Buttigieg Blew It

Most Jamaicans are African decedents as Jamaica had slaves from Africa. Her dad is a black Jamaican. She was born in the US. Pretty simple if she choose to call herself African American she can and it is legit.

Biden still holds a good lead over the next guy in line.
I call her an American citizen. Is that a problem nowadays?

The context is him being or not beiing a socialist.

He is not a socialist, mmmk honey boo boo?
I don’t think any of the Ds are socialists.
I think they just want to tax everyone to death and make sure no one has guns when everyone wises up.

Thank you for admitting that.

Now you can work on moving on from half baked bullshit about violent revolutions to fix that for which there is a conventional, peaceful, political solution.

If people don’t like high-taxing ideas they can just vote in people who are against them.
Where did I mention a violent revolution?
Restrict your specific comments to specific posts.
I want to know how functional or dysfunction Butt views today’s capitalism.

You said that Democrats want to raise taxes and take away guns so that there is no violent recourse when people get that their taxes went up. Which is silly. Mmmk?
Many people foreclose due to tax increases.
But you already knew that.

No I don't know that, since property taxes are usually a STATE, not Federal issue and wtf does that have to do with taxes-and-guns?
I don’t think any of the Ds are socialists.
I think they just want to tax everyone to death and make sure no one has guns when everyone wises up.

Thank you for admitting that.

Now you can work on moving on from half baked bullshit about violent revolutions to fix that for which there is a conventional, peaceful, political solution.

If people don’t like high-taxing ideas they can just vote in people who are against them.
Where did I mention a violent revolution?
Restrict your specific comments to specific posts.
I want to know how functional or dysfunction Butt views today’s capitalism.

You said that Democrats want to raise taxes and take away guns so that there is no violent recourse when people get that their taxes went up. Which is silly. Mmmk?
Many people foreclose due to tax increases.
But you already knew that.

No I don't know that, since property taxes are usually a STATE, not Federal issue and wtf does that have to do with taxes-and-guns?
You sure are young.
Your school district gets state funds.
Cut the state funds and the local school and property taxes increase.
Trump has cut aid to NY, which has trickled down to every town and hamlet.
Many towns and hamlets have tightened their belts, a few won’t and will raise local school taxes enough to cause foreclosures.
Most Jamaicans are African decedents as Jamaica had slaves from Africa. Her dad is a black Jamaican. She was born in the US. Pretty simple if she choose to call herself African American she can and it is legit.

Biden still holds a good lead over the next guy in line.
I call her an American citizen. Is that a problem nowadays?

Well she is an American citizen but nowadays its hip to to add your ancestry in front of American ie Polish American, Japanese American, Irish American, etc, etc,

Some people do like it so its not a problem with me either way that what choice is all about
Apparently you are too stupid to know what a "phobia" is. A "phobia" is a fear, like fear of heights, fear of closed spaces, etc.

I have no fear of homosexuals. I call them out for the sick perverts they are. It is cowards like YOU who have the fear, fear of the TRUTH. You could not tell the truth to save your life.

I don't fear homosexuals, and I certainly do not fear little punkass cowards like you.

Okay, Snookums, we know that you are so unafraid of gays you scream about them all day... that's how not scared of them you are.
He’s an articulate guy and I like him, but let’s be honest - would he have any more than 0.01% he weren’t gay? What call is there for 37 year-old small-city mayors in this country to be President?

The Democrats, or at least the Democratic activists, stand for two things - identity politics and socialism. They will probably wind up losing to the most unpopular President in history.

Again, America doesn't need Two Republican Parties.

Everyone said the same thing about Obama in 2008, if he weren't black there's no way he'd have any attention.

