Buttigieg's city to be sued by family of black man

Actually, they aren't. The police will be staying in the donut shop a little longer, looking to let the dust settle when people are calling instead of arriving when people are shooting and they might be tempted to shooting back.

Then we fire them for not doing their jobs.

Problem solved.

hahahaha---you know nothing about the Germans of WW2
....ever hear of Stauffenberg?Admiral Canaris? Canaris, head of the German intelligence helped the ALLIES

And here's the thing about it... Those guys were all for Hitler when Germany was WINNING the war.
hahahahah-you PROVE you know nothing about WW2/etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please stop it----you OBVIOUSLY are just babbling
BEFORE winning--BEFORE the war:
In 1938, he made efforts to hinder Hitler from attacking Czechoslovakia and later he played an active role as a peace keeper. Canaris personally went to Franco and told him not to allow passage to the Germans for the purpose of capturing Gibraltar. Canaris was directly involved in the 1938 and 1939 coup attempts.
Wilhelm Canaris
In May 1938, the army leadership was made aware of Hitler's intention of invading Czechoslovakia, even at the risk of war with Britain, France, and/or the Soviet Union. The Army Chief of Staff, General Ludwig Beck, regarded this as not only immoral but reckless, since he believed that Germany would lose such a war.
German resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia

etc to infinity
Actually, they aren't. The police will be staying in the donut shop a little longer, looking to let the dust settle when people are calling instead of arriving when people are shooting and they might be tempted to shooting back.

Then we fire them for not doing their jobs.

Problem solved.

hahahaha---you know nothing about the Germans of WW2
....ever hear of Stauffenberg?Admiral Canaris? Canaris, head of the German intelligence helped the ALLIES

And here's the thing about it... Those guys were all for Hitler when Germany was WINNING the war.
Of the 27,000 Americans taken prisoner by the Japanese, a shocking 40 percent died in captivity, according to the U.S.Congressional Research Service. That compares with just one percent of American prisoners who died in German POWcamps.
do not try to debate WW2 with me, please
The U.S. POWs Still Waiting For an Apology From Japan
Pete Buttigieg has a black people problem. Again.
The body camera was off during the killing I'd a black man. The family is suing.
Buttigieg might win New Hampshire, which is yet to be visited by an African American human. But that's it.
Could you get a translation company to help us out?
Being a mayor means you have to deal with angry folks..Part of the job no matter what color is involved..
Did Buttplug shoot him?

Didn't think so.
hahahahah==where have you been for the last few years???it doesn't matter how or who ----it's ALL whitey's fault ....the jackass black [ MBrown ] could attack a cop--and it's the COP'S fault--by their failed--idiotic logic
..a jackass thug criminal black could have pistol, resist arrest, continue to resist, fight with the cops, and it's STILL the cops' fault [ASterling ] ---hahahahah---STUPID SHIT
etc etc etc
You sound bitter.
Mayor Pee Wee is out.

The liberal commissioner here (the city of Hermitage does not have a mayor, just commissioners) would never even be considered for the Democrat nomination as he is of Normative sexuality and is just an older honky cis-male.

Identity is the key, Mr. Buttigieg just isn't qualified, except if you think taking it in the keister is a qualification
hahahahah==where have you been for the last few years???it doesn't matter how or who ----it's ALL whitey's fault ....the jackass black [ MBrown ] could attack a cop--and it's the COP'S fault--by their failed--idiotic logic
..a jackass thug criminal black could have pistol, resist arrest, continue to resist, fight with the cops, and it's STILL the cops' fault [ASterling ] ---hahahahah---STUPID SHIT
etc etc etc

Okay, no one disputed it was the cop's fault.

How is it Buttigeig's fault, that's what I was asking.

The days of thug cops is over, buddy... politicians will throw them under the bus now and we are all better off for it.
....hahahahahh--you ALSO--just fked up and show that you also are BLINDED and warped by your obsessions:
.....I do not want thug cops/corrupt cops !!! I am against thug cops--but FOR cops doing what is right--defending themselves against jackass criminal thugs

You mean like the 11 year old kid with the toy gun the cops hopped out of their car and shot on sight. Or the guy the cops choked to death for selling cigarettes. How about the black hospital worker shot trying to keep the police from shooting his patient? Or the family man who was shoot and killed after flagging police down on the highway after a breakdown?

