lead over the next guy in line.

Bull Shit....

Not in the context she is trying use it......….
Buttigieg is a flaming Socialist

Seriously? :rolleyes:

Pete Buttigieg: Well, American capitalism is one of the most productive forces ever known to man, and there’s so much that this country has been able to unlock, especially in the last century, in terms of technology, in terms of prosperity. Now where it goes wrong is when it’s only being experienced in certain parts of the country or by certain kinds of people, and I think it goes to show just how important it is for capitalism to work that it be backed by all of the other pieces that business alone can’t solve. But when it’s working right, there’s nothing like it. It’s extraordinary.

2020 candidate Pete Buttigieg on taxing the rich and the future of American capitalism

With socialists like this who needs capitalists?

Tards are all socialists now......….
The guillotine that lops the heads off of the enemies of the left will eventually take their heads too....

Again, you guys are projecting.. You're the ones who ignored 15 qualified guys in 2016 to nominate the Nazi Game Show Host.

My guess is that this will come down to Warren vs. Biden.

I hope so....

Trump would stomp either of these two tards in the ground.....
He’s an articulate guy and I like him, but let’s be honest - would he have any more than 0.01% he weren’t gay? What call is there for 37 year-old small-city mayors in this country to be President?

The Democrats, or at least the Democratic activists, stand for two things - identity politics and socialism. They will probably wind up losing to the most unpopular President in history.
You didn’t answer the question.

Because it’s a stupid question that addresses nothing you quoted.

You have to be retarded to think Pete is a capitalism praising socialist.
And you have context comprehension issues.
Did he or did he not explicitly state that the Capitalism being practiced today needs “adjusting”?


The context is him being or not beiing a socialist.

He is not a socialist, mmmk honey boo boo?
I don’t think any of the Ds are socialists.
I think they just want to tax everyone to death and make sure no one has guns when everyone wises up.

Thank you for admitting that.

Now you can work on moving on from half baked bullshit about violent revolutions to fix that for which there is a conventional, peaceful, political solution.

If people don’t like high-taxing ideas they can just vote in people who are against them.

You're talking about the Lefty hate group Antifa here, they are consciously acting out your "violent revolution".
Because it’s a stupid question that addresses nothing you quoted.

You have to be retarded to think Pete is a capitalism praising socialist.
And you have context comprehension issues.
Did he or did he not explicitly state that the Capitalism being practiced today needs “adjusting”?


The context is him being or not beiing a socialist.

He is not a socialist, mmmk honey boo boo?
I don’t think any of the Ds are socialists.
I think they just want to tax everyone to death and make sure no one has guns when everyone wises up.

Thank you for admitting that.

Now you can work on moving on from half baked bullshit about violent revolutions to fix that for which there is a conventional, peaceful, political solution.

If people don’t like high-taxing ideas they can just vote in people who are against them.
Where did I mention a violent revolution?
Restrict your specific comments to specific posts.
I want to know how functional or dysfunction Butt views today’s capitalism.

You said that Democrats want to raise taxes and take away guns so that there is no violent recourse when people get that their taxes went up. Which is silly. Mmmk?
Buttigieg is a flaming Socialist

Seriously? :rolleyes:

Pete Buttigieg: Well, American capitalism is one of the most productive forces ever known to man, and there’s so much that this country has been able to unlock, especially in the last century, in terms of technology, in terms of prosperity. Now where it goes wrong is when it’s only being experienced in certain parts of the country or by certain kinds of people, and I think it goes to show just how important it is for capitalism to work that it be backed by all of the other pieces that business alone can’t solve. But when it’s working right, there’s nothing like it. It’s extraordinary.

2020 candidate Pete Buttigieg on taxing the rich and the future of American capitalism

With socialists like this who needs capitalists?
Did Butt state that it was currently working?

That's the problem. Leftists always use weasel words like "When it's working right" to mask the fact that they consider the REAL right way for it to work to be bad and require massive socialism to "fix".

Socialists do not belive capitalism can ever work right.

Quit rediculous straw grasping - there is absolutely no way to honestly read his gushing praises of American Capitalism and to still somehow try to say that he is a socialist.

Yeah, uh, that was my point.

Quit "rediculous [sic]" straw grasping. There is absolutely no way to look at Buttigieg's platforms and policy proposals and think his "gushing praises" of American capitalism are in any way honest.

Get your nose out of his ass, 'cause his "husband" is getting jealous.
That's the problem. Leftists always use weasel words like "When it's working right" to mask the fact that they consider the REAL right way for it to work to be bad and require massive socialism to "fix".

