Buttigieg's city to be sued by family of black man

We need to militarize the police in the savage urban shit holes, get rid of body cams and dash cams, and watch as law and order suddenly becomes the norm.

Yeah, when you got 300 million guns out there, probably not a good idea to "militarize" the police.

They might start invoking "Second Amendment Solutions".
Fuck yeah! Clean the scum off the streets.
yes--THUG cops---but most of the shootings of blacks are NOT thug cops--hahahahahah
most people do not want thug /corrupt/etc cops
etc ---ALL cops found innocent--hahahahhahahahahhahahaha

Okay, while I'm sure you masturbate at night to the thought of dead black men, let's look at the costs of some of these Thug Cops are costing us the tax payers.

Mike Brown - $1.5 Million
Alton Sterling - Not resolved yet, but it will be a lot.
ASmith - $ 1.4 Million
Eric Garner $5.9 Million
Keith Scott - Not resolved yet, but it will be a lot.
Freddy GRay $6.4 Million
LaQuan McDonald - 5 Million, Officer convicted
Walter Scott - $6.5 Million, officer convicted
Tamir Rice - 6 Million
Philando Castile - $3 million
Sandra Bland - $1.9 million

The city of Chicago paid out $118,000,000 in settlements of police misconduct in 2018.
but the cops are INNOCENT!
it's the dumbass blacks giving the $$$$ away
....it's a law of NATURE--when 2 forces fight/resist/conflict/etc --something will break--get hurt/etc....they were trying to restrain him, not kill him--this is UNDENIABLE
over 30 arrests!!!! the cops DID do a good job at arresting this LIFE long jackass......how many freakin times do you think they can go arresting this CRIMINAL until something happens???!!
....I'm HAPPY when any criminal is DEAD!! you people CRY/burn/loot/protest FOR criminals.......!!!??? WHY?? the cops did NOTHING wrong

They used deadly force over an infraction... That's all kinds of wrong.
We should put stacks of 9mm ammunition and hand guns on every street corner on Chicago’s south side. Then sit back and watch the criminal scum shoot each other. Spare taxpayers lots of $$$.
yes--THUG cops---but most of the shootings of blacks are NOT thug cops--hahahahahah
most people do not want thug /corrupt/etc cops
etc ---ALL cops found innocent--hahahahhahahahahhahahaha

Okay, while I'm sure you masturbate at night to the thought of dead black men, let's look at the costs of some of these Thug Cops are costing us the tax payers.

Mike Brown - $1.5 Million
Alton Sterling - Not resolved yet, but it will be a lot.
ASmith - $ 1.4 Million
Eric Garner $5.9 Million
Keith Scott - Not resolved yet, but it will be a lot.
Freddy GRay $6.4 Million
LaQuan McDonald - 5 Million, Officer convicted
Walter Scott - $6.5 Million, officer convicted
Tamir Rice - 6 Million
Philando Castile - $3 million
Sandra Bland - $1.9 million

The city of Chicago paid out $118,000,000 in settlements of police misconduct in 2018.
.....that doesn't mean shit--it just means because blacks will be on a CIVIL jury, they know the blacks will vote for giving $$$$ away
..it doesn't mean the cops are guilty at all
..it means the blacks are dumbasses
yes--THUG cops---but most of the shootings of blacks are NOT thug cops--hahahahahah
most people do not want thug /corrupt/etc cops
etc ---ALL cops found innocent--hahahahhahahahahhahahaha

Okay, while I'm sure you masturbate at night to the thought of dead black men, let's look at the costs of some of these Thug Cops are costing us the tax payers.

Mike Brown - $1.5 Million
Alton Sterling - Not resolved yet, but it will be a lot.
ASmith - $ 1.4 Million
Eric Garner $5.9 Million
Keith Scott - Not resolved yet, but it will be a lot.
Freddy GRay $6.4 Million
LaQuan McDonald - 5 Million, Officer convicted
Walter Scott - $6.5 Million, officer convicted
Tamir Rice - 6 Million
Philando Castile - $3 million
Sandra Bland - $1.9 million

The city of Chicago paid out $118,000,000 in settlements of police misconduct in 2018.
the CRIMINALS are costing the tax payers--NOT the cops
these are mostly CRIMINALS--------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DUH!! you dumbasses are PAYING criminals $$$$$--very DUMB
Pete Buttigieg has a black people problem. Again.
The body camera was off during the killing I'd a black man. The family is suing.
Buttigieg might win New Hampshire, which is yet to be visited by an African American human. But that's it.
The guy had a knife. It was a good shoot. Quit defending criminals.
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hahahahah==where have you been for the last few years???it doesn't matter how or who ----it's ALL whitey's fault ....the jackass black [ MBrown ] could attack a cop--and it's the COP'S fault--by their failed--idiotic logic
..a jackass thug criminal black could have pistol, resist arrest, continue to resist, fight with the cops, and it's STILL the cops' fault [ASterling ] ---hahahahah---STUPID SHIT
etc etc etc

Okay, no one disputed it was the cop's fault.