We've had cases where a black homeowner who called police because of a prowler, was shot by the officers he called. And another instance of a black man being shot in the back in his own backyard while on the phone, because the police where chasing someone and they thought his phone was a gun.
And what do all of those incidents you mentioned have in common? They all happened in cities controlled by the evil, authoritarian and fascist Democratic party.

When you vote for fascist scumbags, fascist shit happens.

If you don't like it, then don't vote for Democrats.

Last edited:
When you vote for fascist scumbags, fascist shit happens.

When you look at all of these killings of Sacred Cows, aka black youths,they are all in Liberal Hell Holes.

Chicago, Cleveland, O., New York City, Baltimore, LA, East Pittsburgh.

Very seldom do they occur in conservative cities.
Maybe the solution is to give each cop a single bullet, like Barney Fife.

BTW, the main job of a cop is to enforce the parking regulations, set up speed traps, do police reports for insurance companies. Not to get into gun fights with America's Sacred Cow, the black male youths who can do no wrong.

No, here are the solutions.

1) Make it easier to fire the bad apples. For instance, Van Dyke, the guy lovingly known in Chicago as "16 Shots", had 20 complaints of excessive force and abusing civilians..... One of them involved a case where he dislocated a person's shoulder, costing the city $375,000. Yet, he still had a job, the FOP fought for him all the way to the bitter end.

2) Make the police force a part of the community. Residency requirements should be enforced. If you have cops who aren't part of that community, they tend to act more like an occupying army than a community police force.

3) Real, honest to God gun control.

4) More diversity in the Police Departments. Chicago's PD is only 47% minority while the population is 68% minority.
hahahahah-you PROVE you know nothing about WW2/etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please stop it----you OBVIOUSLY are just babbling
BEFORE winning--BEFORE the war:

I've got a degree in history.

You apparently would have a degree in "Racist Douchebaggery" if they gave out degrees in such things.
Maybe the solution is to give each cop a single bullet, like Barney Fife.

BTW, the main job of a cop is to enforce the parking regulations, set up speed traps, do police reports for insurance companies. Not to get into gun fights with America's Sacred Cow, the black male youths who can do no wrong.

No, here are the solutions.

1) Make it easier to fire the bad apples. For instance, Van Dyke, the guy lovingly known in Chicago as "16 Shots", had 20 complaints of excessive force and abusing civilians..... One of them involved a case where he dislocated a person's shoulder, costing the city $375,000. Yet, he still had a job, the FOP fought for him all the way to the bitter end.

2) Make the police force a part of the community. Residency requirements should be enforced. If you have cops who aren't part of that community, they tend to act more like an occupying army than a community police force.

3) Real, honest to God gun control.

4) More diversity in the Police Departments. Chicago's PD is only 47% minority while the population is 68% minority.
we WANT bad apples to be fired
......the deal is most of these shootings are NOT bad --they are justified per the legal court systems
Actually, they aren't. The police will be staying in the donut shop a little longer, looking to let the dust settle when people are calling instead of arriving when people are shooting and they might be tempted to shooting back.

Then we fire them for not doing their jobs.

Problem solved.

hahahaha---you know nothing about the Germans of WW2
....ever hear of Stauffenberg?Admiral Canaris? Canaris, head of the German intelligence helped the ALLIES

And here's the thing about it... Those guys were all for Hitler when Germany was WINNING the war.
Of the 27,000 Americans taken prisoner by the Japanese, a shocking 40 percent died in captivity, according to the U.S.Congressional Research Service. That compares with just one percent of American prisoners who died in German POWcamps.
do not try to debate WW2 with me, please
The U.S. POWs Still Waiting For an Apology From Japan

Are you really trying to argue the Nazis were more humane than the Japanese? Really?
Actually, they aren't. The police will be staying in the donut shop a little longer, looking to let the dust settle when people are calling instead of arriving when people are shooting and they might be tempted to shooting back.

Then we fire them for not doing their jobs.

Problem solved.

hahahaha---you know nothing about the Germans of WW2
....ever hear of Stauffenberg?Admiral Canaris? Canaris, head of the German intelligence helped the ALLIES

And here's the thing about it... Those guys were all for Hitler when Germany was WINNING the war.
Of the 27,000 Americans taken prisoner by the Japanese, a shocking 40 percent died in captivity, according to the U.S.Congressional Research Service. That compares with just one percent of American prisoners who died in German POWcamps.
do not try to debate WW2 with me, please
The U.S. POWs Still Waiting For an Apology From Japan

Are you really trying to argue the Nazis were more humane than the Japanese? Really?

