Bye Bye Oil Price

you were whining and crying because you were mad that oil dropped to $77

Bush and Trump were total failures with failed results the only thing they were good at was exploding the deficit and fucking everything up.
You're mad that Biden is outperforming Trump and has a better economy, better GDP growth, lower deficits, and more oil pumping than Trump.

No, I wasn't you lying sack of shit. I merely pointed out that the cause wasn't what you claimed.

No surprise there, you lie more than Trump ever could.
Right now US oil is plummeting rapidly like inflation, down to $77, a nice price
Joe Biden had the US pumping record amounts if both oil and nat gas, and the US is the biggest producer in the entire world !

Out of nowhere Trump's best buddy putin started a major war in Ukraine and completely disrupted the global oil and gas markets and cause prices to explode like Trump's deficits exploded.
Also Corrupt Mohamed Bin Salman, leader of Saudi Arabia who gave Kushner a $B bribe unexpectedly cut SA production to try and sabotage Biden's strong economy.

Joe Biden has done a magnificent job on energy, especially when you consider the circumstances.

That's not why MbS cut production.
Oh look, a link you didn't read.
/——/ Did you?
Biden is facing renewed criticism over his restrictive energy policies – with experts noting the administration’s frosty relationship with US producers has added to the problem.

“There’s an invisible hand in the oil market – If there’s a perception that, ‘Hey, if this guy is going to free up this pipeline, he might start freeing up some leases and stuff,’” then that could help push prices down, said Phil Flynn, senior market analyst at Price Futures Group.
Bad policy on border issues, is BOTH parties being too stupid to recognize why they come here at all. The solution is in monetary policy. Not walls, not more border security. Solve that problem and 1/2 to 3/4 of them wouldn't even want to come here.
In fact, if they'd solve the monetary issue, that in itself would almost completely solve the immigration problem AND the trade deficit with China. And a few other problems, like outsourcing.

But you people just keep fiddle farting around and tinkering with one stupid idea after another. When the solution is slapping you and your favorite politicians right in the face.
And supporting some life long democrats who sold you a bill of goods.......(Trump & Biden)
You wany to leave the decision up to foreigners not Americsns

Under your plan if they like US policy as you design it they wont come

But otherwise they will choose to migrate

Thats still sn open door policy that I cant accept

Build the wall and expel those already here

If not 100% then as many as we can
Oil is down to $75 !!!!

America is booming and MAGA trash are on suicide watch

Nah, it's you who are on suicide watch. Oil dropping is good though. Fully expected as the dems desperately try and get prices to drop so that normal folk will vote for them again.

BTW, who pays you to post your crap here? The DNCCCP, or the Chinese directly?
Nah, it's you who are on suicide watch. Oil dropping is good though. Fully expected as the dems desperately try and get prices to drop so that normal folk will vote for them again.

BTW, who pays you to post your crap here? The DNCCCP, or the Chinese directly?
The record of your beloved GOP is one of total disgrace and failure
You literally voted for and supported American failure, and massive deficit explosions.

GOP policy fuck ups are the root cause of all the major problems in America, including our massive debt and deficit problem that was caused predominantly by Bush and Trump and their out of control spending.

I am a patriot that supports American excellence, you are a traitor that is only loyal to the failure GOP.
The record of your beloved GOP is one of total disgrace and failure
You literally voted for and supported American failure, and massive deficit explosions.

GOP policy fuck ups are the root cause of all the major problems in America, including our massive debt and deficit problem that was caused predominantly by Bush and Trump and their out of control spending.

I am a patriot that supports American excellence, you are a traitor that is only loyal to the failure GOP.
all you sound like banker is a fucking democrat come you never talk about the many social ills brought on by your party that you follow without question?......having a great economy is great.....but if many of the citizens are struggling,cant afford this or that,prices going up.....if many of our citizens are not happy and seem to hate or mistrust each other....what the hell good is that great economy?.....
The record of your beloved GOP is one of total disgrace and failure
You literally voted for and supported American failure, and massive deficit explosions.

