Buttigieg's city to be sued by family of black man

....hahahahahh--you ALSO--just fked up and show that you also are BLINDED and warped by your obsessions:
.....I do not want thug cops/corrupt cops !!! I am against thug cops--but FOR cops doing what is right--defending themselves against jackass criminal thugs

You mean like the 11 year old kid with the toy gun the cops hopped out of their car and shot on sight. Or the guy the cops choked to death for selling cigarettes. How about the black hospital worker shot trying to keep the police from shooting his patient? Or the family man who was shoot and killed after flagging police down on the highway after a breakdown?

We've had cases where a black homeowner who called police because of a prowler, was shot by the officers he called. And another instance of a black man being shot in the back in his own backyard while on the phone, because the police where chasing someone and they thought his phone was a gun.
all bullshit
they did NOT choke the LIFE LONG criminal to death==he had over 30 arrests!!!!
...the kid was brandishing what appeared to be a real weapon==NOT the cops fault the parents failed
..I've been over this before a million times
the BIG problems were:
ASterling KScott
the cops were NOT at fault
...there is not a chronic problem of cops shooting ANYONE, much less blacks = I've put out the stats/links for this many times on USMB
humans make mistakes
whites get shot also
.....the cops are doing a good job at not shooting jackass criminal blacks considering they commit crime at much higher rates

So Eric Garner wasn't choked to death by the police, he was killed by his arrests? Where is the proportional response here? He was selling cigarettes for 25 cents apiece, and because he had been arrested 30 times, he was choked to death. Is that what you're saying is if you're a "career criminal", meaning you've been arrested for selling cigarettes, and being a general pain in the butt, the police can choke you to death and that's OK?

The police pulled up in front of the 11 year old child, got out of the car and shot him. They didn't warn, him, they didn't tell him to drop his weapon, they just pulled up opened the door and gunned that child down without a word. That's not policing, that's execution.

The police are 7 times more likely to shoot unarmed blacks than they are unarmed whites.

The police are doing a piss poor job of not shooting unarmed civilians, or to overreacting to calls when blacks are involved. They're SUPPOSED to investigate each occurence on its merits, not just assume because they see a black face, that person, regardless of age or sex, is a criminal. That's the very definition of PROFILING.

There have been numerous instances of black people calling the police and being shot by them. One man called to report a man assaulting his wife in the driveway, and when police arrived they shot the husband, who by the time they arrived, had run off the guy attacking his wife. When it comes to black people, police seem to shoot first and ask questions later.

The case of the hospital worker is especially egregious. The guy was on the ground, hands over his head, begging police not to shoot. Telling them he was just trying to get his patient back to the hospital; that his patient had a toy truck, and was unarmed. The cop who shot him said that they were "trying to hit the retard" - the victim's mentally disabled patient.

It makes about as much sense as the cop who shot the white Australian woman in her PJ's who called in the report of a prowler. Part of the problem is that with all of the guns in America, police truly are taking their lives in their hands every time they respond to a call - any call. But when statistics overwhelmingly show that police are 7 times more likely to shoot and kill an unarmed black civilian than a white one, blacks don't commit 7 times more crimes than whites. There aren't 7 times more blacks in prison than whites.

But blacks are 7 times more likely to end up dead at the hands of the police. And YOU don't see any problem with that.
.....Garner had been arrested 30 times!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...he was RESISTING arrest.....plain and simple----if you have to restrain/FIGHT/etc a dumbass jackass LIFE long criminal--bad things can happen and it's NOT the cops fault but the criminal's
contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
there are about 30 million calls for police assistance, not counting traffic stops
2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
blacks commit crime at MUCH higher rates than whites
like I said, the cops are doing a good job not shooting black jackasses
blacks commit murder at 4 times the rate
rape at twice the rate
hate crimes at twice the rate
blacks graduate at lower rates
this all = they are dumbasses who FIGHT with the cops/RESIST arrests/etc
....this all adds up to the blacks are more likely to be DUMBASSES when they come into contact with the ops

Eric Garner was fighting to breathe. Watch the fucking tape. He says over and over "I can't breathe". He said it until be couldn't talk any more. He was fighting for his life. It was self defense. He laid there and said "I can't breathe" over and over and still they kept choking him. When he stopped begging for them to stop he fought because it was all he could do.

I love it, when you consistly blame black people for police murdering them. The facts of these cases simply do not back you up. And we've seen the tapes. Unarmed and shot in the back is not a danger to the police, regardless of past criminal history.

