By All Means Have Duterte Visit The U.S.

I'm sure there are daily flights to the Philippines, if that is how you want to live.

Miss Poppins....if you lived in a city where gunfire is a common sound most nights, you'd be on my side here. Until then, feel free to play the bleeding heart liberal....just hope nobody you know ends up with a real bleeding heart from a stray round. :slap:
A lot of relatives moved out of southern California for that 'hearing gun fire all night long and even in the day time' reason.
S.Cal takes in a lot of area ....did they live in south central?.....ingelwood?...San Bernardino?......
Miss Poppins....if you lived in a city where gunfire is a common sound most nights, you'd be on my side here. Until then, feel free to play the bleeding heart liberal....just hope nobody you know ends up with a real bleeding heart from a stray round. :slap:
Tom, I'm sorry that's what your neighborhood is like. More violence by arming the citizenry and giving them carte blanche is not the answer, though. Hold tight and take care of yourself.
I disagree with you. An in-law used to have an old lady neighbor that would chase the druggies off of her porch with a broom. That was thirty years ago, today's thugs would simply shoot that lil' old lady.
I am sorry for anyone trapped in a neighborhood like that; I know it isn't always as easy as simply moving somewhere else. But this thread is about a piece of shit leader who armed the gangs in his ghettos and gave them permission to kill each other. 6,000 dead without a trial, not even an arrest warrant. Just boom, you're gone. Maybe you were an addict or a dealer, or maybe I just didn't like you. Most low level dealers are addicts working for their fix. Addicts and dealers are better off executed now?
Look, you can call me what you like, but that's not my idea of how to solve any problem.
I have no reason to call you anything other than naive. That little old lady lived in that house her whole adult life and it wasn't always a bad neighborhood. Immigration and Amnesty let a whole lot more crap into this country. People who have made excuses for those with mental issues and criminal minds that are unwilling to "deal with real life" have made it worse. They turned one of the most beautiful areas in the country into one huge shit-hole slum.
Are you telling me you agree with Duterte's solution? Yes or No.
No just killing them isn't the answer either but something needs to be done. If it takes designating a whole area somewhere to lock them up until they learn to be civilized human beings then so be it but don't let them destroy the whole Southern end of a really super cool state and then accuse the people that have held off leaving of being cruel for wanting to protect themselves and their families.
I'm sure there are daily flights to the Philippines, if that is how you want to live.

Miss Poppins....if you lived in a city where gunfire is a common sound most nights, you'd be on my side here. Until then, feel free to play the bleeding heart liberal....just hope nobody you know ends up with a real bleeding heart from a stray round. :slap:
A lot of relatives moved out of southern California for that 'hearing gun fire all night long and even in the day time' reason.
S.Cal takes in a lot of area ....did they live in south central?.....ingelwood?...San Bernardino?......
The San Bernardino foothills in that particular case. Riverside area, Fontana, Colton, Loma Linda, Ontario, Upland, Rialto, etc....are just a few places where I have family that live or have lived in those areas.
No just killing them isn't the answer either but something needs to be done. If it takes designating a whole area somewhere to lock them up until they learn to be civilized human beings then so be it but don't let them destroy the whole Southern end of a really super cool state and then accuse the people that have held off leaving of being cruel for wanting to protect themselves and their families.

Shark Island.....I like it. :thup:
Duterte is about to get charged by the Hague with crimes against humanity.

You have to stoop whale-belly low to support scum like that. Hence, he's Trump's buddy.
and is the leader of one of our allies by the South China Sea which is an important area because its where Taiwan is....and so far trump has had positive meetings with everyone he has met....
I'm sure there are daily flights to the Philippines, if that is how you want to live.

Miss Poppins....if you lived in a city where gunfire is a common sound most nights, you'd be on my side here. Until then, feel free to play the bleeding heart liberal....just hope nobody you know ends up with a real bleeding heart from a stray round. :slap:
A lot of relatives moved out of southern California for that 'hearing gun fire all night long and even in the day time' reason.
S.Cal takes in a lot of area ....did they live in south central?.....ingelwood?...San Bernardino?......
The San Bernardino foothills in that particular case. Riverside area, Fontana, Colton, Loma Linda, Ontario, Upland, Rialto, etc....are just a few places where I have family that live or have lived in those areas.
shitty areas......especially Rialto and Riverside and San Bernardino sucks because they,at least according to the papers here they invest in the Police lightly....
BTW, if you've ever been to the Pines, you'd know it's more like Vietnam....than Vietnam in some ways. I always thought field units should have done their AIT there instead of at Polk. That way when they got to the RVN they'd have had an idea how to operate in those conditions.
I'm sure there are daily flights to the Philippines, if that is how you want to live.