GOP policy fuck ups are the root cause of all the major problems in America, including our massive debt and deficit problem that was caused predominantly by Bush and Trump and their out of control spending.

I am a patriot that supports American excellence, you are a traitor that is only loyal to the failure Fake.

The GOP is a bunch of corporate sellouts. I ain't GOP, dumb ass. I used to be a democrat. But now I am more in line with an anarchist.

I despise both parties. They are corrupt, incompetent, and traitors to the people of this once great country.

But you, you are a paid donkey.
all you sound like banker is a fucking democrat come you never talk about the many social ills brought on by your party that you follow without question?......having a great economy is great.....but if many of the citizens are struggling,cant afford this or that,prices going up.....if many of our citizens are not happy and seem to hate or mistrust each other....what the hell good is that great economy?.....

If the majority of your citizens are struggling, then the great economy is a lie.

That's what the wanker is trying to hide.
The GOP is a bunch of corporate sellouts. I ain't GOP, dumb ass. I used to be a democrat. But now I am more in line with an anarchist.

I despise both parties. They are corrupt, incompetent, and traitors to the people of this once great country.

But you, you are a paid donkey.
anyone who disagrees with the banker are defending the GOP.....and he will say that you cant even admit that trump lost....and if you disagree with biden you are a traitor to the country.....
like i said...the guy is a die-hard democrat....but if you ask him if he is,he will have more bullshit to feed you...

No, he is beyond that. No on can be that berserk about politics unless they are paid, or a full on sociopath.
You wany to leave the decision up to foreigners not Americsns

Under your plan if they like US policy as you design it they wont come

But otherwise they will choose to migrate

Thats still sn open door policy that I cant accept

Build the wall and expel those already here

If not 100% then as many as we can

Did you even read what you replied to? :dunno: Because none of what you said had anything to do with what I posted.
The GOP is a bunch of corporate sellouts. I ain't GOP, dumb ass. I used to be a democrat. But now I am more in line with an anarchist.

I despise both parties. They are corrupt, incompetent, and traitors to the people of this once great country.

But you, you are a paid donkey.
you despise both parties, yet you support, defend, promote, and love everything the failed GOP did/does, including the America destroying mega deficits Trump gave us that bankrupted our country...

Can you even admit Bush started his presidency with a balanced budget, blew up the economy terribly 7 years into his failed presidency and left office with America in total ruin with trillion dollar deficits??
Can you even admit Trump started with a $600B/yr deficit, exploded the deficit pre-covid with more massive Bush style spending bills, exploded it even more post covid, and left office with $3+T/yr deficits, and signed off on every single penny, making him most responsible??
you are as republican as they come

republicans will continue to destroy America, until the gullible supporters finally call them out and hold them accountable.
They fucked verything up, and will keep on doing so until you people actually hold them accountable
Did you even read what you replied to? :dunno: Because none of what you said had anything to do with what I posted.
I did read your proposal and its fantasy

You are leaving the door open for anyone who chooses to come here
you despise both parties, yet you support, defend, promote, and love everything the failed GOP did/does, including the America destroying mega deficits Trump gave us that bankrupted our country...

Can you even admit Bush started his presidency with a balanced budget, blew up the economy terribly 7 years into his failed presidency and left office with America in total ruin with trillion dollar deficits??
Can you even admit Trump started with a $600B/yr deficit, exploded the deficit pre-covid with more massive Bush style spending bills, exploded it even more post covid, and left office with $3+T/yr deficits, and signed off on every single penny, making him most responsible??
you are as republican as they come

republicans will continue to destroy America, until the gullible supporters finally call them out and hold them accountable.
They fucked verything up, and will keep on doing so until you people actually hold them accountable
If trump refused to sign the budgets given to him by congress you would have gone ballistic

All presidents spend too much including repubs
If trump refused to sign the budgets given to him by congress you would have gone ballistic
i would have been happy that the budget busting GOP finally actually tried to lower the deficit, which they have never done

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