Watch the tapes and you'll see basically, the police are executing black people, regardless of age, sex, or criminal histories. And yet even when it's a black orderly lying on the ground with his hands above his head begging the police not to shoot, you blame the victim.

Shoot first and ask questions later because if you're black, you're probably a criminal.
Also, considering it was a petty offense he was being stopped over, it would be nothing for police to back off
but the cops are INNOCENT!
it's the dumbass blacks giving the $$$$ away

2 of those cases (Slager and Van Dyke) the cops were found guilty. More to the point, the Cities aren't giving these guys passes anymore. Too many mayors and prosecutors being fired for not doing their jobs.

Most of those cases were settlements, because they knew if these cases got in front of a jury, they'd have paid a lot more.
.....thank you--as I've stated there is not a chronic, major problem of cops shooting anyone
TWO out of 30 MILLION calls for assistance
..as stated-there will always be problems/misjudgements
...the Minnesota BLACK cop murdered an innocent WHITE--and that lady was not a jackass criminal
.....thank you--as I've stated there is not a chronic, major problem of cops shooting anyone
TWO out of 30 MILLION calls for assistance
..as stated-there will always be problems/misjudgements
...the Minnesota BLACK cop murdered an innocent WHITE--and that lady was not a jackass criminal

Neither were most of the people shot or killed by police over infractions or traffic violations.

Funny thing, when the black cop shot the white lady, it was investigated, he was prosecuted and put in prison.

Let's do that with the cops that shoot black kids without just cause.
They didn't? I suggest you go to the Catholic Cathedral in Lich Germany, and talk to all of those interred there who were murdered by the GESTAPO.

Which again, has nothing to do with a well-armed German populace who was totally cool with that. This is what you don't get... the kind of people who wore swastikas were the kind of people who wear MAGA hats today. They might be happy to have their guns, but they aren't sticking their necks out for anyone.

Kind of like no one is really sticking their necks out to protect the people Trump is sending to concentration camps.... they just get upset if you call them "Concentration camps".

The German populace was NOT well armed.

The Nazi's were, but they were less than 10% of the population. The rest of the Germans though, they had zero recourse because they had been completely disarmed.

This is well known history so why are you so ignorant of it?
The German populace was NOT well armed.

Actually, it was very well-armed. Not only did you have all the leftover guns from World War I, but the Nazis repealled the rather ineffectual gun laws passed during the Weimar Republic.

The Nazi's were, but they were less than 10% of the population. The rest of the Germans though, they had zero recourse because they had been completely disarmed.

Again, you are completely confused... You are still looking for the distinction made by WWII propaganda that drew an imaginary distinction between the "Good Germans' and the Nazis... (As opposed to propaganda about the Japanese, who were all sub-human monsters). The thing was, the "Good Germans" supported Hitler all the way. The fought for him down to the last old man and little boy.

The German population was well armed, and they had no problem taking the Jews off to the concentration camps because, frankly, antisemitism was hard wired into the German Culture.

The only difference was that while later generations of Southerners glorified what they did in the Civil War, later generations of Germans felt profoundly ashamed of what their parents did. Oh, it was those other people.
I'm still having a hard time figuring out why Buttigeig is a thing, exactly.

He runs a town of 100,000 people.

Good point.

But the reason is that Mr. Buttigieg is a thing, and the mayor of Erie PA isn't, is because Leftist Mayor Schember of Erie doesn't take it in the ass.

There is actually no difference in ideology between any of the candidates on the D sign. They are all pro-open borders, anti-life advocates of the new green deal and fully socialized medicine. The differences are in their identities. You have phony Indians, phony Mexicans, phony Italians, broads who fucked their way to the top, sleepy and crazy old men.
This is well known history so why are you so ignorant of it?

Because it's a well-known LIE. Hitler rose despite a well-armed German populace because he reflected the prejudices of Germans of his time.
The German populace was NOT well armed.

Actually, it was very well-armed. Not only did you have all the leftover guns from World War I, but the Nazis repealled the rather ineffectual gun laws passed during the Weimar Republic.

The Nazi's were, but they were less than 10% of the population. The rest of the Germans though, they had zero recourse because they had been completely disarmed.

Again, you are completely confused... You are still looking for the distinction made by WWII propaganda that drew an imaginary distinction between the "Good Germans' and the Nazis... (As opposed to propaganda about the Japanese, who were all sub-human monsters). The thing was, the "Good Germans" supported Hitler all the way. The fought for him down to the last old man and little boy.