Miss Poppins....if you lived in a city where gunfire is a common sound most nights, you'd be on my side here. Until then, feel free to play the bleeding heart liberal....just hope nobody you know ends up with a real bleeding heart from a stray round. :slap:
A lot of relatives moved out of southern California for that 'hearing gun fire all night long and even in the day time' reason.
S.Cal takes in a lot of area ....did they live in south central?.....ingelwood?...San Bernardino?......
The San Bernardino foothills in that particular case. Riverside area, Fontana, Colton, Loma Linda, Ontario, Upland, Rialto, etc....are just a few places where I have family that live or have lived in those areas.
shitty areas......especially Rialto and Riverside and San Bernardino sucks because they,at least according to the papers here they invest in the Police lightly....
I lived in the mountains until I moved to Idaho to raise the children. At that point the little mountain communities were getting pretty full of drug dealers as they were generally the few that could afford to buy up there.
Miss Poppins....if you lived in a city where gunfire is a common sound most nights, you'd be on my side here. Until then, feel free to play the bleeding heart liberal....just hope nobody you know ends up with a real bleeding heart from a stray round. :slap:
A lot of relatives moved out of southern California for that 'hearing gun fire all night long and even in the day time' reason.
S.Cal takes in a lot of area ....did they live in south central?.....ingelwood?...San Bernardino?......
The San Bernardino foothills in that particular case. Riverside area, Fontana, Colton, Loma Linda, Ontario, Upland, Rialto, etc....are just a few places where I have family that live or have lived in those areas.
shitty areas......especially Rialto and Riverside and San Bernardino sucks because they,at least according to the papers here they invest in the Police lightly....
I lived in the mountains until I moved to Idaho to raise the children. At that point the little mountain communities were getting pretty full of drug dealers as they were generally the few that could afford to buy up there.
i hear ya.....not much policing up there in the hills....
A lot of relatives moved out of southern California for that 'hearing gun fire all night long and even in the day time' reason.
S.Cal takes in a lot of area ....did they live in south central?.....ingelwood?...San Bernardino?......
The San Bernardino foothills in that particular case. Riverside area, Fontana, Colton, Loma Linda, Ontario, Upland, Rialto, etc....are just a few places where I have family that live or have lived in those areas.
shitty areas......especially Rialto and Riverside and San Bernardino sucks because they,at least according to the papers here they invest in the Police lightly....
I lived in the mountains until I moved to Idaho to raise the children. At that point the little mountain communities were getting pretty full of drug dealers as they were generally the few that could afford to buy up there.
i hear ya.....not much policing up there in the hills....
A few shot-guns at night for trespassing valley thugs would generally do the trick but I figured why subject the children to all that when Idaho was much calmer at that time.
Hey, it's just 7,000 murdered Filipino citizens. But who's counting?

Like every fascist, Duterte states a "law and order" excuse for the murders. Exactly as the Trump-thugs here would, if they were allowed to take power.
Hey, it's just 7,000 murdered Filipino citizens. But who's counting?

Like every fascist, Duterte states a "law and order" excuse for the murders. Exactly as the Trump-thugs here would, if they were allowed to take power.
I take it you were also bashing Obama when president Salva Kiir visited from the South Sudan while he was still ethnically cleansing the Nuer people from the South Sudan. They were not even thugs and druggies, just simple farmers raising a few sheep, goat and cattle. Or were you one of the people that was covering that murdering SOB being welcomed but not covering the story about the few children who had escaped the slaughter that were protesting the fact that Obama's were welcoming Kiir and honoring him?
Hey, it's just 7,000 murdered Filipino citizens. But who's counting?

Like every fascist, Duterte states a "law and order" excuse for the murders. Exactly as the Trump-thugs here would, if they were allowed to take power.
I take it you were also bashing Obama when president Salva Kiir visited from the South Sudan while he was still ethnically cleansing the Nuer people from the South Sudan. They were not even thugs and druggies, just simple farmers raising a few sheep, goat and cattle. Or were you one of the people that was covering that murdering SOB being welcomed but not covering the story about the few children who had escaped the slaughter that were protesting the fact that Obama's were welcoming Kiir and honoring him?
I met a group of the Nuer children that had escape the slaughter in their villages several years before these articles came out. The children crossed the Crocodile infested White Nile River, the burning deserts and they made their way to the refugee camps in Ethiopia. From those camps these children I met were recused and brought here to America by missionaries. In the very few articles that have been written about this genocide the press has attempted to put it off as merely tribal in-fighting but the fact is that Salva Kiir along with others is nothing more than a Chinese 'bot' for they can keep control of oil there and the slaughter of the citizens is merely a means of more control. South Sudanese meet in Albert Lea to talk about violence in homeland | Austin Daily Herald

Northern Sudan is mostly Muslim/Islamist. Southern Sudan is mostly Christian. China hired the North to take out the people of South. Sudan, Oil, and Human Rights: CHINA’S INVOLVEMENT IN SUDAN: ARMS AND OIL

Five Christian men, American born citizens were slaughtered like animals in December of 2014. They were were there doing missionary work.

Nuer community claims 17,613 killed in South Sudan violence - Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan
April 6, 2014 (KAMPALA) – Sudan’s Nuer community have claimed that at least 17,613 ethnic Nuers were killed across South Sudan by private guards loyal to president Salva Kiir Mayardit after conflict erupted in December last year.