Neither the Germans nor the Japs were very humane at all.
Actually, they aren't. The police will be staying in the donut shop a little longer, looking to let the dust settle when people are calling instead of arriving when people are shooting and they might be tempted to shooting back.

Then we fire them for not doing their jobs.

Problem solved.

hahahaha---you know nothing about the Germans of WW2
....ever hear of Stauffenberg?Admiral Canaris? Canaris, head of the German intelligence helped the ALLIES

And here's the thing about it... Those guys were all for Hitler when Germany was WINNING the war.
Of the 27,000 Americans taken prisoner by the Japanese, a shocking 40 percent died in captivity, according to the U.S.Congressional Research Service. That compares with just one percent of American prisoners who died in German POWcamps.
do not try to debate WW2 with me, please
The U.S. POWs Still Waiting For an Apology From Japan

Are you really trying to argue the Nazis were more humane than the Japanese? Really?
easily--per capita per culture

here's an example of per capita/evil:
....less Germans participated in the Holocaust than Hutus did in Rwanda --per capita
so, per capita--[ do you know what that means?????!!!!!!! ] the Hutus were worse than the Germans
.....per capita, MORE Japanese soldiers directly participated in '''evil'' than Germans soldiers
....now, the Japanese soldiers in the Pacific came into contact with civilians at a much lower rate......but the Japanese treated all--POWS/enemies/civilians worse per capita

again, don't try to argue WW2 with me
again--40% vs ONE% as just one example
'''''Of the 27,000 Americans taken prisoner by the Japanese, a shocking 40 percent died in captivity, according to theU.S. Congressional Research Service. That compares with just one percent of American prisoners who died in German POW camps''''

again--you do not think or know realism/facts
....the Germans were highly organized/industrialized/scientific/etc etc----LESS participated in the ''evil'' per capita...it took less to kill more

...the Japanese put to death/beheaded many POWs
---it's like the Native Americans----torture was part of their culture where even children participated in the torture of enemies
---where as when the catholics tortured it was Church POLICY--not an ENTIRE culture
Actually, they aren't. The police will be staying in the donut shop a little longer, looking to let the dust settle when people are calling instead of arriving when people are shooting and they might be tempted to shooting back.

Then we fire them for not doing their jobs.

Problem solved.

hahahaha---you know nothing about the Germans of WW2
....ever hear of Stauffenberg?Admiral Canaris? Canaris, head of the German intelligence helped the ALLIES

And here's the thing about it... Those guys were all for Hitler when Germany was WINNING the war.
Of the 27,000 Americans taken prisoner by the Japanese, a shocking 40 percent died in captivity, according to the U.S.Congressional Research Service. That compares with just one percent of American prisoners who died in German POWcamps.
do not try to debate WW2 with me, please
The U.S. POWs Still Waiting For an Apology From Japan

Are you really trying to argue the Nazis were more humane than the Japanese? Really?

Neither the Germans nor the Japs were very humane at all.
''''Of the 27,000 Americans taken prisoner by the Japanese, a shocking 40 percent died in captivity, according to theU.S. Congressional Research Service. That compares with just one percent of American prisoners who died in German POW camps'''
Maybe the solution is to give each cop a single bullet, like Barney Fife.

BTW, the main job of a cop is to enforce the parking regulations, set up speed traps, do police reports for insurance companies. Not to get into gun fights with America's Sacred Cow, the black male youths who can do no wrong.

No, here are the solutions.

1) Make it easier to fire the bad apples. For instance, Van Dyke, the guy lovingly known in Chicago as "16 Shots", had 20 complaints of excessive force and abusing civilians..... One of them involved a case where he dislocated a person's shoulder, costing the city $375,000. Yet, he still had a job, the FOP fought for him all the way to the bitter end.

2) Make the police force a part of the community. Residency requirements should be enforced. If you have cops who aren't part of that community, they tend to act more like an occupying army than a community police force.

3) Real, honest to God gun control.

4) More diversity in the Police Departments. Chicago's PD is only 47% minority while the population is 68% minority.

none of those ideas are really that new.