The German population was well armed, and they had no problem taking the Jews off to the concentration camps because, frankly, antisemitism was hard wired into the German Culture.

The only difference was that while later generations of Southerners glorified what they did in the Civil War, later generations of Germans felt profoundly ashamed of what their parents did. Oh, it was those other people.

No, it wasn't. They had been completely disarmed by the time the Nazi's took over. It started under the Weimar republic but really got goi g once Hitler came to power.

This is not an opinion. This is factual history.
.....thank you--as I've stated there is not a chronic, major problem of cops shooting anyone
TWO out of 30 MILLION calls for assistance
..as stated-there will always be problems/misjudgements
...the Minnesota BLACK cop murdered an innocent WHITE--and that lady was not a jackass criminal

Neither were most of the people shot or killed by police over infractions or traffic violations.

Funny thing, when the black cop shot the white lady, it was investigated, he was prosecuted and put in prison.

Let's do that with the cops that shoot black kids without just cause.
now you just are being totally ridiculous
1. MBrown --previous felony--stole from the store/attacked clerk/disobeying police LAWFUL commands/attacking cop
2. KScot criminal history then doing drugs then having a firearm then disobeying LAWFUL police commands
3.LMcDonald --slicing tires !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.EGarner resisting arrest --that's a CRIME --and fighting cops-30 arrests

5. ASterling resisting and FIGHTING with cops while he knows he has a pistol !!!!
6. FGray disobeying lawful commands/lifelong criminal
etc etc
MOST of these idiots are:
disobeying lawful commands
fighting with the cops
committing/committed crime
the community is better off without these bastards

.....you are part of the problem if you are PRO-criminal -the only reasons I can think as to why you people are PRO-criminal are your brains are warped by your racism/you graduate at lower levels= not that smart/warped thinking from being slaves---civil rights problems
This is well known history so why are you so ignorant of it?

Because it's a well-known LIE. Hitler rose despite a well-armed German populace because he reflected the prejudices of Germans of his time.

Wrong. The lies are the crap you are pushing. The Nazi Siezure of Power is a book you should read.

But only if you want to learn the truth. Of course the truth will interfere with your propaganda so I doubt you will read it.

Political operatives, like you, hate the truth.
The German populace was NOT well armed.

Actually, it was very well-armed. Not only did you have all the leftover guns from World War I, but the Nazis repealled the rather ineffectual gun laws passed during the Weimar Republic.

The Nazi's were, but they were less than 10% of the population. The rest of the Germans though, they had zero recourse because they had been completely disarmed.

Again, you are completely confused... You are still looking for the distinction made by WWII propaganda that drew an imaginary distinction between the "Good Germans' and the Nazis... (As opposed to propaganda about the Japanese, who were all sub-human monsters). The thing was, the "Good Germans" supported Hitler all the way. The fought for him down to the last old man and little boy.

The German population was well armed, and they had no problem taking the Jews off to the concentration camps because, frankly, antisemitism was hard wired into the German Culture.

The only difference was that while later generations of Southerners glorified what they did in the Civil War, later generations of Germans felt profoundly ashamed of what their parents did. Oh, it was those other people.
..the Japanese WERE very different than the Germans regarding being ''good/evil'' as per their CULTURE/traditions/treatment of POWS-civilians per capita
....I've been reading and researching WW2 for over 40 years--just yesterday I was reading on their treatment of POWS/etc
..the Japanese would slap/etc their own soldiers for discipline
..kamikaze/suicide/beheadings/etc--MUCH different
No, it wasn't. They had been completely disarmed by the time the Nazi's took over. It started under the Weimar republic but really got goi g once Hitler came to power.

This is not an opinion. This is factual history.

No, it really isn't.

The 1938 German Weapons Act, the precursor of the current weapons law, superseded the 1928 law. As under the 1928 law, citizens were required to have a permit to carry a firearm and a separate permit to acquire a firearm. But under the new law:

  • Gun restriction laws applied only to handguns, not to long guns or ammunition. The 1938 revisions completely deregulated the acquisition and transfer of rifles and shotguns, and the possession of ammunition.[8]
  • The legal age at which guns could be purchased was lowered from 20 to 18.[9][10]
  • Permits were valid for three years, rather than one year.[9]
  • Holders of annual hunting permits, government workers, and NSDAP (the National Socialist German Workers' Party) members were no longer subject to gun ownership restrictions. Prior to the 1938 law, only officials of the central government, the states, and employees of the German Reichsbahn Railways were exempted
Wrong. The lies are the crap you are pushing. The Nazi Siezure of Power is a book you should read.