Thousands have been killed and more than one million displaced since conflict broke out almost four months ago, in the worst violence to erupt post-secession (AFP)
The allegation was made at a Nuer community meeting, in the Sudanese capital Khartoum, which brought together 4,561 Nuer members.

The meeting, chaired by Professor David De Chan and funded by James Mabor Gatkuoth, a former commissioner of Upper Nile region in 1982 during the Sudan regime, aimed to highlight ethnic targeting during the recent crisis.

The group has accused government troops of continued killings and rape in areas under their control.

“As community, we are saddened by [the] selective killing of our civilian population based on tribe and political beliefs,” the group said in statement extended to Sudan Tribune on Saturday.

The community also called on the international community to step in to help end ongoing bloodshed in Juba, Malakal, Leer, Bentiu, Jonglei and other parts of South Sudan.

De Chan, a prominent Nuer professor, condemned the killing of innocent civilians who posed no threat to national security but were targeted solely based on their ethnicity.

“I was shocked to hear the death of 17,613 civilians and in particular a young man whom I was his teacher in America by then; that young man is Mr Lam Chuol Thichot. He was faced by many obstacles in the liberation time but unfortunately he was simply murdered by Kiir’s militias in cold blood,’’ said De Chan in a phone interview with Sudan Tribune on Saturday.

Professor De Chan says president Kiir must step down in order for a peaceful resolution to the current crisis, saying failure to do so would result in a massive upraising to oust him from power.

He urged the United Nation Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) to urgently relocate internal displaced people to nearby countries, saying remaining in the capital, Juba, posed a threat to their safety.

He also called on the international community to pressure the Ugandan government to withdraw its troops from South Sudan or impose sanctions on its officials, as the US has threatened to do to South Sudanese officials responsible for rights abuses.


Meanwhile, Gatkuoth, a former Upper Nile region commissioner and current chairman of the National Democracy Forum, says president Kiir has lost his legitimacy after reportedly ordering his private soldiers to carry out targeted ethnic killings following the eruption of violence in Juba on 15 December last year.

The conflict has pitted government forces loyal to the Kiir, who hails from the Dinka tribe, against rebels aligned with former vice-president Riek Machar, a Nuer.

Gatkuoth has accused Kiir’s private guards of randomly shooting those who had sought shelter in UN compounds.

“We could not manage to bury them or take them to [the] cemetery without the help of UNMISS personnel for fear of our lives,” he told Sudan Tribune.

“People are still missing even after the government pronounced the full calm in capital city, while wounded Nuer civilians are followed and killed in the hospital,” he added.

Gatkuoth also condemned the destruction of civilian properties in Unity state’s Leer county, which has been under government control for the past two months.


Student and youth representatives, meanwhile, have urged the international community to strongly condemn the criminal acts allegedly carried out by the Kiir regime in Juba and across the country, calling on other South Sudanese tribes to stand up for democracy in the country.

Koang Riak Gatpieny, a representative of the Nuer Youth Union, urged Kiir to step down or face defeat from disaffected youths.

Weirial Gatyiel, one of the Juba massacre survivors, compared the alleged deliberate targeting of Nuers to the Rwanda genocide, blaming both Kiir and Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni for the bloodshed. He has called for an international independent court to investigate ethnic killings and hold those found responsible to account.


China controls 75% of oil investment in Sudan: minister - Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan
August 3, 2016 (KHARTOUM) - Sudanese petroleum minister Mohamed Zayed Awad said that Chinese companies control 75 percent of foreign investment in Sudan’s oil sector.....................
Of course a constitution hating far right asshole like Tom Horn supports Duerte. He encourages average citizens to kill even suspected drug dealers with no trial, no judge, no jury and no rule of law involved.

I guess if you don't like your neighbor, kill him and say he was dealing drugs.
Sure, he called Obama "the son of a whore" which was true wasn't it? :dunno:

No, it wasn't true. I've seen the risqué photos taken of a woman resembling her but it ain't her. If the woman in those photos actually is Obama's mother, I am sure some fortune hunter who knew her would have come forward to validate the photos. They won't because Obama would launch a slander suit against anyone trying to defame his mom like that. Whatever your judgement entails, don't forget that Obama's mom was a brilliant woman who fell in love with and married a brilliant African student. From that union came a brilliant child who would become the 44th President of the USA.
Miss Poppins....if you lived in a city where gunfire is a common sound most nights, you'd be on my side here. Until then, feel free to play the bleeding heart liberal....just hope nobody you know ends up with a real bleeding heart from a stray round. :slap:

Move out of the ghetto.

We live in the Arcadia of the nicest areas in metro Phoenix, moron.
Miss Poppins....if you lived in a city where gunfire is a common sound most nights, you'd be on my side here. Until then, feel free to play the bleeding heart liberal....just hope nobody you know ends up with a real bleeding heart from a stray round. :slap:

Move out of the ghetto.

We live in the Arcadia of the nicest areas in metro Phoenix, moron.
Uh-Huh, "one of the nicest areas in metro Pheonix" ..... all except for the "gunfire is a common sound most nights".

"I have never agreed with my other self wholly. The truth of the matter seems to lie between us." -- Kahlil Gibran

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