By far easiest way to make economy grow:

That's everywhere. What can unions do to stop that? Even Democrats will throw their own under the bus if it means they can find a stronger and larger voting base somewhere else. Who do these foreigners (legal or illegal) hurt the most? They hurt the black community which is the strongest Democrat base they have. Yet Obama and the Democrats don't want to build a huge wall, they want to build a huge Welcome mat for our borders.
I never mentioned unions, I object to how easy it is to replace American Professionals with Business Visas and write offs on off-shoring.
There should also be a Tariff for US companies that moved away and make a certain threshold of their profits from the US consumer base they left behind.

Fair enough. Who do you think would ultimately pay that tariff?

Now that Lenders are no longer dolling out cash left and right, the MNCs; their sales will plummet as they did after the 2008 crash.
Out repubs now just increased the debt limit.

yes because when they resist the country clobbers them politically! If there was support for a BBA it would be law tomorrow!!

They don't resist. Look at how quickly bush ruined a balance budget. They want to spend.

dear, Republicans try shutting down govt debt ceilings etc BBA and it always costs them or they would do it, obviously!!

Obviously? Wow they have you fooled. They were just arguing for more military spending so the debt limit went up.

dear, it so happens that we are at war with ISIS, our country is at grave risk, and this is no time to be cutting the military budget
I never mentioned unions, I object to how easy it is to replace American Professionals with Business Visas and write offs on off-shoring.
There should also be a Tariff for US companies that moved away and make a certain threshold of their profits from the US consumer base they left behind.

Fair enough. Who do you think would ultimately pay that tariff?

Now that Lenders are no longer dolling out cash left and right, the MNCs; their sales will plummet as they did after the 2008 crash.
Out repubs now just increased the debt limit.

yes because when they resist the country clobbers them politically! If there was support for a BBA it would be law tomorrow!!

They don't resist. Look at how quickly bush ruined a balance budget. They want to spend.

dear, Republicans try shutting down govt debt ceilings etc BBA and it always costs them or they would do it, obviously!!

Obviously? Wow they have you fooled. They were just arguing for more military spending so the debt limit went up.

dear, it so happens that we are at war with ISIS, our country is at grave risk, and this is no time to be cutting the military budget

Haha so you don't want a balanced budget either. We spend more than the next 10
countries combined. We will collapse economically long before militarily.
No actually we ran over Iraq and Afghanistan easily. We just didn't know what to do afterward.

dear if we ran over them in any meaningful sense we would not be at war there today!!! and our country would not be at extreme risk.
At risk? You have to be joking. The risk is economic, not military.

dear, ISIS could put bio weapons all over the country tomorrow. Now do you understand??

And military spending won't make any difference if they did dear.

the idea
is to destroy them like we destroyed hitler before any super weapons can be launched. Now do you understand, brain

I understand you are an idiot. We could crush ISIS at any time. But like our other wars we'd just make the problem worse. We need to stay out.
Like the shit from China or the Software from India that never quite works?

so we'll appoint you as the libNazi who decides what works rather than let the free market decide!!

The Free Market has decided massive under and unemployment for Americans.

I think it's the American consumers that made the decision.

Most people I know buy what they can afford.
After the 2008 crash, the supermarkets in Nassau County were stacked with the Super Market brands.

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