Socialists do not belive capitalism can ever work right.

Quit rediculous straw grasping - there is absolutely no way to honestly read his gushing praises of American Capitalism and to still somehow try to say that he is a socialist.
You didn’t answer the question.

Because it’s a stupid question that addresses nothing you quoted.

You have to be retarded to think Pete is a capitalism praising socialist.
And you have context comprehension issues.
Did he or did he not explicitly state that the Capitalism being practiced today needs “adjusting”?


The context is him being or not beiing a socialist.

He is not a socialist, mmmk honey boo boo?

Only a dumbass takes a politician's words at face value. Take a bow, dumbass.
Buttigieg is a flaming Socialist

Seriously? :rolleyes:

Pete Buttigieg: Well, American capitalism is one of the most productive forces ever known to man, and there’s so much that this country has been able to unlock, especially in the last century, in terms of technology, in terms of prosperity. Now where it goes wrong is when it’s only being experienced in certain parts of the country or by certain kinds of people, and I think it goes to show just how important it is for capitalism to work that it be backed by all of the other pieces that business alone can’t solve. But when it’s working right, there’s nothing like it. It’s extraordinary.

2020 candidate Pete Buttigieg on taxing the rich and the future of American capitalism

With socialists like this who needs capitalists?
Did Butt state that it was currently working?

That's the problem. Leftists always use weasel words like "When it's working right" to mask the fact that they consider the REAL right way for it to work to be bad and require massive socialism to "fix".

Socialists do not belive capitalism can ever work right.

Quit rediculous straw grasping - there is absolutely no way to honestly read his gushing praises of American Capitalism and to still somehow try to say that he is a socialist.

Yeah, uh, that was my point.

Quit "rediculous [sic]" straw grasping. There is absolutely no way to look at Buttigieg's platforms and policy proposals and think his "gushing praises" of American capitalism are in any way honest.

Get your nose out of his ass, 'cause his "husband" is getting jealous.

What about those proposals? Are they counter to America haivng a robust private market? NOPE.

Socialists do not belive capitalism can ever work right.

Quit rediculous straw grasping - there is absolutely no way to honestly read his gushing praises of American Capitalism and to still somehow try to say that he is a socialist.
You didn’t answer the question.

Because it’s a stupid question that addresses nothing you quoted.

You have to be retarded to think Pete is a capitalism praising socialist.
And you have context comprehension issues.
Did he or did he not explicitly state that the Capitalism being practiced today needs “adjusting”?


The context is him being or not beiing a socialist.

He is not a socialist, mmmk honey boo boo?

Only a dumbass takes a politician's words at face value. Take a bow, dumbass.

So, yes, you belive Pete is a capitalism praising socialist, while calling someone else an idiot no less.

Seriously? :rolleyes:

Pete Buttigieg: Well, American capitalism is one of the most productive forces ever known to man, and there’s so much that this country has been able to unlock, especially in the last century, in terms of technology, in terms of prosperity. Now where it goes wrong is when it’s only being experienced in certain parts of the country or by certain kinds of people, and I think it goes to show just how important it is for capitalism to work that it be backed by all of the other pieces that business alone can’t solve. But when it’s working right, there’s nothing like it. It’s extraordinary.

2020 candidate Pete Buttigieg on taxing the rich and the future of American capitalism

With socialists like this who needs capitalists?
Did Butt state that it was currently working?

That's the problem. Leftists always use weasel words like "When it's working right" to mask the fact that they consider the REAL right way for it to work to be bad and require massive socialism to "fix".

Socialists do not belive capitalism can ever work right.

Quit rediculous straw grasping - there is absolutely no way to honestly read his gushing praises of American Capitalism and to still somehow try to say that he is a socialist.

Yeah, uh, that was my point.

Quit "rediculous [sic]" straw grasping. There is absolutely no way to look at Buttigieg's platforms and policy proposals and think his "gushing praises" of American capitalism are in any way honest.

Get your nose out of his ass, 'cause his "husband" is getting jealous.

What about those proposals? Are they counter to America haivng a robust private market? NOPE.

Dumbass leftist politician-worshippers like you always think your shit isn't "counter to a robust private market", because you think that the fact that America has always withstood the negative effects means there aren't any, and that it can withstand any amount of them.

Yes, dumbass, his policy proposals are counter to a robust private market. "Medicare for all", slavery reparations, LGBTQXYZ special rights to bludgeon their opponents into silence, extremist Green New Deal policies . . . not a damn bit of that is anything but "counter to a robust private market". Not to mention counter to a robust, cohesive society.
You didn’t answer the question.