And if running a fake game show qualifies you to be president, then being a mayor of a small city does.
Always hilarious when homophobes spend so much time thinking about gay sex.........
Apparently you are too stupid to know what a "phobia" is. A "phobia" is a fear, like fear of heights, fear of closed spaces, etc.
I have no fear of homosexuals. I call them out for the sick perverts they are. It is cowards like YOU who have the fear, fear of the TRUTH. You could not tell the truth to save your life.
I don't fear homosexuals, and I certainly do not fear little punkass cowards like you.
The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language

"Politics and the English Language" (1946) is an essay by George Orwell that criticized the "ugly and inaccurate" written English of his time and examines the connection between political orthodoxies and the debasement of language. The essay focuses on political language, which, according to Orwell, "is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind". Orwell believed that the language used was necessarily vague or meaningless because it was intended to hide the truth rather than express it (source).
Buttigieg couldn't throw the cop under the bus because he knows the cop has the right to defend himself but it doesn't matter because it's a hate crime no matter what the facts are.

I find it kinda ironic Biden and Buttigieg are getting crushed because they're white but had nothing to do with what they're accused of.

Biden is basically a JFK Democrat, Obama's Vice President, and now a byproduct of it doesn't matter what you did, it's you're white.Therefore you couldn't really know how we feel and you won't give us reparations.

Buttigieg is a flaming Socialist who's father was a Socialist/Communist Professor but it doesn't matter, a white mayor got a black man killed because he couldn't recruit a higher percentage of blacks in to the police force.

And now we find out tonight, Harris isn't really an African American, she's Jamaican/Indian, so she really can't represent African Americans.

Better duck, folks. The circular firing squad has gone full auto.
Buttigieg is a flaming Socialist who's father was a Socialist/Communist Professor but it doesn't matter, a white mayor got a black man killed because he couldn't recruit a higher percentage of blacks in to the police force.
Buttigieg is one of Wall Street's three favorite Democrats:

"The behind-the-scenes competition for Wall Street money in the 2020 presidential race is reaching a fevered peak this week as no less than nine Democrats are holding New York fund-raisers in a span of nine days, racing ahead of a June 30 filing deadline when they must disclose their latest financial hauls.

"With millions of dollars on the line, top New York donors are already beginning to pick favorites, and three candidates are generating most of the buzz: former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., Senator Kamala Harris of California and Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind."

Wall Street Donors Are Swooning for Mayor Pete. (They Like Biden and Harris, Too.)
That's the problem. Leftists always use weasel words like "When it's working right" to mask the fact that they consider the REAL right way for it to work to be bad and require massive socialism to "fix".

Socialists do not belive capitalism can ever work right.

Quit rediculous straw grasping - there is absolutely no way to honestly read his gushing praises of American Capitalism and to still somehow try to say that he is a socialist.

Yeah, uh, that was my point.

Quit "rediculous [sic]" straw grasping. There is absolutely no way to look at Buttigieg's platforms and policy proposals and think his "gushing praises" of American capitalism are in any way honest.

Get your nose out of his ass, 'cause his "husband" is getting jealous.

What about those proposals? Are they counter to America haivng a robust private market? NOPE.

Dumbass leftist politician-worshippers like you always think your shit isn't "counter to a robust private market", because you think that the fact that America has always withstood the negative effects means there aren't any, and that it can withstand any amount of them.

Yes, dumbass, his policy proposals are counter to a robust private market. "Medicare for all", slavery reparations, LGBTQXYZ special rights to bludgeon their opponents into silence, extremist Green New Deal policies . . . not a damn bit of that is anything but "counter to a robust private market". Not to mention counter to a robust, cohesive society.

Rediculous. America would still have plenty robust private market with all those proposals enacted. Nothing you just said indicates that Pete is not a capitalist.

"Rediculous [sic]". Stating something doesn't make it so, especially when it's driveling fanboy like you stating it.

Everything I said indicates he's not a capitalist, because everything I said is anti-capitalism. The fact that you know so little about what the word "capitalism" means - and are so desperately enthralled by Buttigieg that you believe whatever he says - changes nothing.
And you have context comprehension issues.
Did he or did he not explicitly state that the Capitalism being practiced today needs “adjusting”?


The context is him being or not beiing a socialist.

He is not a socialist, mmmk honey boo boo?

Only a dumbass takes a politician's words at face value. Take a bow, dumbass.

So, yes, you belive Pete is a capitalism praising socialist, while calling someone else an idiot no less.


