By killing one man, Trump may have sent us on the road to peace with Iran

Trump left JAPOC

Trump threw the first punch, wtf do you think the Iranians protested our embassy ....?

Then lied through his teeth to the public when the chain of events escalated

Trump still has no strategy , other than looking tough with a contingent of secret service men in the WH press room

Because Trump will need to negotiate with the rest of the JAPOC players he essentially dissed to have Iran at any table....

Trump is NOT the stand alone maverick his supporters dream he is on the world stage

say what you want about Trump, but claiming him the 'Middle East Peace Potus' is some serious TDS ......Trump Delusion Syndrome


The JAPOC was the worse deal in the history of American foreign policy.

The verification process was a joke with a month's notice to inspect, no American inspectors and no looking at the Iranian military installation. Only an idiot would have agreed to something as stupid as that.

Then you have the fact that the Obama moron gave his Mullah buddies hundreds of billions of dollars, up front without any verifiable milestones. That is astronomical stupidity. As we have seen the money has been used for Iran to fund terrorism not only in the middle East but elsewhere in the world.

Who in the hell gives hundreds of billions of dollars to a proven terrorist country without them having to do anything except sign a worthless piece of paper before getting the money? Nobody except Obama is that idiotic are they? Well maybe Slick Willy was that dumb giving money to North Korea and getting jackshit for it.

Trump did the right thing by doing away with the farce deal that was never going to stop the filthy Mullahs from doing what the hell they wanted. Being a brilliant strategist he knows that the only thing that will cause Obama's Mullah buiddies to start playing nice to is to put pressure on the sonofabitches and he is doing that brilliantly.
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Trump is a brilliant strategist
I had to stop reading right there.

Laughing too hard.

The uncontrollable laughing is caused by you not taking your Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness medication. Go take your meds and you will feel a little better and you won't act like a fool so much. When you are off your meds you embarrass yourself when you post on the internet.
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killing terrorists is a good thing!

You would not think that if you were an American hating Moon Bat.

You also would not comprehend the moral clarity of Trump killing Muslim terrorists if you were simply not taking your TDS mental illness medication.

We should have a rule on this forum that these Moon Bats are not allowed to post their sicko Trump hating bullshit when they are not taking their TDS medication. They just embarrass themselves and we spend our time ridiculing them instead of debating the issues.
If this comedy of errors results in a better relationship with Iran it will be just dumb luck. Our incredibly forgiving alliances with Saudi Arabia and Israel means there will never be peaceful relations with Iran no matter what happens.
Trump is a brilliant strategist
I had to stop reading right there. Laughing too hard.
Hillary must be the better strategist since she won the election.

Crooked Hillary claims she has a law degree but she must have been absent the day that her Constitutional Law course discussed that it is the Electoral College that picks the President.

Her idea of foreign policy strategy was to have a toy"reset" button when things went south.
So, you don't actually know anything about it?

Just the read on breightbart, right?
Trump is a brilliant strategist
I had to stop reading right there.

Laughing too hard.

The uncontrollable laughing is caused by you not taking your Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness medication. Go take your meds and you will feel a little better and you won't act like a fool so much. When you are off your meds you embarrass yourself when you post on the internet.
No, my uncontrollable laughing was caused by your incredibly stupid post.
The Iranians now know Trump is not to be fucked with, and each of their leaders now fears for their personal safety if they continue down the road to war.

Obama already had peace before Trump messed it up


Now that is really funny....probably the funniest thing I have heard in a long have to stop......I am laughing so hard at your post that I am crying.....
Not only the Great Obama, but UK, France, Germany, Russia and China not only agreed with the terms but to the fact that Iran was in compliance
The Iranians now know Trump is not to be fucked with, and each of their leaders now fears for their personal safety if they continue down the road to war.

Obama already had peace before Trump messed it up

The snag is Trump’s foreign policy ‘philosophy’ is to do the opposite of Obama – the problem with that is Obama was correct concerning most of his foreign policy agenda, including Iran.
Obama relied on using our alliances to resolve issues through diplomacy
Everyone's saying Iran "accidentally" shot down the Ukranian airplane.

My question is this:

What did they think they were shooting down?

Some stupid shit manning a missile battery scared shitless that the US was coming to kill him fired on the airliner, bank on it.

^^^ told you so, Iran just admitted it shot down the airliner mistaking it for a hostile target.
The Iranians now know Trump is not to be fucked with, and each of their leaders now fears for their personal safety if they continue down the road to war.

