Bye Dad. Love you forever


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
The greatest man I never knew
Lived just down the hall
And everyday we said hello
But never touched at all
He was in his paper
I was in my room
How was I to know he thought I hung the moon

The greatest man I never knew
Came home late every night
He never had too much to say
Too much was on his mind
I never really knew him
And now it seems so sad
Everything he gave to us took all he had

Then the days turned into years
And the memories to black and white
He grew cold like an old winter wind
Blowing across my life

The greatest words I never heard
I guess I'll never "say"
The man I thought could never die
S'been dead almost a "day"
He was good at business
But there was business left to do
He never said he loved me
Guess he thought I knew
I can relate. My dad moved to heaven may 26th. He is not in my past but in my future. Dad and mom both. I celebrate my moms day of home going each year by baking cookies with my daughter in remembrance of her. Each year she is gone I get excited and say I am another year closer to seeing her again. Not sure yet what I will do to honor dad each may 26. But I am sure it will have something to do with yard work and I will play the song like a rock working man blues and it's 5 o'clock somewhere.

The passing of a parent is very difficult and it is an emotional process that cannot be rushed. You will always miss them and that is ok but deep grief and sorrow is not healthy. Love them and hold them in your heart. People can still experience the good you carry with you for them if you are sure to share it. They live on thru you. Pass on the good from them and celebrate that each day and keep their memory alive by passing on those wonderful things about him that you cherish.

I hope this has been helpful and comforting. Been thru this now twice myself and it is a roller coaster.
I lost my dad last year so I understand fully.

RIP to the chap.

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