Bye Bye Oil Price

Despite the Covid bubble that decreased production. It was always just a matter of time before the oil patch climbed back up that mountain again. Biden's pause to review the last minute lease fire sale during Donnie Dangerously's lame duck period had little effect on production levels.
Amazing stupid
I have something in mind that you may not like

Its called the Penny Plan

Freeze spending and allow no automatic spending increases from year to year

Then cut spending 1% per year across the board, meaning EVERY program entitlement or not, till the budget is balanced

That divides the pain equally between left and right
balancing the budget is very simple, just don't vote for republican presidents again. Bush and Trump are the reason for a deficit problem because they were the ones to explode the deficit, and when you call out bush and Trump's deficit exploding policies, results, and record, they cry.

Republican voters need to hold their politicians accountable for the deficit exploding policies, instead of lying about the facts and truths, and blaming Pelosi.

Clinton, obama, and biden all lowered the deficit, which republicans can't admit.
Bush and Trump exploded the deficit, and together they took a balanced budget and gave us $3T/yr deficits by the end of Trump, and they literally signed off and own every penny of it.

To balance our current budget we need to close all the massive handouts and loopholes the republicans give to billionaires, and we need to make cuts on a lot of waste.
balancing the budget is very simple, just don't vote for republican presidents again. Bush and Trump are the reason for a deficit problem because they were the ones to explode the deficit, and when you call out bush and Trump's deficit exploding policies, results, and record, they cry.

Republican voters need to hold their politicians accountable for the deficit exploding policies, instead of lying about the facts and truths, and blaming Pelosi.

Clinton, obama, and biden all lowered the deficit, which republicans can't admit.
Bush and Trump exploded the deficit, and together they took a balanced budget and gave us $3T/yr deficits by the end of Trump, and they literally signed off and own every penny of it.

To balance our current budget we need to close all the massive handouts and loopholes the republicans give to billionaires, and we need to make cuts on a lot of waste.
Your narrative is boring and so old it’s moldy and smells
you despise both parties, yet you support, defend, promote, and love everything the failed GOP did/does, including the America destroying mega deficits Trump gave us that bankrupted our country...

Can you even admit Bush started his presidency with a balanced budget, blew up the economy terribly 7 years into his failed presidency and left office with America in total ruin with trillion dollar deficits??
Can you even admit Trump started with a $600B/yr deficit, exploded the deficit pre-covid with more massive Bush style spending bills, exploded it even more post covid, and left office with $3+T/yr deficits, and signed off on every single penny, making him most responsible??
you are as republican as they come

republicans will continue to destroy America, until the gullible supporters finally call them out and hold them accountable.
They fucked verything up, and will keep on doing so until you people actually hold them accountable

Wrong, I support Trumps AMERICA FIRST policies. Why don't you?

Oh, right, you ARE a globalist, and traitor to America. Your goal is to see America fall.
Despite the Covid bubble that decreased production. It was always just a matter of time before the oil patch climbed back up that mountain again. Biden's pause to review the last minute lease fire sale during Donnie Dangerously's lame duck period had little effect on production levels.
Exactly, we did it in spite of him, not because of him.
balancing the budget is very simple, just don't vote for republican presidents again.

I agree with this. Republicans suck at budgets and spending. They need to vote for fiscal conservatives.
But the GOP outlawed fiscal conservatism many decades ago.

Bush and Trump are the reason for a deficit problem because they were the ones to explode the deficit, and when you call out bush and Trump's deficit exploding policies, results, and record, they cry.

Fact. But Obama was no better. Reagan was bad also.
Republican voters need to hold their politicians accountable for the deficit exploding policies, instead of lying about the facts and truths, and blaming Pelosi.

FACT!!!!!! Also Trump gave Pelosi every dime she wanted.
Clinton, obama, and biden all lowered the deficit, which republicans can't admit.
Bush and Trump exploded the deficit, and together they took a balanced budget and gave us $3T/yr deficits by the end of Trump, and they literally signed off and own every penny of it.

It's not hard to lower the deficit with W and Trump increased it so much. So you can't really brag about Obama and Biden on those issues.
That's like giving Biden credit for the unemployment numbers coming down, after the lock downs.
To balance our current budget we need to close all the massive handouts and loopholes the republicans give to billionaires, and we need to make cuts on a lot of waste.

What about the ones the democrats hand out to their rich buddies?
Solyndra comes to mind.

It takes two wings to fly, ya know.
Wrong, I support Trumps AMERICA FIRST policies. Why don't you?

Oh, right, you ARE a globalist, and traitor to America. Your goal is to see America fall.

Trumps policies aren't "America first."

He wasn't putting America first when he assaulted our 2A, when he increased the debt ceiling twice and suspended it for two years. When he funded gender studies in Afghanistan and Pakistan. When he shoved the covid shot in our faces and allowed Fauci to initiate the lock downs.
He damn sure wasn't putting America first when he go US, Saudi and Mexican oil companies to DECREASE oil production.
balancing the budget is very simple, just don't vote for republican presidents again. Bush and Trump are the reason for a deficit problem because they were the ones to explode the deficit, and when you call out bush and Trump's deficit exploding policies, results, and record, they cry.

Republican voters need to hold their politicians accountable for the deficit exploding policies, instead of lying about the facts and truths, and blaming Pelosi.

Clinton, obama, and biden all lowered the deficit, which republicans can't admit.
Bush and Trump exploded the deficit, and together they took a balanced budget and gave us $3T/yr deficits by the end of Trump, and they literally signed off and own every penny of it.

To balance our current budget we need to close all the massive handouts and loopholes the republicans give to billionaires, and we need to make cuts on a lot of waste.
I knew you would never support a bipartisan plan to balance the budget

You want democrat party control
You have it backwards

Congress appropriates money not the president

Congress only appropriates money in bills. Those bills have to be signed into law by the president. Trump only vetoed 1 spending bill in his entire 4 years.

So my statement stands. He gave Pelosi every dime she wanted.

That one spending bill he vetoed, he did it because he said it wasn't enough.
Exactly, we did it in spite of him, not because of him.
I never claim it was. However, since it is exactly how we got to the previous record production numbers in 2020 "not because of the president". Yet all the Neo-GOP hooped and hollered about how we were Energy Independent under Trump. I had to point out that the current oil production from the oil patch has matched that and has expanded our Energy Independence under Biden.
Congress only appropriates money in bills. Those bills have to be signed into law by the president. Trump only vetoed 1 spending bill in his entire 4 years.

So my statement stands. He gave Pelosi every dime she wanted.

That one spending bill he vetoed, he did it because he said it wasn't enough.
Trump tried not signing and news media along with repub/dem swamp rats in congress had a fit
I knew you would never support a bipartisan plan to balance the budget

You want democrat party control
nope I want the republicans to stop exploding the deficit
the democrats have proven they know how to lower deficits because they have done it repeatedly. republicans have never lowered the deficit.
nope I want the republicans to stop exploding the deficit
the democrats have proven they know how to lower deficits because they have done it repeatedly. republicans have never lowered the deficit.
I gave you a bipartisan formula which you reject

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