How is it Buttigeig's fault, that's what I was asking.

The days of thug cops is over, buddy... politicians will throw them under the bus now and we are all better off for it.
....hahahahahh--you ALSO--just fked up and show that you also are BLINDED and warped by your obsessions:
.....I do not want thug cops/corrupt cops !!! I am against thug cops--but FOR cops doing what is right--defending themselves against jackass criminal thugs

You mean like the 11 year old kid with the toy gun the cops hopped out of their car and shot on sight. Or the guy the cops choked to death for selling cigarettes. How about the black hospital worker shot trying to keep the police from shooting his patient? Or the family man who was shoot and killed after flagging police down on the highway after a breakdown?

We've had cases where a black homeowner who called police because of a prowler, was shot by the officers he called. And another instance of a black man being shot in the back in his own backyard while on the phone, because the police where chasing someone and they thought his phone was a gun.
all bullshit
they did NOT choke the LIFE LONG criminal to death==he had over 30 arrests!!!!
...the kid was brandishing what appeared to be a real weapon==NOT the cops fault the parents failed
..I've been over this before a million times
the BIG problems were:
ASterling KScott
the cops were NOT at fault
...there is not a chronic problem of cops shooting ANYONE, much less blacks = I've put out the stats/links for this many times on USMB
humans make mistakes
whites get shot also
.....the cops are doing a good job at not shooting jackass criminal blacks considering they commit crime at much higher rates

So Eric Garner wasn't choked to death by the police, he was killed by his arrests? Where is the proportional response here? He was selling cigarettes for 25 cents apiece, and because he had been arrested 30 times, he was choked to death. Is that what you're saying is if you're a "career criminal", meaning you've been arrested for selling cigarettes, and being a general pain in the butt, the police can choke you to death and that's OK?

The police pulled up in front of the 11 year old child, got out of the car and shot him. They didn't warn, him, they didn't tell him to drop his weapon, they just pulled up opened the door and gunned that child down without a word. That's not policing, that's execution.

The police are 7 times more likely to shoot unarmed blacks than they are unarmed whites.

The police are doing a piss poor job of not shooting unarmed civilians, or to overreacting to calls when blacks are involved. They're SUPPOSED to investigate each occurence on its merits, not just assume because they see a black face, that person, regardless of age or sex, is a criminal. That's the very definition of PROFILING.

There have been numerous instances of black people calling the police and being shot by them. One man called to report a man assaulting his wife in the driveway, and when police arrived they shot the husband, who by the time they arrived, had run off the guy attacking his wife. When it comes to black people, police seem to shoot first and ask questions later.

The case of the hospital worker is especially egregious. The guy was on the ground, hands over his head, begging police not to shoot. Telling them he was just trying to get his patient back to the hospital; that his patient had a toy truck, and was unarmed. The cop who shot him said that they were "trying to hit the retard" - the victim's mentally disabled patient.

It makes about as much sense as the cop who shot the white Australian woman in her PJ's who called in the report of a prowler. Part of the problem is that with all of the guns in America, police truly are taking their lives in their hands every time they respond to a call - any call. But when statistics overwhelmingly show that police are 7 times more likely to shoot and kill an unarmed black civilian than a white one, blacks don't commit 7 times more crimes than whites. There aren't 7 times more blacks in prison than whites.

But blacks are 7 times more likely to end up dead at the hands of the police. And YOU don't see any problem with that.
Eric Garner wasnt choked to death, liar. The cop only had him in that hold for 15 seconds. He died because he was a fat tub of shit with a bad heart and asthma.
what do you not understand about ''vast majority armed and dangerous''
there are NOT a lot of unarmed blacks killed
and some of those attack the cops/are a threat

And of the 900 or so police involved shootings, I really don't have a problem with the majority of them. The majority, the idiot was dumb enough to pull a knife or a gun, and probably needed shooting.

The cases we are talking about, the officer shot the suspect, who was usually unarmed, or not brandishing a weapon.

there will always be mistakes/bad judgement/etc --they are HUMAN
but there is not a major problem of police shooting blacks--unarmed or not
what do you not understand about ''vast majority armed and dangerous''????

Uh, sorry, guy, we hold people accountable for there mistakes.

When you have a bad cop shooting someone over an infraction, that's a real problem. It's costing us a lot of money when these people sue and win.
And only cops should be allowed to have guns....right joe?

Fucking moron.

Okay, let's put it in a way that even a complete retard like you can understand.

Only doctors should perform surgery... but we should still fire the bad ones and hold them accountable.

see how that works?

And how do you propose that occur, moron? We see every day how corrupt cops lie and obstruct justice.