I believe he's a bullshitting politician mouthing words he doesn't even remotely mean. As for calling you an idiot, I call 'em like I see 'em. You want respect for your intelligence? Try showing some. Only leftists applaud you for breathing to build "self-esteem" you have no right to have. Go talk to one of them.

By the way, multiple posts of "Oh, so you don't agree with me? Well, FACEPALM!!" just tells me you have no argument to make, you just want to believe Buttigieg is wonderful because you need a personality to worship.

Aww shuks honey, go tell someone who gives a shit.

Aww shuks [sic] honey Go tell someone who's as illiterate as you. Your betters are done listening to you fap to daydreams of your beloved Pete. Shoo, Gomer.
Always hilarious when homophobes spend so much time thinking about gay sex.........
Apparently you are too stupid to know what a "phobia" is. A "phobia" is a fear, like fear of heights, fear of closed spaces, etc.
I have no fear of homosexuals. I call them out for the sick perverts they are. It is cowards like YOU who have the fear, fear of the TRUTH. You could not tell the truth to save your life.
I don't fear homosexuals, and I certainly do not fear little punkass cowards like you.
The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language

"Politics and the English Language" (1946) is an essay by George Orwell that criticized the "ugly and inaccurate" written English of his time and examines the connection between political orthodoxies and the debasement of language. The essay focuses on political language, which, according to Orwell, "is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind". Orwell believed that the language used was necessarily vague or meaningless because it was intended to hide the truth rather than express it (source).

Um, that's nice and all, but what does that have to do with your irrational fear of gay people?

How does other people being gay have any effect on your life whatsoever?

The context is him being or not beiing a socialist.

He is not a socialist, mmmk honey boo boo?
I don’t think any of the Ds are socialists.
I think they just want to tax everyone to death and make sure no one has guns when everyone wises up.

Thank you for admitting that.

Now you can work on moving on from half baked bullshit about violent revolutions to fix that for which there is a conventional, peaceful, political solution.

If people don’t like high-taxing ideas they can just vote in people who are against them.
Where did I mention a violent revolution?
Restrict your specific comments to specific posts.
I want to know how functional or dysfunction Butt views today’s capitalism.

You said that Democrats want to raise taxes and take away guns so that there is no violent recourse when people get that their taxes went up. Which is silly. Mmmk?
Many people foreclose due to tax increases.
But you already knew that.

All he knows is that Mayor Pete makes him hot.
Always hilarious when homophobes spend so much time thinking about gay sex.........
Apparently you are too stupid to know what a "phobia" is. A "phobia" is a fear, like fear of heights, fear of closed spaces, etc.
I have no fear of homosexuals. I call them out for the sick perverts they are. It is cowards like YOU who have the fear, fear of the TRUTH. You could not tell the truth to save your life.
I don't fear homosexuals, and I certainly do not fear little punkass cowards like you.
The Politics of Liberal Perversion of Language

"Politics and the English Language" (1946) is an essay by George Orwell that criticized the "ugly and inaccurate" written English of his time and examines the connection between political orthodoxies and the debasement of language. The essay focuses on political language, which, according to Orwell, "is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind". Orwell believed that the language used was necessarily vague or meaningless because it was intended to hide the truth rather than express it (source).

Um, that's nice and all, but what does that have to do with your irrational fear of gay people?

How does other people being gay have any effect on your life whatsoever?
It has a huge effect when you have to deal with them as business people or educators. Since they're sexually confused, who knows how far their confusion goes? A large percentage are depressed and suicidal, addicted, and mentally ill.
Most Jamaicans are African decedents as Jamaica had slaves from Africa. Her dad is a black Jamaican. She was born in the US. Pretty simple if she choose to call herself African American she can and it is legit.

Biden still holds a good lead over the next guy in line.
I call her an American citizen. Is that a problem nowadays?

Only in the sense that you're calling her something she isn't acting like. How much of a problem is delusion for you?
Most Jamaicans are African decedents as Jamaica had slaves from Africa. Her dad is a black Jamaican. She was born in the US. Pretty simple if she choose to call herself African American she can and it is legit.