Libs have been in charge in Chicago for many decades and the same with many other cities. some of those ideas have been tried.

Maybe the new mayor of Chicago can fire enough honky cops to balance it out racially and everything will be peaceful there
now you just are being totally ridiculous

No, guy, none of the stuff you are whining about really justified the use of lethal force.

Here's what justifies lethal force.. He's just pulled a gun on you.

The rest of this is you justifying racism.

Times are a changin', buddy. The days cops could get away with this shit are over. They are going to jail now...
hopefully you will join them traitor.
Maybe the solution is to give each cop a single bullet, like Barney Fife.

BTW, the main job of a cop is to enforce the parking regulations, set up speed traps, do police reports for insurance companies. Not to get into gun fights with America's Sacred Cow, the black male youths who can do no wrong.

No, here are the solutions.

1) Make it easier to fire the bad apples. For instance, Van Dyke, the guy lovingly known in Chicago as "16 Shots", had 20 complaints of excessive force and abusing civilians..... One of them involved a case where he dislocated a person's shoulder, costing the city $375,000. Yet, he still had a job, the FOP fought for him all the way to the bitter end.

2) Make the police force a part of the community. Residency requirements should be enforced. If you have cops who aren't part of that community, they tend to act more like an occupying army than a community police force.

3) Real, honest to God gun control.

4) More diversity in the Police Departments. Chicago's PD is only 47% minority while the population is 68% minority.

The problems with strict residency requirements for police officers are several- and even lib politicians know it.

-PD's have a hard time with retention, officers have to go through a lot of training which costs cities a lot of cash

-Living in a city, particularly a bad ass city, makes an officer's family and home a target for the bad guys. I suppose if a department hire just young guys who live in trailers or other low cost housing, it doesn't matter. But guys don't want to do that forever.

-it really makes policing a less competitive and desirable career. If someone is a cop, they can't move to departments in neighboring cities for more opportunity so easily if they have to move first.
Actually, they aren't. The police will be staying in the donut shop a little longer, looking to let the dust settle when people are calling instead of arriving when people are shooting and they might be tempted to shooting back.

Then we fire them for not doing their jobs.

Problem solved.

hahahaha---you know nothing about the Germans of WW2
....ever hear of Stauffenberg?Admiral Canaris? Canaris, head of the German intelligence helped the ALLIES

And here's the thing about it... Those guys were all for Hitler when Germany was WINNING the war.
Of the 27,000 Americans taken prisoner by the Japanese, a shocking 40 percent died in captivity, according to the U.S.Congressional Research Service. That compares with just one percent of American prisoners who died in German POWcamps.
do not try to debate WW2 with me, please
The U.S. POWs Still Waiting For an Apology From Japan

Are you really trying to argue the Nazis were more humane than the Japanese? Really?

Neither the Germans nor the Japs were very humane at all.
''''Of the 27,000 Americans taken prisoner by the Japanese, a shocking 40 percent died in captivity, according to theU.S. Congressional Research Service. That compares with just one percent of American prisoners who died in German POW camps'''

You're right. I've seen pics of the American military who were liberated after WWII, a lot of them who were held by the Empire of Japan were skeletal and in very bad shape. Much worse than those who were released by the Germans.
Then we fire them for not doing their jobs.

Problem solved.

And here's the thing about it... Those guys were all for Hitler when Germany was WINNING the war.
Of the 27,000 Americans taken prisoner by the Japanese, a shocking 40 percent died in captivity, according to the U.S.Congressional Research Service. That compares with just one percent of American prisoners who died in German POWcamps.
do not try to debate WW2 with me, please
The U.S. POWs Still Waiting For an Apology From Japan

Are you really trying to argue the Nazis were more humane than the Japanese? Really?

Neither the Germans nor the Japs were very humane at all.
''''Of the 27,000 Americans taken prisoner by the Japanese, a shocking 40 percent died in captivity, according to theU.S. Congressional Research Service. That compares with just one percent of American prisoners who died in German POW camps'''

You're right. I've seen pics of the American military who were liberated after WWII, a lot of them who were held by the Empire of Japan were skeletal and in very bad shape. Much worse than those who were released by the Germans.
..they all did not get enough food....but the Japanese were far different from the Germans in culture/traditions/etc
...the Japanese were very disciplined like the Germans which is one of the reasons they were both great at ''soldiering''

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