But only if you want to learn the truth. Of course the truth will interfere with your propaganda so I doubt you will read it.

Political operatives, like you, hate the truth.

Well, no, the thing is, I don't buy into the cartoonish portrayal of Nazi Germany you seem to have. The thing about the Germans is that they were just like us... too much like us, as current history is showing.

now you just are being totally ridiculous

No, guy, none of the stuff you are whining about really justified the use of lethal force.

Here's what justifies lethal force.. He's just pulled a gun on you.

The rest of this is you justifying racism.

Times are a changin', buddy. The days cops could get away with this shit are over. They are going to jail now...
Times are a changin', buddy. The days cops could get away with this shit are over. They are going to jail now...

Actually, they aren't. The police will be staying in the donut shop a little longer, looking to let the dust settle when people are calling instead of arriving when people are shooting and they might be tempted to shooting back.

And if they see the American Sacred Cow, the young black male youth, walking in the street, they will learn to mind their own bees wax.

Remember, the police are there to collect a pay stub and support their family. Taking risks that they might go to prison isn't one that many will want to take
The German populace was NOT well armed.

Actually, it was very well-armed. Not only did you have all the leftover guns from World War I, but the Nazis repealled the rather ineffectual gun laws passed during the Weimar Republic.

The Nazi's were, but they were less than 10% of the population. The rest of the Germans though, they had zero recourse because they had been completely disarmed.

Again, you are completely confused... You are still looking for the distinction made by WWII propaganda that drew an imaginary distinction between the "Good Germans' and the Nazis... (As opposed to propaganda about the Japanese, who were all sub-human monsters). The thing was, the "Good Germans" supported Hitler all the way. The fought for him down to the last old man and little boy.

The German population was well armed, and they had no problem taking the Jews off to the concentration camps because, frankly, antisemitism was hard wired into the German Culture.

The only difference was that while later generations of Southerners glorified what they did in the Civil War, later generations of Germans felt profoundly ashamed of what their parents did. Oh, it was those other people.
hahahaha---you know nothing about the Germans of WW2
....ever hear of Stauffenberg?Admiral Canaris? Canaris, head of the German intelligence helped the ALLIES
etc etc etc etc

a lot of you people think in movie/TV/unreality terms
-----Germany pre-and during the war was like other countries and the US regarding politics!!!!!!!!!!! not everyone is for ANY US president--A LOT are AGAINST the US presidents

no party gets nowhere near a majority of votes----!!!!!!!! just like in the US
Despite waging a campaign of terror against their opponents, the Nazis only tallied 43.9 percent of the vote, well short of a majority.

1933 German Federal Elections
now you just are being totally ridiculous

No, guy, none of the stuff you are whining about really justified the use of lethal force.

Here's what justifies lethal force.. He's just pulled a gun on you.

The rest of this is you justifying racism.

Times are a changin', buddy. The days cops could get away with this shit are over. They are going to jail now...
-------I thought you people were protesting/saying that the problem is cops NOT going to jail for shooting black people??????!!!!!!!!!??????
make up your mind---hahahahahahahhaha

I guess you would let a jackass just beat the crap out of you and/or take your pistol??!!!???
Actually, they aren't. The police will be staying in the donut shop a little longer, looking to let the dust settle when people are calling instead of arriving when people are shooting and they might be tempted to shooting back.

Then we fire them for not doing their jobs.

Problem solved.

hahahaha---you know nothing about the Germans of WW2
....ever hear of Stauffenberg?Admiral Canaris? Canaris, head of the German intelligence helped the ALLIES

And here's the thing about it... Those guys were all for Hitler when Germany was WINNING the war.
Remember, the police are there to collect a pay stub and support their family. Taking risks that they might go to prison isn't one that many will want to take

They could actually try being competent at their jobs... that way they'll get to keep collecting a paycheck.
Remember, the police are there to collect a pay stub and support their family. Taking risks that they might go to prison isn't one that many will want to take

They could actually try being competent at their jobs... that way they'll get to keep collecting a paycheck.

Maybe the solution is to give each cop a single bullet, like Barney Fife.

BTW, the main job of a cop is to enforce the parking regulations, set up speed traps, do police reports for insurance companies. Not to get into gun fights with America's Sacred Cow, the black male youths who can do no wrong.
Then we fire them for not doing their jobs.

Problem solved.

Its virtually impossible to fire a big city police officer, even if a cop keeping his nose clean and avoiding confrontations was a provable and fireable offense.

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