Obama already had peace before Trump messed it up

The snag is Trump’s foreign policy ‘philosophy’ is to do the opposite of Obama – the problem with that is Obama was correct concerning most of his foreign policy agenda, including Iran.
Obama relied on using our alliances to resolve issues through diplomacy

You forgot to mention Obama's use of drones and planes to blow people up with bombs. How many Libyans did blood thirsty Obama KILL?
Trump is a brilliant strategist
I had to stop reading right there. Laughing too hard.
Hillary must be the better strategist since she won the election.

Crooked Hillary claims she has a law degree but she must have been absent the day that her Constitutional Law course discussed that it is the Electoral College that picks the President.

Her idea of foreign policy strategy was to have a toy"reset" button when things went south.

With the word reset in Russian misspelled.:auiqs.jpg:
No I did not give my room to illegals. Is that what happened to you?

Well if you are like your candidates, you are all about giving people, especially illegals free stuff... give them your rooms racist.
Are you deliberately deflecting or are you just stupid?

Deflecting... from what?

Trump... the best American presidents.

Your candidates.... the worst in history.

Not much to deflect from here.
So you're just plain stupid then.

Thanks for being honest.

Iranian leaders are now enjoying the sort of support Bush got after 9/11. Yesterday of their people were demonstrating against them, now they all demonstrate against America.

The Iranian people have no choice. They were given three days to morn the loss of Soleimani. They were to demonstrate in the streets or else.

President Trump's sanctions on Iran are working and he has even more sanctions. Trump is using a different tactic than previous administrations. He is using our economic might, backed up by the use of certain lethal force if necessary. No empty threats.
“By killing one man, Trump may have sent us on the road to peace with Iran”

This is an excellent example of true idiotic rightwing sophistry and Trump ass-kissing.

It's working. Your point being?
The Iranians now know Trump is not to be fucked with, and each of their leaders now fears for their personal safety if they continue down the road to war.

The USA has 60,000 troops stationed in the Middle East. Iran just attacked an Iraqi air base with pinpoint accuracy, and deliberately did not kill anyone. They even had the courtesy to warn the Iraqi's they were about to attack - something that Dumb Donald failed to be before taking out Soleimani. The Iraqi's made it clear that they could hit American troops anywhere, anytime in the Middle East.

Please note that none of your Middle Eastern allies, not even Israel, is cheering this assassination. Not even the Saudi's. But Iraq has already told you to leave, and they mean it. Trump and Pompeo think they can bully their way out of this expulsion, but I have my doubts. Since Trump isn't prepared to observe any of the proper diplomatic courtesies, like notifying your allies in the neighbourhood of your plans, and getting permisson to kill someone on foreign territories, even your allies don't want your troops stationed in their countries.

American troops are now legitimate retailiatory targets for any Islamic terrorist group in the world. Anyone seeking revenge on this matyr's death. The Iranian people are once again united in their hatred of America.

Trump has kick started getting the USA kicked out of the Middle East. Period. Americans all over the world are now at risk from increased terror attacks. Canadians, whose troops were endangered - twice, without so much as the courtesy of a phone call, and 60 of whose citizens died in this wag the dog frivolity are pissed. You have no idea. Similarly, French troops were also endangered.

All because Donald Trump, who isn't fit to carry Barrack Obama's suitcase, is being impeached.
Not only the Great Obama, but UK, France, Germany, Russia and China not only agreed with the terms but to the fact that Iran was in compliance

The failed agreement bought by failed former President Barack Hussin Obama was impossible to NOT be in compliance.

As you know rightwinger, inspections were only allowed at facilities approved by Iran. Those inspections were to only be made with advance notice and NO surprise inspections were allowed at those facilities or any sites not approved by Iran.

THAT is being in compliance.

Further, certain provisions of the "agreement" would start to expire in 2025. How was that a good thing?

UN says Iran stored nuclear material in warehouse exposed by Netanyahu: report
July 11, 2019, 02:19 PM - latest revision July 12, 2019, 05:40 AM

The UN has discovered evidence of illicit nuclear activity at a site Iranian officials claimed was an innocuous carpet factory, online publication Axios reported on Thursday.

The determination apparently confirms accusations made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in an address to the UN last September, when he accused the Islamic Republic of using the facility to store nuclear equipment and material.

I think it's likely that Vlad gave Trump a call and told him to quit escalating the conflict.

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