When they are the only ones with the guns they can tell you to fuck off, and what can you do about it eh moron?

How do you fire the people who have the power of life and death...and ONLY they have that power.

Your stupidity is astonishing.
but the cops are INNOCENT!
it's the dumbass blacks giving the $$$$ away

2 of those cases (Slager and Van Dyke) the cops were found guilty. More to the point, the Cities aren't giving these guys passes anymore. Too many mayors and prosecutors being fired for not doing their jobs.

Most of those cases were settlements, because they knew if these cases got in front of a jury, they'd have paid a lot more.
And how do you propose that occur, moron? We see every day how corrupt cops lie and obstruct justice.

Then you fire them for that. But you and Dick Tiny having guns really doesn't keep them from doing that.

When they are the only ones with the guns they can tell you to fuck off, and what can you do about it eh moron?

How do you fire the people who have the power of life and death...and ONLY they have that power.

They have that power if you have a gun or not. In fact, the very fact that you have guns makes it easier for them to shoot people.

Let's compare, shall we, stupid.

The United States, Police officer shoot 900 People a year. Most of those are found to be "justified" because the suspect either had a gun or the police officer "Feared for his life" because the person made a sudden move, like he was going for a gun instead of the Cell Phone he was actually going for.

In the United Kingdom, where most people don't have guns, the police only shoot 2-5 people a year. In Japan, they almost never shoot anyone, and it's considered a bit of a controversy if the police even unholster their weapons.

See how that works?
And how do you propose that occur, moron? We see every day how corrupt cops lie and obstruct justice.

Then you fire them for that. But you and Dick Tiny having guns really doesn't keep them from doing that.

When they are the only ones with the guns they can tell you to fuck off, and what can you do about it eh moron?

How do you fire the people who have the power of life and death...and ONLY they have that power.

They have that power if you have a gun or not. In fact, the very fact that you have guns makes it easier for them to shoot people.

Let's compare, shall we, stupid.

The United States, Police officer shoot 900 People a year. Most of those are found to be "justified" because the suspect either had a gun or the police officer "Feared for his life" because the person made a sudden move, like he was going for a gun instead of the Cell Phone he was actually going for.

In the United Kingdom, where most people don't have guns, the police only shoot 2-5 people a year. In Japan, they almost never shoot anyone, and it's considered a bit of a controversy if the police even unholster their weapons.

See how that works?

My gosh but you're dense. Tell us again how the German people were able to fire the GESTAPO.
My gosh but you're dense. Tell us again how the German people were able to fire the GESTAPO.

They didn't want to fire the Gestapo.

The sad thing is, the Gestapo did everything average Germans wanted. Oh, after the war, they blamed the Nazis, like naughty children who ate too much candy. But during the war, they were totally on board with the War and getting rid of the Jews.

Germans had a lot of guns. After WWI, a lot of German soldiers took their guns home with them, and the Nazis repealled most of the gun laws of the Weimar Republic.

And not a one of those good Germans ran out and said to the Gestapo, "You can't take Goldstien to the camp! He's my friend." They did take those guns and fought the allies to the last old man and little boy.... and the guy who had to actually confiscate all the guns in Germany was Dwight Eisenhower.
My gosh but you're dense. Tell us again how the German people were able to fire the GESTAPO.

They didn't want to fire the Gestapo.

The sad thing is, the Gestapo did everything average Germans wanted. Oh, after the war, they blamed the Nazis, like naughty children who ate too much candy. But during the war, they were totally on board with the War and getting rid of the Jews.

Germans had a lot of guns. After WWI, a lot of German soldiers took their guns home with them, and the Nazis repealled most of the gun laws of the Weimar Republic.

And not a one of those good Germans ran out and said to the Gestapo, "You can't take Goldstien to the camp! He's my friend." They did take those guns and fought the allies to the last old man and little boy.... and the guy who had to actually confiscate all the guns in Germany was Dwight Eisenhower.

They didn't? I suggest you go to the Catholic Cathedral in Lich Germany, and talk to all of those interred there who were murdered by the GESTAPO.

I think that those German victims would disagree with you.

They didn't? I suggest you go to the Catholic Cathedral in Lich Germany, and talk to all of those interred there who were murdered by the GESTAPO.

Which again, has nothing to do with a well-armed German populace who was totally cool with that. This is what you don't get... the kind of people who wore swastikas were the kind of people who wear MAGA hats today. They might be happy to have their guns, but they aren't sticking their necks out for anyone.

Kind of like no one is really sticking their necks out to protect the people Trump is sending to concentration camps.... they just get upset if you call them "Concentration camps".
The article provided by the member in post #2 states, "department policy that cameras must be on during any interaction with civilians."

Sounds like the officer in question FAILED to abide by department policy. That officer needs to be FIRED.
The officer needs to know the camera is for his protection if a civilian accuses him of unlawful or unethical behavior

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