Biden still holds a good lead over the next guy in line.
I call her an American citizen. Is that a problem nowadays?

Only in the sense that you're calling her something she isn't acting like. How much of a problem is delusion for you?
American citizens can say what they like. If she says "open borders" that is fine. If she leads an illegal over the line and gives him shelter, that is illegal and she should be arrested.
It has a huge effect when you have to deal with them as business people or educators. Since they're sexually confused, who knows how far their confusion goes? A large percentage are depressed and suicidal, addicted, and mentally ill.

I'm seriously wondering if you know any openly gay people.

I've dealt with gay folks in business all the time. Guess what, their money is just as green as straight folks. Best boss I ever had was a lesbian.

American citizens can say what they like. If she says "open borders" that is fine. If she leads an illegal over the line and gives him shelter, that is illegal and she should be arrested.

Good luck with that.

When are you going to arrest Trump for all the "illegals' he's hired over the years?
Thank you for admitting that.

Now you can work on moving on from half baked bullshit about violent revolutions to fix that for which there is a conventional, peaceful, political solution.

If people don’t like high-taxing ideas they can just vote in people who are against them.
Where did I mention a violent revolution?
Restrict your specific comments to specific posts.
I want to know how functional or dysfunction Butt views today’s capitalism.

You said that Democrats want to raise taxes and take away guns so that there is no violent recourse when people get that their taxes went up. Which is silly. Mmmk?
Many people foreclose due to tax increases.
But you already knew that.

No I don't know that, since property taxes are usually a STATE, not Federal issue and wtf does that have to do with taxes-and-guns?
You sure are young.
Your school district gets state funds.
Cut the state funds and the local school and property taxes increase.
Trump has cut aid to NY, which has trickled down to every town and hamlet.
Many towns and hamlets have tightened their belts, a few won’t and will raise local school taxes enough to cause foreclosures.

Do you have A.D.D.?

We are talking about Democrats, on a Federal level, raising taxes and taking away guns.

What you are talking is state taxesa nd has nothing to do with what you are responding to, so please stop posting just to post SOMETHING.
Socialists do not belive capitalism can ever work right.

Quit rediculous straw grasping - there is absolutely no way to honestly read his gushing praises of American Capitalism and to still somehow try to say that he is a socialist.

Yeah, uh, that was my point.

Quit "rediculous [sic]" straw grasping. There is absolutely no way to look at Buttigieg's platforms and policy proposals and think his "gushing praises" of American capitalism are in any way honest.

Get your nose out of his ass, 'cause his "husband" is getting jealous.

What about those proposals? Are they counter to America haivng a robust private market? NOPE.

Dumbass leftist politician-worshippers like you always think your shit isn't "counter to a robust private market", because you think that the fact that America has always withstood the negative effects means there aren't any, and that it can withstand any amount of them.

Yes, dumbass, his policy proposals are counter to a robust private market. "Medicare for all", slavery reparations, LGBTQXYZ special rights to bludgeon their opponents into silence, extremist Green New Deal policies . . . not a damn bit of that is anything but "counter to a robust private market". Not to mention counter to a robust, cohesive society.

Rediculous. America would still have plenty robust private market with all those proposals enacted. Nothing you just said indicates that Pete is not a capitalist.

"Rediculous [sic]". Stating something doesn't make it so, especially when it's driveling fanboy like you stating it.

Everything I said indicates he's not a capitalist, because everything I said is anti-capitalism. The fact that you know so little about what the word "capitalism" means - and are so desperately enthralled by Buttigieg that you believe whatever he says - changes nothing.

To make it real real easy, lets just use your reasoning it various applications:

Do you support public roads?

Yes? Then you are a Socialist, because supporting public roads is anti-Capitalism. :rolleyes:

Want to do another one?

Canada has single-payer healthcare system, therefore it is a Socialist coutry. :rolleyes:

Lets do another one:

Trump is a Socialist because he wowed to protect Medicare and SS from any cuts. :rolleyes:
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