Because it’s a stupid question that addresses nothing you quoted.

You have to be retarded to think Pete is a capitalism praising socialist.
And you have context comprehension issues.
Did he or did he not explicitly state that the Capitalism being practiced today needs “adjusting”?


The context is him being or not beiing a socialist.

He is not a socialist, mmmk honey boo boo?

Only a dumbass takes a politician's words at face value. Take a bow, dumbass.

So, yes, you belive Pete is a capitalism praising socialist, while calling someone else an idiot no less.


I believe he's a bullshitting politician mouthing words he doesn't even remotely mean. As for calling you an idiot, I call 'em like I see 'em. You want respect for your intelligence? Try showing some. Only leftists applaud you for breathing to build "self-esteem" you have no right to have. Go talk to one of them.

By the way, multiple posts of "Oh, so you don't agree with me? Well, FACEPALM!!" just tells me you have no argument to make, you just want to believe Buttigieg is wonderful because you need a personality to worship.
Did Butt state that it was currently working?

That's the problem. Leftists always use weasel words like "When it's working right" to mask the fact that they consider the REAL right way for it to work to be bad and require massive socialism to "fix".

Socialists do not belive capitalism can ever work right.

Quit rediculous straw grasping - there is absolutely no way to honestly read his gushing praises of American Capitalism and to still somehow try to say that he is a socialist.

Yeah, uh, that was my point.

Quit "rediculous [sic]" straw grasping. There is absolutely no way to look at Buttigieg's platforms and policy proposals and think his "gushing praises" of American capitalism are in any way honest.

Get your nose out of his ass, 'cause his "husband" is getting jealous.

What about those proposals? Are they counter to America haivng a robust private market? NOPE.

Dumbass leftist politician-worshippers like you always think your shit isn't "counter to a robust private market", because you think that the fact that America has always withstood the negative effects means there aren't any, and that it can withstand any amount of them.

Yes, dumbass, his policy proposals are counter to a robust private market. "Medicare for all", slavery reparations, LGBTQXYZ special rights to bludgeon their opponents into silence, extremist Green New Deal policies . . . not a damn bit of that is anything but "counter to a robust private market". Not to mention counter to a robust, cohesive society.

Rediculous. America would still have plenty robust private market with all those proposals enacted. Nothing you just said indicates that Pete is not a capitalist.
Last edited:
Because it’s a stupid question that addresses nothing you quoted.

You have to be retarded to think Pete is a capitalism praising socialist.
And you have context comprehension issues.
Did he or did he not explicitly state that the Capitalism being practiced today needs “adjusting”?


The context is him being or not beiing a socialist.

He is not a socialist, mmmk honey boo boo?

Only a dumbass takes a politician's words at face value. Take a bow, dumbass.

So, yes, you belive Pete is a capitalism praising socialist, while calling someone else an idiot no less.


I believe he's a bullshitting politician mouthing words he doesn't even remotely mean. As for calling you an idiot, I call 'em like I see 'em. You want respect for your intelligence? Try showing some. Only leftists applaud you for breathing to build "self-esteem" you have no right to have. Go talk to one of them.

By the way, multiple posts of "Oh, so you don't agree with me? Well, FACEPALM!!" just tells me you have no argument to make, you just want to believe Buttigieg is wonderful because you need a personality to worship.

Aww shuks honey, go tell someone who gives a shit.
He’s an articulate guy and I like him, but let’s be honest - would he have any more than 0.01% he weren’t gay? What call is there for 37 year-old small-city mayors in this country to be President?

The Democrats, or at least the Democratic activists, stand for two things - identity politics and socialism. They will probably wind up losing to the most unpopular President in history.

Carter isn't running
And you have context comprehension issues.
Did he or did he not explicitly state that the Capitalism being practiced today needs “adjusting”?


The context is him being or not beiing a socialist.

He is not a socialist, mmmk honey boo boo?
I don’t think any of the Ds are socialists.
I think they just want to tax everyone to death and make sure no one has guns when everyone wises up.

Thank you for admitting that.

Now you can work on moving on from half baked bullshit about violent revolutions to fix that for which there is a conventional, peaceful, political solution.

If people don’t like high-taxing ideas they can just vote in people who are against them.
Where did I mention a violent revolution?
Restrict your specific comments to specific posts.
I want to know how functional or dysfunction Butt views today’s capitalism.

You said that Democrats want to raise taxes and take away guns so that there is no violent recourse when people get that their taxes went up. Which is silly. Mmmk?
Many people foreclose due to tax increases.
But you already knew that.

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